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Hazard For Brits Returning To UK


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For those of us who cannot do without the info on our computers,and are making a trip back home, I suggest that you take a cue from the professional reporters and remove your hard drive prior to departure and mail it to yourself via DHL or the like, or any other drives you may have and leave a backup at home just in case. Helps to keep a small box with a return sticker from ebay retailer or such and just put on a new mail to sticker. And no I am not a pedo,druggie or terrorist, just hate the inconvenience of dealing with the man.

As for chiang mai's comments about the respect for authority stemming from his military service, I personally came away from my service experience with a totally different view. I was a US Army officer during the Vietnam conflict with 5 1/2 years service and a tour in RVN as a pilot and I will never ever trust the military or government again. The price of freedom IS constant vigilance. Throughout human history it can be proven again and again that those in power have little regard for and no interest in the average persons interests. There only concern is staying in power. A read of The Prince by Machiavelli should be enough to convince anyone with an open mind. I appreciated the quote from Zappa.

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For those of us who cannot do without the info on our computers,and are making a trip back home, I suggest that you take a cue from the professional reporters and remove your hard drive prior to departure and mail it to yourself via DHL or the like, or any other drives you may have and leave a backup at home just in case. Helps to keep a small box with a return sticker from ebay retailer or such and just put on a new mail to sticker. And no I am not a pedo,druggie or terrorist, just hate the inconvenience of dealing with the man.

As for chiang mai's comments about the respect for authority stemming from his military service, I personally came away from my service experience with a totally different view. I was a US Army officer during the Vietnam conflict with 5 1/2 years service and a tour in RVN as a pilot and I will never ever trust the military or government again. The price of freedom IS constant vigilance. Throughout human history it can be proven again and again that those in power have little regard for and no interest in the average persons interests. There only concern is staying in power. A read of The Prince by Machiavelli should be enough to convince anyone with an open mind. I appreciated the quote from Zappa.

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For those of us who cannot do without the info on our computers,and are making a trip back home, I suggest that you take a cue from the professional reporters and remove your hard drive prior to departure and mail it to yourself via DHL or the like, or any other drives you may have and leave a backup at home just in case. Helps to keep a small box with a return sticker from ebay retailer or such and just put on a new mail to sticker. And no I am not a pedo,druggie or terrorist, just hate the inconvenience of dealing with the man. 


As for chiang mai's comments about the respect for authority stemming from his military service, I personally came away from my service experience with a totally different view. I was a US Army officer during the Vietnam conflict with 5 1/2 years service and a tour in RVN as a pilot and I will never ever trust the military or government again. The price of freedom IS constant vigilance. Throughout human history it can be proven again and again that those in power have little regard for and no interest in the average persons interests. There only concern is staying in power. A read of The Prince by Machiavelli should be enough to convince anyone with an open mind. I appreciated the quote from Zappa.




5 or more years is allot more experience and intel gathered than a short sharp shock in national service

I agree to keep safely as a priority and leaving nothing to chance

Specially leaving valuables with government people. Normally I learn from my mistakes or other peoples

Through sharing information the best way to not get in to trouble is to avoid it

The amount of times I have told people that there is a road block here or police over there and people say

I don't care I am not doing anything wrong anyway

My response is that you don't need to be a trouble make for trouble to find you

Best to avoid it

This is a useful topic started by the op as I am now open to making back ups of my stuff before going to England if he had not have written this then I could have lost allot of work and personal data

So thanks to the op for his topic I have found it use full

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Don't you think that mentioning Gary Glitter to a female officer could have triggered off all these events? I know it was meant to be a joke but look what's happening at the moment another DJ arrested this week for suspected child abuse this as been a big investigation due to Saville ! I will also say it does not give them the right to take ur belongings with out good reason! I think your comment to a female just rang her alarm bell. But it is a good warning to all travellers even to women!

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Don't you think that mentioning Gary Glitter to a female officer could have triggered off all these events? I know it was meant to be a joke but look what's happening at the moment another DJ arrested this week for suspected child abuse this as been a big investigation due to Saville ! I will also say it does not give them the right to take ur belongings with out good reason! I think your comment to a female just rang her alarm bell. But it is a good warning to all travellers even to women!

