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Police told to take action against hardcore Red Shirt elements


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You have to be kidding me, an arm quite clearly appears behind the cab in a throwing motion, as if he's lying in the back of the truck.

The TRUTH! you can't handle the truth

The white that you see, which some people are saying are rags or a towel, I believe is smoke.

What is at the feet of the protester with the flag just before you see the white near the truck?

Smoke from a fuse maybe?

Why is there a camera set up at just that spot?

Considering the march had been rerouted how would the reds know?

Why would they leave the convenient evidence in the building?

Who stands to gain from the army getting involved to stop any violence?

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You have to be kidding me, an arm quite clearly appears behind the cab in a throwing motion, as if he's lying in the back of the truck.

The TRUTH! you can't handle the truth

The white that you see, which some people are saying are rags or a towel, I believe is smoke.

What is at the feet of the protester with the flag just before you see the white near the truck?

Smoke from what?

Could be the shadow of the flag.

Smoke from the grenade.

Sent from my phone ...

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You have to be kidding me, an arm quite clearly appears behind the cab in a throwing motion, as if he's lying in the back of the truck.

The TRUTH! you can't handle the truth

LOL! You're the only one who 'saw' that. I mean everyone following this and the police must be watching and analyzing this a million times to see what really happened but you're literally the only one who saw it! clap2.gif

Oh really, you're just not paying attention. I didn't post the video.

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You have to be kidding me, an arm quite clearly appears behind the cab in a throwing motion, as if he's lying in the back of the truck.

The TRUTH! you can't handle the truth

The white that you see, which some people are saying are rags or a towel, I believe is smoke.

What is at the feet of the protester with the flag just before you see the white near the truck?

Smoke from a fuse maybe?

Why is there a camera set up at just that spot?

Considering the march had been rerouted how would the reds know?

Why would they leave the convenient evidence in the building?

Who stands to gain from the army getting involved to stop any violence?

There are CCTV set up all over. Why would the reds need to know. Maybe they didn't plan anything and just used an opportunity presented to them.

Does Suthep get what he wants if there is a coup? Will a coup stop the Shinawatras being involved in the next election?

Sent from my phone ...

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You have to be kidding me, an arm quite clearly appears behind the cab in a throwing motion, as if he's lying in the back of the truck.

The TRUTH! you can't handle the truth

The white that you see, which some people are saying are rags or a towel, I believe is smoke.

What is at the feet of the protester with the flag just before you see the white near the truck?

Smoke from what?

Could be the shadow of the flag.

Smoke from the grenade.

Sent from my phone ...

Coming from the back of the truck?

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You have to be kidding me, an arm quite clearly appears behind the cab in a throwing motion, as if he's lying in the back of the truck.

The TRUTH! you can't handle the truth

The white that you see, which some people are saying are rags or a towel, I believe is smoke.

What is at the feet of the protester with the flag just before you see the white near the truck?

Smoke from a fuse maybe?

Why is there a camera set up at just that spot?

Considering the march had been rerouted how would the reds know?

Why would they leave the convenient evidence in the building?

Who stands to gain from the army getting involved to stop any violence?

There are CCTV set up all over. Why would the reds need to know. Maybe they didn't plan anything and just used an opportunity presented to them.

Does Suthep get what he wants if there is a coup? Will a coup stop the Shinawatras being involved in the next election?

Sent from my phone ...

"There are CCTV set up all over. Why would the reds need to know. Maybe they didn't plan anything and just used an opportunity presented to them."

Well why wouldn't they wait for Suthep? he would be along in a moment.

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You have to be kidding me, an arm quite clearly appears behind the cab in a throwing motion, as if he's lying in the back of the truck.

The TRUTH! you can't handle the truth

The white that you see, which some people are saying are rags or a towel, I believe is smoke.

What is at the feet of the protester with the flag just before you see the white near the truck?

Smoke from what?

Could be the shadow of the flag.

Smoke from the grenade.

Sent from my phone ...

Coming from the back of the truck?

No. The white (smoke, towel, arm, whatever) is at the drivers door.

Why would someone be lying down in the back if the truck?

Sent from my phone ...

"Why would someone be lying down in the back if the truck?"

So they avoid the shrapnel.

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What I see is something at the feet of the protester with the flag (just before a guy walks in front of him). It bounces up and hits the window of the car and then bounces back from the car and explodes. There is no hand coming out of the car.

