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mark45 ------ care to cite your source for your statistics?

then care to tell us how by your own overly inflated statistics that 30% of married men have "mia nois"? Leads you to these conclusions (way over inflated ......)

Then ... care to tell us about ducks, penis', and pinking shears?

Google bigamy laws and you will find them.

What I surprising is that you would question my statistics.

Do you know five Thai males and five Thai females?

If you do try this.

Ask them out of ten hi so Thai males how many have Mia nois?

Five females said an average of three.

Five males said an average of five.

If everybody did this we might actually have some good data.

Huh? ... so your statistics are based upon nothing .... ask 10 random people about the perceived sexual behavior of Hi-So" Thai males 55555 That's sad

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mark45 ------ care to cite your source for your statistics?

then care to tell us how by your own overly inflated statistics that 30% of married men have "mia nois"? Leads you to these conclusions (way over inflated ......)

Then ... care to tell us about ducks, penis', and pinking shears?

Google bigamy laws and you will find them.

What I surprising is that you would question my statistics.

Do you know five Thai males and five Thai females?

If you do try this.

Ask them out of ten hi so Thai males how many have Mia nois?

Five females said an average of three.

Five males said an average of five.

If everybody did this we might actually have some good data.

Huh? ... so your statistics are based upon nothing .... ask 10 random people about the perceived sexual behavior of Hi-So" Thai males 55555 That's sad

Re read my post. I told you where to find the information. What is sad is that you can't read and beyond that you offer nothing to back up your statement that that I am in error.

That you think that less than 3 out of 10 middle class Thai men have Mia nois is patently absurd and flies in the face of reason and/or experience. Unless you have been living in a Wat.

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9 If she wants another man it is OK with me as long as she is honest and safe about it. Same rules apply to me only she gets to pick the women ( I really didn‘t want to mention that because her taste is not quite the same as mine but all in all it works out).

Just out of curiosity Mark before I loose the plot does this item-9 mean that you're wife selected the mia nois?

I've discussed the subject of mia nois with my wife in the past but she was not in favor of it. She wouldn't mind paying me to shag a BG but to financially support a mia noi was definately out of the question. :o Different strokes for different folks I suppose.

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10. She gets the remote control.

ERM!!!!!! What up wid dat :o

There are limits in any reltionship :D

I have to admit that after reading the post above yours , I was going to say " I like this guy " ( Mark )

but after hearing that bit about the remote ....im not so sure :D

Then again , the remote is the only control I have .

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mark45 ------ care to cite your source for your statistics?

then care to tell us how by your own overly inflated statistics that 30% of married men have "mia nois"? Leads you to these conclusions (way over inflated ......)

Then ... care to tell us about ducks, penis', and pinking shears?

Google bigamy laws and you will find them.

What I surprising is that you would question my statistics.

Do you know five Thai males and five Thai females?

If you do try this.

Ask them out of ten hi so Thai males how many have Mia nois?

Five females said an average of three.

Five males said an average of five.

If everybody did this we might actually have some good data.

Huh? ... so your statistics are based upon nothing .... ask 10 random people about the perceived sexual behavior of Hi-So" Thai males 55555 That's sad

Re read my post. I told you where to find the information. What is sad is that you can't read and beyond that you offer nothing to back up your statement that that I am in error.

That you think that less than 3 out of 10 middle class Thai men have Mia nois is patently absurd and flies in the face of reason and/or experience. Unless you have been living in a Wat.

C'mon mark ... you can't be that daft ... you throw around statistics not based upon anything. Asking random people abouth the percieved values of another group of people ONLY tells you about those people's perceptions

Yes I think that your claims are just nuts and that without a source they are invalis ... PLUS you changes the rules part way through ... you make a blanket statement about married Thais andd then chane it to Hi-So Thai men ... what percentage of Thai men are Hi So? of these how many have mistresses? then what about the REST of Thai men? Just plain garbage

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9 If she wants another man it is OK with me as long as she is honest and safe about it. Same rules apply to me only she gets to pick the women ( I really didn‘t want to mention that because her taste is not quite the same as mine but all in all it works out).

