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Tick Plague

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Tick Plague

Over the last month we have a developing tick issue, we are now pulling some 40+ a day off 2 dogs and they are now in the house big time, (dogs outside) and now biting humans.

Anyone know how to successfully fix this? Happy to get what ever drugs for the dogs if needed, their yard is also pretty small, so treating soil is possible.

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my dogs used to have loads of ticks we now give them En-Dex 4000 tablets once a month and no more ticks (live ones). Only sometimes we pick flat dead ones off them during there shower.

I found the tablets on-line in Thailand. cheap and worked.

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We had this problem couple of months ago, tried a few things, including injections, nothing worked.

Eventually we got a tick and flea collar each and a wash that I remember from my younger days back home for fleas that when added to water is white and has a strong smell, got it from the vet and have the name somewhere if you want it....but you mix up 2 litres of water with it, wash the dogs as normal and rinse, then put this mixture all over them, everywhere except eyes, nose mouth etc and put one of those funnel collars on them so they cannot lick it, let it dry for 10 minutes, then wash off, I have since heard it is ok to leave it dry as when dry it is not an issue for them to lick it, but I prefer to wash off as still works as well.

It killed all the ticks and eggs, it left a smell on them that kept them away and you can also use this as a wash for around the house and leave to dry, will smell a bit, but better than having infestation.

All were gone in matter of 1 week and back to normal now.

Only need to use it if you notice them come back, not weekly or such and the spot on does the job also.

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my dogs used to have loads of ticks we now give them En-Dex 4000 tablets once a month and no more ticks (live ones). Only sometimes we pick flat dead ones off them during there shower.

I found the tablets on-line in Thailand. cheap and worked.

Just checked on-line and they cost 100 baht a pack of ten tablets. The dose depends on the size of the dog but usually one tablet a month. If you google En-Dex 4000 you will see where to get them from.

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my dogs used to have loads of ticks we now give them En-Dex 4000 tablets once a month and no more ticks (live ones). Only sometimes we pick flat dead ones off them during there shower.

I found the tablets on-line in Thailand. cheap and worked.

Just checked on-line and they cost 100 baht a pack of ten tablets. The dose depends on the size of the dog but usually one tablet a month. If you google En-Dex 4000 you will see where to get them from.

These work very very well Vets charge B400 for a pack, so oder on line, I have tried the shampoos, powders, Front line, nothing comes close to En-dex 4000

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Contact a pest control company, ensure when they spray the chemical kills ticks as not all companies use the same chemical, you need to strip out the room the dogs sleep in (if they sleep inside) including all cabinets, drawers etc., behind everything. Ticks lay there eggs everywhere! Make sure you cut the grass and spray the whole area not just around the edges like most pest control companies do.

I use frontline once every 3 months and a powder which goes in the food once a month, recommended by the pest control company but its all in Thai so can't help with that 1 sorry.

If you just medicate the dogs often ticks will just hide inside the nooks and crannies in the house until the medication wears off.

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the tick wash is permethrin and it is the old fashioned tick dips which are very effective and probably not too healthy for us (or the dogs) to have on our skin but super effective....

there aer some horse fly and tick products like ultrashield which was the only absolute thing that worked in our specific area, as opposed to other areas close by us... it is also i think a version of permethrin with some other stuff that causes a synergy effect... NOT FOR CATS- DEADLY TO CATS.

but i sprayed everywhere, the house, the sofas, the floors, the cracks of windows, the dogs, everywhere... and it worked better then all the other dog/goat/sheep/chicken powders or sprays.

in israel it was only by vet sale and finally able to purchase in farm stores, maybe thailand would have?

ive found frontline etc not working on our ticks.

and endex is just ivermectin oral. and ivermec is not as good against ticks as it is against mites, fleas and some parasites.

personally i would vary the treatment and if there is a season that there are no ticks, not use any stuff at all, since ticks seem to develop hardiness to productrs very easily... even by locale/

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Thanks, just adding after looking for more info, re the tick dip, "Many cats die after being given flea treatments intended for dogs, or by contact with dogs having recently been treated with permethrin." wikipedia.

