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Thai Amnesty opponents to rally nationwide


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Obviously we are dealing with a True Believer here. What was your previous nick here?

You are not "dealing with" anyone.

Everyone is entitled to thier opinion.

If you do agree with it that is your perogative. The way to express your opinion is to vote against PTP in an election.

PTP won the election - they have the right under the constitution to enact any bills they so wish - and so they are doing.

Can you not understand the principle of democracy and a democratically elected government.

If your understanding of what a democratic system of governance is that the party that has the most votes can do as they please, in this case exonerate themselves of crimes, then you are wrong.

Not answering the question of which previous nick you had here is duly noted.

So who in the government and therefore in the decision making process is exonerating themselves of a crime that they have been found guilty of ?

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So who in the government and therefore in the decision making process is exonerating themselves of a crime that they have been found guilty of ?

Boy, they don't get any brighter with every cycle of reincarnation.

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Interesting fact is of course the PTP election manifesto talked of an amnesty.

Everyone who voted for the amnesty voted PTP and everyone against the amnesty voted for the Democrats and others.

So a public "referendum" has already been had on the subject of the amnesty, it was called the last election.

However, as it quite normal in Thailand, the Democrats and their yellow supporters will never accept the will of the people, the will of the rightful government duly elected by the people of Thailand.

So you get a few thousand of them causing havoc yet again.

And the harcore protestors are getting free food, free drinks and free entertainment - this is payment in kind. So they are "paid for" protestors.

As for an amnesty, where were these protestors when the coup leaders in 2006 duly gave themselves amnesty. I did not see one of the people protesting against amnesty in 2013 on the streets and protesting against the amnesty that the coup leaders gave themselves in 2006. So not only are the protestors paid for, they are also hypocrites.

TiT This is Thailand.

It doesn't necessarily follow that everyone that voted for PTP supported an amnesty. There were plenty of other reasons to vote for PTP (not many of them good).

Even IF everyone that voted for PTP supported an amnesty, that's only 48% of the vote, so it wouldn't pass a referendum anyway.

edit: in addition to that, some of the people that DID vote for PTP are currently protesting against the amnesty bill.

Edited by whybother
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