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How will Thailand's amnesty bill row end?


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How will Thailand's amnesty bill row end?
By Jonathan Head
BBC News, Bangkok

Over the past two weeks, a period of relative calm in Thai politics has been shattered.

BANGKOK: -- Tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of Bangkok in a striking echo of previous protest movements that, over the last decade, have led to a military coup, the occupation of the main international airport, the court-ordered resignation of two prime ministers and a military operation in 2010 that cost more than 90 lives.

Those years of turmoil surrounding the figure of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra left Thailand shocked and exhausted in 2010.

For the past three years there has been little appetite for confrontation. Efforts by hard-line royalists to rally demonstrations against the government of Mr Thaksin's sister, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, went nowhere.

All that changed last month when Mr Thaksin's party, Pheu Thai, suddenly expanded a modest amnesty proposal, which initially covered only ordinary people charged for involvement in past protests, to a sweeping absolution for all convictions related to political conflicts dating back to 2004. [read more...]

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-24846792

-- BBC 2013-11-07

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I think the Thai Police have done a very good job of show of force to protect the Shin Dynasty. We and the international media have been told by Pol. Capt Chalerm, that it was the police that were the Black Shirts in 2010. The police must have been some where, because they did little or nothing to support Thailand. to stop the burning of Bangkok. ph34r.pngph34r.png

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Perhaps the headline should read ' When ' instead of ' How ' as there's no way Mr. T will ever let this go, will ever rest until he's back here in power, has his money returned and has sorted out those he considers wronged him.

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Refreshing to see that at last Mr.Head has done some homework rather than just trotting out the ludicrous phrai(poor folk led by benevolent genius self made millionaire Thaksin) against amart(educated Thais) nonsense that he ruffled so many feathers with back in 2010. I wonder what Dan Rivers has to say about this latest struggle, now that he is more distanced from Jakrapob.

I think JH is one of the more knowledgeable BBC correspondents. He didn't cover 2010, think he left Thailand in 09 after a spurious LM charge was brought against him. You must be thinking of Alistair Leithead, who, although a newcomer to Thailand, didn't do that bad of a job in 2010 imo. He was one of the only correspondents to film the MiB in action btw. In fact, I think the only footage of the MiB after April 10, other than that which CNN later obtained, is that filmed by the BBC.

Regards your last sentence, yes, Jakrapob is homosexual, but so far as I know, Rivers isn't and is married to an Australian woman (not a Thai from the NE, as alleged by IIRC, Sondhi, in 2010). Even if he were, Jakrapob was in Cambodia during 2010, so I'm not convinced that would've swayed Rivers, even if I agreed Rivers was biased, which I don't.

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Refreshing to see that at last Mr.Head has done some homework rather than just trotting out the ludicrous phrai(poor folk led by benevolent genius self made millionaire Thaksin) against amart(educated Thais) nonsense that he ruffled so many feathers with back in 2010. I wonder what Dan Rivers has to say about this latest struggle, now that he is more distanced from Jakrapob.

My guess is you've never read anything Jakrapob has said

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Refreshing to see that at last Mr.Head has done some homework rather than just trotting out the ludicrous phrai(poor folk led by benevolent genius self made millionaire Thaksin) against amart(educated Thais) nonsense that he ruffled so many feathers with back in 2010. I wonder what Dan Rivers has to say about this latest struggle, now that he is more distanced from Jakrapob.

I think JH is one of the more knowledgeable BBC correspondents. He didn't cover 2010, think he left Thailand in 09 after a spurious LM charge was brought against him. You must be thinking of Alistair Leithead, who, although a newcomer to Thailand, didn't do that bad of a job in 2010 imo. He was one of the only correspondents to film the MiB in action btw. In fact, I think the only footage of the MiB after April 10, other than that which CNN later obtained, is that filmed by the BBC.

Regards your last sentence, yes, Jakrapob is homosexual, but so far as I know, Rivers isn't and is married to an Australian woman (not a Thai from the NE, as alleged by IIRC, Sondhi, in 2010). Even if he were, Jakrapob was in Cambodia during 2010, so I'm not convinced that would've swayed Rivers, even if I agreed Rivers was biased, which I don't.

Leifhead told us he saw a man waving a handgun which was so surprising as hardly any thais own hand guns now do they?

He now reports from Hollywood. Maybe he's gay because he doesn't seem to have any purpose at the BBC.

He was parachuted in by the BBC to Bangkok and appeared clueless unlike the lady BBC reporter( I forget her name) who is here and is excellent .