Damn, I was thinking of sloshing this around outside, I would be risking a month with the mum in law (death) if I killed our cat by accident.

I really am scared absolutely letting a person spray chemicals who very likely has absolutely know idea, considering the chemicals you can buy over the counter here that have been banned in every western country for 50 years. The guy will probably give me a lecture how you can only get sick from rain drops and not by viruses and bacteria etc that I am having daily from........... as they sneeze and cough on my face.

I would prefer to research any chemicals I use in Thailand my self first. However treating the dogs by them selves will probably only treat the symptoms, and need to treat the ground with eggs and helps avoid them entering the house.

(The cat has never had a tick by the way - but they do attach to humans) and for the Aussies reading, these look like the ticks there but clearly do not paralyze and kill - they can find the dog, attach - fill up with blood in less than 8 hours. Ticks in Oz seem to just wait for their host (dog) to walk past, these little suckers can walk 1m in 5mins and they wonder all over the place.)

Anyone know the name of any other chemical to spray the ward with? There seems to be some good options form the dogs directly here.

I hope this also helps others that get invaded. thumbsup.gif

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This subject has been the focus of many threads here so some reading back would be wise for details.

Beware of Chinese fake medications.

If the ticks are appearing at "home" then you need a good pair of eyes to find the egg laying places and kill them with boiling water or a steam cleaner - damn sight safer than and chemical treatment. (it really helps if you read about the tick life-cycle)

We feed a small lump of garlic once a week, seems effective compared to neigbors dogs that are tick magnets.

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permethrim is the only thing that works. but its the percentage per solution that is the key. htat is why i suggested the ultra shield. its for horses, and large dogs. i used it on my lhasa apso, who are about 7-12 kilos. and then sprayed the porch, udner the sofa etc.

others here have used it on their outdoor dogs (we are kibbutz so farmland,brush/trees/gardens and tons of ticks with tick fever potential).

i let my neighbors know that i sprayed around the top of my house area. once dry, not a problem. and most cats wont lick dogs , but if they are dog lickers (like live in same family) then leash the dogs, spray, keep leashed, and feed the cat with favorite food in small amounts to keep it busy and away form the spray area. same with dogs. finished spraying or dipping, feed yummy treats or leash up to keep from licking etc. (make sure they odnt drip on food if u dip... hand feed treats not from bowl).

vinegar etc helps mildly but with tick infestation its only poisons that work. and ticks ARE a menace. they carry several types of dog illnesses.

powdered acritin used to be around (used in chicken coops for poultry and can be used on dogs, ferrets and reptiles) not sure if sold in thailand, here in israel cannot be found anymore. as said above, many threads about ticks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate ticks ... with a passion.

They make my best mate at the Farm sick.


He's so patient ... just sits there as I rub his coat and check for the larger blood suckers.


Some of the medium sized ones.

He's not my dog, it's not my Farm ... but he's my buddy when I stay there.

Apparently, you can't bath him.

We can't spray because it's a Fish/Prawn Farm and they are hypersensitive to sprays.

There are packs of dogs on the neighbours Farms ... so hosts are abundant.

I just try and manage the problem with daily grooming when I'm there.

He's a funny bugger. He's an older dog ... 'bout 10 or 12 years as a guesstimation ... is starting to lose his teeth ... but when I groom him ... the neck area took a while to gain his confidence.

Actually, while I was pulling the ticks off, he not only fell asleep ... he started snoring!

But every time he sees me ... his tail wags ... so we are buddies.

