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Man shot dead at Thai temple fair's dance floor


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10 times in 32 years, not really a lot of experience then. I have been to over 100 fairs and over 900 concerts. As you are rural the most violent concerts and the safest i have been seen have been in rural areas so generalisations about security and safety are a bit meaningless. The motive behind a fair is never enjoyment but making merit, the entertainment is usually paid for by sponsoring groups or sometimes individual people. The fair attracts worshippers who then donate while they are there, again sometimes hardly anyone turns up at others they are packed out, never can tell. The nature of people attending varies from the devout to the deranged.

Violence at wat fairs is usually quite rare, I have only seen it twice, where as racing boat concerts and new year concerts quite often lead to fatalities. As you say it's often drink/drugs that leads to the violence mainly but also territorial gang mentality, again more in rural areas. The best security I ever saw was in a village wat in Ubon. The security guys would not even let anyone stand up to dance, if any did they got whacked with a big stick, at least we could all see the stage!

Village wat concerts are normally the ones that go on late, sometimes all night if it's morlam or other folk performances.

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10 times in 32 years, not really a lot of experience then. I have been to over 100 fairs and over 900 concerts. As you are rural the most violent concerts and the safest i have been seen have been in rural areas so generalisations about security and safety are a bit meaningless. The motive behind a fair is never enjoyment but making merit, the entertainment is usually paid for by sponsoring groups or sometimes individual people. The fair attracts worshippers who then donate while they are there, again sometimes hardly anyone turns up at others they are packed out, never can tell. The nature of people attending varies from the devout to the deranged.

Violence at wat fairs is usually quite rare, I have only seen it twice, where as racing boat concerts and new year concerts quite often lead to fatalities. As you say it's often drink/drugs that leads to the violence mainly but also territorial gang mentality, again more in rural areas. The best security I ever saw was in a village wat in Ubon. The security guys would not even let anyone stand up to dance, if any did they got whacked with a big stick, at least we could all see the stage!

Village wat concerts are normally the ones that go on late, sometimes all night if it's morlam or other folk performances.

10 Times more than you I said---Ha Ha NOT in 32 years.

The motive behind the fair is making merit, YES but the motive to go with the majority is to enjoy the Laos music, movie etc.

Answer this please, are the majority who make merit young teens or older Thai ??? also the majority of the audience are young persons are they not ???

I am not picking at your post, only frowning at the fact you give the impression that persons who attend are usually there for merit making, I think not---the majority are for the actual live show or movie.

My experience covers homes in, BKK Rangsit, Khorat, Pittsanaluk, Chiang Rai, Udon Thani, Chonburi, and I get out and mix with nice people.

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You have been to more than 9,000 concerts and you have had homes in BKK Rangsit, Khorat, Pittsanaluk, Chiang Rai, Udon Thani, Chonburi? very impressive indeed!!

Your original complaint was that wat concerts attracted disrespectful behaviour and should not be allowed (but you still go). You also stated they should not be allowed to go on until late, or what you consider late. Now you don't seem happy about the motives of people going and nit pick about ages of those attending. You really are thinking too much. Those making merit are a cross section of ages. The majority of the audience at wat concerts is middle aged/old, teens are a minority, depending on the artists. If a phua cheewit, string or pop act then there will be more teens. But the music at wat concerts is in the main luktung and not laos or the ones mentioned. Even lam cing is mainly just fast paced luktung hits. The wat fair is a Thai event in origin and not lao.

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I remember a M150 concert tour of Isaan around 2007. Bodyslam, Endorphine etc. playing. Massive football ground types of festival/concert.

Every single concert of the tour (around 10) had to be shut down early due to large scale violence in the crowd.

Thai males, in a crowded setting where they are touching up against eachother, too much for them to handle.

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M150 used to do three types of tour, string/pop, morlam one based around Seang Issan and the super show luktung. As I said pop, string and phua cheewit attracts more teen males, many of them cannot hold a drink of course so it ends in fighting. The luktung shows are not as bad, often a bit of a scuffle near the end and that's it, never been to one that finished early. I have only noticed the luktung show recently. M150 are the very best shows, the sound, dancers and pace are top notch. No security though at the stage, sometimes they take the bottles of M150 and put into bags, mostly not. I think it's 60 baht to get in now, up from 20 three years ago. I would recommend anyone to see a M150 concert, Thai entertainment at it's best. There are no second rate performers on an M150 tour.

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You have been to more than 9,000 concerts and you have had homes in BKK Rangsit, Khorat, Pittsanaluk, Chiang Rai, Udon Thani, Chonburi? very impressive indeed!!

