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apps for iphone or droid

Sally Salvatore

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I have been using an app for my phone to count calories. I try to use it every time I put any food in my mouth so it is accurate. Right now I am eating between 1600-2000 calories a day, losing about 5 lbs a week. Download it from google store or right from the web site, FREE!! http://www.fatsecret.com/ , you can use it on your PC or phone, I use my PC when available but the phone when I am out and just want to see, a bunch of restaurants are already programed in so you just click on what you are ordering.

Also it has a exercise link, you put in what you are doing, for me I walk 4 miles in 1hr 6 minutes so I enter 66 minutes of 3.5 mph+ walk and it tells me how many calories I am burning off, good when you go over on your calories for the day, you know you need to hit the streets.



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