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Two Scots Cause A Late-night Stir Outside A “short Time” Hotel In Central Pattaya.

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all good qoutes fair play pissed up jocks the 2 of us we got attacked by around 8 thais 1 of us paid 100g`s where no room was used , and 1 only was was kept in and fined so make of it what u will ,sorry to the pattayans but i/ we faced the price in a foreingn land

can only say sorry for letting ourselfs and u down , end of it let it lie, espesially after the sad events last week we`ve been lucky


the stupid jocks !!

thanks that you took our point of viev , god bless :o

I wouldn't call that lucky. Attacked by 8 Thais ? But no mention of that in the initial story ? Didn't think it was worth reporting to the police ?

Paid 100g's ? (you mean 100,000 baht ?). Seems pretty steep price for rooms you didn't use.

"with the two men who were also becoming more violent as the confrontation continued"

Not the best way to deal with the police here. The initial story mentions that the one who was arrested was released without charge a few hours later. No mention of a fine.

As for all the comments here. Well, this isn't the first time the folks here have heard stories like this. In fact, it is stories like this that have given people from a certain country the reputation for being hooligans where ever they go.

After hearing so many of these stories, the folks here tend to be a little cynical and jaded.

it was the money or court monday why no money for hotel released sunday 10 pm ?????? make ur own mind up !!!

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all good qoutes fair play pissed up jocks the 2 of us we got attacked by around 8 thais 1 of us paid 100g`s where no room was used , and 1 only was was kept in and fined so make of it what u will ,sorry to the pattayans but i/ we faced the price in a foreingn land

can only say sorry for letting ourselfs and u down , end of it let it lie, espesially after the sad events last week we`ve been lucky


the stupid jocks !!

thanks that you took our point of viev , god bless :o

I wouldn't call that lucky. Attacked by 8 Thais ? But no mention of that in the initial story ? Didn't think it was worth reporting to the police ?

Paid 100g's ? (you mean 100,000 baht ?). Seems pretty steep price for rooms you didn't use.

"with the two men who were also becoming more violent as the confrontation continued"

Not the best way to deal with the police here. The initial story mentions that the one who was arrested was released without charge a few hours later. No mention of a fine.

As for all the comments here. Well, this isn't the first time the folks here have heard stories like this. In fact, it is stories like this that have given people from a certain country the reputation for being hooligans where ever they go.

After hearing so many of these stories, the folks here tend to be a little cynical and jaded.

kerrry d , im no hooligan ive been with my wife 3 years and my friend is on holiday from the uk why no mention of the lady who was allegedly slapped ????


I wouldn't call that lucky. after what happened to mr p last week i would god rest his soul

did the report mention the the ht was owned by a member of the ob ????

I wouldn't call that lucky. after what happened to mr p last week i would god rest his soul

did the report mention the the ht was owned by a member of the ob ????





Shirtless wonders!!!! :o

-Pattaya City News

Monday 15th May 2006

Quite disgracefull, and it's on TV as well, no wonder Farangs get a bad name, :D

Maybe someone should take them behind the woodshed and give them a good talking to.

see u there big keyboard man , read the facts , because it could be u next time ! wrong place wrong time !

are u judge jury and executiotioner ???

Dumb sweaty's will give Pattaya (city of peace) a bad name :o

you cannot blame anyone for giving Pattaya a bad name unless you are an ###### :D



Dumb sweaty's will give Pattaya (city of peace) a bad name :o

you cannot blame anyone for giving Pattaya a bad name unless you are an ###### :D


cheers for the vote of confidence


all good qoutes fair play pissed up jocks the 2 of us we got attacked by around 8 thais 1 of us paid 100g`s where no room was used , and 1 only was was kept in and fined so make of it what u will ,sorry to the pattayans but i/ we faced the price in a foreingn land

can only say sorry for letting ourselfs and u down , end of it let it lie, espesially after the sad events last week we`ve been lucky


the stupid jocks !!

thanks that you took our point of viev , god bless :o

I wouldn't call that lucky. Attacked by 8 Thais ? But no mention of that in the initial story ? Didn't think it was worth reporting to the police ?

Paid 100g's ? (you mean 100,000 baht ?). Seems pretty steep price for rooms you didn't use.

"with the two men who were also becoming more violent as the confrontation continued"

Not the best way to deal with the police here. The initial story mentions that the one who was arrested was released without charge a few hours later. No mention of a fine.

As for all the comments here. Well, this isn't the first time the folks here have heard stories like this. In fact, it is stories like this that have given people from a certain country the reputation for being hooligans where ever they go.

