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So Much For Constructive Engagement


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Over the last weeks Georgie Porgie became extreme, no more contribution, just attacking and flaming

The Gentleman still responds in a way that one could say he was using his brain before using his fingers. Only on occasion replied in kind to G-P.

Never mind if one agrees to what the gentleman has to see, he usually says in a constructive way while G-P only brings expletives.

They both do a lot of flaming, but someone got the thoughtful part backwards. Perhaps it depends on one's political leanings? Compare some typical posts.

Georgie-Porgie Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 14:27:13  

I have only been to Melbourne and Sydney once but I spend a lot of time in Perth and Brisbane.

I love the fish and chips in Fremantle, about 40 minutes from Perth by train, but, Sydney is the only city in Australia in which I thought that the food compared favorably to big cities in America.

However, because New York City is so huge, so expensive and so packed with excellent ethnic restaurants of all types, it simply dwarfs Sydney, and every other city in the world for that matter, as far as selling a variety of quality cuisines.

Axel, if you really want advice on fine dining, San Francisco is my real turf. It has some of the best and most varied food on the planet, beats Sydney and Melbourne cold, but doesn't come close to New York City.

By the way, have you ever heard of the term passive aggressive? Look it up. 

Georgie-Porgie Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 14:27:13

Actually, I really enjoy the food and culture in Europe, but I have read a good number of travel stories by Europeans describing what they love about American culture. The words that I used are more theirs than mine. 

the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:27:34  

I love the warts on society  , you didnt have a post, so a flame will do again.

Let me spell it out to you Georgie as you seem to be getting your ambitions mixed up with your capabilities.

I am a millionaire, you are poor (trying to find teaching work at your age)

I am 36 years old, you are an old hasbeen

I was an elite soldier, you were a cook

I speak the Thai, you speak primary school bar Thai

I have a house on the beach, you have a rented condo in Bangkok

I own my houses, you hide, when the landlord approaches

I am building a 50 room resort, you are building friendships with other like minded septics

I look after my wife, you give your "partners" from the bar, there daily allowance or an IOU, to the end of the month

I dont take myself seriously as I know who I am, you are inferior as it shows in your banter

I am suspended from Thaivisa, you are not.

I would meet you, you would hide

I believe the world doesnt need unjust wars, you believe "kill em all"

I laugh at you, rip me to shreds - go and apologise to your family for being a failure, clock in, to your failure in life job, pay your hoars and keep posting crap.

Again Georgie, if you ever want to have a "chat" in person, I will gladly come to have a "quiet beer" and then you can "rip me to shreds".

You are trying to be something your not, carry on, I have met many of your type in my day, both as a civvy and in the forces - your all wind!

You havent a clue what happens in a war, except for how many loafs of bread to order for the mess hall - now go and dot your Is and cross your Ts, use your spell check and live under a rock - Ill be out sailing! 

Todays Poll - Kerry 55%, Bush 40% - have a nice day 

This post has been edited by ###### on Sat 2004-02-28, 18:48:47

the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:27:34  

you read about it and we will live it - it must be hard to save on that monthly salary    - "dumb" and rich or "smart" and poor - work it out Dr Evil and you might find you are the dumb one.

I now give you permission to post more crap, my little puppet! 

nice new nick Georgie porgie (Dr Evil) - typical of you, backing up your own posts under a new name, come on ######, tell us it isnt him. Check his IP!

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I don't understand why the gentlething, and I have nightmares imagining it as an officer, sees his financial situation as the be all and end all of life in LOS unless all his conquests are financial.

Everything he posts is about his money, his finance etc.

I wonder how much his wife (each night) costs?

I think he is really a New Zealander.

550 post - 5 about money, mentioned to an idiot, who classes himself above me! - Its only broke people that react to postings about money!

My wife doesnt cost anything on a nightly basis - and yourself?

I think you are a septic and probably an old one, who is here for his ego!

Ok The fudge? your another idiot with a great nick - carry on!

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Over the last weeks Georgie Porgie became extreme, no more contribution, just attacking and flaming

The Gentleman still responds in a way that one could say he was using his brain before using his fingers. Only on occasion replied in kind to G-P.

Never mind if one agrees to what the gentleman has to see, he usually says in a constructive way while G-P only brings expletives.

They both do a lot of flaming, but someone got the thoughtful part backwards. Perhaps it depends on one's political leanings? Compare some typical posts.

Georgie-Porgie Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 14:27:13  

I have only been to Melbourne and Sydney once but I spend a lot of time in Perth and Brisbane.

