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Has anyone seen/heard a Thai male - farang female couple?


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I suppose they need to have more farang bar girls and advertise them and invite more foreigners. In the future when europe starts to become more 3rd world and thailand more 1st world and they develop some beach strip into a pattaya clone then you would see that more often but yes you can see such coupling in thailand too. It turns out that farang females find dark or tanned skin attractive just like the men but somehow they prefer those of the african variety. It is more open in places like bali just google kuta cow boys who are like the male version of bar girls although i wonder why they don't have a thai version of those kuta boys indonesian guys do look similar to thai guys.

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I hope no one in here is offended or feeling proud of this so called "alpha stealing your women" type of mentality.

Some guys do think in that manner and that is why well you hear complaints of say some farang men that complain of farang women hooking up with say african men.

In fact the US used to forbid black men from even looking at a farang woman and the punishment was death or a serious flogging but somehow the stigma wasn't that big or probably none at all if the man was a farang with a black woman. If you look at the situation it was like the women were treated like goods and not humans and the mentality was that one race was dominating another one if the man was dating,marrying, having sex with the woman of another race which could be the one of the reasons why farang women with african men was forbidden in the past.

Certainly hope no TV members have such mentality if they see a farang male with a thai or vice versa.

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I saw some in Chiang Mai, but it's VERY rare. Youngish backpacker type chick and a younger (20's) hip type Thai with spikey hair.

I have also seen some strange single foreigner females sitting around that give off a lesbian vibe, usually younger (20's) types. And a good deal more Japanese female couples that look like lesbians.

Got to laugh at this comment: Lesbians ? Does any young female who doesn't look at you and smile look like a lesbian by any chance ?


With the numbers of Western ladies in Thailand it would be only natural that many of them enter into a relationship with a Thai gent - Odds are that they are far more likely to meet a Thai chappy than a Westerner simply because there are so many more Thai chaps about.

Much in the same way it's only natural that many Western men meet Thai ladies... Lets face had the majority of males with Thai Wives / Partners been living in Spain (for example) they would have met and settled with Spanish ladies...

Thus: It makes plenty of sense that a Western Lady will meet a Thai Gent and settle down into what I imagine are very normal relationships, much in the same way many Western Men are in very normal relationships with Thai ladies (we only hear of the train wrecks on these forums, normality is very boring to write about !).

I see a fault in your logic!

Western ladies generally also marry to improve their status/lifestyle, very few will settle for a poorer male.

Same with Spanish ladies, most western guys don't have the cash (relatively speaking) to attract in Spain.

Not everyone looks like they were in the Munsters Tommo. wai.gif

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I have known quite a few of these couples and through my observations I have created a stereotype.

Hippy styled western girls date Thai guys, and for the majority it seems the Thai guy falls into one of the following categories: artist, musician, bar owner. Most of them have long hair or dredds, usually a bit of facial hair and crap quality tattoos.

I don't know the financial situation, but I can speculate that the guy is making very little money.

Good observation.

These guys also have the correct alpha attitude, often macho or thugs, and that's what chicks dig for.

Often they are also on a pump-and-dump mission. Nothing wrong with that.

Not true, I know a Thai man (about 35 years old) he writes books and columns about travel in Thailand (in Thai and English, under various pen names) and he and his English wife run a very successful Thai cooking school. She is the same age as her husband and has a Thai passport, they met when the husband was at school in England and have been together for about 10 or 12 years. They have 3 kids, all born in Thailand, and are very obviously a very happy and successful family. They spend about 9 months of the year here in Thailand and 3 months in England where they run a part-time Thai cooking school. Part of the reason for 3 months per year is so that their kids get exposure to Western culture, behaviors, etc., and the kids spend most of the 3 months in England in school.

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I hope no one in here is offended or feeling proud of this so called "alpha stealing your women" type of mentality.

Some guys do think in that manner and that is why well you hear complaints of say some farang men that complain of farang women hooking up with say african men.

In fact the US used to forbid black men from even looking at a farang woman and the punishment was death or a serious flogging but somehow the stigma wasn't that big or probably none at all if the man was a farang with a black woman. If you look at the situation it was like the women were treated like goods and not humans and the mentality was that one race was dominating another one if the man was dating,marrying, having sex with the woman of another race which could be the one of the reasons why farang women with african men was forbidden in the past.