You have to be kidding me, an arm quite clearly appears behind the cab in a throwing motion, as if he's lying in the back of the truck.

The TRUTH! you can't handle the truth

There is nothing clear in that poor quality video at all, and if someone was lying in the back of the pickup to throw something he must have a bloody long arm for it to be seen from the angle the video was shot. And don't you think someone might spot a bomb-thrower lying in the pickup, there seem to be quite a lot of people around?

Why would anyone throw an explosive device so that it landed right alongside the vehicle that they were travelling in?

"Why would anyone throw an explosive device so that it landed right alongside the vehicle that they were travelling in?"

Nobody ever said Thais are too clever, and it was a fairly small device.

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you can say what you want but last time I checked it was Thaksin who pulled Thailand out of the telecommunications dark ages - when TOT could not even get you a land line having a 2-3 year waiting period Thaksin was already thinking of launching the first Communications Satellite.

Satellite TV and the internet arrived finally in Thailand and it was not for the general public for "national security reasons" - if it would be up to your DEM friends and their right wing army pals we would probably still be communicating with smoke signals.

He was only so successful because the others where so useless - and yes he made billions. (and don't give me the corruption speech now - because we already know that Thaksin was the first and he invented corruption in Thailand) - That was actually the time when I was a staunch Thaksin opponent - then I realized that he was as corrupt as they come - but at least he pushed the country forward and not backwards like his opponents.

When he was acquitted in court I was shocked - and then I realized that the people behind him (by the way the same people who are behind Suthep now) did not care about the country - they just cared about keeping the money flowing and to keep control over the government - they had no idea that Thaksin would become a runaway train so popular with the people that he did not need them anymore.

When in government he kicked the lazy civil servants in the butt and made them work that's why they did not like him - his TRT streamlined government services like nobody ever before - where do you think do all the modern government complexes and one-stop-service government buildings come from? (yes and he and his cronies made lots of money again with that! But at least there were results - in Thailand the money was always disappearing into big black holes - just without any visible improvements and only into certain pockets)

The herding water buffaloes scenario applies more to the democrats who increased joblessness, record budgets for the useless armed forces leadership and TOT during their tenure (TOT does nothing but selling licenses to others - let them do the work and we take the money!) - DEM and their army pals built up record budget deficits by 2010 without a single notable result!

And finally - whats wrong with a water buffalo? They are very slow but persistent and reliable, hard working do not need gasoline or electricity, hardly ever break down and are a symbol of tranquil Asian country life.


I thought for a moment I was reading a retread article about certain dictators from the distant past who ...... but at least they made the trains run on time.

Right, Thaksin's certainly modernised Thailand's rice production, tick, appointed smart people to the cabinet, tick, introduced land reform in the North-East, tick. Sure modernised operations since the last election. Well actually, no. The whole business of government has been subordinated to his own personal interests and what we have here Ladies and Gentlemen is not in reality a defence of democracy (stop sniggering in the back) but actually a love letter to Thaksin and an open admittance that its all about him. Welcome finally to the bear that bared its claws. Pity that the PM and the cabinet ministers have to openly lie about their constitutional duties.

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The protests while not 100% peaceful have been relatively peaceful. Occupying streets and making idle threats is one thing. No one dies. However, these idiot red shirts want to escalate the situation by provoking fights and we know both sides have guns. With the cowardly bombings probably going to continue, it's only right that the army and police take action and not let things get worse.

Where is the evidence the reds are responsible for these attacks? seems like the yellow faction may be instigating these to get the army to intervene with a coup :/

Where is the evidence that the yellow faction is instigating these attacks? There are enough hot heads on both sides to account for the sporadic violence that has been occurring. The Feb 2 election will not solve anything, it will be like the one prior to the 2006 coup where there will be too many irregularities due to the protests and a lack of a credible alternative and the results will likely be swept away. Phamily Member Yingluck will likely lose her job over the rice "scheme" at some point in the not too distant future so don't expect a resolution of the current situation anytime soon. Despite the Army's inability to govern properly there may not be another option before too long.

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This is the beginning of the end of the army's influence in Thailand. They are blatantly taking sides with the elite and a minority, undermining democratic rights and supporting an UNPOPULAR shutdown in Bkk. It is a huge mistake. In ten years from now, the thai army will not be a factor in thai politics anymore. They have already undermined their god like status, by showing utter and total incompetence in handling the situation in the south where a few untrained armed Muslim amateurs are destroying a "professional" army. Likewise, within ten years from now, the south will break out of Thailand....and who knows if Isaan and Lanna will do the same. It is really sad. The army could have been a catalyst for positive change, but instead they chose to widen the divide.