After hearing so many of these stories, the folks here tend to be a little cynical and jaded.

the guy has come on the forum and said he his very sorry over the incident ,but you and one or two others would rather take a report in the pattay city news (big deal) as gospel ,has far has i can see this as been blown up out of all proportion it must be a very quiet week in pattaya. no murders,shooting ,drug busts this week to get your teeth into.

they have gone overboard on the booze ok i dont condone that but lets face it they are on holiday and there are 2000 bars in pattaya hoping your going to go overboard on your bin,"its allowed".

you have not taken into account the language barrier, if they cant speak a word of thai and even if the thais can speak english im sure it would be hard to under stand their accent.

then you go and brand the people from scotland as hooligans,thats a matter of opinion i would rather have a scot has a friend than someone who reads a story like this, then wants to brand the people of scotland as hooligans.

this story should have been one of the posts in the "dumbest thing ive done when ive been drunk"

not making headlines in the pattaya city news.

well at least mr kerryd his giving the scousers a day off


thnaks soap , but we should know better been here 3 years , waht the <deleted> kerryd ids on i dont know maybee ne is a snitch , i sent him 2 pms to talki about it but no reply ,

all the best

cheers for ur input


Well I for one think it takes a bigger man to say sorry.

Ok he got drunk and fcuked up, but at least he admits it.....I presume no-one else on this forum ever got drunk and fcuked up.

thnaks soap , but we should know better been here 3 years , waht the <deleted> kerryd ids on i dont know maybee ne is a snitch , i sent him 2 pms to talki about it but no reply ,

all the best

cheers for ur input

Ive met kerryd at a pissup he's sound.

Something i dont understand madog you say you paid for rooms you didn't use...............if thats the case, what were you doing there in the first place (i know the hotel its in the middle of nowhere on wasteland) just seems strange to me.

As for <deleted> up, i/d be the wrong person to critisise you...............dont it many a time myself in drink.


.............or what it the case you paid for the rooms but between reception and the room managed to get into a fracas?..................and if so ,with who and how?

(Just curious to see how far on or off the mark the report was)

.............or what it the case you paid for the rooms but between reception and the room managed to get into a fracas?..................and if so ,with who and how?

(Just curious to see how far on or off the mark the report was)

there was no payment for room or use , an argument insued probably cos we we pissed so 2 thais had a go minutes later there were at least a few more , as we tried to drive away one of the thais kicked the bike over , next thing the police came round the corner as i said before , we have to take responsibility for being so pissed but the reports of released a couple of hours later ar bull

i dont know about all u guys but hey most of us have been pissed

at the end of the day LESSON LEARNED

and for those racists outhere slagging scots ur just simple i hope u get an education one day !!

all the best , thanks to those who listened


Yes, the initial story would seem to be missing some parts, but when it was posted, that's all we had to go on, wasn't it ?

And as I mentioned previously, this isn't the first time (or 2nd, 3rd, ect) that we've heard stories like this.

And, if you actually paid attention to what I wrote earlier, I didn't say these guys were hooligans. I said it was stories like this that have given certain people from a certain country the reputation for being hooligans.

As for not answering madog's PM's immediately after he sent them, gees, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I should remain glued to my computer waiting, just in case someone tries to PM me.

(in fact, I just had some renovations done, and have been moving furniture, phone lines and junk around all day. Answering PMs I didn't know I had wasn't high on my priority list) :o

Blowing the story out of proportion ? The longer this thread goes, the bigger the story seems to be.

"the 2 of us we got attacked by around 8 thais"

"1 of us paid 100g`s where no room was used" ("it was the money or court monday why no money for hotel released sunday 10 pm ?").

"why no mention of the lady who was allegedly slapped ?"

"did the report mention the the ht was owned by a member of the ob ?"

(I think he means that the hotel is owned by a member of the mob ?)

"there was no payment for room or use"

Like I said, the real story appears to be much bigger than what was initially reported.

As madog has mentioned, lesson learned. Expensive lesson too.

(and I never said a word about Scots, or Scotland. In fact, I was referring to the reputation that ENGLISHmen have for being hooligans).

As for the remark about being a snitch, I could launch into a profanity-laden response, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, being that you were probably quite irritated at the time you wrote that.

As a side note. After participating on this board for awhile, and getting to know some of the members, you'll realize that threads and stories like this often get similar treatment from various members. You should see what we are like when it comes to child molestors. You've been treated with kid-gloves in comparison.

You will also notice, after being here for awhile, that quite often the news reports posted here differ from paper to paper, and "facts" in those stories are often amended/revised on a daily basis. We don't often get a first hand account of the event.


Bit confused what were you two doing at a short time hotel in the first place? If you weren't there to rent a room then what were you there for???

As for having a go at sweaty socks - come on mate you know we all take the piss out of each other. Need a thicker skin lad. :o

As for having a go at sweaty socks - come on mate you know we all take the piss out of each other. Need a thicker skin lad. :o

agreed - just a bit of banter.



"As for having a go at sweaty socks - come on mate you know we all take the piss out of each other. Need a thicker skin lad. "

Yeah, you should see how they treat us Yanks when we get our pictures in the news! :o:D

Sounds like you and your friend got in a tight spot and found your way out the best way you could.

Kudoes for 'fessing-up to an alcohol induced stupid situation and you have my respect for being honest about it.

Don't go away mad, madog.


"As for having a go at sweaty socks - come on mate you know we all take the piss out of each other. Need a thicker skin lad. "

Yeah, you should see how they treat us Yanks when we get our pictures in the news! :D:D

Sounds like you and your friend got in a tight spot and found your way out the best way you could.

Kudoes for 'fessing-up to an alcohol induced stupid situation and you have my respect for being honest about it.

Don't go away mad, madog.


cheers bud :o

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