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Prostatitis - prostate infection


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I've recently been diagnosed with chronic inflammation of the prostate.

Have you ever had Prostatitis before? The symptoms are many and varied but mine were: Felt like I had a full bladder but when trying to urinate there was a big delay. Then a few days later it started to be painful when taking a pee.

The dr said that I had a prostate the size of a golf ball but then said he was only joking. It was disconcerting when he put the rubber glove and started to lube up to check my prostate via my rear entry. I was confused when I felt 2 hands on each of my shoulders and then still felt something in the rear.

Have you ever been treated with Prostatitis before. It looks like I will have to stay on Distaclor 350mg and Tarivid 200mg for a few months. Have you been on these antibiotics before? Did it treat your Prostate problem.

many thanks

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Also the dr failed to tell me about my full blood count results being a little out of the normal range. The Neutrophil was 52.0 (range 55-75) and Lymphocyte 38 (range 20 to 35)

Does anyone know if these results would be due to the urinary tract infection?

This finding is of no significance unless the overall white blood count (WBC) was elevated.

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It is important to know whether or not bacteria have been isolated in your urine or semen as chronic prostatitis can be bacterial or non-bacterial.

If bacterial, a prolonged course of antibiotic treatment is indicated. Choice of antibiotic should be based on culture and sensitivity tests of urine/semen. Thai doctors are however fond of omitting this step and using a "shot gun" approach which seems to be the case with you given the use of 2 different antibiotics.

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It is important to know whether or not bacteria have been isolated in your urine or semen as chronic prostatitis can be bacterial or non-bacterial.

If bacterial, a prolonged course of antibiotic treatment is indicated. Choice of antibiotic should be based on culture and sensitivity tests of urine/semen. Thai doctors are however fond of omitting this step and using a "shot gun" approach which seems to be the case with you given the use of 2 different antibiotics.

It isn't just Thai doctors who skip the bacterial culture step as even cases of non-bacterial chronic prostatitis are treated with antibiotics.

The choice of cefaclor is an odd one though. It might just be a random antibiotic thrown in because Thai doctors feel that one is never enough.

Unfortunately, you might just have to live with prostatitis and avoid lifestyle choices that aggravate it, but here are some recommended treatments (see the bottom for chronic):


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I was diagnosed in the USA with the condition. I had blood in my semin, but I never had the full bladder feeling nor was it hard to urinate. The tip on my penis always felt sensitive like a slight pain because there is a nerve connected to both. I was giving antibiotics and it took about three months to clear up. There is a large membrane around the prostate that prevents the antibiotics from reaching it which is why you have to stay on them for so long. If you told me there was a white film on your penis with painful urination. I would have thought you had clamidia. Anyways, as long as it's not cancer it should clear up.

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It is important to know whether or not bacteria have been isolated in your urine or semen as chronic prostatitis can be bacterial or non-bacterial.

If bacterial, a prolonged course of antibiotic treatment is indicated. Choice of antibiotic should be based on culture and sensitivity tests of urine/semen. Thai doctors are however fond of omitting this step and using a "shot gun" approach which seems to be the case with you given the use of 2 different antibiotics.

And when it doesn't do the trick they take a sample for C&S, which of course now has a false reading.

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