When did Thai people suddenly start looking ten years down the road? In my experience people are only concerned with the present and what they can get now. In case you haven't noticed Thailand's society is not based on the presumption that all people are equal. The democratic principle of one person one vote does not mesh well with the traditional class system that has existed for centuries. I'm not defending it, just saying that those who feel like they belong on top are fighting to stay there.

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This is the beginning of the end of the army's influence in Thailand. They are blatantly taking sides with the elite and a minority, undermining democratic rights and supporting an UNPOPULAR shutdown in Bkk. It is a huge mistake. In ten years from now, the thai army will not be a factor in thai politics anymore. They have already undermined their god like status, by showing utter and total incompetence in handling the situation in the south where a few untrained armed Muslim amateurs are destroying a "professional" army. Likewise, within ten years from now, the south will break out of Thailand....and who knows if Isaan and Lanna will do the same. It is really sad. The army could have been a catalyst for positive change, but instead they chose to widen the divide.

Summary: The army have not been fully paid off by Thaksin and in his pocket as per the police and they will be sorry.

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very simply the police are controlled by Thaksin, period!!! The army must do the best to prevent anymore blood shed and that includes getting rid of Yingluck and her lackies. The sooner it is done the better for all of Thailand!!!! Let Yingluck try to run to Dubai, hopefully she will be imprisoned because of her involment in the rice scheme. She does not deserve to be called Prime Minister of Thailand. cheesy.gif

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This is the beginning of the end of the army's influence in Thailand. They are blatantly taking sides with the elite and a minority, undermining democratic rights and supporting an UNPOPULAR shutdown in Bkk. It is a huge mistake. In ten years from now, the thai army will not be a factor in thai politics anymore. They have already undermined their god like status, by showing utter and total incompetence in handling the situation in the south where a few untrained armed Muslim amateurs are destroying a "professional" army. Likewise, within ten years from now, the south will break out of Thailand....and who knows if Isaan and Lanna will do the same. It is really sad. The army could have been a catalyst for positive change, but instead they chose to widen the divide.

You are so wrong!!!! The military will always be a big part of Thai politics. They have been so since my first encounter with Thailand during the Viet Nam War, back in 1970. How do you think Thailand has lasted so long without a civil war???? The Army is their to make sure it does not happen and so far, they have stepped in when needed and no civil war yet!!! w00t.gif

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How about taking action against the nutjob who said he would arrest the democratically elected Prime Minister and Cabinet Members?

As even someone with your one-eyed reading ability can hardly have failed to notice, the head of police is dealing with that personally. The head of the RED police I should add

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You accuse someone else of being one-eyed,well goodness gracious me.

Edited by Ron19
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An unjust coup in 2006 started all this.

Had that not happened Thaksin would probably be retired in Chiang Mai now after being kicked out in an election a few years later.


Right. While Thaksin was in power in attempted to reduce the powers of the checks and balances, and put his relatives in positions of power, but you think he would have allowed himself to be kicked out in elections. But Suthep, even though he has said he wants a reform committee for a year and then have elections which he won't be standing in, and, although corrupt, hasn't changed laws to suit himself or put relatives in positions of power, is aiming to be president for life.

And you believe the words of a corrupt, megalomaniac who should be in court facing charges of murder?

Good or bad, the bottom line was the Government was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED by the people of Thailand. What is so difficult to understand about that?

surely democratic does not mean Shins???

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This is the beginning of the end of the army's influence in Thailand. They are blatantly taking sides with the elite and a minority, undermining democratic rights and supporting an UNPOPULAR shutdown in Bkk. It is a huge mistake. In ten years from now, the thai army will not be a factor in thai politics anymore. They have already undermined their god like status, by showing utter and total incompetence in handling the situation in the south where a few untrained armed Muslim amateurs are destroying a "professional" army. Likewise, within ten years from now, the south will break out of Thailand....and who knows if Isaan and Lanna will do the same. It is really sad. The army could have been a catalyst for positive change, but instead they chose to widen the divide.

You are so wrong!!!! The military will always be a big part of Thai politics. They have been so since my first encounter with Thailand during the Viet Nam War, back in 1970. How do you think Thailand has lasted so long without a civil war???? The Army is their to make sure it does not happen and so far, they have stepped in when needed and no civil war yet!!! w00t.gif

Army coups have been a disaster to Thailand.

