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Problem With Relationship


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This story and these responses are completely absurd.

How can a 56 year old man knocks up and decides to marry a girl who is 20 years old and expect her to be 100% faithful? :o

He has had a jolly good time living his life, and now he wants to settle down. He has money, she wants money. That is the basis of their relationship.

Of course she is going to have this boyfriend and that boy friend on the side. What the hel_l does he expect? Did he think that she really loves him because she called him "handsum man"?

Here is a clue guy:

Next time dont buy her a house and car in her name leaving with little or no recourse.

I pity him, but then again, you reap what you sow.

Lets try to see through our gigantice egos in the land of "handsum man" and take our heads out of our asses.

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As Mobi has previously stated, legal action will be long and expensive. Also he has various legal problems meaning success in anything is not guaranteed.

Thai Law does not differentiate between legal and "illegal" , meaning non-legal, marriages when it comes to Property Legislation. Hence even if they did not sign the declaration at the Land Office, he is not entitled to 50% of the property.

Law regarding child custody states that voluntary agreements may only be reached when you have been legally married. So a Judge would have to decide, as she could take the child back at any time.

He can sue for return of money and gifts, also damages, under "engagement laws". Due to her infidelity.

There are problems and expense with every action he may take. Ah, the problems when you're enjoying yourself. Sad really, but then it happens everywhere. :o

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This is interesting what you say that Thais don't pay thier wives monthly salary. I think it is rather commonplace for Farangs to do this and Thai women & thier families act that this is thier "birthright". I have asked some of my Thai friends wheather Thai men do the same and the Thais have said yes they do. Sounds like they (my Thai friends) are lying again about this matter. Anyone have more comments??

When I say 'Thais' I'm referring to the majority of Thais from similar economical backgrounds in relationships...I believe that Thailand boasts one of the highest percentages of females in the work force, not even referring to prostitutes, etc..

Surely, there are house wives in Thailand who get money from the bread winner to cover food, living, expenses, and perhaps a little extra spending money...just as goes the house wife system in the west...i.e. Peggy Bundy :D

But in the sense of giving her a salary for nothing, this is not common practice. Either she will be a house wife/raise children at home, or more likely she will go out to work and share the income...Usually, in general practice, girls leave the house-work/children-raising for the grandparents, because she (expected to carry) carries the burden to work and send home money...

I don't agree that Thai parents/families will act like it is a 'birth right' for their girl to get a salary or free lunch from her chosen mate..Perhaps in some of these economical cross-cultural matched farang-thai relationships where the farang has more money than he knows what to do with, and she is dirt poor (i.e. Nawtilus' relationship :o )...but rarely in Thai-Thai relationships where the two come from similar economical backgrounds...

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This goes to show once again, that in most cases, relations with large age gaps do not end up in something good. The cultural gap alone is large enough to bridge over.

I actually think, and have seen myself too, that many girls do enter into these relationships freely and with good intentions, but when money and security are the MAIN motivators, it will be difficult when things start to get serious.

Most of us are looking to experience real love and passion. When the right guy of a more suitable age comes along, suddenly the resolve to stay with the older, stable man is shaken in its foundations. It takes a very strong young girl to keep up her resolve in the face of infatuation.

Then there are of course all the girls who are dishonest from the start. But rarely would they go as far as having a child. I think in the OP case, the girl had a genuine will at first to make it work. She just did not manage to follow through.

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