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Good Burger Find...Hilton Lunch Buffet Sandwich And Burger Day


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What's the normal price now for the buffet? I heard it went up a bit.

The prices went up a few months ago to 420B Mon-Thu and I think 40B more for Friday and Saturday. Water went up from 30B to 50B at the same time for a larger bottle.

They did improve the quality of the ingredients quite significantly at that time but since then the quality of the ingredients has dropped off again (chicken kofta instead of lamb kofta, for example).

They seem to do this systematically: raise the price and the quality, drop the quality progressively, then raise the price and quality again and repeat the procedure. Still good value though (except on Wednesday whistling.gif ).

The card is a sweet deal then...25% off if dining alone puts the buffet cost at B315++...if dining with a friend or ladyboy wife it drops to B210++ per person (50% discount). That's cheap! Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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I rather drink melted ice from an ice bucket than pay 60 baht for water. What a rip-off.

Water at the Hilton is 50B (or it was about 10 days ago when I last went). For this you get a larger bottle than the usual size. Previously it was 30B for a regular size bottle.

This may sound like a rip-off but it pales into insignificance when compared with a small bottle of water at Dicey Riley's which costs 80B.

Are you the water price expert or something?

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The card is a sweet deal then...25% off if dining alone puts the buffet cost at B315++...if dining with a friend or ladyboy wife it drops to B210++ per person (50% discount). That's cheap!

It certainly is a good buy if you intend using it at all often. I have long considered getting one but keep putting it off as I'm sure it would just encourage me to eat there far too frequently to be good for my waistline. I am also put off that the discount for a lone diner is only half the discount for two people, as you mention.

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Apologies to OMGImInPattaya as I do digress a little ... but I've never understood the buffet/smorgasbord concept.

I eat till my appetite is sated ... then I push back from the table.

I'm a unabashed hedonist ... but stuffing myself doesn't float my boat.

That said, I know I'm in the minority as the buffet/smorgasbord concept is popular and I'm constantly amazed at what my Thai friends can tuck away.

OMGImInPattaya ... thanks for sharing though ... thumbsup.gif

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Apologies to OMGImInPattaya as I do digress a little ... but I've never understood the buffet/smorgasbord concept.

I eat till my appetite is sated ... then I push back from the table.

I'm a unabashed hedonist ... but stuffing myself doesn't float my boat.

That said, I know I'm in the minority as the buffet/smorgasbord concept is popular and I'm constantly amazed at what my Thai friends can tuck away.

OMGImInPattaya ... thanks for sharing though ... thumbsup.gif

I'm not a big buffet person either for the reasons you set forth, but a couple times a year a good stuffing is just the thing. However, when dining at the Hilton with their discount price, one doesn't have to stuff oneself to get good value...just eat a normal meal with a nice dessert and sit back and enjoy the good service and view.

But my op was really just to comment on the hamburgers, which are a Wednesday only thing I assume.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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The card is a sweet deal then...25% off if dining alone puts the buffet cost at B315++...if dining with a friend or ladyboy wife it drops to B210++ per person (50% discount). That's cheap!

It certainly is a good buy if you intend using it at all often. I have long considered getting one but keep putting it off as I'm sure it would just encourage me to eat there far too frequently to be good for my waistline. I am also put off that the discount for a lone diner is only half the discount for two people, as you mention.

Funny that...and the discount then goes down again for 3 or more diners to 33%. So it's best to only go with one friend to get the 50% discount rate.

In any case, if you have reason to use the free hotel nite vouchers, the card then is basically free. So even if you only use it a few times a year it's still worth it

Also, I believe some people share a card, I.e., split the membership cost and just pass the card to whoever plans on eating at the Hilton. I'm not sure if they formally make a joint application or just do it informally.

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Yesterday, I had a bottle of water with my lunch and it was only 10bt.... but I was sitting in an alley, on a filthy plastic stool, next to a sewer, eating contaminated food on plates washed in a bucket, nearly getting clipped by passing motorbikes.

That is even dumber than paying 60 baht at the Hilton. There are plenty of clean, comfortable Thai joints that give one ice cold water for free.

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... but I've never understood the buffet/smorgasbord concept.

I eat till my appetite is sated ... then I push back from the table.

I'm a unabashed hedonist ... but stuffing myself doesn't float my boat.

I can't speak for anyone else but what I like about a buffet is that:

1) You can see what you are getting before you get it, so it's easier to choose things you are likely to enjoy.


2) You get a large choice of many different things to try that you would probably not want to order a full plate of from a menu.

You can't do either from a regular menu and if you have the misfortune to order something from a menu and not like it you've simply wasted your money.

So to sum up it's all about variety not quantity.

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In any case, if you have reason to use the free hotel nite vouchers, the card then is basically free. So even if you only use it a few times a year it's still worth it

I seem to remember that you only one free night. You do get 4 free meals though, if I remember correctly. Sadly the discount doesnt apply to Sunday brunch. That would be too much of a good deal.

Also, I believe some people share a card, I.e., split the membership cost and just pass the card to whoever plans on eating at the Hilton. I'm not sure if they formally make a joint application or just do it informally.

I thought of that also. You can actually get a free second card for your "partner". I dont know if they actually come round and check if you share a bed or not.

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In any case, if you have reason to use the free hotel nite vouchers, the card then is basically free. So even if you only use it a few times a year it's still worth it

I seem to remember that you only one free night. You do get 4 free meals though, if I remember correctly. Sadly the discount doesnt apply to Sunday brunch. That would be too much of a good deal.

Also, I believe some people share a card, I.e., split the membership cost and just pass the card to whoever plans on eating at the Hilton. I'm not sure if they formally make a joint application or just do it informally.

I thought of that also. You can actually get a free second card for your "partner". I dont know if they actually come round and check if you share a bed or not.

I didn't know about the partner card...I guess that's how they do it. Don't see why Hilton would care if the other person was related or not...the purpose is getting butts in the restaurant seats.

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