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What did he say about Gary Glitter

Even so if she was that suspicious then he should still her his gear back after they have taken his ip and placed him under surveillance

As if he really was a pedo then it is up to them to prove it

I dunno it's one of those situation where I have to have been there to measure the attitude

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Big C. Seen this quote on this topic as you say we was not there we should not judge or accuse. But it just shows u can not make these kind of jokes. I always joke in immigration that I have never seen my daughter before when she is in front of me but will think twice about this in future.

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A read of The Prince by Machiavelli should be enough to convince anyone with an open mind.

In fact, anyone who really read it will recognize it as a very basic manual for politics 101 in the renaissance.

I guess the only thing that was really groundbreaking was that Machiavelli officialized and put on paper the self-evident need for rulers to manipulate the public and conspire against rivals.

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I do not have a problem with you I do find it interesting listening to both sides of the coin

I am interest of you are born and bread Brit hence that racist accusation towards me?

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Would that be Hovis?

Sorry couldn't resist whistling.gif

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Answer " no i have a magical fairy that packs my bags for me every time i go away" ask a stupid question get a stupid answer..

If a Border Agency officer enquires whether you are carrying anything you shouldn't, simply reply 'only a bomb'. They love a bit a banter.

Come back and tell us how you get on.

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An interesting topic from Cnet on computers and HMRC & US Border patrol regarding computers.

Maybe the OP does not really have a leg to stand on with his complaint as research into HMRC says they can take your laptop for an unlimited time. I like the bit where they can scan the computer as you wait to see what is actually on the HD.

Is it over the top? That depends on your perspective. Porn, paedo's, terrorists. Where do you draw the line? If you look suspicious to HMRC you will be checked and it seems there is little you can do about it, unless you encrypt your files, as discussed in the link I posted.

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manark, you missed the point of my mentioning of the prince. I my opinion, people who live their life using these principles are amoral and unscrupulous. If people believe that life is a game of king of the hill then it doesn't say much for the evolution of the human race. I don't belong to the camp that advocates that one should live in the reality of that is the way of the world and you should adjust to it. I believe we should stand against this philosophy and have ideals that benefit all people and improve the human condition. I know that many would say that I am tilting at windmills but that is my choice. Just my 2 bahts worth and not meant to start an argument, although I admit that this is thaivisa and a weak hope.

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Don't you think that mentioning Gary Glitter to a female officer could have triggered off all these events? I know it was meant to be a joke but look what's happening at the moment another DJ arrested this week for suspected child abuse this as been a big investigation due to Saville ! I will also say it does not give them the right to take ur belongings with out good reason! I think your comment to a female just rang her alarm bell. But it is a good warning to all travellers even to women!

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Please note what is written in the OP. "For in excess of one hour I co-operated politely..."

My goods had already been seized when I responded to the treatment I was subjected to, and with the disdain and sarcasm that by then had I believe any reasonable person would thing had become warranted. I don't know how many time it must be said that the seizure was FACTUALLY in direct violation of the set down rules. I did not make the post to seek advice or reasons; I am quite well aware what occured and why, and that is was all very wrong. The most relevent posts on the thread relate to protecting data that a traveller relies on. I had not previously believed such protection was necessary in our 'free' country. It is clearly not so free after all, especially free from abuse by authorities.

UPDATE: The guidance brochure states that copies of any seized documents will be provided on request. This must surely apply to device-stored documents. Such request for the 1000s of pages will be made on Monday. TC

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Answer " no i have a magical fairy that packs my bags for me every time i go away" ask a stupid question get a stupid answer..


If a Border Agency officer enquires whether you are carrying anything you shouldn't, simply reply 'only a bomb'.  They love a bit a banter.


Come back and tell us how you get on.

Tell them bomb but bomb in my language means clothes sorry but I not know english word for clothes

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An interesting topic from Cnet on computers and HMRC & US Border patrol regarding computers.

