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29 killed in Thailand bus accident: police


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Words fail me. If this happened in NZ it would be considered almost a national disaster and there would be a royal commission established to determine causes.

If there were any discrepancies in the drivers log book, hours spent driving versus the legal allowed hours, vehicle maintenance logs or any other causes that could be attributed to the company or its managers, then manslaughter charges would be made.

In Thailand, it's just same <deleted>, different day.

You said it true, but you are not allowed to speak the Truth in Thailand.

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Thai bus drivers just don't seem to know how to use the gears

to slow down on hills, most likely in 4th gear flying around the

bends, tries to brake going too fast, brakes fade,he and passengers

are f%#ked,hope he did not get to run away !

RIP the folks who lost their lives,and it will never stop,thats the irony

of it all,and I thought all buses where supposed to be fitted with seat


regards Worgeordie

Goodwill to all men and women just finished and your wishing a bloke dead without knowing any facts.Your predudice is showing.Charming.

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Thailand is really a fun place, buses fly off cliffs, catch fire or plough into lorries; boats sink or crash into each other; trains have a strange habit of jumping off the tracks or levelling the odd family car; planes can be dicey as well, so sit at the back; pedestrians in Bangkok needs to watch out for "falling" rocks, gas, and stray bullets; motorcyclists need more than just luck in order to survive, and always beware of the sea(if the tide goes out look for higher ground quickly), many strange ways to die here but don't worry because plywood coffins are very cheap. So bring the whole family for an adventure of a lifetime, better than any Indiana Jones movie because Thailand is the real thing.

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You all forget that the (Thai) driver was naturally gifted to drive a bus, training and education on safety was not needed as his superiority to other drivers was apparent to him from an early age.

His falling asleep at the wheel was his only ever mistake and should not cast any doubts on his true abilities.

But really with a road traffic system where there are no penalties except paltry fines, any transgressor can continue driving no matter what they have done on the road until they have killed themselves, and probably others too.

When I tell Thai friends about suspended licenses and points systems they simply do not believe it is possible to have control like that.

Out on my bike I have drivers try to kill me for fun so it seems, head on aggression,(but they do flash their lights so I guess that's ok then) side ways swiping, trying to race and overtake, it is murder out there. It aint going to change soon by the feel of things, so its game on to survive.

Get in the bike lane where you belong.

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I was traveling in thailand on a bus at night sitting in the front row on top of a double decker tour bus and the driver was dozing off and swerving from one side of the road to the other, the whole bus was asleep except me! I had to go down and bang on the drivers cabin door and scream at him to wake up. He stopped the bus and took a walk. it was bizarre. The bus companies don't take care to make sure their drivers get enough sleep. it's pathetically stupid.

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I was traveling in thailand on a bus at night sitting in the front row on top of a double decker tour bus and the driver was dozing off and swerving from one side of the road to the other, the whole bus was asleep except me! I had to go down and bang on the drivers cabin door and scream at him to wake up. He stopped the bus and took a walk. it was bizarre. The bus companies don't take care to make sure their drivers get enough sleep. it's pathetically stupid.

Same thing happened to a friend in the next village. He was wide awake and terrified (this is a retired NYFD guy!) staring out the front whilst all went sleepy-byes, including the driver who went straight up the back of a parked pick-up with mother and baby in the back seat of the double cab. Concertinaed the pick-up and sent it up the road by some 100ft.

Mother and baby were, somehow, miraculously, unhurt. Mercifully!

Then everyone woke up.

Then, later, another bus arrived and they went on to their destination and nothing was even mentioned about it. No checks for injury of the passengers, no refunds, nothing.

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You all forget that the (Thai) driver was naturally gifted to drive a bus, training and education on safety was not needed as his superiority to other drivers was apparent to him from an early age.

His falling asleep at the wheel was his only ever mistake and should not cast any doubts on his true abilities.

But really with a road traffic system where there are no penalties except paltry fines, any transgressor can continue driving no matter what they have done on the road until they have killed themselves, and probably others too.

When I tell Thai friends about suspended licenses and points systems they simply do not believe it is possible to have control like that.

Out on my bike I have drivers try to kill me for fun so it seems, head on aggression,(but they do flash their lights so I guess that's ok then) side ways swiping, trying to race and overtake, it is murder out there. It aint going to change soon by the feel of things, so its game on to survive.

Get in the bike lane where you belong.

Out on my bike I have drivers try to kill me for fun so it seems, head on aggression,(but they do flash their lights so I guess that's ok then) side ways swiping, trying to race and overtake, it is murder out there. It aint going to change soon by the feel of things, so its game on to survive.

I've had all those happen to me, and I WAS in the BIKE LANE. cheesy.gif
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Words fail me. If this happened in NZ it would be considered almost a national disaster and there would be a royal commission established to determine causes.

If there were any discrepancies in the drivers log book, hours spent driving versus the legal allowed hours, vehicle maintenance logs or any other causes that could be attributed to the company or its managers, then manslaughter charges would be made.

In Thailand, it's just same <deleted>, different day.

1. Driver's Log-Book ?

2. Hours spent driving <> Legal hours allowed ?

3. Vehicle Maintenance Logs ?

4. Vehicle Safety Records ?

5. Driver's Driver's License ?

Are you diluted, or don't you know how things work in Thailand ? ? ? ?

NONE of the above either exist, are practiced or are adhered-to in Thailand.

It's not that the LAWS aren't here; they are and they are EXCELLENT laws, the only problem is NOBODY ENFORCES THESE LAWS ! ! ! !

Love Thailand, but HATE some of the prevailing conditions here !


(PS: 21 years working/living in Thailand)

Indeed, what many don’t understand in Thailand you tend to get what-you -pay for. For example, a VIP first class bus has 28 seats, seat-belts and usually ex-changes drivers with new ones every 4 hours.

