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Another example how much they love foreigners. NOT?


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obviously, you can never go back. what i have done in the past is talk to the manager, agree on a price all-the-time, tell an employee, and remind them a few times. I've done this on even haircuts; they charge me 150 baht, not 200, and i remind them a few times. they charge other foreigners 200, but i tell them i will be in thailand for a long time. the big question is, if they do a GREAT job, then i don't mind tipping now and then. if it'a big-ticket item, i bring a thai friend to do all the talking. yes, you will get beat down eventually, and sometimes it's not worth the energy. but sometimes it is.

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I would of applied the brake and sat on the spot 15 seconds then left!! Would of made it fair then!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It might sound like a good idea, but it would be a waste of rubber.

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I would of applied the brake and sat on the spot 15 seconds then left!! Would of made it fair then!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It might sound like a good idea, but it would be a waste of rubber.

Sounded like it was dirt not a sealed road ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I would of applied the brake and sat on the spot 15 seconds then left!! Would of made it fair then!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It might sound like a good idea, but it would be a waste of rubber.

Sounded like it was dirt not a sealed road wink.png

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you were to throw up stones which damaged other people's vehicles, you could really be in the shit.

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I would of applied the brake and sat on the spot 15 seconds then left!! Would of made it fair then!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It might sound like a good idea, but it would be a waste of rubber.
Sounded like it was dirt not a sealed road Posted Image

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you were to throw up stones which damaged other people's vehicles, you could really be in the shit.

My answer to that. Not my problem speak to the owner why he doesn't seal his driveway :P

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I employ those with no qualifications, so I am helping the masses.

Lol, I bet you do not have a doorman smile.png

My maid demands I have bottled water instead of soft drink- outrages

A doorman would be a waste of money. I private masseuse is my next purchase.

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What the OP is riled about is what riles most of us. Why should foreigners be treated like idiots ? Us foreigners spend enormous amounts of baht here in Pattaya adding greatly to the economy. Most of us do not like having the piss taken. You may choose to "bend over and take it" but most of us foreigners do not choose that option.

Have you heard of the phrase "Caveat Emptor". It applies world wide. If you don't have the intelligence to inform yourself about the local going rate for goods and services, and negotiate the best price you can get, then more fool you. It's a game played in many countries and if Falang in Thailand can't figure it out then they deserve what they get. Willing seller - willing buyer. Then OP was happy to pay the price he was charged, and that's the reality of the commercial world in every country on the globe.

Learn some basic language and always and without fail tell the vendor it's too expensive and the price should be XX.

Most of this two tier pricing is not about Foreigner v. Thai......it's abut streetsmarts v. Falang with the wisdom and intellect of Bambi.

I still pay 50b for a taxi ride that Thais pay 70B for. Why?.....because I'm a frequent flyer and the taxi blokes know that I don't carry vaseline with me. They even call me Kuhn haa-sib-baht.

The educated and streetwise blokes that live here will agree with me. The dickheads that are too quick to blame all those racist Thais for their own repeated stupidity will no doubt strongly disagree, but I don't really give a flying phark.

Cheers w00t.gif

I'm glad that you are so superior that you have managed to get a better price for a taxi ride as the locals, or at least that is what they make you believe.

After 2 decades here, I was also not aware that you had to negotiate a price for a carwash, especially not in a place where i've never encountered another foreigner.

I was also not aware that this was common practice in most countries worldwide.

I have to bow to your unlimited knowledge. wai.gifwai.gif

I am very slightly disappointed that you even bothered to reply to Gsxrnx.

At least I now know that I am stupid every time I am overcharged by a Thai.

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Could have just asked the piece the first time you went and decided if the price was one you wanted to pay or not. FYI, the place I use in East Pattaya for my SUV washes is only 89 baht so you've been getting hosed big time for a long time...and does this mean I'm loved?

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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I employ those with no qualifications, so I am helping the masses.

Lol, I bet you do not have a doorman smile.png

My maid demands I have bottled water instead of soft drink- outrages

A doorman would be a waste of money. I private masseuse is my next purchase.

Is not it what the made is for? When wife is out? Lol

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Wash your own truck or get the wife to take it?


I already buy my own beer and listen to music at home instead of going to overpriced live music bars smile.png

Overpriced? Don't think so.

I actually wasn't taking the piss, I normally wash my truck and her car at home, I don't mind doing it.

Sometimes i wake up and the wifes already had them both done down the local car wash which is nice.

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Could have just asked the piece the first time you went and decided if the price was one you wanted to pay or not. FYI, the place I use in East Pattaya for my SUV washes is only 89 baht so you've been getting hosed big time for a long time...and does this mean I'm loved?

I think it was made clear in the OP that I didn't mind about the price, but I hate to be discriminated .

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Could have just asked the piece the first time you went and decided if the price was one you wanted to pay or not. FYI, the place I use in East Pattaya for my SUV washes is only 89 baht so you've been getting hosed big time for a long time...and does this mean I'm loved?

I think it was made clear in the OP that I didn't mind about the price, but I hate to be discriminated .

Yep, life's unfair, like 50 and overs allowed retirement visa extensions, all those seniors back home getting discounts on stuff left and right, and locals and tourists paying different prices for park admissions and other attractions around the world.

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Just to say i am always charged the same as the Thais ,never any different ,i live in the same area as the op ,the local guy i used to go to put up his charge for a car to 160 baht ,now the wife insists that we dont waste money and washes it herself ,(i dry) still if it keeps her happy.

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Just to say i am always charged the same as the Thais ,never any different ,i live in the same area as the op ,the local guy i used to go to put up his charge for a car to 160 baht ,now the wife insists that we dont waste money and washes it herself ,(i dry) still if it keeps her happy.