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Refreshing to see that at last Mr.Head has done some homework rather than just trotting out the ludicrous phrai(poor folk led by benevolent genius self made millionaire Thaksin) against amart(educated Thais) nonsense that he ruffled so many feathers with back in 2010. I wonder what Dan Rivers has to say about this latest struggle, now that he is more distanced from Jakrapob.

I think JH is one of the more knowledgeable BBC correspondents. He didn't cover 2010, think he left Thailand in 09 after a spurious LM charge was brought against him. You must be thinking of Alistair Leithead, who, although a newcomer to Thailand, didn't do that bad of a job in 2010 imo. He was one of the only correspondents to film the MiB in action btw. In fact, I think the only footage of the MiB after April 10, other than that which CNN later obtained, is that filmed by the BBC.

Regards your last sentence, yes, Jakrapob is homosexual, but so far as I know, Rivers isn't and is married to an Australian woman (not a Thai from the NE, as alleged by IIRC, Sondhi, in 2010). Even if he were, Jakrapob was in Cambodia during 2010, so I'm not convinced that would've swayed Rivers, even if I agreed Rivers was biased, which I don't.

As much as it pains me to criticise a fellow Old Alleynian I do believe JH has had a particular axe to grind since his return last year possibly as a result of the charge of LM which as we all know is abused at will here now.

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Refreshing to see that at last Mr.Head has done some homework rather than just trotting out the ludicrous phrai(poor folk led by benevolent genius self made millionaire Thaksin) against amart(educated Thais) nonsense that he ruffled so many feathers with back in 2010. I wonder what Dan Rivers has to say about this latest struggle, now that he is more distanced from Jakrapob.

I think JH is one of the more knowledgeable BBC correspondents. He didn't cover 2010, think he left Thailand in 09 after a spurious LM charge was brought against him. You must be thinking of Alistair Leithead, who, although a newcomer to Thailand, didn't do that bad of a job in 2010 imo. He was one of the only correspondents to film the MiB in action btw. In fact, I think the only footage of the MiB after April 10, other than that which CNN later obtained, is that filmed by the BBC.

Regards your last sentence, yes, Jakrapob is homosexual, but so far as I know, Rivers isn't and is married to an Australian woman (not a Thai from the NE, as alleged by IIRC, Sondhi, in 2010). Even if he were, Jakrapob was in Cambodia during 2010, so I'm not convinced that would've swayed Rivers, even if I agreed Rivers was biased, which I don't.

Leifhead told us he saw a man waving a handgun which was so surprising as hardly any thais own hand guns now do they?

He now reports from Hollywood. Maybe he's gay because he doesn't seem to have any purpose at the BBC.

He was parachuted in by the BBC to Bangkok and appeared clueless unlike the lady BBC reporter( I forget her name) who is here and is excellent .

Actually, the BBC got decent footage of two MiB firing what I believe to be M16s or similar, over the wall at the Thai military on May 19th. They actually ran into Leithead in a moment of confusion and Leithead said he was scared for a moment but OK in the end (obviously). They also had an interview with a guy who was purportedly one of the MiB, who said, in very good English: 'we got bombs, we got guns, we gonna defend ourselves', or the like. You'll have to take my word for this I'm afraid b/c it was part of this documentary: http://asiancorrespo...ntary-red-rage/ and I can't find another version online now that's been removed from youtube. I'm surprised so few people I know seem to have seen this documentary. Perhaps because it's unfavourable to both sides. It shows clearer footage of the MiB in action than any other source does, yet Leithead is also unequivocal in that he witnessed the military shooting wildly at clearly unarmed protesters. So, yeah, let's all just ignore it... it's for the best.

Not sure what to make of yr obviously homophobic remark there, but... what? Rachel Harvey is the name of the other reporter you mention I think. Agree she's produced some decent reports.

Edited by Emptyset
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How indeed will this end , that is the fifty million dollar question, generally in Thai it meets a conclusion and dies a natural death, then , every now and again there is enough ground swell with interested parties to bring on another coup, involvement of the uni students is vital for anything to succeed, they seem to be the fore runners of change in Thailand, not the establishment. coffee1.gif

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How indeed will this end , that is the fifty million dollar question, generally in Thai it meets a conclusion and dies a natural death, then , every now and again there is enough ground swell with interested parties to bring on another coup, involvement of the uni students is vital for anything to succeed, they seem to be the fore runners of change in Thailand, not the establishment. coffee1.gif

Are you taking the piss out of Thammasat 1976? and drinking coffee as if this situation is a joke?


