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Yingluck 'will be forced to stand down'


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In a Democracy a minority cannot demand the leader step down for a non elected official or unelected select committee. Without the Democrats ability to win a popular election they have no validity or international recognition. They may be correct in everything they say, but it does not matter if they aren't the majority. They should spend their energies winning an election and less energy whining.

If the person concerned has committed criminal offences they certainly can. The leader of a majority party does not stand above the law or the constitution, though Thaksin's fanclub would wish it were so.

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Who the Hell is this guy to make demands such as this?

He is Suthep, leader of the anti-shin government.

His demands are valid... It's a protest don't forget.

I hope he gets what he wants. He has my full support and the support of many in Thailand including huge amounts of academics and professors. People who have a lot more understanding of this country than you or I.


But he stressed that new rules to be written as part of the reforms must ensure future elections are free and fair - with political parties really belonging to the people, and not capitalists, as at present.

And with that quote from Suthep. Zolt hit the nail on the head (here)

I may not understand a lot about "The Thai mind", and this all originates from that equation; and I may not understand a lot about their election processes from the little guy all the way to the top, but cursory study of things really make it clear that it is a state of lunacy 24/7. There are an extreme amount of loopholes and gaps within their system to bring about Thais worst character defects: corruption, greed, etc. We all know the routine.

"Ensure future elections are free and fair"? MADNESS! Over two thousand and five hundred years to get it right, and the current state of affairs are some of the worst in the modern, developed world.

As if government house is going to magically "get it right" after over two thousand and five hundred years of Thais attacking, bickering, ankle biting and murdering each other over this Holy Grail: no way!

Education: They built schools. Look at the condition of their schools and everything which revolves around that?

Roads: They built roads. Look at the condition of their roads and everything which revolves around that?

Business and commerce: They allowed people to get business licenses and conduct commerce. Look at the condition of their businesses and commerce and everything which revolves around that?

Transportation and licensing: They allowed for people to possess transportation and to be licensed to drive. Look at the condition of their driving and whether they are licensed or not, including the method of getting a license, and everything which revolves around that?

Thai children: They protect their children with every fiber of their being. Look at the condition of their children and everything which revolves around that? Juvenile delinquency, teenage rape, abuse, skyrocketing pregnancies, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, gang violence in schools and/or the streets, gang murders in the schools and/or the streets, soaring alcoholism, soaring drug addiction, beating and killing of parents and strangers by children, abuse to animals, reckless endangerment to any and all adults who get in their path when they snap, disrespect to the law and any authority, school drop outs, cheating on tests and homework, etc. etc.

...these are just a few cursory and vague examples of what I know of for sure. The list is too long and tedious to type out here if for nothing more than the reason of fatigue over describing lunatics who somehow manage to survive in this warm clime.

Mr. Suthep, you say "Ensure future elections are free and fair"?

You are as mad as a hatter, and just like all the rest of them. You stand there and point out the foam and ignore the tsunami of folly coming your way soon. "Ensure future elections are free and fair" is the least of your country's problems simply because it it is the symptom and not the virus. Treating the symptom, or vomiting out an ideal that violates the Thai mind (i.e. free and fair) because you haven't identified the virus (read above). You can thank your FACE for that, because it prevents you from acknowledging the few items I have pointed out.

It's funny how some people interpret "free and fair" in lieu of the environment they struggle to exist in; the environment they, themselves, have created, and which exists with the sole purpose to perpetuate itself, with absolutely NO benefit to the well being of any one single human life... and nothing more.

Just my view...

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Imagine this clown spouting his crap in the UK or USA.

Everyone in Thailand is currently talking about reform because of this 'clown', as you call him.

And they will still be talking about it in another few years from now...

What do you think this 'clown' is actually going to achieve by persisting with his time in the spotlight ?

I was behind him 100% couple weeks ago! now his has lost me and probably 1000s of others too, not that my opinion counts for anything :)

The smart people never were "behind him". Even a single minute, even a single % ...

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I wonder if he still would try to force her down after military blew him off? Thoughts?

Lucky boy that Suthep...Aside from that Suthep's wife's far more attractive than either Yingluck or Gen. Thanasak. ;)

Frivolity aside, given that Team Suthep met with the military chiefs today and the PTP/UDD/VHS/BETA, I mean caretaker Government did not, does it not look like - at face value - who's siding with whom.

