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Unfair Pricing


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I am really getting to like this thread. Has any of you ever been a retail business owner in a seasonal tourist town? No, I thought not. Too many union leaders, and scores of other paid by the hour bloodsuckers on the backs of us capitalists and entrepreneurs types.

In a seasonal tourist town anywhere in the world you raise the prices when the tourists are in town and lower them when they leave.

And then there is my two Thai heroes WC Fields and P. T. Barnum who said, Never give a sucker an even break and there is a sucker born every minute.

You didn’t know they were Thai did you. Well they must be. Western people would never think like that.

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I am really getting to like this thread. Has any of you ever been a retail business owner in a seasonal tourist town? No, I thought not. Too many union leaders, and scores of other paid by the hour bloodsuckers on the backs of us capitalists and entrepreneurs types.

In a seasonal tourist town anywhere in the world you raise the prices when the tourists are in town and lower them when they leave.

And then there is my two Thai heroes WC Fields and P. T. Barnum who said, Never give a sucker an even break and there is a sucker born every minute.

You didn’t know they were Thai did you. Well they must be. Western people would never think like that.

Who's WC Fields and P.T. Barnum? must be before my time, but they make alot of sense

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I agree that a lot of Chineese places don't have dual pricing. They have only one price, foreigner price. A lot of places are priced way outside what a normal Chineese could afford, at least in thailand they price it so the less unfortunate can still use the facilities.

Personally I'm very happy with dual pricing as I know that nearly all countries without dual pricing are much more expensive to live in, as long as we have dual pricing here it's a cheap place to live in :-)

Outside of Shanghai (which I agree can be outrageously expensive), China is generally no more expensive to live in than Thailand. Some areas are significantly cheaper - though you wouldn't necessarily want to live there - as are many services and consumer items like internet, mobile phone use, computer equipment and software, DVD's, books, beer, wine and Western booze (except in bars), local restaurant food, cigarettes, tailoring and electronics. Most other items are about the same price as Thailand. The only things which tend to be significantly more expensive are restaurants serving non-local food and expat-orientated bars.

Edited by Rumpole
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Since you people are so keen at trying to fight racism(which yourselves try to associate everything with), why don't you go back to your own countries and ask your governments to let anyone in the world to be able to just walk into or move to live in your countries whenever they like? Aren't your countries racist?

As for racism, don't tell me there is no racism in england. The few times I was in the UK, I noticed most black people were very nervous.

Thai's can come and live in my country and pay what the locals pay, buy and OWN a house, buy land, get citizenship blah, blah, ad nauseum, and, furthermore, they let in tens of thousands of immigrants year in, year out from all four corners of the globe with the keys to a property and money in their sky rocket, so don't come out with crap like that.

As for the last comment, when were you last in the UK, 1960 :D

:o Thais could go to your country and pay 10X to go to school ... probably not be admitted in the first place ... etc etc etc .... get real! :D

but wow ... 19 pages and people don't get the difference between nationalism and racism ..... or xenophobia and racism .... etc

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Since you people are so keen at trying to fight racism(which yourselves try to associate everything with), why don't you go back to your own countries and ask your governments to let anyone in the world to be able to just walk into or move to live in your countries whenever they like? Aren't your countries racist?

As for racism, don't tell me there is no racism in england. The few times I was in the UK, I noticed most black people were very nervous.

Thai's can come and live in my country and pay what the locals pay, buy and OWN a house, buy land, get citizenship blah, blah, ad nauseum, and, furthermore, they let in tens of thousands of immigrants year in, year out from all four corners of the globe with the keys to a property and money in their sky rocket, so don't come out with crap like that.

As for the last comment, when were you last in the UK, 1960 :D

:o Thais could go to your country and pay 10X to go to school ... probably not be admitted in the first place ... etc etc etc .... get real! :D

but wow ... 19 pages and people don't get the difference between nationalism and racism ..... or xenophobia and racism .... etc

:D What ever are you on about? They're not paying 10X the locals, they'll pay the same and admissions criteria go for all.