Just out of curiosity Mark before I loose the plot does this item-9 mean that you're wife selected the mia nois?

I've discussed the subject of mia nois with my wife in the past but she was not in favor of it. She wouldn't mind paying me to shag a BG but to financially support a mia noi was definately out of the question. :o Different strokes for different folks I suppose.

It started very early in our relationship. I told her that in America I always had wife and Mia noi and I was not about to change that behavior in Thailand. She said no problem but you not smart enough to choose Mia noi in Thailand. Woman can be very devious in Thailand. She said “you want I get, no problem.”

After a year of experience with her and listening and reading stories about Mia nois I have to agree that she is correct.

I certainly can’t speak about all Thai women but for her as long as she is in control of who I am with she seems content.

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mark45 ------ care to cite your source for your statistics?

then care to tell us how by your own overly inflated statistics that 30% of married men have "mia nois"? Leads you to these conclusions (way over inflated ......)

Then ... care to tell us about ducks, penis', and pinking shears?

Google bigamy laws and you will find them.

What I surprising is that you would question my statistics.

Do you know five Thai males and five Thai females?

If you do try this.

Ask them out of ten hi so Thai males how many have Mia nois?

Five females said an average of three.

Five males said an average of five.

If everybody did this we might actually have some good data.

Huh? ... so your statistics are based upon nothing .... ask 10 random people about the perceived sexual behavior of Hi-So" Thai males 55555 That's sad

Re read my post. I told you where to find the information. What is sad is that you can't read and beyond that you offer nothing to back up your statement that that I am in error.

That you think that less than 3 out of 10 middle class Thai men have Mia nois is patently absurd and flies in the face of reason and/or experience. Unless you have been living in a Wat.

C'mon mark ... you can't be that daft ... you throw around statistics not based upon anything. Asking random people abouth the percieved values of another group of people ONLY tells you about those people's perceptions

Yes I think that your claims are just nuts and that without a source they are invalis ... PLUS you changes the rules part way through ... you make a blanket statement about married Thais andd then chane it to Hi-So Thai men ... what percentage of Thai men are Hi So? of these how many have mistresses? then what about the REST of Thai men? Just plain garbage

I am not your research assistant. I told you on a previous post to google bigamy laws Thailand all of the information is there. In reading the information I think the surveys were done with middle class Thai guys but I am not sure. It has been my personal experience that subsistence farmers are unlikely to have the money for a Mia noi but I hardly think comparing TV members to subsistence farmers is fair.

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lol bigamy laws doesn't return anything about the practice here worth mentioning ... YOU gave the "ask 10 Thais" ... but that's OK .. whole thread seems like a wind-up

(Cite your source isn't about being a research assistant ... it's about backing up bogus claims)

I'll retire from this silliness ... rubbish!

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I really like the lie that Mark is saying about his wife allowing and enjoying his having mia nois. that is the largest load of crap I have ever heard about

To be honest moonchaser I don’t know if she is happy about it. Content I think is a better word. Also she is 37 and I don’t think I could expect the same kind of behavior out of a 20 something Thai woman. In addition to that she is not in love with me nor am I in love with her in a Western sense.

We like each other and get along well and have the utmost concern for the welfare of each other. I left love along with my Brooks Brothers suites at the Goodwill store in the States. I came to Thailand to find peace and contentment not love.

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I really like the lie that Mark is saying about his wife allowing and enjoying his having mia nois. that is the largest load of crap I have ever heard about

To be honest moonchaser I don’t know if she is happy about it. Content I think is a better word. Also she is 37 and I don’t think I could expect the same kind of behavior out of a 20 something Thai woman. In addition to that she is not in love with me nor am I in love with her in a Western sense.

We like each other and get along well and have the utmost concern for the welfare of each other. I left love along with my Brooks Brothers suites at the Goodwill store in the States. I came to Thailand to find peace and contentment not love.

I bet you are in love but just dont know it yet.