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permethrim is the only thing that works. but its the percentage per solution that is the key. htat is why i suggested the ultra shield. its for horses, and large dogs. i used it on my lhasa apso, who are about 7-12 kilos. and then sprayed the porch, udner the sofa etc.

others here have used it on their outdoor dogs (we are kibbutz so farmland,brush/trees/gardens and tons of ticks with tick fever potential).

i let my neighbors know that i sprayed around the top of my house area. once dry, not a problem. and most cats wont lick dogs , but if they are dog lickers (like live in same family) then leash the dogs, spray, keep leashed, and feed the cat with favorite food in small amounts to keep it busy and away form the spray area. same with dogs. finished spraying or dipping, feed yummy treats or leash up to keep from licking etc. (make sure they odnt drip on food if u dip... hand feed treats not from bowl).

vinegar etc helps mildly but with tick infestation its only poisons that work. and ticks ARE a menace. they carry several types of dog illnesses.

powdered acritin used to be around (used in chicken coops for poultry and can be used on dogs, ferrets and reptiles) not sure if sold in thailand, here in israel cannot be found anymore. as said above, many threads about ticks.

dog illnesses is that all bina?i have just found about 6adults and a load of eggs in the [ours] bedding as he sleeps with us,vets on the way.just checking their under the settee,we just stripped the bed and sprayed termite spray all round upstairs and down.we check him every day but with him having a thick coat they soon hide.is that permethrim safe? we only have him.

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Frontline is to expensive and not work longer than a month. A very cheap solution is Ivermec or Ivermectin.

At our local farmshop I can buy a 10ml bottle for 60 baht. In normal it's for injection but you can give it oral with food too.

It helps about teaks, fleas, some Skin sickness and heartworms. Don't use it for border collies, collies, ...

more Infos: https://www.google.com/search?num=100&safe=off&hl=en&q=ivomec+for+dogs&spell=1&sa=X&ei=q5-YUoiKF4jVrQeAqoG4Dg&ved=0CCgQvwUoAA&biw=1280&bih=595

Online Shop 75 baht: http://prakanshop.tarad.com/product-th-1028152-5621076-IVERMEC+PLUS+10+ml.+%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%89%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%94+%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B3%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%94%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%AB%E0%B9%87%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%94.html

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Frontline is to expensive and not work longer than a month. A very cheap solution is Ivermec or Ivermectin.

At our local farmshop I can buy a 10ml bottle for 60 baht. In normal it's for injection but you can give it oral with food too.

It helps about teaks, fleas, some Skin sickness and heartworms. Don't use it for border collies, collies, ...

more Infos: https://www.google.com/search?num=100&safe=off&hl=en&q=ivomec+for+dogs&spell=1&sa=X&ei=q5-YUoiKF4jVrQeAqoG4Dg&ved=0CCgQvwUoAA&biw=1280&bih=595

Online Shop 75 baht: http://prakanshop.tarad.com/product-th-1028152-5621076-IVERMEC+PLUS+10+ml.+%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%89%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%94+%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B3%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%94%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%AB%E0%B9%87%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%94.html

First, most of the cheap ivermectin that is produced in Thailand is garbage. The Ivomec that I use is manufactured in Holland. Just ask a local vet and most will laugh will tell you the same.

Ivermectin in therapeutic dosages is effective for controlling internal parasites such as heartworm and roundworm and I use it on my dogs, subcutaneous injections, and have for years. I have raised Golden retrievers off and on most of my life. But the dosages necessary to attempt to control ticks and mange mites are excessive and can/will cause other problems, especially with the liver, and cause death.

The first defense in control of ticks and fleas is to eliminate the bugs from the dogs' living and sleeping area. Effective measures can be taken if they live in an enclosed area but if they run free, as mine do, in a farm environment it is impossible. The expensive alternatives, frontline, etc., are not effective when they live in this environment. I use Sevin dust sparingly to control the infestations in their living environment but we have a daily "tick picking" session to rid them of the bugs.

If you have found something that is affordable and provides an effective solution in the environment where your pets live, by all means use it, but just be careful when using oral or injected treatments.