Probably little to do with either from where they're coming from... it's just plain being ripped-off and if you can't see that then you need to remove those rose-tinted glasses.

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There is no new posts, its all just beeing repeated in the last 10 pages or so, People have there own opinions that wont change, i say close this thread as there is no new input being added

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Since you people are so keen at trying to fight racism(which yourselves try to associate everything with), why don't you go back to your own countries and ask your governments to let anyone in the world to be able to just walk into or move to live in your countries whenever they like? Aren't your countries racist?

As for racism, don't tell me there is no racism in england. The few times I was in the UK, I noticed most black people were very nervous.

Thai's can come and live in my country and pay what the locals pay, buy and OWN a house, buy land, get citizenship blah, blah, ad nauseum, and, furthermore, they let in tens of thousands of immigrants year in, year out from all four corners of the globe with the keys to a property and money in their sky rocket, so don't come out with crap like that.

As for the last comment, when were you last in the UK, 1960 :D

:o Thais could go to your country and pay 10X to go to school ... probably not be admitted in the first place ... etc etc etc .... get real! :D

but wow ... 19 pages and people don't get the difference between nationalism and racism ..... or xenophobia and racism .... etc

:D What ever are you on about? They're not paying 10X the locals, they'll pay the same and admissions criteria go for all.

Probably little to do with either from where they're coming from... it's just plain being ripped-off and if you can't see that then you need to remove those rose-tinted glasses.

HUH?? What rate is international tuition charged at where you are from? They lowered the number of UK resident addmissions to Oxford just so they could charke 1000's of Pounds more to more foreign students ... same is happening in the USA ... and it is NOT just a matter of 180 baht ... it's 1000's of pounds per year ...

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There is no new posts, its all just beeing repeated in the last 10 pages or so, People have there own opinions that wont change, i say close this thread as there is no new input being added

and with at least 7 (and likely many more) previous, exactly-identical threads spanning the entire lifetime of Thaivisa before it...

the prudent thing would have been to close it 278 posts and 19 pages ago.

oh well... can't say I didn't warn you all earlier... :o

see ya all back in here in another six months with a new one...


Edited by sriracha john
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The few times I was in the UK, I noticed most black people were very nervous.


Quote of the day!!

Yeah its an absolut beaut :D:D

OK. All the white people in the UK love black people and other skin-colour people. No racism in the UK.

My mistake, what would I expect? These white people who claim being victims of racism in Thailand, to realize anything?


I feel terribly sorry for the farangs who are suffering from torture under racism in Thailand! :D Hopefully the international world could do something to help these unlucky people.

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Since you people are so keen at trying to fight racism(which yourselves try to associate everything with), why don't you go back to your own countries and ask your governments to let anyone in the world to be able to just walk into or move to live in your countries whenever they like? Aren't your countries racist?

As for racism, don't tell me there is no racism in england. The few times I was in the UK, I noticed most black people were very nervous.

Thai's can come and live in my country and pay what the locals pay, buy and OWN a house, buy land, get citizenship blah, blah, ad nauseum, and, furthermore, they let in tens of thousands of immigrants year in, year out from all four corners of the globe with the keys to a property and money in their sky rocket, so don't come out with crap like that.

As for the last comment, when were you last in the UK, 1960 :D

:o Thais could go to your country and pay 10X to go to school ... probably not be admitted in the first place ... etc etc etc .... get real! :D

but wow ... 19 pages and people don't get the difference between nationalism and racism ..... or xenophobia and racism .... etc

:D What ever are you on about? They're not paying 10X the locals, they'll pay the same and admissions criteria go for all.

Probably little to do with either from where they're coming from... it's just plain being ripped-off and if you can't see that then you need to remove those rose-tinted glasses.

