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Asking Opinions On Pool Design & Contractor


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My house builder has selected The Poolmaker to construct our 4x8M saltwater pool. The wall inlets/LED's are located on the side closest to the house; the skimmer & waterfall feature is opposite and near the back side of our property. It is clear to me that the operation of the waterfall will interfere with the skimmer and the skimmer needs to be re-located. Questions are for comment/feedback:
1. Does anyone have any experiences (good or bad) with The Poolmaker?
2. I think that the skimmer should be re-located to the side where the LED's are and the wall inlets moved to the opposite side where the waterfall is located- comments or advice?
3. The filter tank planned for installation is "KRIPSOL ARTIK MDL AKT 760.c- anyone have any knowledge/experience with this manufacturer/model?
4. The water planned for installation is "KRIPSOL KORAL KS150- does anyone have any knowledge/experience with this manufacturer/model?
5. The salt chlorinator planned for installation is manufactured by "HURLCON"- does anyone have any knowledge/experience with this manufacturer?
6. The LEDs (8W/12V) planned for installation are manufactured by"DOLPHIN"- does anyone have any knowledge/experience with this manufacturer/model? Note the diagram plans for 3 LEDs; I am thinking an additional one should be also installed at the stairs entering the pool. Does anyone think that the LEDs should be installed on the opposite (waterfall) side so light shines towards the house?

Thank you for any comments/advice/warnings. etc. Feel free to send a private message if necessary.

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I built pools for 30 years in OZ.

Location of skimmer box should be the furthermost place possible from the return to pool inlet. Prevailing winds should also be taken into consideration in placement. You should also consider having a filter inlet at the bottom of the pool for better water distribution and ease of cleaning.

The Thais are keen on water equalisation tanks because olympic size pools have them. Resist this at all costs they are a source of leaks.

There are many good reasons not to have salt water chlorination.

Under water lights are good at first but when they burn out they cause problems and TIT.

Thai swimpool people have no idea re pool maintenance and water treatment; same as anywhere else, the soundness of advice is inversely proportional to the profit they are making.

Oh and make sure the only chlorine that goes into your pool is calcium or sodium chloride. Any thing else will eventually make your pool green.

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Don't buy a salt-chlorinated pool unless you have swum in one and are sure the effect is nicer than swimming in a non salt-chlorinated one (or that other effects of using salt water chlorination justify the expense).

Don't trust the BS that vendors put out that result in you believing that you will not be able to tell that salt is involved. 90% of the village kids that use my salt water chlorinated pool complain that it is "chem" (salty) and stings their eyes. [it is only at the recommended 3,000 ppm per salt test strips and a saline meter]. Come to that, I complain that it is chem! I prefer the convenience of salt (less frequent dosing) but the user reaction plus the higher cost will probably cause me to return to manual chlorination if and when the chlorination cell fails.

I believe that 'Hurlcon' is a parallel brand to 'Astral Pool' and both brands use the same equipment. I have an Astral Pool salt chlorination set-up (pump, filter and multi-valves too). Apart from the salty water it works fine in maintaining a reasonably stable chlorine level. I maintain at about 1.2 but you can alter production levels to suit your preference. I find that chlorine levels do change slightly depending on salt levels and water temperature, so I do change the production levels slightly every so often

Edited by SantiSuk
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Don't buy a salt-chlorinated pool unless you have swum in one and are sure the effect is nicer than swimming in a non salt-chlorinated one (or that other effects of using salt water chlorination justify the expense).

Don't trust the BS that vendors put out that result in you believing that you will not be able to tell that salt is involved. 90% of the village kids that use my salt water chlorinated pool complain that it is "chem" (salty) and stings their eyes. [it is only at the recommended 3,000 ppm per salt test strips and a saline meter]. Come to that, I complain that it is chem! I prefer the convenience of salt (less frequent dosing) but the user reaction plus the higher cost will probably cause me to return to manual chlorination if and when the chlorination cell fails.

I believe that 'Hurlcon' is a parallel brand to 'Astral Pool' and both brands use the same equipment. I have an Astral Pool salt chlorination set-up (pump, filter and multi-valves too). Apart from the salty water it works fine in maintaining a reasonably stable chlorine level. I maintain at about 1.2 but you can alter production levels to suit your preference. I find that chlorine levels do change slightly depending on salt levels and water temperature, so I do change the production levels slightly every so often

Eyes stinging is the because chloramines have formed in the pool water.

A combination of body fluid. pee sweat saliva etc, plus chlorine equals chloramine.

Symptoms of the presence of chloramines are

chlorine smell

eyes stinging

high reading of chlorine test

Chloramine removal;

oxidation with calcium hypochloride or baking powder or sodium bicarbonate or any other subatance that will give off oxygen when combined with water.

Chlorine in water will not sting your eyes

The only other cause of eyes sting is a high or low ph level.

ps the ph of the eye is 7.4

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