A quote fro PARASITIPEDIA about Ivermectin usage:

On pets, ivermectin at the therapeutic dose is an effective heartworm preventative (Dirofilaria spp) and controls a few other roundworms as well (e.g. Toxocara canis). The combination with a broad-spectrum nematicide (e.g. pyrantel) controls most pet roundworms (incl. ascarids and hookworms). However, alone or in combination with a nematicide, at the therapeutic dose against heartworm, ivermectin is ineffective against tapeworms, flukes, fleas, ticks, mites, lice and flies.

The key word being therapeutic dose as I have used in in the past for treatment of mange mites in high dosage levels for a short period of time.

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First, most of the cheap ivermectin that is produced in Thailand is garbage. The Ivomec that I use is manufactured in Holland. Just ask a local vet and most will laugh will tell you the same.

Who tell this stupid thing. Your Pet Vet? Sure, him/she want earn very good money from you and about this they sale only the expensive things to you.

Just Google, read and try to understand what you read.

Why Ivomec from Holland is better than from Thailand? Can you show me a test about it? No???

And I have 4 German Shepherd Dogs and 2 Thai Dogs and they all become Ivomec now around 3-8 years.

And SURPRISE!!! They are very healthy. No liver Problems or .....!!!

Cheap things NEVER must be shit or garbage because they are cheap!!!

And if you like to pay the 3-8 times higher Price, it's your choice!!! :-)

My Dogs live very good without LUXUS DRUGS from the local vets!!!

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our vet has ordered permethim for us

meatboy, something like this never order from a vet!!! This you must buy a a local farmer shop.

There you pay for a bottle with 400ml around 180-350 baht. Possible what brands they sale.

I am looking for your vet Price!!!

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First, most of the cheap ivermectin that is produced in Thailand is garbage. The Ivomec that I use is manufactured in Holland. Just ask a local vet and most will laugh will tell you the same.

Who tell this stupid thing. Your Pet Vet? Sure, him/she want earn very good money from you and about this they sale only the expensive things to you.

Just Google, read and try to understand what you read.

Why Ivomec from Holland is better than from Thailand? Can you show me a test about it? No???

And I have 4 German Shepherd Dogs and 2 Thai Dogs and they all become Ivomec now around 3-8 years.

And SURPRISE!!! They are very healthy. No liver Problems or .....!!!

Cheap things NEVER must be shit or garbage because they are cheap!!!

And if you like to pay the 3-8 times higher Price, it's your choice!!! :-)

My Dogs live very good without LUXUS DRUGS from the local vets!!!

As I said in my post:

"if you have found something that is affordable and provides an effective solution in the environment where your pets live, by all means use it, but just be careful when using oral or injected treatments."

I don't buy mine from a vet, I get mine through my BIL who works for a pharmaceutical distributor in Bangkok. I'm glad the you dogs are healthy and "bug" free". Google is amazing, somewhere it will tell you anything that you want to hear. The info I posted did come from a long practicing Chula trained vet, but I don't buy from him.

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our vet has ordered permethim for us

meatboy, something like this never order from a vet!!! This you must buy a a local farmer shop.

There you pay for a bottle with 400ml around 180-350 baht. Possible what brands they sale.

I am looking for your vet Price!!!

i trust my vet and dont listen to some garbage preached.over 20yrs i had racing dogs so i was at the vets more times than you had cooked dinners.he looks after my boy to which i am happy with.

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I'd advise you to be very careful with ticks. If you have been bitten by a tick then please have yourself tested for borreliosis or any other co-infection caused by bacteria that ticks carry. I'm not sure which bacteria Thai ticks carry but i got chronic lyme disease from multiple tick bites back in my home country.

Latest research also shows borreliosis and co-inections can be spread by pets, especially cats.

Maybe you should put your pet on an antibiotic treatment following the ILADS protocol just to be sure.

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meatboy: .i trust my vet and dont listen to some garbage preached.

WHAT YOU WANT TELL ME??? THAT I TELL SHIT? Thank you!!! I hope your vet make it very expensive for you!!!