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while this may sound a bit simplistic , but china is now being painted as the yellow devils , and to the geographically challenged you are probably thought of as consorting with the devil.

take this for example

US government restricts China PCs

A man using a laptop in a Beijing shopping mall, reflected in a mirror

Chinese firm Lenovo insists it is not a state-owned enterprise

The US State Department says the 16,000 computers it bought from a Chinese firm with links to the Beijing government will not be used for classified work.

Assistant Secretary of State Richard Griffin said the department would also alter its procurement process to ensure US information security was guaranteed.

His comments came after Rep Frank Wolf expressed national security concerns.

The company Lenovo insisted such concerns were unwarranted and said the computers posed no security risk.

BBC article continued here

the absurdity is astonishing. Not sure where Rep Frank Wolf thinks the worlds laptops are assembled. Not sure where Rep Frank Wolf thinks most of the worlds electronic appliances are manufactured and assembled ? even mac books are shipped from the factory in china to the doorstep of the consumer. Mr Wolf seems to be an increasingly common example of the pillocks who have schemed their way into leadership positions across the planet.

"that is incredibly retarded," he typed on the assembled-in-china apple powerbook g4 he purchased in new york.

well i hope they feel more secure using american-branded assembled-in-china computers.

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But darn there are a lot of narrow minded, suspicious, parochial and downright mean people here too.

welcome to the internet... if people have seen a question a thousand times (or think they have), they tend to think it's a windup by a faker. which doesn't mean that you yourself are a faker or that this is a windup.

but expect it until they get to know you and think they are for real. once they know you, they won't think you're a faker, but many will probably still think one post or anther is a windup.

one of those aspects of internet life that "just is."

as to perceptions on thailand, i'm here taking time off for writing a book, my girfriend (ethnically chinese) is working on her mba... and i still have to tell some people in the US "it's a country, not a whorehouse."

although that whorehouse angle may be better for marketing purposes...

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I have a Mia and a couple of Mia noi’s and life is good.

I have never struck a woman in my life or cheated an employee.

Why do people in the West think I am some kind of devil.

Sounds like you are in thailand mainly for the sex, you boast about cheating on your wife but never cheating an employee. Looks like you have your priorities mixed up there.

YES. your priorities are mixed up. generally in the west, it's viewed as OK to cheat your employees, and ok to cheat on your spouse. but it's not OK to talk about either.

i bet you told them about your harem, didnt you...

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... YOU gave the "ask 10 Thais" ...

ask 10 bangkok taxi drivers if they have a bit on the side.

That’s too funny. My driver has a harem as does the guy who owns the massage parlor across the street as does my landlord. My landlord has five and his brother has one so I guess that gives them an average of three each. But I am sure they are not normal Thais must be something in the water in this area. My daytime masseuse (a charming 32 year old Thai lady with two sons) lives in an apartment paid for by an 70 year old Japanese guy who visits one week a month.

I go to a sauna and gym in a hotel across the street from me and normally meet up with a group of Thai and Asian men. After a workout we have a couple of drinks and late lunch and talk about business and women. Since we need a bartender and waitress one of the guys usually calls one of his Mia nois.

I have met most of them and they have met mine. Heck when I said 30% I was low balling the figure. Maybe Chiang Mai is a hot bed of suburban sex and you guys living in Bangkok don’t get the same action. I don’t know. I only lived in Bangkok for three months and I couldn’t get any Thai males to talk to me so I don’t know.

Here in CM it is more laid back and people tend to socialize more at least that is my experience.

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Yes, many people in the West have some distorted ideas about Asia and Thailand. I lost one friend because of his "suspicious" attitude about what I was doing in LOS. I think many people asuume they know everything inspite of only knowing about rumors.

Forget it and just move on to new friends. Those who are really your friends will come back to you one way or another. The rest ..... not much of a loss in all likelihood.


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The friends I grew up with in the States dream of visiting California or Hawaii, someday.

They are busy, paying the bills, raising kids, going to the Grand Canyon, Disneyland, or Grandmas for their 2 weeks vacation.

Crossing the border at Niagra Falls is about as far as they will get.

Europe, maybe.

Going to Thailand? That's crazy.

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I have a Mia and a couple of Mia noi’s and life is good.

