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Love and Relationships - how do you treat your Lady Love?


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I try to make her laugh every day, kiss her every day. I tell her she is sexy and beautiful.

I have tried to make her self sufficient too and that seems to be working.

Treat her like a normal human being too.

Thought that the majority of Thai woman were normal human beings. Sorry, when you'd met the wrong one. How can you make her self sufficient? Then she wouldn't need you anymore, or am I wrong.

My wife is not like all the others. .Mine loves me too much.If you don't believe me, please ask Mr hansum transam.

We both make our "Somtham" together with our wives and sing and dance while doing so.-coffee1.gif

Edited by sirchai
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I simply put my partner's happiness before my own, and he does the same. That way when conflict arises we are both trying to look out for the other's happiness. This does some things that it appears that many people miss out on. Mutual respect, Open communication, and a level of friendship that tends to be more open than other people seem to have in their relationships.

It isn't perfect but it is awesome!

Note --- we share 2 common languages but when it comes to nuanced discussions we always use English as he is more fluent in nuanced English than I am in nuanced Thai.

One small example of how we look out for each other. He hates approaching strangers to ask questions. Even though he is Thai and more fluent in Thai than I am, when to comes to things like asking advice or directions I am the one that always does that. It has been that way from the beginning even when I barely spoke Thai and could not read it at all. The flip side being when someone else approaches us and needs help or information he is almost always the one that deals with that since it doesn't bother him, and for me I end up asking for clarification that he does not need to.

As we prepare to open yet another business together we are now close enough to use the expertise of his B-I-L and we all sit down together. (His B-I-L owns a major construction business and is less fluent in English.) I understand enough to follow along and my partner fills in the nuanced Thai for me.

10 years + and growing closer together instead of drifting apart as is so common.

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Great to hear and it sounds like you are both in a great place and getting better.

My wife and I are absolutely marvellous 95% of the time and then we get the 5% when she just flips out. Example: I Liked something on FB that a friend of my daughter posted. I won't do that again. Insanely jealous, but I can usually live with it until it gets utterly unreasonable.

In other news, how irritating is that sliding banner on TV that completely takes over the page and invites you to sign up for a newsfeed that you are already signed up for??

Whose terrific idea was that???

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Sorry, but this is OUTSIDE of Thailand.

Learn what makes her tick.

Know what makes her unhappy, sad, angry, frustrated etc. and don't do those things to her.

Let her make decisions, and praise her when those decisions prove to be beneficial to you both.

Always treat her as your equal.

Encourage her to achieve what she thinks might be too difficult for her. Applaud her when she succeeds.

Always be there for her when she needs assistance.

Make sure she knows that she is the only person in the world who can satisfy your needs, both emotional, physical and mental.

Almost 15 years now and still going strong.

She must be very happy with you, I bet.

Question is, are you happy in this servant like role as well ?

Sounds like hard work always being this attentive and subservient ?

Can you still be yourself and sometimes even behave human, like moody or stressed ?

But then again, it comes natural to some, so maybe you are one of them.

Maybe all dominant types should just start relationships with non dominant/subservient types only.

That would solve it, i guess ??

Then again, that balance is thrown off by feminism and the dominant demanding behavior that seem to come along with that.

Anyhow, treat your loved ones good and with respect, that will do the trick, i guess.

the 15 years mentioned above says nothing.

It is the quality of these 15 years that counts.

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Some of them treat them by paying 1,000 baht for 24 hours staying with them, a bar fine and then they get married. Then the treatment continues, buying a car/house/ motorbikes.

Glad that i never stayed with the first girl I fell in love with. You can get them out of a bar, but the bar's always inside their brains. Always.-wai2.gif

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