Not a very PC thing to do be openly declining an invitation from the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces for a televised pow-wow is it?

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Imagine this clown spouting his crap in the UK or USA.

I could, if there was ever a government as corrupt and self-serving as this in either country.

Actually JR, the U.S. currently has a government (at least in the Executive branch) probably as currupt and self-serving if not more so than in Thailand currently, however as we are a country of laws we persevere through this mess and wait for the next election to let our voice be heardclap2.gif

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Imagine this clown spouting his crap in the UK or USA.

Quite right, once protesters cross the line into illegal activity such as sutheps goons have done, then in either the UK or the USA fast action would have been taken to break up the protests and jail the offenderssmile.png

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Imagine this clown spouting his crap in the UK or USA.

I could, if there was ever a government as corrupt and self-serving as this in either country.

Actually JR, the U.S. currently has a government (at least in the Executive branch) probably as currupt and self-serving if not more so than in Thailand currently, however as we are a country of laws we persevere through this mess and wait for the next election to let our voice be heardclap2.gif

The main difference between corruption of the Government in the US and Thailand is in Thailand the corruption is to line your pockets filling

your personal bank accounts and is principally done through kickbacks in the awarding of government contracts or awarding contracts to

companies you own/control. In the US corruption is done primarily through lobby groups channelling money into election campaign coffers with

the main agenda to stay in power. That is the way I see it anyway.

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Imagine this clown spouting his crap in the UK or USA.

I could, if there was ever a government as corrupt and self-serving as this in either country.

Actually JR, the U.S. currently has a government (at least in the Executive branch) probably as currupt and self-serving if not more so than in Thailand currently, however as we are a country of laws we persevere through this mess and wait for the next election to let our voice be heardclap2.gif

If Obama and his wife were part of a criminal organisation that they allowed access to cabinet meetings, and he then suggested an amnesty for all negro criminals in the USA which covered his own malfeasance, I might agree with you. Until then...........

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Imagine this clown spouting his crap in the UK or USA.

I could, if there was ever a government as corrupt and self-serving as this in either country.

Nixson comes to mind, self-serving, and corrupt.

I'm just saying...whistling.gif

and the Bush Administration. Yingluck only destroy an economy to make her family wealthy, Bush went to war for personal wealth.

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Just announced on the Thai TV channel news that our Mr Suthep has threatened to storm and take over the American and British embassies in Bangkok. Yes, he has declared war on Britain and the United States, I kid you not.

Somehow I find it difficult to imagine the Yellow shirts occupying the White House and No 10 Downing Street, or to visualise Thai storm troopers marching down Whitehall.

Now I can`t think in any other way except that this guy is nuts.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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People's power' will push premier to quit and make way for reforms: Suthep

I've made a lot of jokes about Yingluck over the years, and been a critic of her almost continuously. But since Suthep started this latest crisis situation, then refused early elections, I'm looking back on Yingluck more fondly. Sure she's a puppet for a globalist CG stooge, and she's next to useless in the political sphere, but I can't help feeling I like her more than Suthep today. Even though he may be a pawn played by the same people playing the Shins. For some groups, the objective is decimation, and this kind of bitter social implosion we are seeing again here, is music to certain peoples ears.

That said, in my humble opinion I think he is not very smart, but he is patriotic which is good. But he is currently playing the sophisticated state game in a very blunt-instrument manner, which can only lead to further problems. You don't fix a pocket-watch with a sledgehammer.

It is a possible outcome of trough-syndrome, the Fat Years, call it what you will. Barrels of money pouring into the nation from tourists and from being stronger than previously weaker neighbours. Suthep thinks this country can survive endless social carnage, because it somehow did in the past. Times are changing and he needs to realise that.


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Open demonstrations had to break out some time or another - against the Shinawatre government. If a person (thailand) eats cupfulls of sugar (Thaksin crap) every day, they're going to get some major physiological problems (protests). Thankfully, Thailand is somewhat tolerant of mass protests, unlike many countries which come down like a ton of bricks (China, N.Korea, Bahrain and Burma come to mind).

