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Red Shirt leader Jatuporn announces campaign to keep "Bangkok open"


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no need to come out at all -

here is my proposal - since Suthep wants to interrupt all government services - stop all garbage collection in Bangkok first as long as the siege is in place.

Collect money and give all garbage collectors 2-3 weeks fully paid vacation. Fly them to Chiang Mai (they can't go south into Suthepland) where the locals will give them a hero's welcome - pamper them in beautiful hotels and spas - they deserve it they do a very very difficult job every day!

Belief me after 2 weeks the latest - Bangkokians (even the so called educated elite) will throw Suthep and his cohorts out of the city and beg the uneducated, stupid laborers they tend look down upon to return !!!

Problem solved !

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This month is the month of 'make or break'. Please wait for a signal from us.

I'm gonna stock up on popcorn, because it will get get exciting this month .

What a sad post!!bah.gif "Our" country might be on the brink of a civil war, and to you it is entertaiment!!

Shame on you!!

After all the inflammatory posts by many people one should beware of shaming anyone. The pot calling the kettle black comes to mind.

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When " civil" war starts, I am out of here....

As will the moneyed up expats and quality tourists.

With their gdp higher than what they care to admit thanks to tourism and sex tourism dollars, they are in for one helluva shock.

Besides the property bubble, the "sheet bubble" is even greater and will splatter all around them.

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yep January is going to be a fun month around bkk... and the reds were lookng ok in the international media as it "looks" like democracy anyway with calling the vote (which I suppose it is)...but the dems just cannot get the votes (and don't seem to know how to get that farm/poor/out of bangkok vote) going to beat YS and friends after all the populist vote getting schemes... rice, cars, tablets for every schoolkid, etc...and the people's council thing for 6 months to reform what? still doesn't matter as whoever gets a majority vote can still start the vote getting scheme giveaway money anyway... it's just YS and TS do it better than the dems... same as in the usa with OB and the dems.... they give 20 million illegals from mexico citizenship and the repugs will never get a pres elected for 20+ years by normal votes...it gets down to who BS's the sheeple better...well strap yourselves in for a fun month this month

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"We are ready. If we lose democracy, we don't know what will happen. This month is the month of 'make or break'. Please wait for a signal from us. We will fight under peaceful principles," he said.

I'm buying a helmet.

Living in the sticks has it's upside, but we have family living up there too.

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Really the UDD/Red Shirts should just keep quiet, if they do come out, it will inevitably play into the oppositions hands as no doubt there will be clashes, deaths and inevitably it will lead to a Coup.

At the moment, they unbelievably in the eyes of many around the world sort of have the moral high ground. Without people knowing all the history, on the face of it, it seems that their democratically elected Government is trying to be overthrown by some loony talking about People's Councils.

The history is the elite have arrogantly kept the education system back ward for decades on purpose, to keep the masses down as poor uneducated bonded servants.

Living of the elites scraps and benevolence.

Whilst they have educated their off spring in the western education system.

In their arrogance they have ignored historically what has happened in other country's to the elite.

Its time once and for all to let the Thai spring begin.

Unfortunately because the red shirts are so badly handicapped educationally I think its going to be bloody and not end for a decade!

As you sow, so you reap.!

Well, seeing as the Dems haven't been elected for so many years (like you Reds keep going on about), why hasn't PT and Thaksin done more to improve the education system for the poor? I'm not disagreeing with you that you may have a point re the past what the Elite have done, but don't forget, you don't get more Elite than Thaksin's mob. And they have done what to improve the education system?

It's quite known in Thaksin's circles they want to keep the education system low as the masses are easier to control. You only have had to listen to Yingluck's speeches since the bill to know that only people with a pea brain or live outside of Thailand would have fallen for the soundbites - "this bill is not about a whitewash", "it's reconciliation", "our family don't want power just peace", "my brother doesn't want anything to do with politics", "oh no, I'm going to cry". For people living inside Thailand that are not educated well, will fall for all that.

Edited by Hawkman
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Look what happened the last time the red shirts came to town.

Yes 2 of them were shot dead. The time before that about 80 of them were.