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Refreshing to see that at last Mr.Head has done some homework rather than just trotting out the ludicrous phrai(poor folk led by benevolent genius self made millionaire Thaksin) against amart(educated Thais) nonsense that he ruffled so many feathers with back in 2010. I wonder what Dan Rivers has to say about this latest struggle, now that he is more distanced from Jakrapob.

I think JH is one of the more knowledgeable BBC correspondents. He didn't cover 2010, think he left Thailand in 09 after a spurious LM charge was brought against him. You must be thinking of Alistair Leithead, who, although a newcomer to Thailand, didn't do that bad of a job in 2010 imo. He was one of the only correspondents to film the MiB in action btw. In fact, I think the only footage of the MiB after April 10, other than that which CNN later obtained, is that filmed by the BBC.

Regards your last sentence, yes, Jakrapob is homosexual, but so far as I know, Rivers isn't and is married to an Australian woman (not a Thai from the NE, as alleged by IIRC, Sondhi, in 2010). Even if he were, Jakrapob was in Cambodia during 2010, so I'm not convinced that would've swayed Rivers, even if I agreed Rivers was biased, which I don't.

Leifhead told us he saw a man waving a handgun which was so surprising as hardly any thais own hand guns now do they?

He now reports from Hollywood. Maybe he's gay because he doesn't seem to have any purpose at the BBC.

He was parachuted in by the BBC to Bangkok and appeared clueless unlike the lady BBC reporter( I forget her name) who is here and is excellent .

What a piece of work you are

First you try to diminish the fact that a reporter showed that the red shirts were armed

Then you attempt to diminish his stature by calling him "gay" and "clueless"

Then you attempt to give credibility to a complete numpty who sat there while the red shirts called for burning Bangkok Sirirach Hospital, alll the moslem mosques and reported it as a giant tea party?


Clearly your views are your own

but if you read the thread there's

1; a reference as a form of judgement of the red shirt leader whose speeches or any selections of you have NEVER ever read nor as a right wing whatever you could never read

2; Sirirach Hospital,. As usual this a reference to the red shirts "storming" or entering after being fired upon hospital overlooking the red shirts encampment where hospital wing had been evacuated. lights were all off but military personel were observed hence the "storming."

She does a great job not least for showing fund raising banquets being held in the north to support the protestors in Bangkok and exposing one of the lies about it only being Thaksin paying for the protests.

ergo and then again why did Abhisit then freeze the accounts of 150 senior Thaksin supporters?

What accounts did Thaksin or Yingluk ever freeze calling them terrorists?

Exactly you just don't get it and you are just brainwashed.

You believe that the voters are all bought.

We're all too stupid right?

Yes there is a power struggle impossible to discuss here so there's no need to troll or it's a de-BAIT/

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Get ready for CIVIL WAR. It has been coming for many a year, as more and more have become more aware, despite the education knockers that post!

Well it could come.

Look back to 2008 and what happened then.

I hope that they , Yingluk and Pheu thai have learned some lessons since then.

Clearly the ISO's and police actions or non-actions have succeeded so far.

Only the other day Suthep was warning on the Democrats stage that if any protestor was harmed there would be WAR.

Upping the ante with him is to be expected.

Apparently the yellow, they're already wearing the tee-shirts proclaiming the ICJ decision going against Thailand.

Yingluk has cleverly avoided being embroiled in the Amnesty Bill. They can't pin it on her.

Should it happen these boards will become ever so quiet as all the stooges take flight.

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Clearly your views are your own

but if you read the thread there's

1; a reference as a form of judgement of the red shirt leader whose speeches or any selections of you have NEVER ever read nor as a right wing whatever you could never read

2; Sirirach Hospital,. As usual this a reference to the red shirts "storming" or entering after being fired upon hospital overlooking the red shirts encampment where hospital wing had been evacuated. lights were all off but military personel were observed hence the "storming."

She does a great job not least for showing fund raising banquets being held in the north to support the protestors in Bangkok and exposing one of the lies about it only being Thaksin paying for the protests.

ergo and then again why did Abhisit then freeze the accounts of 150 senior Thaksin supporters?

What accounts did Thaksin or Yingluk ever freeze calling them terrorists?

Exactly you just don't get it and you are just brainwashed.

You believe that the voters are all bought.

We're all too stupid right?

Yes there is a power struggle impossible to discuss here so there's no need to troll or it's a de-BAIT/

It has obviously been a stressful day for Thaksin's fans but please try and keep a clear head, slow down and consider what you write before posting.