Are we by any chance talking about the same shop, in viewing distance of the big bee farm?

For all the other that like to clean their cars by themselves in this hot and humid climate and save 200 Baht, please PM me the details where I can bring my car. I'm more than happy to pay 200 Baht . biggrin.png

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Just to say i am always charged the same as the Thais ,never any different ,i live in the same area as the op ,the local guy i used to go to put up his charge for a car to 160 baht ,now the wife insists that we dont waste money and washes it herself ,(i dry) still if it keeps her happy.

Are we by any chance talking about the same shop, in viewing distance of the big bee farm?

For all the other that like to clean their cars by themselves in this hot and humid climate and save 200 Baht, please PM me the details where I can bring my car. I'm more than happy to pay 200 Baht . biggrin.png

I think I could manage that, but I must warn you that if you turn up and appear not to be Thai then the price will be 300 Baht.

Dirt on vehicles driven by foreigners is so much more difficult to remove.

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Thainess -- the gift that keeps on giving.

Nobody is surprised by stories like this.

Wait for it.

You cheap foreigner, just bend over take it, and if you don't like it, go home.....

What the OP is riled about is what riles most of us. Why should foreigners be treated like idiots ? Us foreigners spend enormous amounts of baht here in Pattaya adding greatly to the economy. Most of us do not like having the piss taken. You may choose to "bend over and take it" but most of us foreigners do not choose that option.

Have you heard of the phrase "Caveat Emptor". It applies world wide. If you don't have the intelligence to inform yourself about the local going rate for goods and services, and negotiate the best price you can get, then more fool you. It's a game played in many countries and if Falang in Thailand can't figure it out then they deserve what they get. Willing seller - willing buyer. Then OP was happy to pay the price he was charged, and that's the reality of the commercial world in every country on the globe.

Learn some basic language and always and without fail tell the vendor it's too expensive and the price should be XX.

Most of this two tier pricing is not about Foreigner v. Thai......it's abut streetsmarts v. Falang with the wisdom and intellect of Bambi.

I still pay 50b for a taxi ride that Thais pay 70B for. Why?.....because I'm a frequent flyer and the taxi blokes know that I don't carry vaseline with me. They even call me Kuhn haa-sib-baht.

The educated and streetwise blokes that live here will agree with me. The dickheads that are too quick to blame all those racist Thais for their own repeated stupidity will no doubt strongly disagree, but I don't really give a flying phark.

Cheers w00t.gif

Oh teach me the Jedi ways Yoda you master.....

I bet you do get over charged...you're just so smug in your khun haa sib baht role that you probably don't realize

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So YOU were charged a different amount by an individual Thai and that's immediately an example of how THEY don't love all foreigners?

And why should any Thai love all foreigners anyway? They're not in business, especially in places like Pattaya, to win humanitarian awards. Where have you stayed in the world where your presence was such a gift to the local population for any reason other than the cash you spent?

I can't remember buying things or paying for services back in my home country and wondering whether the sales clerk loved me ... or everyone in the store found me adorable, much less everyone in the entire local population.

There was a posting recently, don't recall the thread, where it was mentioned that a Thai lady shopkeeper gave a lower price for something to a regular farang customer compared to Thai customers. Using your logic, that would imply that ALL THAIS love every single farang?

Edited by Suradit69
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So YOU were charged a different amount by an individual Thai and that's immediately an example of how THEY don't love all foreigners?

And why should any Thai love all foreigners anyway? They're not in business, especially in places like Pattaya, to win humanitarian awards. Where have you stayed in the world where your presence was such a gift to the local population for any reason other than the cash you spent?

I can't remember buying things or paying for services back in my home country and wondering whether the sales clerk loved me ... or everyone in the store found me adorable, much less everyone in the entire local population.

There was a posting recently, don't recall the thread, where it was mentioned that a Thai lady shopkeeper gave a lower price for something to a regular farang customer compared to Thai customers. Using your logic, that would imply that ALL THAIS love every single farang?

You probably don't remember if the sales clerk in your home country loved you, but I'm sure you remember if he charged for the same item different prices to different people.

However I don't know that sales clerk I can answer that question for you. No he didn't charge different people a different price based on their skin color.

And if the Thai car wash owner loves me or not, I can assure you he probably don't otherwise he wouldn't have overcharged me on each and every visit in the past 2 years.

You probably must also have noticed that this didn't happen in Pattaya, and that I have informed already that I never have seen another foreigner in that shop however there live quite some foreigners in that area.

Could be that they are aware of his double pricing policies, which would confirm that he in fact doesn't love foreigners. probably he even hates them.

About that foreigner in your post who got lower price as a Thai I can't comment as I don't recall the post, it seems that you yourself even don't so maybe it was just an imagination .

If not it must have been one of Gsxrnz's friends or someone who lives in a dream world.

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So YOU were charged a different amount by an individual Thai and that's immediately an example of how THEY don't love all foreigners?

And why should any Thai love all foreigners anyway? They're not in business, especially in places like Pattaya, to win humanitarian awards. Where have you stayed in the world where your presence was such a gift to the local population for any reason other than the cash you spent?

I can't remember buying things or paying for services back in my home country and wondering whether the sales clerk loved me ... or everyone in the store found me adorable, much less everyone in the entire local population.

There was a posting recently, don't recall the thread, where it was mentioned that a Thai lady shopkeeper gave a lower price for something to a regular farang customer compared to Thai customers. Using your logic, that would imply that ALL THAIS love every single farang?

I think you're taking the title of the thread too literally. I'd take it to mean that they dislike us and here's another example to demonstrate that.

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