The most recent two coups, 1991 and 2006 have backfired severely on the old guard of Thailand.

The 1991 coup produced students' blood in the streets and the banishment from Thailand of its two leading generals.

The 2006 fiasco produced the blowback of a red election mandate that was reversed only by the injustice of the judiciary.

A coup is immoral and illegal from the get go and most recently completely counterproductive and destructive to Thailand.

Another coup or coup attempt by the army will very likely generate a civil war, not prevent or preclude one. Almost everyone has come to recognize that the army realizes this and has felt compelled to stay in the barracks for its own good.

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An unjust coup in 2006 started all this.

Had that not happened Thaksin would probably be retired in Chiang Mai now after being kicked out in an election a few years later.


Right. While Thaksin was in power in attempted to reduce the powers of the checks and balances, and put his relatives in positions of power, but you think he would have allowed himself to be kicked out in elections. But Suthep, even though he has said he wants a reform committee for a year and then have elections which he won't be standing in, and, although corrupt, hasn't changed laws to suit himself or put relatives in positions of power, is aiming to be president for life.

And you believe the words of a corrupt, megalomaniac who should be in court facing charges of murder?

Good or bad, the bottom line was the Government was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED by the people of Thailand. What is so difficult to understand about that?

surely democratic does not mean Shins???

The Pheu Thai party gained the most votes in the election of 2011 - in the campaign it was quite clear that the number 1 party-list candidate would be the preferred PM.

Newin's party spent a lot of democrat money in the north trying to sway the electorate - who happily took his money and voted for Pheu Thai anyway - as was sideways admitted by Korn when he admitted that the democrats found vote-buying didn't work anymore.

Several academic studies have examined this as well - all find it has no effect now.

I don't think I will change your mind in the slightest - but it was worth saying anyway. FYI - do you know who was the only PM in thailand's history that completed a full term in office. (Remember that your insinuations of vote-buying go all the way back to 1933)

EDIT - the fact is if there had been no coup in 2006, the already scheduled elections would have resulted in another TRT win. Just like the earlier 2006 elections that were dismissed by the court because the democrat party boycotted. Gen. Sonthi has admitted that the coup was a mistake and that the people had expressed their preference.

Edited by airconsult
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An unjust coup in 2006 started all this.

Had that not happened Thaksin would probably be retired in Chiang Mai now after being kicked out in an election a few years later.


Right. While Thaksin was in power in attempted to reduce the powers of the checks and balances, and put his relatives in positions of power, but you think he would have allowed himself to be kicked out in elections. But Suthep, even though he has said he wants a reform committee for a year and then have elections which he won't be standing in, and, although corrupt, hasn't changed laws to suit himself or put relatives in positions of power, is aiming to be president for life.

And you believe the words of a corrupt, megalomaniac who should be in court facing charges of murder?

Good or bad, the bottom line was the Government was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED by the people of Thailand. What is so difficult to understand about that?

surely democratic does not mean Shins???

Democratic means democratic which seems to automatically exclude the Democrat Party in the minds of the electorate due to the Democrat Party withdrawing from the democratic process in favor of a madman long a member of the Democrat Party running loose in the streets.

Democratic means no still anonymous feudal council that has a still secret agenda and an unspecific undefined remit and term.

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Unbelievable that the army even come out with statements such as this.

So much for their claims that they do not favour either side in this conflict.

If the cops fail to keep the peace, the army will be called in to clean up the mess.

Is that what you want?

That is not the point.

The Army previously stated that they do not want to take sides in the current situation but it will appear to many that they now have.

For the Army to complain about Red Shirts acting with impunity but to make no corresponding statement with regards to PDRCs lack of regard to the law is irresponsible at the very least.

It will understandably be viewed as a signal by both sides in this conflict and only helps to reinforce the view that the Army lack impartiality.

The Army asking the police force to do its job does not indicate that they are taking sides...!!

The situation has worsened as a result of grenade attacks on the (mainly) peaceful protesters, resulting in death and injuries. Something has to be done to stop this, but the police appear to be sitting on their hands when there are any acts occurring which are clearly being carried out by Red Shirt antagonists.

The Army recognises that a certain individual has threatened to carry such intimidatory attacks, and they have suggested that the police should arrest him on order to avoid seeing the situation spiraling out of control.