Your assumption that nobody apart from yourself is familiar with Jakrapobs speeches and views is totally erroneous. I for one can remember all of his incitements to violence amongst his other feats such as surpressing media outlets that didn't agree with his boss view of the day.

You are confusing the hospital that the reds stormed, which was Chula, with the Siriraj hospital that was housing the head of state and was on the Arisman burn list that was read out to cheering crowds of Thaksin supporters on stage during a red rally by Arisman. By searching youtube you can familiarise yourself with that sorry episode.

A worse fate than someone not supporting the head of state cannot be imagined, clearly.

Now we have cleared that up do you remember "Woody"? Or the connection to Jakrapob?

His speeches should be published but perhaps not for too sensitive ears.

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Whichever way it goes, I don't think day to day life will change dramatically.

Corruption will remain, in ever walk of life from top to bottom.

Most Thai people seem to live happily with those arrangements, it's just the way it has always been !!

The only thing that would be nice to see, is the little people being released from prison and the big guns (from both sides) being put there in their place.

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Clearly your views are your own but if you read the thread there's

1; a reference as a form of judgement of the red shirt leader whose speeches or any selections of you have NEVER ever read nor as a right wing whatever you could never read

2; Sirirach Hospital,. As usual this a reference to the red shirts "storming" or entering after being fired upon hospital overlooking the red shirts encampment where hospital wing had been evacuated. lights were all off but military personel were observed hence the "storming."

She does a great job not least for showing fund raising banquets being held in the north to support the protestors in Bangkok and exposing one of the lies about it only being Thaksin paying for the protests.

ergo and then again why did Abhisit then freeze the accounts of 150 senior Thaksin supporters?

What accounts did Thaksin or Yingluk ever freeze calling them terrorists?

Exactly you just don't get it and you are just brainwashed.

You believe that the voters are all bought.

We're all too stupid right?

Yes there is a power struggle impossible to discuss here so there's no need to troll or it's a de-BAIT/

What red propaganda have you been reading? The red shirts were never fired upon from the hospital that they invaded. They have never even suggested that. They allegedly saw soldiers. That's all.

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Get ready for CIVIL WAR. It has been coming for many a year, as more and more have become more aware, despite the education knockers that post!

Well it could come.

Look back to 2008 and what happened then.

I hope that they , Yingluk and Pheu thai have learned some lessons since then.

Clearly the ISO's and police actions or non-actions have succeeded so far.

Only the other day Suthep was warning on the Democrats stage that if any protestor was harmed there would be WAR.

Upping the ante with him is to be expected.

Apparently the yellow, they're already wearing the tee-shirts proclaiming the ICJ decision going against Thailand.

Yingluk has cleverly avoided being embroiled in the Amnesty Bill. They can't pin it on her.

Should it happen these boards will become ever so quiet as all the stooges take flight.

Yinluck stating cant pin amnesty on her? WHAT THE F??? She is head of Government and the HEAD cops it no matter what. IT IS HER DUTY and her responsibilty. Are you stating she does nothing ion Government? Ooops answered myself here....

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Clearly your views are your own but if you read the thread there's

1; a reference as a form of judgement of the red shirt leader whose speeches or any selections of you have NEVER ever read nor as a right wing whatever you could never read

2; Sirirach Hospital,. As usual this a reference to the red shirts "storming" or entering after being fired upon hospital overlooking the red shirts encampment where hospital wing had been evacuated. lights were all off but military personel were observed hence the "storming."

She does a great job not least for showing fund raising banquets being held in the north to support the protestors in Bangkok and exposing one of the lies about it only being Thaksin paying for the protests.

ergo and then again why did Abhisit then freeze the accounts of 150 senior Thaksin supporters?

What accounts did Thaksin or Yingluk ever freeze calling them terrorists?

Exactly you just don't get it and you are just brainwashed.

You believe that the voters are all bought.

We're all too stupid right?

Yes there is a power struggle impossible to discuss here so there's no need to troll or it's a de-BAIT/

What red propaganda have you been reading? The red shirts were never fired upon from the hospital that they invaded. They have never even suggested that. They allegedly saw soldiers. That's all.

Also wasn't it Chulalongorn hospital along Ratchathewi? The 'incident' which saw UDD leader Dr. weng appologise with 'not our intention, carried away, no harm done'?

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Leifhead told us he saw a man waving a handgun which was so surprising as hardly any thais own hand guns now do they?

He now reports from Hollywood. Maybe he's gay because he doesn't seem to have any purpose at the BBC.