Certainly hope no TV members have such mentality if they see a farang male with a thai or vice versa.

This is TV. Just look at any thread featuring black or arab men. 60% of the board are complete miserable human beings funnily enough trying to insinuate that I'm a troll when they themselves are the biggest trolls of their sad, racist, bigoted lives.

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I have known quite a few of these couples and through my observations I have created a stereotype.

Hippy styled western girls date Thai guys, and for the majority it seems the Thai guy falls into one of the following categories: artist, musician, bar owner. Most of them have long hair or dredds, usually a bit of facial hair and crap quality tattoos.

I don't know the financial situation, but I can speculate that the guy is making very little money.

Good observation.

These guys also have the correct alpha attitude, often macho or thugs, and that's what chicks dig for.

Often they are also on a pump-and-dump mission. Nothing wrong with that.

Not true, I know a Thai man (about 35 years old) he writes books and columns about travel in Thailand (in Thai and English, under various pen names) and he and his English wife run a very successful Thai cooking school. She is the same age as her husband and has a Thai passport, they met when the husband was at school in England and have been together for about 10 or 12 years. They have 3 kids, all born in Thailand, and are very obviously a very happy and successful family. They spend about 9 months of the year here in Thailand and 3 months in England where they run a part-time Thai cooking school. Part of the reason for 3 months per year is so that their kids get exposure to Western culture, behaviors, etc., and the kids spend most of the 3 months in England in school.

Of course it's not true in every situation. As I said my exposure to this has led me to make my own stereotype. While some people may immediately cringe at the word, they exist. But there are always oing to be examples that support it or disprove it.

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Heard two western girls in BKK (one UK, one Canadian, by their accents) discussing their dating experiences in Thailand. It was pretty amusing, actually--the flip side of the coin, with many different cultural minefields to navigate. Ahhh....eavesdropping...my favorite pastime. Know of another woman who lives in the area and has a Thai hubby. Have seen a few around in more touristy areas. Rarer, but does exist.

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I have met a few farang women with Thai husbands and some Asian women from other countries too. Most of the ones I have met got to know each other when the Thai partner was studying in his wife's country. Like most marriages, some work out and some don't. There is a bit of a risk of the Thai male becoming Westernised while abroad and reverting to type under peer group pressure on returning to Thailand with his foreign bride. Also Thai families and their expectations for daughters-in-law can be rather suffocating for a liberated Western woman. I knew one British woman who married a Thai university classmate in London whose father was a minister in Thailand. Her first ever trip to Asia was as his bride. She was expected to stay at home waiing his mother on her knees while he went on trips upcountry with Dad, accepting all the local "flowers" that were offered. Eventually, he brought a local delicacy he had found in Chiang Mai back to Bkk and informed wifey that he wouldn't be coming home on Wednesdays or Saturdays anymore but otherwise their marriage and her subservient existence in the family compound would remain unchanged. When she ran away and found herself a teaching job, he sent thugs to follow her and make death threats, insisting she return home to save his face. That marriage didn't last and she had to make a secret dash back to the UK but others have endured.

The converse situation are marriages between foreign men and Thai women who also find out that things abroad were not what they had imagined and that hubby's life in the West is actually a hard grind with little disposable income (and often alimony and child support payments to be made) where she is expected to cook and clean and learn a difficult foreign language or be left isolated. Often they move to European countries like Germany where racism against non-European immigrants and guest workers is rife. At least farangs in Thailand don't have that problem.

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There is a big difference between girls on holiday looking for a bit of fun/fling and dating/long term partnerships.
You will likely notice that the long term relationships between Thai men and Farang women are usually well matched.
Ive dated a couple of thai men. They were well educated and had travelled (one with his own business, and one working in a high corporate position). Then I met a farang guy here when i was single and we have been together since. I didnt go out my way to meet a farang and i wouldnt be adverse to dating a thai again if my relationship doesnt work out. Its about who you meet and click with and have enough in common with, not race or nationality. Would i date a beach boy? Most likely no. Just as i wouldnt date a beach guy in Spain either. The chances of us having much in common etc, is low.