Monash University, where I used to study charges AUD$7K per year for an Australian student (deferable) while a foriegn student pays AUD$20K per year for the same course. This varies from course to course.


That doesn't count the cost of health insurance that foreign students must buy to study in Australia (versus 'free' Medicare for Australians), nor does it take into account the student benefits (Austudy etc) that an Australian student gets, which adds up to a couple of hundered bucks a fortnight.

Will be the same in the UK and Canada, who have caught on the the Australian and NZ model of making education one of their biggest exports.

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So what is fair pricing?

To me fair pricing would be when I think that the work I have to do to earn the price I have to pay is worth it. It has nothing to do with what enyone else have to pay as their criterias are different.

I feel sorry for anyone who can not live with the fact that someone else is paying less than them for something as this is actually happening with everything you buy, no matter what you buy or pay for there is someone, somewhere paying less.

Please let me buy you a drink, ZZZ.

Exactly what I am talking about. The amount of work one has done in exchange for the amount of things one gets in return. Fair enough?

So if it's fair pricing for a Thai to pay 10bt to enter a national park what extra work has to be done so that it's necessary to charge a farang 200bt?

It takes longer to count the money.ie; exrra work :o

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the Australian and NZ model of making education one of their biggest exports.

whoa!!!... slow down with the exporting... I would have thought that intelligence garnered through education in those 2 places would be a preciously rare comodity.. :D :D :D

From an Aussie :D:D:D:o

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Since you people are so keen at trying to fight racism(which yourselves try to associate everything with), why don't you go back to your own countries and ask your governments to let anyone in the world to be able to just walk into or move to live in your countries whenever they like? Aren't your countries racist?

As for racism, don't tell me there is no racism in england. The few times I was in the UK, I noticed most black people were very nervous.

Thai's can come and live in my country and pay what the locals pay, buy and OWN a house, buy land, get citizenship blah, blah, ad nauseum, and, furthermore, they let in tens of thousands of immigrants year in, year out from all four corners of the globe with the keys to a property and money in their sky rocket, so don't come out with crap like that.

As for the last comment, when were you last in the UK, 1960 :D

:o Thais could go to your country and pay 10X to go to school ... probably not be admitted in the first place ... etc etc etc .... get real! :D

but wow ... 19 pages and people don't get the difference between nationalism and racism ..... or xenophobia and racism .... etc

:D What ever are you on about? They're not paying 10X the locals, they'll pay the same and admissions criteria go for all.

Probably little to do with either from where they're coming from... it's just plain being ripped-off and if you can't see that then you need to remove those rose-tinted glasses.

When I was at uni overseas students paid far larger tuition fees than 'home' students. Dont know is that is still the case.

Edited by longway
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Since you people are so keen at trying to fight racism(which yourselves try to associate everything with), why don't you go back to your own countries and ask your governments to let anyone in the world to be able to just walk into or move to live in your countries whenever they like? Aren't your countries racist?

As for racism, don't tell me there is no racism in england. The few times I was in the UK, I noticed most black people were very nervous.

Thai's can come and live in my country and pay what the locals pay, buy and OWN a house, buy land, get citizenship blah, blah, ad nauseum, and, furthermore, they let in tens of thousands of immigrants year in, year out from all four corners of the globe with the keys to a property and money in their sky rocket, so don't come out with crap like that.

As for the last comment, when were you last in the UK, 1960 :D

:D Thais could go to your country and pay 10X to go to school ... probably not be admitted in the first place ... etc etc etc .... get real! :D

but wow ... 19 pages and people don't get the difference between nationalism and racism ..... or xenophobia and racism .... etc

:D What ever are you on about? They're not paying 10X the locals, they'll pay the same and admissions criteria go for all.

Probably little to do with either from where they're coming from... it's just plain being ripped-off and if you can't see that then you need to remove those rose-tinted glasses.

When I was at uni overseas students paid far larger tuition fees than 'home' students. Dont know is that is still the case.