And both times it was the reds who started it. Violence just follows them wherever they go doesn't it, the illustrious 'leader's' private militia. It was a peaceful protest till the red dogs were unleashed on the students. Getting more and more like the IRA and Sinn Fein every day. Soon we will have PT members saying 'I am not a terrorist' - oh wait, that happened already.

The only terrorists this time around are suthep,his thugs and his paid protesters thumbsup.gif

How come I saw the protestors gave him cash instead?

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This is what happens when one side of the political divide decides not to play by the rules. Thank Suthep for any violence

Given that your first sentence obviously refers to the corrupt PTP/Thaksin regime, I don't understand why you believe that Suthep can be blamed for any violence that may occur...?!

Jatuporn is the one who is clearly trying to stir up the opposition to the current protests. In his words" we will fight under peaceful principles". What exactly does that mean?

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 the never managed to amass more then 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

Or it could be that the red shirts are just not as dumb as the yellow shirts.

On top of that, not every red shirt can afford to sit all day on the streets doing nothing but blowing a whistle. Most of them are poor and have to work for every Baht.

Most of the yellow shirt protesters are middle class or rich and can obviously afford to do nothing for weeks, except giving 100, 500 and 1000 Baht bills to Suthep.

Maybe that explains it?

Strange, why don't the Democrats win any elections for 23 years in a row if they allegedly have such a huge amount of support?

The red shirts are dumb because they believe all the red bull and support a convicted fugitive and his criminal clan based on promises of ruining the country with stupid populist policies to keep their support.

Another red twit who has it all backwards. The reds got paid every day they attended in 2010, copious ( that means a lot ) evidence of it including videos of the paymasters counting out the cash and checking the lists of names, so they could easily afford to protest as they got paid very well for it. So don't make bs excuses for their low numbers.

However, the 'yellows' as you call the anti government protestors, who yes include yellow shirts as members among many thousands of other people are not being paid, they are protesting for a cause they believe in.

And I repeat for the umpteenth time, Thaksin never has and never will take part in a fair election he could lose. 3 parties banned for electoral fraud and 200 of the members in the current PT gang of crooks. Crooked through and through ( like your red propaganda addled brain ). No fair elections with them involved...

Thats how you win elections coffee1.gif

Dispense with the crusade and the colour waving please, corruption abounds everywhere and always has, believe what you wish the whole lot is rotten to the core, was before Thaksin and will be long after.

Bottom line Thailand gets what Thailand deserves and will continue to, good or bad it all rests with the people and how far they wish to take it. Will they embrace the rule of law and consign the army to serving the country first as it should before its paymasters ? I doubt it.

So you believe that your argument that the system has always been rotten to the core is sufficient for it to remain rotten to the core in the foreseeable future....?! You clearly have no understanding of why these people are on the streets.

​This is not about the Dems preventing an election that "they can't possibly win", essentially because, based upon the strength of feeling on all sides, it is not at all clear that any party can get a clear majority in the current climate.

This is about sorting out the system, rooting out corruption, putting an end to vote-buying, jailing those who have already been convicted (Deputy PM Prompong is a prime example) and then holding free and fair elections.

You can bet your life that when all of the necessary checks and balances are in place, Thailand will find itself being governed by a coalition of the major parties for the foreseeable future; that is, until one party distinguishes itself as the "clean party". The "clean party" is then likely to win an absolute majority and all of the other parties will have to follow suit, in terms of cleaning up their own house, if they wish to get back into power.

Having a criminal like Jatuporn inciting civil war is certainly not the way forward, and BTW, this is yet another breach of his bail terms.

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no need to come out at all -

here is my proposal - since Suthep wants to interrupt all government services - stop all garbage collection in Bangkok first as long as the siege is in place.

Collect money and give all garbage collectors 2-3 weeks fully paid vacation. Fly them to Chiang Mai (they can't go south into Suthepland) where the locals will give them a hero's welcome - pamper them in beautiful hotels and spas - they deserve it they do a very very difficult job every day!

Belief me after 2 weeks the latest - Bangkokians (even the so called educated elite) will throw Suthep and his cohorts out of the city and beg the uneducated, stupid laborers they tend look down upon to return !!!