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I now also remember the case of a Australian farang woman who married a Thai man she had met while they were both studying in Oz. He became a prominent player in the property sector and at the peak of his success had an acclaimed listed company and they seemed happy with two or three children. Then things went downhill and his company was suspended by the SET due to fraud allegations that proved to be founded and it eventually went bust. To protect his assets he transferred much of them to his wife who had become a Thai citizen. Finally she got fed up with his philandering and fraudulent activities and left him but declined to give back the properties that had been transferred to her for safe keeping. The converse of what often happens to farang men who use unfaithful Thai wives as nominees for property and businesses and fine poetic justice.

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There is something special about a female that marries a Thai.

What's that something?

My Thai BiL is married to a lovely Australian woman. They met in uni there, after uni they stayed in Oz for a few years, then deiced to move here around 10 years ago.

I dare say their relationship is a lot sounder than most foreign men with their (rural) Thai wives on monthly salaries who can barely speak the same language. biggrin.png

Edited by Jose T
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When I got married my husbands family did pay sinsod, they were quite a poor family but had made a real effort with lots of nice jewellery and some money. I wanted to give them it all back after the wedding as they really would have benefited more from it than me. In the end I kept a gold necklace and we persuaded them to keep the rest

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I have known quite a few of these couples and through my observations I have created a stereotype.

Hippy styled western girls date Thai guys, and for the majority it seems the Thai guy falls into one of the following categories: artist, musician, bar owner. Most of them have long hair or dredds, usually a bit of facial hair and crap quality tattoos.

I don't know the financial situation, but I can speculate that the guy is making very little money.

Good observation.

These guys also have the correct alpha attitude, often macho or thugs, and that's what chicks dig for.

Often they are also on a pump-and-dump mission. Nothing wrong with that.

Not true, I know a Thai man (about 35 years old) he writes books and columns about travel in Thailand (in Thai and English, under various pen names) and he and his English wife run a very successful Thai cooking school. She is the same age as her husband and has a Thai passport, they met when the husband was at school in England and have been together for about 10 or 12 years. They have 3 kids, all born in Thailand, and are very obviously a very happy and successful family. They spend about 9 months of the year here in Thailand and 3 months in England where they run a part-time Thai cooking school. Part of the reason for 3 months per year is so that their kids get exposure to Western culture, behaviors, etc., and the kids spend most of the 3 months in England in school.

I'm also aware of a very different example: Young Thai man (Mr. X.), good looking, great smile, about 21 / 22 years old has become a very good manager of an upmarket restaurant, he's been lucky enough to get some very good training and he's very good at all aspects of restaurant management and particularly good at charming female customers, he speaks very advanced English.

A farang who owns many successful restaurants, on vacation from London, notices Mr. X in Bkk and offers him the same job in a new very big Thai restaurant the farang is setting up in London.

Mr. X. tells his Thai wife (she has a young toddler) he'll go to London for one year then come back to Thailand. Mr X. departs, now about 15 years later, the Thai wife has never heard from him, not once.

Mr. X. leaves Thailand with outstanding loan taken from a loan shark to buy a small house. Thai wife goes through hell with the loan shark, loses the house, car, everything.

In London in the approx. 15 years he's been there, he married and divorced three farang women and has children with all three.

The brother of Mr. X was my work colleague for many years here, I still have occasional contact with the brother, he keeps me updated on Mr. X.

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I met a lady in a bar about 8yr ago--a teacher from U.K--said she was expecting her husband any minute--sure enough in he come -a motorbike taxi man--nice couple --had many a drink with them over the years.

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Knew a British girl with thai partner. They even have a kid together. In CM

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He obviously thinks the Thai guy is just after a bit of foreign.

Maybe in most cases he is correct?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Knew a British girl with thai partner. They even have a kid together. In CM

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


He obviously thinks the Thai guy is just after a bit of foreign.

Maybe in most cases he is correct?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

IF he thinks

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Do women married to a Thai national have the same visa requirements as a man and if not, how does it differ?

No money required in bank for Visa or extension.

If the Thai husband earn 15k a month, the foreign lady can apply for Thai citizenship.

...wow...maybe that's the way to go then...same-sex convenience marriage...???

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