Your original complaint was that wat concerts attracted disrespectful behaviour and should not be allowed (but you still go). You also stated they should not be allowed to go on until late, or what you consider late. Now you don't seem happy about the motives of people going and nit pick about ages of those attending. You really are thinking too much. Those making merit are a cross section of ages. The majority of the audience at wat concerts is middle aged/old, teens are a minority, depending on the artists. If a phua cheewit, string or pop act then there will be more teens. But the music at wat concerts is in the main luktung and not laos or the ones mentioned. Even lam cing is mainly just fast paced luktung hits. The wat fair is a Thai event in origin and not lao.

What is the problem with you ??? Have I been to 9000 concerts, I think not. "majority are elderly" get out more.

Rarely I go now, because of the problems there are getting more bad.

Finnish at 11pm would be the order of the day enough time for enjoyment ,allowing persons working to get a decent sleep. For non workers drunks etc never mind.

Not nit picking re ages of persons attending, Fact most are young, elders leave at decent hours.

I laugh at the picture of old people dancing till after midnight, with few young in attendance. You feeling well??? come on tell the true story, unless your concerts are different to my experience.

I am NOT knocking the events, merely posting what I see, ask other posters what they know, not so many will have the pure picture you paint. Shame they are marred many times by hooligans.

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well you did boast you had probably been to 10x the events I had, now you are backing down from that claim. The majority at most (luktung) concerts ARE middle aged at least. There were old people including me dancing at the last concert I went to on Sunday at 12, Takkedan Cholada, but a lot of youngsters too. The ages depend on the artist as I said. Concerts rarely, and hopefully will never end at 11, unless they have started early. This includes concerts with govt sanction by radio station concerts that the state owns, and at birthday celebration concerts for their majesties.

I don't have to ask other posters opinions as I do know what I am on about when it comes to these topics. If you have been watching ch 7 this morning from 10.30 (chun tang seang tong show) you will have seen a very famous singer from Korat. The last time I saw her was at an M150 show where she told the audience from the stage that I knew more about pleng luktung than most Thais, well I am not going to argue with her-or you.

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well you did boast you had probably been to 10x the events I had, now you are backing down from that claim. The majority at most (luktung) concerts ARE middle aged at least. There were old people including me dancing at the last concert I went to on Sunday at 12, Takkedan Cholada, but a lot of youngsters too. The ages depend on the artist as I said. Concerts rarely, and hopefully will never end at 11, unless they have started early. This includes concerts with govt sanction by radio station concerts that the state owns, and at birthday celebration concerts for their majesties.

I don't have to ask other posters opinions as I do know what I am on about when it comes to these topics. If you have been watching ch 7 this morning from 10.30 (chun tang seang tong show) you will have seen a very famous singer from Korat. The last time I saw her was at an M150 show where she told the audience from the stage that I knew more about pleng luktung than most Thais, well I am not going to argue with her-or you.

I didn't back down re 10 times more than you--just joking naturally I or you have no Idea how many.

These venues will never end at a decent hour because no one cares if anyone wants to sleep. Start earlier-end earlier simple,

some events are brilliant, sadly many are a big business money wise, with speakers in villages far more powerful than needed.

The topic heading is not rare, monitor these venues and you will find the police are stretched to the limit in many cases, shame really. enjoy your time at these venues as it does seem you have no time for other things, Ha Ha please take this comment in a joking vein. ginjag and thanks for sharing your views even though we differ much.

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Although noisy and prone to the group taking on one single mentality, sometimes it's fun to watch people at the thai temple fairs ... just do yourself a favor and watch from a good distance.

The ones that bring in the traditional music, from what I've seen are mainly frequented by the older crowd. You'll more than likely encounter the village drunk but his friends will more than likely carry him away, as his being there is a major embarrassment.

The ones that bring in the loudspeakers, and modern rock bands (or any other type of band that caters to the younger crowd) guarantee a spectacle.

I've never seen a fair or concert on temple grounds for the purpose of making merit. I have seen important Buddhist holy days as a time when the Thai visit temples with their friends and families. There is a big difference in that and the temple fairs that are just an excuse to take out a grudge.

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it would seem there are those who live in fear and are afraid to go out or those who never seem to stay home (2.5 years at a concert a day plus an additional 3+months of fair going -- impressive numbers indeed).

I suppose it depends on the type of life you chose to lead and what you are about.

i can tell you one thing, it wont be me behind the keyboard telling people its not safe to go outside.

As for that "dangerous cocktail" of thai males and drink -- the most heinous of unprovoked violence i have encountered have been males indeed, but race has vareid.

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well you did boast you had probably been to 10x the events I had, now you are backing down from that claim. The majority at most (luktung) concerts ARE middle aged at least. There were old people including me dancing at the last concert I went to on Sunday at 12, Takkedan Cholada, but a lot of youngsters too. The ages depend on the artist as I said. Concerts rarely, and hopefully will never end at 11, unless they have started early. This includes concerts with govt sanction by radio station concerts that the state owns, and at birthday celebration concerts for their majesties.

