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Always a laugh in thailand


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Its actually simple. Thais always want to show that they look richer then they are. Fact is that the heavilly tatooed woman was probably a working girl who finally found her pay slave. She doesnt care about the guy. The only thing she cares is the jewellery who (she thinks) make her look as she is a rich and"good" girl so she shows it off to anyone around.

How different are Thais to for example Pinays, here in LOS all Thais always dress up like they were going to the one time a year event. Hairs are done in whatever style, dresses and shoes are the finest, make-up etc. Especially poorer girls f.e. from Isaan and other areas are showing off.

While in the Philippines girls are just wearing jeans and shirts in general.

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Its actually simple. Thais always want to show that they look richer then they are. Fact is that the heavilly tatooed woman was probably a working girl who finally found her pay slave. She doesnt care about the guy. The only thing she cares is the jewellery who (she thinks) make her look as she is a rich and"good" girl so she shows it off to anyone around. How different are Thais to for example Pinays, here in LOS all Thais always dress up like they were going to the one time a year event. Hairs are done in whatever style, dresses and shoes are the finest, make-up etc. Especially poorer girls f.e. from Isaan and other areas are showing off. While in the Philippines girls are just wearing jeans and shirts in general.

Line this Thai guy?

It has been my experience in the Philippines that the aunty wears all the bling. I would post some pics but that wouldn't be cool.

Uncool people loaded with bling, Rolex watches and gold chains are in every culture and a sign of new wealth.

They don't know how silly they look. Nor do people who think the nouveau riche is only a Thai condition must wear blinders when visiting the rest of the world.


Edited by thailiketoo
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Thank you! Yes you understood me well, i walked away because i don't like salespeople like that. I would rather buy from a nice friendly girl then from him. There are loads of other sellers in Chitlom so i can easy find another sales. Funny thing was also, i went to Samsonite to see their wallets which are under the glass counter. When i asked the sales to show me one model it took him 5 minutes to open that drawer under the glass so i walked away again....Guess the drawer was made in Thailand.whistling.gif

A little birdy told me this, but I don't actually believe it myself:

That cheap garbage like wallets and jewelry and watches is on display under locked glass in malls all over the world so the banksters can launder through those outlets. It's not really for sale to the retail public. Have you ever seen anyone actually buy anything from one of those? In fact, if someone makes a retail purchase, it probably messes up the accounting scheme, which is why it's priced so ridiculously high, in order to discourage sales.

If the kid took five minutes to open the drawer, it's probably because you're the first person who ever asked to see anything. I'm surprised he even had a key. I'm curious, did he have to make a call before he got the key? Yeah baby, the drawer was made in Thailand all right!!! You showed him, yessirree bob!

Again, DISCLAIMER! I don't really believe the above, and I don't encourage anyone else to believe it; it's just what a little birdy told me.

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Thank you! Yes you understood me well, i walked away because i don't like salespeople like that. I would rather buy from a nice friendly girl then from him. There are loads of other sellers in Chitlom so i can easy find another sales. Funny thing was also, i went to Samsonite to see their wallets which are under the glass counter. When i asked the sales to show me one model it took him 5 minutes to open that drawer under the glass so i walked away again....Guess the drawer was made in Thailand.whistling.gif

So you waited the full 5 minutes & just as he opened the drawer you executed your finest pirouette & stormed off with a petulant flourish of high camp dramatics.

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Seeing them in the jewellery shop did amuse me I will not lie,I don't want to be mean but putting gold on her is like putting a silk hat on a pig. Perhaps he could get her another tattoo.

abit like an Australian wearing shoes

You obviously have not been to Australia,they are more fashion conscious the youth there then any where.

When you go to beach areas you dress for the scene and the weather,not to impress the surrounding elderly European sex tourist looking for a wife in every bar who thinks his long beige shorts,scandals and polo shirts are the bees knees because in his region he is constantly called a handsome man.

Look at Australia right now,look at the rest,we must be doing several things right.

