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Chiropracter In Chiang Mai


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Having back problems and need to get it sorted. Been to the hospital and next step is MRI etc. Before I venture along that route a friend suggested a Chiropracter. Searched around (inc. TV) without sucess. Anyone any experience with these people or suitable alternatives, would appreciate your help. Local massage shops excluded.

Many thanks

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Having back problems and need to get it sorted. Been to the hospital and next step is MRI etc. Before I venture along that route a friend suggested a Chiropracter. Searched around (inc. TV) without sucess. Anyone any experience with these people or suitable alternatives, would appreciate your help. Local massage shops excluded.

Many thanks

Friend of mine went to see a chiropractor here in Chiang Mai. It was on the outside northern moat road, past Chang Puak, in a soi on the left that leads to a plaza type thing, right after the Easy Buy shop. That's about all I can tell you. She liked him, and he wasn't too expensive.

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Sirawit Thongphaeng

Chiropractor - Chiang Mai,

1 Changmoi Road

DR (047) 512-422

Home (053) 874-480

Next to Charral Travel close to downtown Kasem.

Both my wife and I have gone to him several times over past couple of years and he is great. Does both Western and Eastern methods.

He did good by us.

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Sirawit Thongphaeng

Chiropractor - Chiang Mai,

1 Changmoi Road

DR (047) 512-422

Home (053) 874-480

Next to Charral Travel close to downtown Kasem.

Both my wife and I have gone to him several times over past couple of years and he is great. Does both Western and Eastern methods.

He did good by us.

Hi Khun TLT

I also need someone to have a look at my back, so I went to try to find M. Sirawit's place but could not.

I did find Kasem Store and Charal Travel, but not the place, could you please be more specific about his location ?


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Having back problems and need to get it sorted. Been to the hospital and next step is MRI etc. Before I venture along that route a friend suggested a Chiropracter. Searched around (inc. TV) without sucess. Anyone any experience with these people or suitable alternatives, would appreciate your help. Local massage shops excluded.

Many thanks

Friend of mine went to see a chiropractor here in Chiang Mai. It was on the outside northern moat road, past Chang Puak, in a soi on the left that leads to a plaza type thing, right after the Easy Buy shop. That's about all I can tell you. She liked him, and he wasn't too expensive.

Thanks for you help gents. Too True I found the guy you mentioned Khun Yongyut, at "Physical Therapy" and although he told me he wasn't a Chiropractor but was a qualified Physical Therapist (physiotherapist), he was extremely helpful and put me through a full diagnostic examination free of charge. Unfortunately he was unable to reach a firm diagnosis and advised me to see an Orthopaedic Specialist. I will call and see TLT's suggestion before I call it a day and submit to the inevitable.

Many thanks.

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