I don't have to ask other posters opinions as I do know what I am on about when it comes to these topics. If you have been watching ch 7 this morning from 10.30 (chun tang seang tong show) you will have seen a very famous singer from Korat. The last time I saw her was at an M150 show where she told the audience from the stage that I knew more about pleng luktung than most Thais, well I am not going to argue with her-or you.

I didn't back down re 10 times more than you--just joking naturally I or you have no Idea how many.

These venues will never end at a decent hour because no one cares if anyone wants to sleep. Start earlier-end earlier simple,

some events are brilliant, sadly many are a big business money wise, with speakers in villages far more powerful than needed.

The topic heading is not rare, monitor these venues and you will find the police are stretched to the limit in many cases, shame really. enjoy your time at these venues as it does seem you have no time for other things, Ha Ha please take this comment in a joking vein. ginjag and thanks for sharing your views even though we differ much.

Oh so now you change your comments from somebody who comments from experience to somebody who is only 'joking' mm must have missed that. The real Police rarely attend such venues as security but will turn up for the free food and pics with singers and tend to hang around the entrance not the stage where trouble kicks off-you will see blokes parading around with 'Police' insignia but they are not real Police. The real Police will drag people off and give them a good hiding if they eventually get their hands on them, but they are not involved in active crowd control as a rule.

The one and only time I have been to a concert where the Police turned up about the noise was in that dump Pattaya where a concert backed onto a posh housing estate- the falangs there had complained.! This was like people moving to the countryside and moaning about the chickens, falangs they never stop moaning do they!

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well you did boast you had probably been to 10x the events I had, now you are backing down from that claim. The majority at most (luktung) concerts ARE middle aged at least. There were old people including me dancing at the last concert I went to on Sunday at 12, Takkedan Cholada, but a lot of youngsters too. The ages depend on the artist as I said. Concerts rarely, and hopefully will never end at 11, unless they have started early. This includes concerts with govt sanction by radio station concerts that the state owns, and at birthday celebration concerts for their majesties.

I don't have to ask other posters opinions as I do know what I am on about when it comes to these topics. If you have been watching ch 7 this morning from 10.30 (chun tang seang tong show) you will have seen a very famous singer from Korat. The last time I saw her was at an M150 show where she told the audience from the stage that I knew more about pleng luktung than most Thais, well I am not going to argue with her-or you.

I didn't back down re 10 times more than you--just joking naturally I or you have no Idea how many.

These venues will never end at a decent hour because no one cares if anyone wants to sleep. Start earlier-end earlier simple,

some events are brilliant, sadly many are a big business money wise, with speakers in villages far more powerful than needed.

The topic heading is not rare, monitor these venues and you will find the police are stretched to the limit in many cases, shame really. enjoy your time at these venues as it does seem you have no time for other things, Ha Ha please take this comment in a joking vein. ginjag and thanks for sharing your views even though we differ much.

Oh so now you change your comments from somebody who comments from experience to somebody who is only 'joking' mm must have missed that. The real Police rarely attend such venues as security but will turn up for the free food and pics with singers and tend to hang around the entrance not the stage where trouble kicks off-you will see blokes parading around with 'Police' insignia but they are not real Police. The real Police will drag people off and give them a good hiding if they eventually get their hands on them, but they are not involved in active crowd control as a rule.

The one and only time I have been to a concert where the Police turned up about the noise was in that dump Pattaya where a concert backed onto a posh housing estate- the falangs there had complained.! This was like people moving to the countryside and moaning about the chickens, falangs they never stop moaning do they!

My experience has nothing to do with joking, you thinking about YOUR views too much to get the gist on what I post--stop the distorting-trying to get brownie points doesn't make you look good. All I have to offer in my post is 32 years of honest cross the board venues, THATS ALL without getting into twisting YOUR posts. end of story pity you did not see how you contradicted yourself many times. I am going to make merit and have a coffee, cheers.

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This has nothing to do with my views, I am passing on facts, not views. BTW what acts have you actually seen at concerts or wat fairs? How have I contradicted myself? You clearly have little real experience of these matters, but that does not stop you whining about the times they finish and the motives of people attending.

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This has nothing to do with my views, I am passing on facts, not views. BTW what acts have you actually seen at concerts or wat fairs? How have I contradicted myself? You clearly have little real experience of these matters, but that does not stop you whining about the times they finish and the motives of people attending.

Hey you came back again to get in a last word, OK I have no experience I am a Whiner I make up stories about the said bad side to these functions, I have never been to any concerts,

A suggestion of times to suit all, as far as contradicting yourself look again over your posts No more fighting about religious venues, got some good points from your posts, pity you didn't get any from mine. please end the pro temple theme, I have an open mind about religion.

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