Problem solved !

I suppose then they will have to use the army to get rid of the garbage. It worked in 2010.

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It would be nice to hear your solution then. A People's Council perhaps? Well, you certainly can't leave democracy up to the rural poor, can you? Arrogance is what caused this mess. On both sides, but it is hard to find a more arrogant and vile man than Suthep in Thai politics and there's many to choose from on both sides.

Suthep is dividing Thailand in a matter of weeks and it won't be undone. He is lightening the powder keg here.

He may think that the populace in Thailand are too stupid to be trusted in voting which crooks they wish to represent them, but there is no more ignorant and dangerous man in Thai politics than Suthep, for he is bringing about end of the Thailand that we all know.

Thaksin and populism was an inevitability in any democracy. The way to deal with populism is to form an effective opposition. The Rice Pledging Scheme could have been the undoing of Thaksin and an evolution in Thai politics. The trouble is that an evolution in Thai politics is not good enough for Suthep. He represents a minority in Thailand which have held power for far too long and they will never again hold that power.

A curriculum in schools figuring that singing and dancing are way more important than History and any form of thinking outside the box, will make for easy manipulation of the people. Thaksin's greatest sin was manipulating the rural poor in a brand new way and for that the Elite hate him. But whatever your views on Thai politics, one thing is for sure: the rural poor won't give up their newly found representation and the fight that Suthep wants is not winnable.

This development with Jatuporn was inevitable and with two such men pitted together, there lies all the ingredients of civil war on the streets of Bangkok. Either Suthep saw this or he didn't. Either way, he is a vile, stupid and arrogant man.

This is what happens when one side of the political divide decides not to play by the rules. Thank Suthep for any violence

The rules that were broken were by Yingkuck's administration.

That's what caused this mess

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
Edited by SPIKECM
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no need to come out at all -

here is my proposal - since Suthep wants to interrupt all government services - stop all garbage collection in Bangkok first as long as the siege is in place.

Collect money and give all garbage collectors 2-3 weeks fully paid vacation. Fly them to Chiang Mai (they can't go south into Suthepland) where the locals will give them a hero's welcome - pamper them in beautiful hotels and spas - they deserve it they do a very very difficult job every day!

Belief me after 2 weeks the latest - Bangkokians (even the so called educated elite) will throw Suthep and his cohorts out of the city and beg the uneducated, stupid laborers they tend look down upon to return !!!

Problem solved !

I suppose then they will have to use the army to get rid of the garbage. It worked in 2010.

yes sorry- I actually thought about that - but did not write it on here - was afraid it would come across as if the Thai army would be finally good for something - namely collecting garbage!

That would be really the only thing I could think of them being good at - except for their highest ranking officers being corrupt and stealing! - Last time I checked the only "enemy" the glorious Thai armed forces ever killed in the last few decades was there own mostly unarmed civilian population by either shooting them or suffocating them without ever being held accountable.

Not including a short skirmish with the Cambodians during Abhisit's puppet tenure - before that they did not look so good fighting Laotian soldiers wearing Flip flops in Baan Rom Klao - again - although by accident - killing more of their own Thai soldiers in "friendly fire" then their "enemies" - ups......... not sure now if that was a few days before or after their planes fell out of the sky over Bangkok trying to fly in formation!

The Bangkok Post back then called it the "blackest day in the Thai Air Force's history" - although all this seems to have been "erased" from history.

It seems that if somebody is actually shooting back at them they run twice as fast backwards than forwards! Shooting unarmed civilians really takes a hero!

I am still wondering what "Victory Monument" really stands for? The students they massacred during the October uprising? - and please don't answer me with one of the episodes of "selected" history taught in Thai schools - I have been witness to certain events - and I am able to research and form my own opinion.

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The 'democratically' elected government was being undemocratic is trying to push through an "blanket amnesty bill'. That's when the protests really started. By now the government has stepped down, as such it's interesting that some still talk about 'overthrowing' it.