Maybe the OP does not really have a leg to stand on with his complaint as research into HMRC says they can take your laptop for an unlimited time. I like the bit where they can scan the computer as you wait to see what is actually on the HD.

Is it over the top? That depends on your perspective. Porn, paedo's, terrorists. Where do you draw the line? If you look suspicious to HMRC you will be checked and it seems there is little you can do about it, unless you encrypt your files, as discussed in the link I posted.



It's my computer and I can download what I like

No wonder there are so many bomb threats with the people they piss off

I they ask me what is in my bag I shall tell them to look and see as they are going to anyway

Too be honest I have had more stuff nicked out I my bag before it even makes it to customs than problems with customs

From the baggage handlers they have greasy hands at times

Also be carefull of them putting something in

Be a nice trick to place stuff inside a bag at one airport to be snatched at the other side that's assuming that person does not get searched

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I've always gone the confrontation route, never had the chance with Immigration or customs, they always ignored me.

But the police, yeah, go for it. The police are easy targets, 3 written complaints about a police officer and he loses his chance of promotion forever. Not to mention you can chock up tens of thousands of investigation fees for his constabulary.

If they want to play, I'm game.

(OK so last time it did cost me a couple of nights in custody, but it cost them 120kGBP in investigation fees for my complaints, 8 officers investigated and a complaint on each of their records, and 10 grand compensation for me.)

Easiest 10 grand I ever earned!

Are you proud of that?

Absolutely, would have liked to see all 8 dismissed, next time ......

Public servants need to obey their own rules and guidelines, and fear the consequences of bullying us.

Spot on FiftyTwo, I believe your attitude is absolutely correct.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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I do agree that for someone in a position of authority that they need a bit of arrogance to keep order but there is being arrogant and being intimidated

If you cannot video the innodent then try to gran a whiteness to see the in fare way u have been treated

I know that some products are considered contra band if they do not pass eu safety regulations which they may seem as in safe

A laywer and a Poloceman could fight this and get there items back it is always the same the rich people get away with it unless you have a family member to fight for you

If I was you I would give them a tast of thailand style

Follow hem home and post their address on the web

Sorry if that is against forum rules then please delete it as it is a suggestion based in joking format thanks

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Get a grip, BigC.  You're waffling for the sake of it and make no sense now. 


Try you luck at immigration with your big attitude. 


You're getting tiresome. 

Sounds like u have an attitude I am just pointing out facts that you have to be carefull about accusing someone out here

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An interesting topic from Cnet on computers and HMRC & US Border patrol regarding computers.

Maybe the OP does not really have a leg to stand on with his complaint as research into HMRC says they can take your laptop for an unlimited time. I like the bit where they can scan the computer as you wait to see what is actually on the HD.

Is it over the top? That depends on your perspective. Porn, paedo's, terrorists. Where do you draw the line? If you look suspicious to HMRC you will be checked and it seems there is little you can do about it, unless you encrypt your files, as discussed in the link I posted.

It's my computer and I can download what I like

No wonder there are so many bomb threats with the people they piss off

I they ask me what is in my bag I shall tell them to look and see as they are going to anyway

Too be honest I have had more stuff nicked out I my bag before it even makes it to customs than problems with customs

From the baggage handlers they have greasy hands at times

Also be carefull of them putting something in

Be a nice trick to place stuff inside a bag at one airport to be snatched at the other side that's assuming that person does not get searched

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Yes, you can download what you like, as can I and everyone else but if the data on the computer breaks the law of the country we are entering then it is obviously illegal in their eyes and the computer can be confiscated and the owner prosecuted.

I cannot say I particularly like the laws in some countries but realise that I either abide by them or take the risk of suffering the consequences of being found out.

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TC I may be a little blonde but can't find anything on internet with regards to customs keeping belongings?

Please keep us updated genuinely interested.

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HMRC (Her Majesties Revenue and Customs) have plenty of details if you check out their site.

They are not to be confused with immigration who are a different bunch altogether.

HMRC can confiscate anything from a thumb drive to your car or even your aeroplane if they feel it is warranted. And Customs are even very nice people compared to what the VAT man can do cheesy.gif

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