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Thai Friend Wants Me to Become an In-Law.... in 8 Years.


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lol. My friend and I are actually really close. We talk almost every day and care about each other a lot. I don't want to give up the friendship.

I've just never been handed an arranged marriage before on a silver platter (or on any other platter for that matter).

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is your friend a she?

the same age as you are?

if yes, and yes, + you said you are close, chance are she wants to tease you, and what really think is that she would be the one getting married to you...your job is to realize she is interested, and waiting you suggest that you would like to have someone closer in age to marry ( just like her)...

the bait is there, it is up to you to bite it or not smile.png

Yeah my friend is a she. For a while I've felt that she's been interested in more than just a friendship, but each time I mention it, she says "We just really good friends, I don't want boyfriend". She's 29, I'm 32. Our birthdays are actually the same week, so soon she'll be 30 and I'll be 33. I've tried to "bite" a couple of times but she moved out of the way each time.

Whatever. I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with her, we could be happy, but at the same time I am not obsessed with her.

She can do or say what she wants. I care more about the friendship.

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1. To take things a step further, she said that the next time I come to Thailand (at the end of January) she wants me to come to her home and meet her family.


I believe you also know the answer to your question.

If as you say he is a good friend try to explain to him that these things do not happen today, specially with a 9 year old minor.

Also that you are not accustomed to propositions like that.

Anyway you can always politely reject it.

I hope you are not seriously thinking of the proposition!

Meeting the family in Thailand doesn't have the same meaning / weight as in the west. It's not necessity the last step before a wedding.

Arranged marriages are very common among Indians, I don't know of any case among Thais - let alone from such a young age.

And as for all those commenting about the relationship with a 9 years old - in the original post PJ says that his friend's plan is for him to get married in 8 years. She'll be 17 by then...

If your friendship is important for you, I'd suggest you don't put her down for her offer, just find some excuses why you can't commit right now. Something that she can understand like - your parents have to approve first and they can't come to Thailand now... or that due to your religion you are not allowed to get married... or whatever.

and here's a question for you - if she REALLY means she wants you to marry her cousin's daughter and pressing you to seal the deal right now when the girl is only 9, which obviously you think (correctly) that this is ridiculous (just think how unfair it is to the young girl - her husband was picked for her, she's got no say in it..) - can you really be friends which this person? Are you still considering marrying her??

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This sort of arrangement is not unheard of in Thai culture...however...the girl is usually at least 15yrs or older...18 is legal...

I have been approached by the mom or relative on more than 1 occasion trying to hook me up with a daughter or relative...

My response...is that I am not interested in purchasing another human being...no matter how attractive...

Good Luck...be sure the bottom line is money and security for the girl and family...

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I'm not sure about the laws in the US but even being a around a "proposal" like this if you are Australian, regardless of your physical location, would be very dangerous legally. Apart from the whole concept being loathsome of course.

Best advice above is to run. If you value the ongoing friendship of this clearly amoral individual, then the advice to say, "Absolutely not. Never raise this with me again." is in order.

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In marriage, there must be love that exists between the man and woman.Mutual feelings as others say.

Do you think, the girl will have that feelings towards you? Anyway, you will have what we call 2 in 1.

Wife and daughter. She will feel secure with you if you will take care of her like a wife and daughter.

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To make things clear, I'm not considering the proposal. I was just shocked by the offer, and it's hard to tell sometimes if she's serious when she shifts back and fourth between laughing at my embarrassment, and moving on to talk about other more normal things. She's a very strong and spiritual person.

She and her family don't have a lot of money, for example, the first time I saw her mobile phone I thought "Wow... This might have been fashionable in 2001 when cell phones first switched to color." I didn't even know they made phones like that anymore. The point is that, I 'get' financial motivations. She's not one of the many girls walking around with smart phones who have computers at home. In our last conversation she said "I really want you come to my home, it small but I want you see my family... You can't sleep here because no AC."

One poster suggested that she's a new friend, she's not. I've known her for about six months now, and she's never talked like this before. I refer to her as my "best friend in Thailand" because our personalities click more than anyone else I've met there. I think she likes me, but she's also very direct in saying that she doesn't want to trust a man with her heart ever again.

Edited by pjthefey
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Actually it sounds like a match made in Heaven. I say go for it my friend. It should be a great adventure. You won't be alone. Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. I say if it's good enough for the "Killer" It should be ok for you. I'd love to go to the wedding and hang out with some of your future wife's girlfriends. 555

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It's simple just say "No" what's all this I don't want to hurt my friends feelings. No not for me move on !! If your asking does this go on here in Thailand there is a good chance that it does but does any one with any self respect or respect for others want to get involved in anything like this I think we're back to NO

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From what I can read into your posts, is that you have only talked with this lady via Internet and not yet met her.

If this is correct then I say when you come to Thailand go and meet her and see how the relationship develops.

Who knows, maybe once you meet in real life you will either click or realise that it was a mistake, having an Internet friendship is different to having one in real life.

As for the marriage proposal, I would politely decline the offer and say that you are not interested (which your not anyway) in an arranged marriage but want to find a love in the natural way.

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