You may disagree with the content of the amnesty bill, as did I, but the way it was passed through the 2nd and 3rd reading was in line with the constitution and therefore democratic. The fact that the dems walked out and boycotted the vote after 19 hours of debate is their problem - it does not make the passing of the bill to the Senate any less democratic.

The protesters are not trying to overthrow a government they are trying to overthrow the democratic right of every eligible Thai to vote in an election. There is no justification for that behaviour, none.

Sorry chum, but you can't have your cake and eat it. Since the government was illegally carrying out orders from an unelected wanted criminal then the government breaking a de facto reconciliation, makes its actions unacceptable. One might say that the State was naive in letting the clone government operate as such but in the event they were given enough rope to hang themselves with. Quite frankly if we are referencing the constitution then the PTP should be banned for illegal and unconstitutional activities but that wasn't quite what you had in mind.

"illegally carrying out orders from an unelected wanted criminal then the government breaking a de facto reconciliation, makes its actions unacceptable."

Please explain, I really haven't got a clue what you are on about

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 they never managed to amass more than 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

Suthep's crowd don't have so far to travel.

I wish the same to the wonder crab woman and her injustice league too.

Do you have a problem with writing Yingluck Shinawatra or PTP? It betrays a certain lack of maturity and leads me to ignore your posts, not that I'm missing much. Have a look around the forum - how many references to the cockroach party do you see?

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This month is the month of 'make or break'. Please wait for a signal from us.

I'm gonna stock up on popcorn, because it will get get exciting this month .

What a sad post!!bah.gif "Our" country might be on the brink of a civil war, and to you it is entertaiment!!

Shame on you!!

It is not shame on "us" ... it is shame on your leaders and shame on the Thai people for accepting it for so long ... We are only guests here .... just like Nana and Patpong, we are just guests here enjoying the entertainment that Thai's are providing

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And both times it was the reds who started it. Violence just follows them wherever they go doesn't it, the illustrious 'leader's' private militia. It was a peaceful protest till the red dogs were unleashed on the students. Getting more and more like the IRA and Sinn Fein every day. Soon we will have PT members saying 'I am not a terrorist' - oh wait, that happened already.

The only terrorists this time around are suthep,his thugs and his paid protesters thumbsup.gif

Paid protesters who made 6 million Baht donation in a single day laugh.png

Cheap Charlies! That's only just over 1 baht per person (working on "official" attendance figure of 5.8 million protesters) whistling.gif

Even 6 million baht (another "official" figure?) won't go far unless they get that every day

"The people behind these protests are the same people behind the 2006 coup. It's impossible that Suthep is acting alone," said Kan Yuenyong, executive director of the Siam Intelligence Unit, a Bangkok think tank.

"They are spending around five million baht (HK$1.27 million) a day on sustaining the protesters, so he must have people behind him providing that money"...................


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From reading all these posts, I have come to the sad realization that despite the dreadful events of the past few months, the brazen assaults on democracy and rule of law, the majority of posters here at ThaiVisa have learned nothing. I find it strange that so many of us come from a continent that was devastated by the evils of fascism years ago, yet we do not shudder when we see it reemerging among the so-called "educated" classes of our new adopted home. A reasonable person would be excused for expecting people who come from developed nations, complete with their sterling (relatively) educational systems, to support the democratization of a developing country. It is sad that so many here fail to understand not only the situation in Thailand, but the basic concept of democracy. Democrats don't cheer for coups. Real people of discernment do not buy into disproved myths that one party's vote buying can sway an election in a country of over 60 million people.

For all our education and heritage, the posters here do not seem any wiser than the mobs in the street or the rural poor they so despise.

Oh god, please spare us that holier then thou attitude.

People against the Shinawatras don't despise the rural poor, we despise the corrupt people who pretend to help the rural poor.

Please, spare me your false contempt for corruption. The politicians of this country are corrupt top to bottom, and there is virtually no difference between the two sides in this respect. As far as "holier than thou", well, the only response I have is only one of use believes the people of Thailand are capable of electing their own ruler. I don't believe that the average Thai is too stupid to make important decisions, and I find it sad that so many here on this board do. I believe those who show such contempt for the majority of Thais and their choice in government are the ones in need of an attitude adjustment, not those of use who support an imperfect but promising democracy in progress.