He was parachuted in by the BBC to Bangkok and appeared clueless unlike the lady BBC reporter( I forget her name) who is here and is excellent .

What a piece of work you are

First you try to diminish the fact that a reporter showed that the red shirts were armed

Then you attempt to diminish his stature by calling him "gay" and "clueless"

Then you attempt to give credibility to a complete numpty who sat there while the red shirts called for burning Bangkok Sirirach Hospital, alll the moslem mosques and reported it as a giant tea party?


Clearly your views are your own

but if you read the thread there's

1; a reference as a form of judgement of the red shirt leader whose speeches or any selections of you have NEVER ever read nor as a right wing whatever you could never read

2; Sirirach Hospital,. As usual this a reference to the red shirts "storming" or entering after being fired upon hospital overlooking the red shirts encampment where hospital wing had been evacuated. lights were all off but military personel were observed hence the "storming."

She does a great job not least for showing fund raising banquets being held in the north to support the protestors in Bangkok and exposing one of the lies about it only being Thaksin paying for the protests.

ergo and then again why did Abhisit then freeze the accounts of 150 senior Thaksin supporters?

What accounts did Thaksin or Yingluk ever freeze calling them terrorists?

Exactly you just don't get it and you are just brainwashed.

You believe that the voters are all bought.

We're all too stupid right?

Yes there is a power struggle impossible to discuss here so there's no need to troll or it's a de-BAIT/

What is all this meaningless bilge? And what does it have to do with my post?

You seem to be stuck in 2010 and we're at the end of 2013

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And in the mean time ordinary red-shirt citizens are still in jail?

I thought the government spent millions in providing bail money?

Double Standards again:

Thailand’s Former Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya indicted on terrorism charges

Posted on April 19, 2013

10 more of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) leaders has been indicted yesterday on terrorism and other charges in connection with the seizure of Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports in 2008.After the indictment, the rich “yellow shirts” were each released on THB 600,000 bail with money provided from the justice fund of the Justice Ministry.

To put this into some kind of perspective Udon Thani Provincial Court this month agreed to release four jailed “red shirts” from poor families that have had to endured prison since 2011. However, their bail was set by the court at 2.5 million baht each and had to be paid for from United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) funds.


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Absolutely correct, dear fabby!

- if the government provides bail money they should do to all related cases.

- the bail level relates to 'crimes', 'flight risk' and so on

- why do the UdonThani red-shirts have to rely on UDD funds, why didn't the government or Pheu Thai MPs offer support like they did for the UDD leaders and a few others?

Just to be sure, the bail support for 'yellow shirts' in April 2013 was under the current government rolleyes.gif

And in the mean time ordinary red-shirt citizens are still in jail?

I thought the government spent millions in providing bail money?

Double Standards again:

Thailand’s Former Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya indicted on terrorism charges

Posted on April 19, 2013

10 more of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) leaders has been indicted yesterday on terrorism and other charges in connection with the seizure of Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports in 2008.After the indictment, the rich “yellow shirts” were each released on THB 600,000 bail with money provided from the justice fund of the Justice Ministry.

To put this into some kind of perspective Udon Thani Provincial Court this month agreed to release four jailed “red shirts” from poor families that have had to endured prison since 2011. However, their bail was set by the court at 2.5 million baht each and had to be paid for from United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) funds.


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Absolutely correct, dear fabby!

- if the government provides bail money they should do to all related cases.

- the bail level relates to 'crimes', 'flight risk' and so on

- why do the UdonThani red-shirts have to rely on UDD funds, why didn't the government or Pheu Thai MPs offer support like they did for the UDD leaders and a few others?

Just to be sure, the bail support for 'yellow shirts' in April 2013 was under the current government rolleyes.gif

And in the mean time ordinary red-shirt citizens are still in jail?

I thought the government spent millions in providing bail money?

Double Standards again:

Thailand’s Former Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya indicted on terrorism charges

Posted on April 19, 2013

10 more of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) leaders has been indicted yesterday on terrorism and other charges in connection with the seizure of Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports in 2008.After the indictment, the rich “yellow shirts” were each released on THB 600,000 bail with money provided from the justice fund of the Justice Ministry.

To put this into some kind of perspective Udon Thani Provincial Court this month agreed to release four jailed “red shirts” from poor families that have had to endured prison since 2011. However, their bail was set by the court at 2.5 million baht each and had to be paid for from United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) funds.


Well dear Barney, it may be the current Government, but it's the same old Judges that have been around forever - amart and yellow and very obviously not bought and paid for as alleged by the the majority on this forum.

Edited by fab4
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