However, we know many cannot afford a quality service such as VIP and a lack of regulated and enforced safety standards in Thailand determines your chances as whether you live or die.

My sincere thought’s to the lost souls who have suffered.

Edited by MK1
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Bus falls into ravine kills 30


BANGKOK: -- A speeding bus plunged off a mountain road in Lomsak district of Phetchabun province shortly before midnight last night killing all its 30 passengers and injuring three seriously.

The Sombat Tour Company’s bus with about 35 passengers, driver and bus conductors, was on its way from Khon Kaen to Chiang Rai province.

Police said the bus, driven by Surin Kaeom, departed Khon Kaen at 7.45 p.m. and reached the scene shortly before midnight.

The scene is at the Huay Tong bridge or formerly known as the Por Khun Pa Muang bridge in Lomsak district. It is the highest 50 meter concrete foundation pile bridge in the country.

Police said that the driver was driving down the mountainous bridge at high speed and lost control as he tried to swerve a curb. It skidded and rammed at the side of the bridge railing and fell into the 50-meter ravine below.

Rescue workers have to use rope to go down and were able to rescue three seriously injured passengers from the badly damaged bus. But one of the three died later at Lomsak hospital.

Operation continued this morning to pick up the dead from the bus.

A total of 25 bodies have been plugged from the scene.

There are about 33 passengers, bus driver and conductors.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/bus-falls-ravine-kills-30/


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Words fail me. If this happened in NZ it would be considered almost a national disaster and there would be a royal commission established to determine causes.

If there were any discrepancies in the drivers log book, hours spent driving versus the legal allowed hours, vehicle maintenance logs or any other causes that could be attributed to the company or its managers, then manslaughter charges would be made.

In Thailand, it's just same &lt;deleted&gt;, different day.

Not wanting to trivialise politicial deaths but a few die in politicial protests and it is the world end, but 29 dead in yet another countless road hit and not an eye is batted. Perhaps Thai governments should be held accountable with imprisonment for the pathetic controls and lack of response to road deaths. And Thailand has a 38.1 ratio of road death per 100k of people to South East Asia's 18.5 average. Thailand the hub of wonderful policing and law enforcement. Edited by Roadman
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Instead of turning this into another Thai-bashing thread, what about a thought or two for the 30 Thai(?) families, who lost a familymember??

Hope the victims did not suffer!wai2.gif

If law and policing was upheld then these 30 odd families along with the never ending countless others from other mass road deaths would not need to be suffering. Read the SE Asia static at the end of the article and the thai's responsible do need a good bashing.
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Until they start going after the owners with big lawsuits, nothing is going to change.

Good point but nothing will happen because its likely the bus company owners are friends or relatives of influential people. The company owner may himself be an influential person.

Nothing changes in Thailand.

You must understand. Under the Thai Libel Law, merely mentioning the name of the bus company in a public forum in a way which could cause the bus company to lose income could result in a prison term and/or fine. And yes, people do sue, even the Royal Thai Navy is currently suing two reporters who are simply quoting an article in Reuters. The truth is no mitigation.

See: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/12/26/thailand-rohingya-un-rights-idUSL6N0K51A120131226

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I went over the same bridge on Tuesday as my parents are over for Christmas and I took them up to Nam Nao,only then was I highlighting the dangers of bus travel through this area and Thailand in general.

I've also travelled on the bus as well returning from Vientiene via KK for a visa run,that was before I had my own car.

This really needs to be addressed,but what hope do we have when Thais are currently gunning one another down on the streets of the capital.

My heartfelt sympathies go to all those who died in another senseless accident.

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If the driver fell asleep then one has to question why. What rest periods di he have? How many hours has he driven in the past 24 and all week? When did he last stop and what was his schedule?

This would form the basis of any incident investigation, and I have carried out many, in many countries. Sadly, this backward country adopts an Ostrich mentality to what is not an accident but negligence.

I have travelled on those buses many times and I think it is mechanical etc.Many times on a long stretch I have been the stewardess get in the front with the driver and I have also seen them pull up a swap drivers

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This is not possible to do but ALL public and private hire drivers should be called in to pass an hour long stringent test to prove their driving abilities are sound.

This should be done say on example UK driving test standards.

Extend it to then ALL road users. Unqualified people to be banned from driving for a specified period. All persons issuing licenses unlawfully be sacked from their work.

No way should a person be told ==== forward 5 meters==back 5 meters--OFF you go you have passed your test. 1 hour sitting and watching a video is no answer.

If anyone accuses me of Thai bashing because of my post should be banned from enjoying New Years Eve.

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Where is the Thai outrage? Why doesn't a grass-roots group form of Thai citizens demanding that road safety be addressed and things change. To do nothing and to see these road deaths continue is insane.

I was just thinking the same thing. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see the streets of BKK filled with another "Sutheps army".Thousands of normal Thai people with banners blocking the whole of the city,demanding real and proper justice,for the victims of tragedies like this and the people at the top tried and convicted,AND MADE TO SERVE,prison sentences for any decisions brought about by proper courts with the victims in mind and a determination to put an end to this carnage. Then I woke up and it was all gone.Thailand was a great place to live,and I went shopping at Big C. I really wish at least some of this would spark something of in the average Thai's mind,but I am afraid they do not think as we do and life goes on.I feel so sad for those that came to such a terrible end and for those that are suffering in hospitals.My thoughts go out to the families of all those people.Please God give those that died everlasting peace and grant a fast and complete recovery to those in Hospital

Dougal------ an angry Kiwi

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By the looks of the bus, seat belts may have saved allot of them.

Stupid quote !!!! With the bus totally destroyed after diving down a ravine it would have taken more than a seat belt to save these people

RIP to those that died and recovery to those in Hospital

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