I have never struck a woman in my life or cheated an employee.

Why do people in the West think I am some kind of devil.

Sounds like you are in thailand mainly for the sex, you boast about cheating on your wife but never cheating an employee. Looks like you have your priorities mixed up there.

YES. your priorities are mixed up. generally in the west, it's viewed as OK to cheat your employees, and ok to cheat on your spouse. but it's not OK to talk about either.

i bet you told them about your harem, didnt you...

Where in the west is it OK to cheat your employees and have a string of minor wives as the norm? Just because something is the norm in thailand does no make it an acceptable or socially healthy. Makes me laugh how falangs can justifiy their mis deeds by saying everyone else does it here but then moan mightily about the aspects of thailand that they don't like such as double pricing, corruption and the likelyhood of being tossed off a balcony or robbed at gunpoint. Adulterers should not really complain if the mrs cuts their cock off one night, after all thats what some thai wives do isnt it?

Edited by thai3
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It started very early in our relationship. I told her that in America I always had wife and Mia noi and I was not about to change that behavior in Thailand. She said no problem but you not smart enough to choose Mia noi in Thailand. Woman can be very devious in Thailand. She said “you want I get, no problem.”

My wife said something similar when I asked her what to do in future when she get old and maybe looses her interest in sex while I might still be up for it. She replied "no poblem I buy BG for you".

At the time it struck me as the most unselfish comment I'd ever heard from a woman and it definately struck a nerve with me :o

Maybe in future she has to put her money where her mouth is I don't know yet because somehow I still believe in the fairy tale that as a couple you grow together and as we get older sex becomes less important and is replaced by some sort of spiritual orgasm.

I haven't worked out the details yet so I might get back to you in 10-15 years :D

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Maybe in future she has to put her money where her mouth is I don't know yet because somehow I still believe in the fairy tale that as a couple you grow together and as we get older sex becomes less important and is replaced by some sort of spiritual orgasm.

I haven't worked out the details yet so I might get back to you in 10-15 years :D

I'll be here. :D

thai3, jai yen yen. There isn't a one of us who isn't hypocritical in one way or another. So, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? :o

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Going to Thailand? That's crazy.

Thaiwan, you mean? Thailand... where's that? What language do them crazy folks speak, anyway? Ah yeah, Bankok. Heard of that place. :o

and if that didn't help than mention "patpong". now that generate some interest......Darn perverts

I can explain to my friends how beautiful the country sides are, how the food are much different than the Thai food they get in the US or how the atmosphere is much more laid back than the city of Detroit, but all they want to hear is "the red light district"....BUNCH OF EDUCATED DUMB SHITES.

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I've found it interesting to somehow bring up the subject of Thailand amongst people who don't know I've been there(I don't tell them). More often than not, I feel that due to "investigative" TV shows(20/20, Dateline, etc...), who sometimes spew BS to pump up ratings, a lot of people wrongly view Thailand/Bangkok as nothing more than a center of women forced into sex slavery, child sex trafficing, etc...

Every case is different but I have to wonder if people give you crap because, in their mind, they think that if you're in Thailand you must be there for the only thing they've been told(TV) that Thailand has to offer. You can tell them differently but they "know better because they saw it on TV". Pure ignorance.

Edited by cenctm
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I've found it interesting to somehow bring up the subject of Thailand amongst people who don't know I've been there(I don't tell them). More often than not, I feel that due to "investigative" TV shows(20/20, Dateline, etc...), who sometimes spew BS to pump up ratings, a lot of people wrongly view Thailand/Bangkok as nothing more than a center of women forced into sex slavery, child sex trafficing, etc...

Every case is different but I have to wonder if people give you crap because, in their mind, they think that if you're in Thailand you must be there for the only thing they've been told(TV) that Thailand has to offer. You can tell them differently but they "know better because they saw it on TV". Pure ignorance.

It's simple: a lot of people in the West are brainwashed by these TV-programs but also by the so-called 'popular' Tabloids, newspapers and magazines, because what they see-and-read is true....isn't it? :o

The funny thing however is, that the people who judge Thailand (but also other FE countries) have never been there.


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