I love the fish and chips in Fremantle, about 40 minutes from Perth by train, but, Sydney is the only city in Australia in which I thought that the food compared favorably to big cities in America.

However, because New York City is so huge, so expensive and so packed with excellent ethnic restaurants of all types, it simply dwarfs Sydney, and every other city in the world for that matter, as far as selling a variety of quality cuisines.

Axel, if you really want advice on fine dining, San Francisco is my real turf. It has some of the best and most varied food on the planet, beats Sydney and Melbourne cold, but doesn't come close to New York City.

By the way, have you ever heard of the term passive aggressive? Look it up. 

Georgie-Porgie Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 14:27:13

Actually, I really enjoy the food and culture in Europe, but I have read a good number of travel stories by Europeans describing what they love about American culture. The words that I used are more theirs than mine. 

the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:27:34  

I love the warts on society  , you didnt have a post, so a flame will do again.

Let me spell it out to you Georgie as you seem to be getting your ambitions mixed up with your capabilities.

I am a millionaire, you are poor (trying to find teaching work at your age)

I am 36 years old, you are an old hasbeen

I was an elite soldier, you were a cook

I speak the Thai, you speak primary school bar Thai

I have a house on the beach, you have a rented condo in Bangkok

I own my houses, you hide, when the landlord approaches

I am building a 50 room resort, you are building friendships with other like minded septics

I look after my wife, you give your "partners" from the bar, there daily allowance or an IOU, to the end of the month

I dont take myself seriously as I know who I am, you are inferior as it shows in your banter

I am suspended from Thaivisa, you are not.

I would meet you, you would hide

I believe the world doesnt need unjust wars, you believe "kill em all"

I laugh at you, rip me to shreds - go and apologise to your family for being a failure, clock in, to your failure in life job, pay your hoars and keep posting crap.

Again Georgie, if you ever want to have a "chat" in person, I will gladly come to have a "quiet beer" and then you can "rip me to shreds".

You are trying to be something your not, carry on, I have met many of your type in my day, both as a civvy and in the forces - your all wind!

You havent a clue what happens in a war, except for how many loafs of bread to order for the mess hall - now go and dot your Is and cross your Ts, use your spell check and live under a rock - Ill be out sailing! 

Todays Poll - Kerry 55%, Bush 40% - have a nice day 

This post has been edited by ###### on Sat 2004-02-28, 18:48:47

the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:27:34  

you read about it and we will live it - it must be hard to save on that monthly salary    - "dumb" and rich or "smart" and poor - work it out Dr Evil and you might find you are the dumb one.

I now give you permission to post more crap, my little puppet! 

nice new nick Georgie porgie (Dr Evil) - typical of you, backing up your own posts under a new name, come on ######, tell us it isnt him. Check his IP!

nothing has changed with this idiot, for a person who constantly says he is educated and will wipe the floor with all of us - why do you post only one side of an argument?, The quotes you have above are not relevant to each of your posts - you seemed to have left my answers/posts out! - I wonder if he has two eyes?

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I don't understand why the gentlething, and I have nightmares imagining it as an officer, sees his financial situation as the be all and end all of life in LOS unless all his conquests are financial.

Everything he posts is about his money, his finance etc.

I wonder how much his wife (each night) costs?

I think he is really a New Zealander.

550 post - 5 about money, mentioned to an idiot, who classes himself above me! - Its only broke people that react to postings about money!

My wife doesnt cost anything on a nightly basis - and yourself?

I think you are a septic and probably an old one, who is here for his ego!

Ok The fudge? your another idiot with a great nick - carry on!

I say, old chap, why don't you answer The Judge's question? Everyone who has ever met you is wondering the exact same thing.

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Who (ever) is who. It is a bit boring to read old postings.

I was informed that the gentleman was banned. G_P? No idea, perhaps he realized he could not win his silly games. Anyway, I do not bleieve either was banned, otherwise there would be some information in here.

Now both of you, wuff, go to sleep.

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I'm accused of being GP by the gent because I disagreed with one of his posts. Axel keeps attacking GP and acting like the gent is a perfectly normal fellow (whose politics does he share). I'm still posting even though GP is supposed to be banned. The gent's post said that he is banned "but GP is not".

Save me, I think that I am lost in Backwards Land! :o

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Ulysses G. ???

Maybe Ulysses Georgie.

But as Boon Mee put it, who cares as long as G-P (aka Dr Evil) don't start no sh1t-stirring again.