Ha...Ha...Ha...!!! I'm sure him do!!!

If you had over 20 years experience with racing dogs, than you don't need a vet anymore or only for a really strong sickness!!!

Listen for me same YOU DON'T have ANY EXPERIENCE!!!

20 years experience and let your dog sleep with you? Don't know what must to do about ticks?

How stupid some people can be!!!

OH, ARE YOU A GAMER!!! Maybe your experience is about dog racing?!!!

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We had this problem couple of months ago, tried a few things, including injections, nothing worked.

Eventually we got a tick and flea collar each and a wash that I remember from my younger days back home for fleas that when added to water is white and has a strong smell, got it from the vet and have the name somewhere if you want it....but you mix up 2 litres of water with it, wash the dogs as normal and rinse, then put this mixture all over them, everywhere except eyes, nose mouth etc and put one of those funnel collars on them so they cannot lick it, let it dry for 10 minutes, then wash off, I have since heard it is ok to leave it dry as when dry it is not an issue for them to lick it, but I prefer to wash off as still works as well.

It killed all the ticks and eggs, it left a smell on them that kept them away and you can also use this as a wash for around the house and leave to dry, will smell a bit, but better than having infestation.

All were gone in matter of 1 week and back to normal now.

Only need to use it if you notice them come back, not weekly or such and the spot on does the job also.

The white powder that you used is a strong insecticide, carberyl. It is sold buy vets and pharmacies under different names, Knock 85 is one. It is also the basic chemical in Sevin Dust. It will kill, fleas, ticks, and mites on contact and also by ingestion but will not prevent them from coming back after a short time.

It's really odd that this post is number 4 and by the last post you have become and expert on invermectin, permethrim, the cost of both and how to raise dogs properly. If the ivermec shots were working as you said the you had been giving for 6-8 years in post 18, why did you bathe your dogs with the white powder in post 4? Your posts are very confusing and sometimes do not make any sense. But if it works for your dogs then have at it!

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Permethrin and its analogues will kill your cats. This is well documented.

From my experience, Permethrin does help with dogs, it is expensive and short lasting. The problem I had using the Permethrin based creams, shampoos, and sprays was cross contamination. All any one of my three dogs had to do was roll around in the dirt and they would pick up 20-30 new ticks and in short order infect the other two. I have had my house's walls literally crawling with ticks, they get big when swollen fully gorged on blood. (I've never been bitten by one though).

I went to the local chemist and they recommended Ivermec IV solution, which should be injected under the skin or best into the skin where it is thickest. Cost was about 55 Baht for a whole year per pooch. Worked well, although I often had to re-administer it before the recommended 45 days. (The package insert recommends every 28 days.)

Weigh your dogs in KG so the chemist can calculate the optimal dosage.

Ivermec.10 ml. 55 Baht. All Thai chemists know it. It works a charm, is vet recommended, widely available in Thailand, and cheap.

If you have a buffalo it works well on them too as they get plagued by ticks as well.

I am very wary of Thai veterinarians as I have been grossly overcharged many times. (400% overcharged for common everyday over the counter medicines).

Good luck.

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Before you start your dog on ivermectin you should always have them tested for heart worms. If they are already infected then administering the ivermectin is very dangerous and could be deadly. The therapeutic dosage is meant to prevent heart worm by killing the larvae before it hatches into a worm. If the larvae have already hatched, administering the invermectin can/will kill the worm in high dosages. This can be fatal to the animal since there are now dead parasites in the blood stream that can cause blood clots and result in death.

I use ivermectin on my dogs on a regular basis to control heartworm and have since they were 2 months old. But it in no way helps control the ticks and fleas in the environment where they live, free run on a farm. I've walked through the fields myself and have come out with numerous buggers attached to me. I raised Golden Retrievers in kennels in the US and control was easy, but when I raised them on a farm in the southern US and here, the ticks are next to impossible to control.

