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How will Thailand's amnesty bill row end?


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Did you see my "bail level relates to ... ..."

Of course, with a government able to loose subsidise farmers with the odd THB 360++ billion, they may have a problem with a few millions. nothing to do with judges or interest. Even Dept. Min. of Commerce, Pheu Thai partylist MP and UDD co-leader Nattawut spent time on a tour explaining the 'rice price pledging' to farmers ignoring his fellow red-shirts lingering in jail.

As I said "absolutely correct, double standards"

Absolutely correct, dear fabby!

- if the government provides bail money they should do to all related cases.

- the bail level relates to 'crimes', 'flight risk' and so on

- why do the UdonThani red-shirts have to rely on UDD funds, why didn't the government or Pheu Thai MPs offer support like they did for the UDD leaders and a few others?

Just to be sure, the bail support for 'yellow shirts' in April 2013 was under the current government rolleyes.gif

Well dear Barney, it may be the current Government, but it's the same old Judges that have been around forever - amart and yellow and very obviously not bought and paid for as alleged by the the majority on this forum.

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Get ready for CIVIL WAR. It has been coming for many a year, as more and more have become more aware, despite the education knockers that post!

Well it could come.

Look back to 2008 and what happened then.

I hope that they , Yingluk and Pheu thai have learned some lessons since then.

Clearly the ISO's and police actions or non-actions have succeeded so far.

Only the other day Suthep was warning on the Democrats stage that if any protestor was harmed there would be WAR.

Upping the ante with him is to be expected.

Apparently the yellow, they're already wearing the tee-shirts proclaiming the ICJ decision going against Thailand.

Yingluk has cleverly avoided being embroiled in the Amnesty Bill. They can't pin it on her.

Should it happen these boards will become ever so quiet as all the stooges take flight.

Yinluck stating cant pin amnesty on her? WHAT THE F??? She is head of Government and the HEAD cops it no matter what. IT IS HER DUTY and her responsibilty. Are you stating she does nothing ion Government? Ooops answered myself here....

Head stooge is the phrase that comes to mind.

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