My post was talking about a heavily tattooed thai girl anyway,why reply with an attack on Aussies.

your posts are quite amusing, and plainly reveal your lack of knowledge in the ways of the thai people,give it a few years maybe 15 or even 20, and you will still find aspects of thai life that will amaze you, as far as my negative comments about Australia,I received my Australian citizenship papers in 1998,and I live in country queensland and experience the quirks of Australian country life everyday, I also experience the problems that young and older thais experience here in queensland,the homegrown blatant racism , and primitive opinion that all thai ladies are exbargirls and prostitutes, where as the behaviour of some single Australian ladies on holiday in Thailand in the last few years has left a quite a lot to be desired, in closing my 5 year marriage to my first wife from Leong Nok Tha was annulled by the british govt in1968 ,we are still friends and I have a great extended family in yasothon province who we visit quite regularly,it was 50 years ago in may that I first set foot in Thailand and I am still learning, the thai social club in Surrey that we started up in 1989 has today not quite 1500 members but it is still going strong,so I think I have earned the right to express my self don't you??
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I was in Central chidlom the weekend and was looking for a new wallet. The salesman (very gay) came to show them to me (like i can't see myself) and told me they are wallets! Then he also spread his both hands on the wallets and i saw many huge golden rings on his fingers of both hands. They were not nice polished rings but looked like huge rough gold-nuggets bigger as a 10baht coin. I walked away immediately.

I get tired of Thai and their "look at me" attitude but it always makes me laugh how simple they are. I wonder if they even know that the gold price dropped about 33% last year and might drop further coming year. For Thai the price of something is much more important than the quyality it is made of.

No, not Thai. French. Nouveau riche

The term nouveau riche (French: new rich [nu.vo ʁiʃ]), describes rich people who acquired their wealth within their own generations.

Sociologically, nouveau riche describes the man or woman who previously had belonged to a lower social class and economic stratum (rank) within that class; and that the new moneywhich constitutes his or her wealthallowed upward social mobility and provided the means for conspicuous consumption, the buying of goods and services that signal membership in an upper class. As a pejorative term, nouveau riche effects distinctions of type, the given stratum within a social class; hence, among the rich people of a social class, nouveau riche describes the vulgarity and ostentation of the new-rich man and woman who lack the worldly experience and the system of values of Old Money, of inherited wealth, such as the patriciate and the gentry.

Nouveau dumb comes to mind. What on gods earth are you on about?
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I was in Central chidlom the weekend and was looking for a new wallet. The salesman (very gay) came to show them to me (like i can't see myself) and told me they are wallets! Then he also spread his both hands on the wallets and i saw many huge golden rings on his fingers of both hands. They were not nice polished rings but looked like huge rough gold-nuggets bigger as a 10baht coin. I walked away immediately.

I get tired of Thai and their "look at me" attitude but it always makes me laugh how simple they are. I wonder if they even know that the gold price dropped about 33% last year and might drop further coming year. For Thai the price of something is much more important than the quyality it is made of.

No, not Thai. French. Nouveau riche

The term nouveau riche (French: new rich [nu.vo ʁiʃ]), describes rich people who acquired their wealth within their own generations.

Sociologically, nouveau riche describes the man or woman who previously had belonged to a lower social class and economic stratum (rank) within that class; and that the new moneywhich constitutes his or her wealthallowed upward social mobility and provided the means for conspicuous consumption, the buying of goods and services that signal membership in an upper class. As a pejorative term, nouveau riche effects distinctions of type, the given stratum within a social class; hence, among the rich people of a social class, nouveau riche describes the vulgarity and ostentation of the new-rich man and woman who lack the worldly experience and the system of values of Old Money, of inherited wealth, such as the patriciate and the gentry.

Nouveau dumb comes to mind. What on gods earth are you on about?


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Maybe it is the first time a foreigner or anybody has shown her such generosity, and she is so excited she wants everyone to know.

I haven't been in Thailand that long, and the more I read this forum the more concerned I get about Thailand changing people to be harder and less tolerant of others. It seems that many posts are written only to be critical, and the insignificance of the complaints seems often really petty.

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Maybe it is the first time a foreigner or anybody has shown her such generosity, and she is so excited she wants everyone to know.

I haven't been in Thailand that long, and the more I read this forum the more concerned I get about Thailand changing people to be harder and less tolerant of others. It seems that many posts are written only to be critical, and the insignificance of the complaints seems often really petty.

Well until someone shoots at me or something then I will post a more serious complaint,if you can call it a complaint.

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Maybe it is the first time a foreigner or anybody has shown her such generosity, and she is so excited she wants everyone to know.

I haven't been in Thailand that long, and the more I read this forum the more concerned I get about Thailand changing people to be harder and less tolerant of others. It seems that many posts are written only to be critical, and the insignificance of the complaints seems often really petty.

Well until someone shoots at me or something then I will post a more serious complaint,if you can call it a complaint.

hope it doesn't happen to you!! it happened to me, the mate I was walking back to camp with was not so lucky,he was shot dead,at the trial in Ubon it was discovered he was shot by mistake the thai,s thought he was someone else, but that's Thailand for you!!
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