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Thai political conflict: Neighbour worries about impact on tourism, cooperation


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Neighbour worries about impact on tourism, cooperation

BANGKOK: -- Myanmar has expressed concern that prolonged political chaos in Thailand could have a negative impact on tourism in its country.

Thai ambassador to Myanmar Pisanu Suvanachata said the Myanmar government, which is the current chair of Asean, has called for an end to the political conflict in Thailand.

It was hoped that bilateral cooperation projects would not be halted despite the slowdown of some programmes, including training for Myanmar people in the Thai kingdom.

Thailand has served as a springboard for travellers to neighbouring countries including Myanmar.

The number of Thai tourists to the country has not dropped, he said.

The Thai envoy to Myanmar also said that unlike other countries, Thailand's western neighbour has not yet issued any travel warning for Thailand, as it was confident that the current political turmoil in Thailand would end soon.

He said Thailand and Myanmar have attracted different groups of investors and that foreign investors in Thailand should not relocate to the neighbouring country, which concentrates on labourintensive industries.

-- The Nation 2014-01-27

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The Myanmar government concentrates on labourintensive industries. The generals there have much experience in that. Round up the population of some villages, chain men, boys and some women and let them do hard labour.

Perhaps they can sell 30,000 workers to the Arabs, as the caretaker government doesn't seem to be able to do more than importing a few vanloads of Cambodians.

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Over 200 years ago, the message from Myanmar Kings would've been” Your country appears to be unstable, if things don’t improve soon we’ll have to invade you”.

Not so long ago the message from Thailand's ruler was "Your country appears to be unstable. Would you like to buy some telecoms equipment with a cheap loan?"

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It would be hard for the murderous Burmese regime to warn residents it was dangerous in Thailand for most it would be an upgrade hence the boat loads of muslims and half a million who'd rather live in sqauilid huts near Mae Sodt than in their homeland.

Scum who would not allow their elected leader to visit her dying husband,what more do we need to know about the type of regime that murders monks.

Burma: Thousands dead in massacre of the monks dumped in the ...
1 Oct 2007 - Thousands of protesters are dead and the bodies of hundreds of ... 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 ... Burma: Thousands dead in massacre of themonks dumped in the jungle
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It would be hard for the murderous Burmese regime to warn residents it was dangerous in Thailand for most it would be an upgrade hence the boat loads of muslims and half a million who'd rather live in sqauilid huts near Mae Sodt than in their homeland.

Scum who would not allow their elected leader to visit her dying husband,what more do we need to know about the type of regime that murders monks.

Burma: Thousands dead in massacre of the monks dumped in the ...
1 Oct 2007 - Thousands of protesters are dead and the bodies of hundreds of ... 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 ... Burma: Thousands dead in massacre of themonks dumped in the jungle

Um, guys...... Haven't there been a change since then ?

Ever heard of Aung San Suu Kyi ? wai.gif

I mean being Thai and all and anti-Burmese is all cool and all that but.....

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Poor Myanmar, 60 years of oppression, junta council rule and when they finally get their shit together they notice their neighbour is going the other way....

I got it maybe Myanmar has infiltrated Thai society over the past 60 years and turning them all here into little wannabe juntas. whistling.gif

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