Now, If we could only do something about this adjan jb fellow!

adjan jb Posted: Wed 2004-03-03, 15:19:48

QUOTE (Membrane @ Wed 2004-03-03, 14:58:22)

Simply amazing, reading Thaiquila's and adjan jb's postings--simply amazing how little you know of the U.S. and how it works, yet you post as if you do. You know nothing, or at most, you understand very, very little of what is going on in America, what is going on with the war on terror, etc.

But hopefully Membrane is here to enlighten us with THE truth. Thanks Lord.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey well done, great thread, lots of cryptic abuse.

Having watched this and a few other threads it becomes pretty obvious that Boon Mee and Georgie Peorgie are actually the same entity.

Number one there's always a pretty good gap between their posts as Georgie runs from his Haw Puk to the nearest internet shop to take up his Boon Mee identity.

Number two how many people can actually share the same crazed right wing opinions. Georgie, Franco, Donald Rumsfeld, Oliver North, hmm that's pretty much the end of the list.

Ulysses, naw not wordy enough to be Georgie, could be his own man. Then again ..

Great fun though. Thanks Georgie.

Keep up the trolling, administrators are sleeping

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Guest IT Manager

They aren't actually. I pop in now and then make sure there are fresh towels around to clean up the blood.

In essence, I don't care how much you slag each other off, but as soon as you complain, I will suspend you.

So have at it.

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Having watched this and a few other threads it becomes pretty obvious that Boon Mee and Georgie Peorgie are actually the same entity.

Number one there's always a pretty good gap between their posts as Georgie runs from his Haw Puk to the nearest internet shop to take up his Boon Mee identity.

Number two how many people can actually share the same crazed right wing opinions. Georgie, Franco, Donald Rumsfeld, Oliver North, hmm that's pretty much the end of the list.


It's great to have fans, but do a search on my old posts. I'm not really that right-wing. I admit to having opposed the Vietnam War, and not being all that crazy about George W. before 9/11.

Boon Mee is the real deal, and if it weren't for all the left-wing wackos on here, he would probably be attacking me for being a hippie/pansy!

Also, he is too smart to ever get thrown off, and I have been numerous times. In fact, I get nervous every time I try to sign in. :o

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Having watched this and a few other threads it becomes pretty obvious that Boon Mee and Georgie Peorgie are actually the same entity.

Number one there's always a pretty good gap between their posts as Georgie runs from his Haw Puk to the nearest internet shop to take up his Boon Mee identity.

Number two how many people can actually share the same crazed right wing opinions. Georgie, Franco, Donald Rumsfeld, Oliver North, hmm that's pretty much the end of the list.


It's great to have fans, but do a search on my old posts. I'm not really that right-wing. I admit to having opposed the Vietnam War, and not being all that crazy about George W. before 9/11.

Boon Mee is the real deal, and if it weren't for all the left-wing wackos on here, he would probably be attacking me for being a hippie/pansy!

Also, he is too smart to ever get thrown off, and I have been numerous times. In fact, I get nervous every time I try to sign in. :o

Thanks for the good words, Georgie.

Right-wing? If you consider a little to the right of Attila the Hun right-wing, I guess... :D

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My aplogies, but you and Boon Mee :o seemed to be getting very close. Boon Mee would probably eat hippies for breakfast if he wasn't too busy chomping on a mouthfull of skol. paataang... missed. But does he actually exist ? He seems to be a collection of cliches.

Anyway feel free to get back to mauling the gent and sorry for the interuption.

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My aplogies, but you and Boon Mee :o seemed to be getting very close. Boon Mee would probably eat hippies for breakfast if he wasn't too busy chomping on a mouthfull of skol. paataang... missed. But does he actually exist ? He seems to be a collection of cliches.

Anyway feel free to get back to mauling the gent and sorry for the interuption.

That Skol is for Whimps - real men chew "Red Man" and swallow! :D

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I don't understand why the gentlething, and I have nightmares imagining it as an officer, sees his financial situation as the be all and end all of life in LOS unless all his conquests are financial.

Everything he posts is about his money, his finance etc.

I wonder how much his wife (each night) costs?

I think he is really a New Zealander.


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My aplogies, but you and Boon Mee :o seemed to be getting very close. Boon Mee would probably eat hippies for breakfast if he wasn't too busy chomping on a mouthfull of skol. paataang... missed. But does he actually exist ? He seems to be a collection of cliches.

Anyway feel free to get back to mauling the gent and sorry for the interuption.

Believe it or not, I used to harbor Hippie feelings especially when attending UC Santa Barbara. But like my little Thai bride says when changing the subject: "That was then, this is now"! :D

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