You're wrong. Not everyone is is corrupt or at very least, not AS corrupt. The Shinawatras have taken corruption to a higher plane of existence and that's why they need to go.

How do you 'believe' the people of Thailand are capable of electing their own ruler when they keep electing the same kleptomaniacs into power? Why should the people whom didn't vote for the corrupt Shinawatras, have to support with their tax paid all the failed and corrupt schemes this government has put up? 'Promising' democracy. Riiiiiight. Look how the 'promising' democracy has worked so far. I'm not saying democracy should be eliminated but changes should be made to the system before the next elections. Something this government, or rather their Dubai boss doesn't seem to want.

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Interestingly Jatuporrn and Suthep both come from Surat Thani. They must be the most argumentative and arrogant people in Thailand and I know this! I was "married" to one for 7 years!

I'll beat that I had one who sold MY house. (name Thai) Song- "I am not alone" comes to mind, Once I trusted Never again.

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Jatuporn is the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to the Reds, the amount of lies and incitement through lies that he has gotten away with is disgusting,


Terrible isn't it - On April 6th it is reported that Jatuporn plays doctored tape of abhisit ordering troops to crackdown on the Reds during the last songkran days........

and on April 10th.............

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Oh god, please spare us that holier then thou attitude.

People against the Shinawatras don't despise the rural poor, we despise the corrupt people who pretend to help the rural poor.

Please, spare me your false contempt for corruption. The politicians of this country are corrupt top to bottom, and there is virtually no difference between the two sides in this respect. As far as "holier than thou", well, the only response I have is only one of use believes the people of Thailand are capable of electing their own ruler. I don't believe that the average Thai is too stupid to make important decisions, and I find it sad that so many here on this board do. I believe those who show such contempt for the majority of Thais and their choice in government are the ones in need of an attitude adjustment, not those of use who support an imperfect but promising democracy in progress.

You're wrong. Not everyone is is corrupt or at very least, not AS corrupt. The Shinawatras have taken corruption to a higher plane of existence and that's why they need to go.

How do you 'believe' the people of Thailand are capable of electing their own ruler when they keep electing the same kleptomaniacs into power? Why should the people whom didn't vote for the corrupt Shinawatras, have to support with their tax paid all the failed and corrupt schemes this government has put up? 'Promising' democracy. Riiiiiight. Look how the 'promising' democracy has worked so far. I'm not saying democracy should be eliminated but changes should be made to the system before the next elections. Something this government, or rather their Dubai boss doesn't seem to want.

You support the idea that if you can't get elected, you change the rules until you can?

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Oh god, please spare us that holier then thou attitude.

People against the Shinawatras don't despise the rural poor, we despise the corrupt people who pretend to help the rural poor.

Please, spare me your false contempt for corruption. The politicians of this country are corrupt top to bottom, and there is virtually no difference between the two sides in this respect. As far as "holier than thou", well, the only response I have is only one of use believes the people of Thailand are capable of electing their own ruler. I don't believe that the average Thai is too stupid to make important decisions, and I find it sad that so many here on this board do. I believe those who show such contempt for the majority of Thais and their choice in government are the ones in need of an attitude adjustment, not those of use who support an imperfect but promising democracy in progress.

You're wrong. Not everyone is is corrupt or at very least, not AS corrupt. The Shinawatras have taken corruption to a higher plane of existence and that's why they need to go.

How do you 'believe' the people of Thailand are capable of electing their own ruler when they keep electing the same kleptomaniacs into power? Why should the people whom didn't vote for the corrupt Shinawatras, have to support with their tax paid all the failed and corrupt schemes this government has put up? 'Promising' democracy. Riiiiiight. Look how the 'promising' democracy has worked so far. I'm not saying democracy should be eliminated but changes should be made to the system before the next elections. Something this government, or rather their Dubai boss doesn't seem to want.

You support the idea that if you can't get elected, you change the rules until you can?

You support the idea that if you get elected, you change the rules to benefit yourself and your cronies?

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