Those of you who argue against this request demonstrate, more than anyone, how blinkered you are, and on which side of the fence you clearly stand...!!

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surely democratic does not mean Shins???

Democratic means democratic which seems to automatically exclude the Democrat Party in the minds of the electorate due to the Democrat Party withdrawing from the democratic process in favor of a madman long a member of the Democrat Party running loose in the streets.

Democratic means no still anonymous feudal council that has a still secret agenda and an unspecific undefined remit and term.

...forgive me, but I seem to have lost the point of your post. You begin by talking about the Democrats, then move on to Suthep, and finish off with a clear warning about the man in Dubai... "a still secret agenda and an unspecific undefined remit and term:...!!

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Unbelievable that the army even come out with statements such as this.

So much for their claims that they do not favour either side in this conflict.

If the cops fail to keep the peace, the army will be called in to clean up the mess.

Is that what you want?

The army have told the police they cannot use tear gas, they cannot hurt any protestor in any way.

So how can the police do their job ? They are not allowed to arrest them and its impossible to arrest them as they will fight back and people will be hurt.

The police are saying to the army you said we cannot do anything, so we will not.

The army are saying the police you have to do something.

Tit for tat squabbling. If the army would shut up the police could do their job.

Which shows you why Thailand is in a mess, because you have an Army which cannot keep its hands out of politics, and until their is total reform of the Army and they are kept in barracks with mouths shut and only speak about external events where it is appropriate for the Army to speak about - Thailand will never ever be able to move forward.

And guess what, Suthep and his cronies do not want to reform the Army......................... lol..................they just want to reform everything else to make the army more powerful by removing the power of politicians, so you know who is on whose side very clearly.

In my opinion.

If the police can not,will not,do not stop civil unrest,the army will eventually step in or their will be true anarchy.

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surely democratic does not mean Shins???

Democratic means democratic which seems to automatically exclude the Democrat Party in the minds of the electorate due to the Democrat Party withdrawing from the democratic process in favor of a madman long a member of the Democrat Party running loose in the streets.

Democratic means no still anonymous feudal council that has a still secret agenda and an unspecific undefined remit and term.

...forgive me, but I seem to have lost the point of your post. You begin by talking about the Democrats, then move on to Suthep, and finish off with a clear warning about the man in Dubai... "a still secret agenda and an unspecific undefined remit and term:...!!


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The protests while not 100% peaceful have been relatively peaceful. Occupying streets and making idle threats is one thing. No one dies. However, these idiot red shirts want to escalate the situation by provoking fights and we know both sides have guns. With the cowardly bombings probably going to continue, it's only right that the army and police take action and not let things get worse.

Where is the evidence the reds are responsible for these attacks? seems like the yellow faction may be instigating these to get the army to intervene with a coup :/

Where is the evidence that the yellow faction is instigating these attacks? There are enough hot heads on both sides to account for the sporadic violence that has been occurring. The Feb 2 election will not solve anything, it will be like the one prior to the 2006 coup where there will be too many irregularities due to the protests and a lack of a credible alternative and the results will likely be swept away. Phamily Member Yingluck will likely lose her job over the rice "scheme" at some point in the not too distant future so don't expect a resolution of the current situation anytime soon. Despite the Army's inability to govern properly there may not be another option before too long.

Chad, please don't wish a military govt on Thailand. With one exception more than 20 years ago, their forays into leadership have been utterly pathetic: massive deficits, huge military spending to no good effect, terrible appointments of cronies, lickspittles , sycophants to key positions, monopolies granted to the "connected" , ludicrous policies in health and social welfare, nothing of consequence in economic development, brinkmanship foreign policies, inability to deal with insurgencies. Many well known families got a tremendous boost out of those years, the vast majority of Thailand suffered. The solution to these problem needs to come from politics, not military involvement. Be careful what you wish for. Those wishes have turned to nightmares in the past

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The protests while not 100% peaceful have been relatively peaceful. Occupying streets and making idle threats is one thing. No one dies. However, these idiot red shirts want to escalate the situation by provoking fights and we know both sides have guns. With the cowardly bombings probably going to continue, it's only right that the army and police take action and not let things get worse.

Where is the evidence the reds are responsible for these attacks? seems like the yellow faction may be instigating these to get the army to intervene with a coup :/

It "seems" like it does it? Funny, it doesn't "seem" like that to me, especially when it is the members of the "yellow faction" that are getting injured and killed.

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