At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist :o

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My Fiancee was paying alittle over 20k a simester (yeah I cant spell, so shut up)

I told my fiancee dam just tell your dad to just give you the cash and lets put it into business

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At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.
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At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :o

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At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :o

OK, I get what you mean. But do you at least think it is not racism that it's about?

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At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :o

OK, I get what you mean. But do you at least think it is not racism that it's about?

If I looked Thai/Asian I the chances are that I would not be asked to pay a higher price.If that's not racism, I don't know what is.

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At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :o

I paid the city, state and federal tax but when I go use a city park other than mine, I still have to pay higher entrance fee than the local residents. So whats the difference?

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At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :o

OK, I get what you mean. But do you at least think it is not racism that it's about?

If I looked Thai/Asian I the chances are that I would not be asked to pay a higher price.If that's not racism, I don't know what is.

I bet if you looked asian you wouldnt be paying local price, unless the people at the gate are just morons

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At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :o

OK, I get what you mean. But do you at least think it is not racism that it's about?

If I looked Thai/Asian I the chances are that I would not be asked to pay a higher price.If that's not racism, I don't know what is.

Must be difficult to live around racist people, eh? How did you got yourself stuck in a country like that? I hope you get all your luck and could escape one day.

My condolences.

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At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :o

OK, I get what you mean. But do you at least think it is not racism that it's about?

If I looked Thai/Asian I the chances are that I would not be asked to pay a higher price.If that's not racism, I don't know what is.

Must be difficult to live around racist people, eh? How did you got yourself stuck in a country like that? I hope you get all your luck and could escape one day.

My condolences.

Your condersending tone does not become you.

I did not say I lived around racist people.There are racist policies though.I thought you were brighter than that.(After all you must know what the word gwailo means :D )

The reason I am here is for family, not that it's any business of yours sunshine.

Have fun next time you come over here mixing with the lower class. (I believe these were you words, not mine.) :D

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You say racist policy?

So you think dual pricing is just for WHITE people??

You know you are totally wrong, because its for TOURISTS.

Some people who are using this policy might be racists and only charge WHITE people as some people have said. But the universities all over the world also have dual pricing.

So your saying there ALL racist policies??

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At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :D

OK, I get what you mean. But do you at least think it is not racism that it's about?

If I looked Thai/Asian I the chances are that I would not be asked to pay a higher price.If that's not racism, I don't know what is.

ummm well, the op paid the higher price and he's Thai :D . There goes your logic :D

I bet if you looked asian you wouldnt be paying local price, unless the people at the gate are just morons

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You say racist policy?

So you think dual pricing is just for WHITE people??

You know you are totally wrong, because its for TOURISTS.

Some people who are using this policy might be racists and only charge WHITE people as some people have said. But the universities all over the world also have dual pricing.

So your saying there ALL racist policies??

If you want to talk just Unis, then you are going to a different area.comparing Unis with say dual pricing at Thai national Parks is like comparing a car to a small fish.

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You say racist policy?

So you think dual pricing is just for WHITE people??

You know you are totally wrong, because its for TOURISTS.

Some people who are using this policy might be racists and only charge WHITE people as some people have said. But the universities all over the world also have dual pricing.

So your saying there ALL racist policies??

If you want to talk just Unis, then you are going to a different area.comparing Unis with say dual pricing at Thai national Parks is like comparing a car to a small fish.

I dont think that the dual pricing policy is rasict as such as it applies to all tourists. I went to one place and when they asked for the tourist price I said chaat thai krup. they were totally non plussed and would probably let me in for the thai price until I told them i was just joking. I find it acceptable to pay more in national parks though it is annoying.

What i find worse is when I get charged twice the price of something of I know what the thais pay, for stuff like orange juice. I just refuse to buy it unless I get the right price. Sometimes speaking a little thai does help. kon thai jai dtung sip baht roo lairo. mai ao.

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