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Why Is My Website Not Listed On Search Engines?


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...because I cannot reveal the actual domain concern as the business has yet to launch...

Hi Milk,

I would be grateful if could explain your logic behind the above statement. Unless it is months before opening then even bad advertising is better than no advertising?

By not revealing your soon to be public details, I think on the actual launch date you will not have many customers. Is it a business or a hobby?

As an example, I think this banner started before Christmas! It has caught my attention and I cannot wait for the opening.


Have you a similar banner which could arouse interest?



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As others have indicated it is not an overnight job. When I built my website and product (specialized scientific software) it took about a year to get everything in place. From beta testing and stabalizing my program, professionalizing the web site by peer-reviews, submitting to countless search engines, submitting my software to many shareware sites, and even press releases in appropriate on-line scientific journals. Probably about 6 months were just researching marketing tactics and SEO. Fortunatelly also my site host has a package that automatically submits my site to several search engines every three to four months.

Try and find magazines (on-line if possible) or other periodicals covering your site topic and see which ones allow free press releases. My press releases seemed to get me business from some really big boys including NASA. Do a search and you can find templates for press releases and how to submit them .This is an on-going process and will take a lot of your time so be patient. When I do a search for my site now I get over 13,000 hits from Google. Under Yahoo search it is more then 33,000 hits, so it gives you an idea of my SEO success.

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If anyone is interested, I found this pretty interesting site www.fromshawn.com who basically gives out quite a few pretty good seo softwares. There is even one that goes out and gets links for your site while submitting your site to other link partners with just one click.

And John, I know what you are saying and you are probably right but I'll just wait a few more days before I reveal the site. Might as well prolong the suspense now that you've mentioned it! :o

Watch my space....

PS. It's a business alright.

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I'm sorry i mislead you to the wrong UrlS! Those were just examples because I cannot reveal the actual domain concern as the business has yet to launch.


Dont apologise for smart thinking!

Also, dont forget the FIRST rule of SEO, your top keywords should be in the URL.

In your case,"Bangkok" and "Bakery" are going to be very near to the top of the list of best keywords. If the URL's that you have regisitered dont have good keywords in them it might be a good idea to register www.bangkokbakery.com for 2 reasons:

1: to point at your site and then submit this url to search engines.

2. To stop any competition having it :o

THat's what I thought too! Ya see, my actual domain name does not contain the very best keywords BUT I have registered another domain with with the best keywords and pointed it to my actual URL. Get what I mean? example, my bakery's name is "Mom's recipe" so my actualy URL is www.momsrecipe.com. Now say I registered another domain called www.bangkokbakery.com and pointed it to www.momsrecipe.com so that whenever people search for "bangkok bakery" hopefully one or the other domain will show up on top of the list. But so far, it has not really worked. Is domain pointing considered black hat seo? Afterall, it should work right? logically.

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Oh and one more thing I wanna ask: Does inserting robot text really help with page rankings? What are they exactly and how does it work? I found a robots page generator which basically gives you a robots.txt file based on info you type in on your site. I placed the file in my root directory but do I also have to add meta tags like this on my index page too?:

<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index, follow">

<META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="30days">

<META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="Global">

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