Using chemicals such as carbaryl (Knock 85) either in a powder or liquid form will definitely kill the ticks, put most won't just fall off, They will either have to be picked off or taken off with a specially designed comb.

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Before you start your dog on ivermectin you should always have them tested for heart worms. If they are already infected then administering the ivermectin is very dangerous and could be deadly. The therapeutic dosage is meant to prevent heart worm by killing the larvae before it hatches into a worm. If the larvae have already hatched, administering the invermectin can/will kill the worm in high dosages. This can be fatal to the animal since there are now dead parasites in the blood stream that can cause blood clots and result in death.

I use ivermectin on my dogs on a regular basis to control heartworm and have since they were 2 months old. But it in no way helps control the ticks and fleas in the environment where they live, free run on a farm. I've walked through the fields myself and have come out with numerous buggers attached to me. I raised Golden Retrievers in kennels in the US and control was easy, but when I raised them on a farm in the southern US and here, the ticks are next to impossible to control.

Using chemicals such as carbaryl (Knock 85) either in a powder or liquid form will definitely kill the ticks, put most won't just fall off, They will either have to be picked off or taken off with a specially designed comb.

how the hell do you cope?we had the vet come on fri.and put some stuff on his neck.dont know if it was that or what the wife bought some tick and flea powder[bearing] which contains carbaryl.reading what you say about it she just checked the duvet on our bed[last night he slept on the bed nearly all night] and found a lot of dead small ones that had dropped off him,so she will go and get the comb this morning.

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hi wayned just reading about knockout es.which is a spray must only be used on furniture,carpets ect.do you know if its available here.

The Knock 85 that I referred to is not a spray. It is a powder and is packaged in small individual envelopes. It can be mixed with water and used to bathe dogs or used as a flea powder. It is 85% carbaryl, a very powerful insecticide, It can be found here, in the town near me, Takfa, in the pharmacy. It will kill the critters and some will fall off as you stated but most will have to be removed by hand. It will not prevent infestation for very long. I use Sevin Dust that I get from the feed store whose main ingrediant is carbaryl. I usually only use it around the bedding. My dogs run free and pick up the bugs everyday no mater what I do. The highest infestation is on their feet, between the toes and on the pads. We remove them by hand. I guess that you could mix Knock 85 in a spray bottle but I have never seen it in that from. Many of the tick sprays and powders contain carbaryl or. permethrim.

"How do I cope with it?" I've raised dogs most of my life and have learned that somethings just come with the territory and I do the best that I can. Either you can love them or leave them and I choose the former.

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hi wayned just reading about knockout es.which is a spray must only be used on furniture,carpets ect.do you know if its available here.

The Knock 85 that I referred to is not a spray. It is a powder and is packaged in small individual envelopes. It can be mixed with water and used to bathe dogs or used as a flea powder. It is 85% carbaryl, a very powerful insecticide, It can be found here, in the town near me, Takfa, in the pharmacy. It will kill the critters and some will fall off as you stated but most will have to be removed by hand. It will not prevent infestation for very long. I use Sevin Dust that I get from the feed store whose main ingrediant is carbaryl. I usually only use it around the bedding. My dogs run free and pick up the bugs everyday no mater what I do. The highest infestation is on their feet, between the toes and on the pads. We remove them by hand. I guess that you could mix Knock 85 in a spray bottle but I have never seen it in that from. Many of the tick sprays and powders contain carbaryl or. permethrim.

"How do I cope with it?" I've raised dogs most of my life and have learned that somethings just come with the territory and I do the best that I can. Either you can love them or leave them and I choose the former.

the advert i saw for knockout es.is not for dogs only for bedding,carpets ect only in spray form.that powder we used has only 6% carbaryl,i shall try our pharmacy for that strong powder.talk about copeing i had greyhounds 20yrs.but apart from the odd tape worm and injuries ,keeping one here is not easy.how the hell thai's manage with double coated dogs.

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