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Police preparing for action at Rchadamnoen? 8:41pm


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strangely the riot police-all out in full force standing idle along the streets declared as ''nogo'' for protesters=around parliament etc. in Dusit, men in blue, dark sunglasses, strong plexiglass shields, with lots of vans and arrest-cars,are not to be seen along the current protest site Ratchdamnen, east of Democrzy Monmt. Mostly srteet/traffic police trying to get traffic moving somewhat.

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Nothing happened ... other than rain at Rachadamnoen ...

and plebtard smile.png You are welcome to translate the photo caption on her page smile.png

Let's hope that Super Typhoon Haiyan saves some of its fury for the bought-and-paid-for 'demonstrators' doing the bidding of the Super Rich Elite on Rachadamnoen and elsewhere.

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Nothing happened ... other than rain at Rachadamnoen ...

and plebtard smile.png You are welcome to translate the photo caption on her page smile.png

Let's hope that Super Typhoon Haiyan saves some of its fury for the bought-and-paid-for 'demonstrators' doing the bidding of the Super Rich Elite on Rachadamnoen and elsewhere.

Here we go again. Another PTP stooge attempting to convince us that the decent Thais protesting against the foulest of legislation are driven onto the streets with the payment of a few hundred baht.

Sorry but you picked the wrong fight.

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Nothing happened ... other than rain at Rachadamnoen ...

and plebtard xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp You are welcome to translate the photo caption on her page xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

Let's hope that Super Typhoon Haiyan saves some of its fury for the bought-and-paid-for 'demonstrators' doing the bidding of the Super Rich Elite on Rachadamnoen and elsewhere.

Here we go again. Another PTP stooge attempting to convince us that the decent Thais protesting against the foulest of legislation are driven onto the streets with the payment of a few hundred baht.

Sorry but you picked the wrong fight.

I'm not anyone's stooge. The demonstrators do not represent anyone other than a narrow, Bangkok elite. Rather than demonstrating and inconveniencing the residents of Bangkok, why don't they call for a referendum? Let the people decide as they call themselves democrats. They wont do that because they know they would lose. The majority support the governments stance and that includes the residents of the provinces surrounding Bangkok.

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Nothing happened ... other than rain at Rachadamnoen ...

and plebtard xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp You are welcome to translate the photo caption on her page xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

Let's hope that Super Typhoon Haiyan saves some of its fury for the bought-and-paid-for 'demonstrators' doing the bidding of the Super Rich Elite on Rachadamnoen and elsewhere.

Here we go again. Another PTP stooge attempting to convince us that the decent Thais protesting against the foulest of legislation are driven onto the streets with the payment of a few hundred baht.

Sorry but you picked the wrong fight.

I'm not anyone's stooge. The demonstrators do not represent anyone other than a narrow, Bangkok elite. Rather than demonstrating and inconveniencing the residents of Bangkok, why don't they call for a referendum? Let the people decide as they call themselves democrats. They wont do that because they know they would lose. The majority support the governments stance and that includes the residents of the provinces surrounding Bangkok.

I usually do not post on politics, but the comments from someone who obviously has not seen or spoken with the crowds as I have should not go uncontested. You have been in Thailand long enough to understand politics here and your comments are made without benefit of experience or knowledge (just bias.) I personally know many of the protesters, students, small business owners, teachers, and many others that fall way below the RICH line. They just refuse to allow an amnesty for criminals and refuse to acknowledge that corruption can not be stamped out in Thailand. I have been in the middle of the crowds this week, so I have direct knowledge (and am unbiased in Thai politics.)Get out of your nest and come to Bangkok to see what the truth is.

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Millwall has been preaching the red script for years. I can only assume that he still doesn't speak Thai or read Thai and has no Thai friends on FB or other social media. You would think that he would have at least noticed on here that there are still rifts in the red shirt factions and that many people are very opposed to the amnesty bill that is still sitting in front of the senate.

I suggest he read the article in Bloomberg.

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Let's hope that Super Typhoon Haiyan saves some of its fury for the bought-and-paid-for 'demonstrators' doing the bidding of the Super Rich Elite on Rachadamnoen and elsewhere.

Here we go again. Another PTP stooge attempting to convince us that the decent Thais protesting against the foulest of legislation are driven onto the streets with the payment of a few hundred baht.

Sorry but you picked the wrong fight.

I'm not anyone's stooge. The demonstrators do not represent anyone other than a narrow, Bangkok elite. Rather than demonstrating and inconveniencing the residents of Bangkok, why don't they call for a referendum? Let the people decide as they call themselves democrats. They wont do that because they know they would lose. The majority support the governments stance and that includes the residents of the provinces surrounding Bangkok.

I usually do not post on politics, but the comments from someone who obviously has not seen or spoken with the crowds as I have should not go uncontested. You have been in Thailand long enough to understand politics here and your comments are made without benefit of experience or knowledge (just bias.) I personally know many of the protesters, students, small business owners, teachers, and many others that fall way below the RICH line. They just refuse to allow an amnesty for criminals and refuse to acknowledge that corruption can not be stamped out in Thailand. I have been in the middle of the crowds this week, so I have direct knowledge (and am unbiased in Thai politics.)Get out of your nest and come to Bangkok to see what the truth is.

In point of fact I am in Bangkok and I quite accept that Bangkok Thais I talk to are against the amnesty bill and in favour of the 'all colours but red' protests, but Bangkok is not the only place in Thailand and students, academics, businessmen, journalists, and the like, make up a small percentage of Thai society. Former senate speaker Meechai Ruchuphan quoted in the English language press says the government should 'listen to the people' by which he means the demonstrators. Lujanit is presumably referring to the same people. What they both completely fail to understand is that there are 68 million Thais in 78 provinces and the majority support the amnesty bill and want to see Thaksin return. The 2007 constitution was a deliberate attempt by the ruling elite to circumvent that democratic majority by neutering the government and placing much power in the hands of QANGOs such as the constitutional court and non part political bodies like the senate that are dominated by the elite. Tomorrow the inevitable will happen and the Reds will demonstrate in favour of the bill. One hopes the two sides can be kept apart. This debate should be taking place in parliament -not on the streets of Bangkok. The 'Democrats' say that Puea Thai are 'abusing their majority in parliament': sorry guys they are using their large majority - given by the Thai people only two years ago.

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