If I were to take the role of Monday night quarterback, I don't agree with Suthep's declarations, but I give him credit for having the courage to lead the opposition protest. It's not an easy game to play, because the Shinawatre government was elected, though the election process was dirty. If I had been in Suthep's shoes, I'd have pushed for a dissolution of parliament and a date set for new elections - which is what's on the table currently. ....and not gone on about an unelected Peoples' Tribunal or whatever is the demand now.

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I was totally cheering him on when he led the 200k+ people marching in Bangkok in peaceful massprotest. That was a powerful statement. Additionally, PTP were on the ropes, even the reds were turning against them, but this latest Suthep "your votes don't mean jack to me" stuff has angered a lot of people and made PTP more popular than ever, imho. He took what was a natural process of erosion in PTP support as they were falling-apart in public, and he made them look good again compared to his wildboy antics. I think that is why Abhisit was staying at the sidelines for a long time, he knew that this would backfire and that the Dems were actually gaining ground politically before all this started.


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Just announced on the Thai TV channel news that our Mr Suthep has threatened to storm and take over the American and British embassies in Bangkok. Yes, he has declared war on Britain and the United States, I kid you not.

Somehow I find it difficult to imagine the Yellow shirts occupying the White House and No 10 Downing Street, or to visualise Thai storm troopers marching down Whitehall.

Now I can`t think in any other way except that this guy is nuts.

Any links to this story? Can't seem to find any mention of it...

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Just announced on the Thai TV channel news that our Mr Suthep has threatened to storm and take over the American and British embassies in Bangkok. Yes, he has declared war on Britain and the United States, I kid you not.

Somehow I find it difficult to imagine the Yellow shirts occupying the White House and No 10 Downing Street, or to visualise Thai storm troopers marching down Whitehall.

Now I can`t think in any other way except that this guy is nuts.

Any links to this story? Can't seem to find any mention of it...

No, only what my wife has told me she saw on the TV news.

I`m sure more details will be heard at sometime.

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Just announced on the Thai TV channel news that our Mr Suthep has threatened to storm and take over the American and British embassies in Bangkok. Yes, he has declared war on Britain and the United States, I kid you not.

Somehow I find it difficult to imagine the Yellow shirts occupying the White House and No 10 Downing Street, or to visualise Thai storm troopers marching down Whitehall.

Now I can`t think in any other way except that this guy is nuts.

Any links to this story? Can't seem to find any mention of it...

No, only what my wife has told me she saw on the TV news.

I`m sure more details will be heard at sometime.

It may not be directly from Suthep's mouth but it is a legimate threat from the protesters.

"Thai protester leader , Nitithorn Lamlua advice the The protesters to seize the U.S. Embassy in Thailand.

One of Protest leader, Nitithorn Lamlua, threatened to storm US embassy in BKK to retaliate what he called US's interference and support of Yingluck.

As Thai citizen I am willing the US government to put more pressure on the Thai protesters by boycott some Thai business company who support the protester"

Edit: Quote from article in Italic

Edited by Tarric
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Just announced on the Thai TV channel news that our Mr Suthep has threatened to storm and take over the American and British embassies in Bangkok. Yes, he has declared war on Britain and the United States, I kid you not.

Somehow I find it difficult to imagine the Yellow shirts occupying the White House and No 10 Downing Street, or to visualise Thai storm troopers marching down Whitehall.

Now I can`t think in any other way except that this guy is nuts.

Any links to this story? Can't seem to find any mention of it...

No, only what my wife has told me she saw on the TV news.

I`m sure more details will be heard at sometime.

It may not be directly from Suthep's mouth but it is a legimate threat from the protesters.

"Thai protester leader , Nitithorn Lamlua advice the The protesters to seize the U.S. Embassy in Thailand.

One of Protest leader, Nitithorn Lamlua, threatened to storm US embassy in BKK to retaliate what he called US's interference and support of Yingluck.

As Thai citizen I am willing the US government to put more pressure on the Thai protesters by boycott some Thai business company who support the protester"

Link to CNN Article

Edit: Quote from article in Italic

So, to be clear, Suthep hasn't - himself - stated the above and it was from one of his "underlings"?

Always nice to put things into perspective...

Ok so, to be clear, Suthep

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