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Pheu Thai chief threatens mass protest if election is postponed


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Bad move if the reds come to BKK en masse, this is what Suthep wants.

As soon as that happens, it's coup time imo.

Peoples council, Army Council - Tomayto, Tomato.

Suthep may be a scumbag with a few screws loose but I don't think even he expected the people's council ever to come to fruition, this has been a democrat plot for a coup since day one.

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Blood and destruction shall be so in use

And dreadful objects so familiar

That mothers shall but smile when they behold

Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;

All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:

And Thaksins’s spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Yingluck by his side come hot from hell,

Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice

Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;

That this foul deed shall smell above the earth

With carrion men, groaning for burial.

The polite and correct thing to do when you quote someone else's work is to have the decency to name that person.

Or were you hoping that you could take the credit for the Bard's words by simply changing a couple names? - moron!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It cannot be said democracy has failed in Thailand. It can be said democracy shall have failed if the election is cancelled and Suthep's fascist council takes absolute dictatorial control of the country for an indefinite period of time to step by step implement its secret agenda. Compromise is needed to preclude this occurring and there remains time to compromise.

Fahlang don't need to take sides but fahlang do clearly and vociferously take sides. I take the side of having a legitimate election as has been constitutionally scheduled. I regard Thaksin as a dictator and Suthep as a raving fascist.

I think that puts me in with the vast and moderate political middle of Thailand where 20 to 30 million Thais live. That's because I didn't come to Thailand to support Thaksin's dictatorship or Suthep's raving fascism.

Democracy hasn't really existed as a concept anyway.

It's a bit like the Hong Kong one country two systems. It sounds all nice and fluffy but it's nonsense. By the time Thailand has swallowed a bit of democracy, and digested it a bit.

Well safe to say, it doesn't look much like democracy to me. So it is vitally important to keep it going forward instead if backward to authoritarian governments or coups.

A lot of people have too much to gain from this revisionism. I don't trust it one bit.

I am Thai and I happen to know from FACT that those THAIS that dont want to live in a Shinawatra distatorship under his fascist money grabbing heel have a right NOT to do so - the red shirt Farang should go home and leave us in peace

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I feel that the feb election must proceed because the govt has already declared election since dec and thus cannot go back on its words.

Obviously suthep knew he can't win elections hence chose to protest.

Hahaha - you show as a big example how little people remember on here - he election was called BECAUSE o the protest NOT the other way around - if youre going to post - keep up!!! Dont be so prejudiced to forget the truth today!!

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My interpretation of the law might be a little rusty, but has Pheu Thai party leader and caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan now broken the law himself by calling for protests whilst under a SoE? Will he also now be arrested and have his bank accounts frozen? Lose his Ministerial position? Will Tarit immediately call for an investigation? Or is this once again a "do as I say, now what I do" situation as is far too common from the pro-Govt/PT side of things?

You have that completely wrong, it is Thai PBS who are in the wrong they have been warned that publishing something that could cause alarm is banned under the SOE.

The caretaker minister can say whatever he wants as long as the dastardly press don't publish it.

Aren't gatherings of more than five people banned under the SOE, minister?

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My interpretation of the law might be a little rusty, but has Pheu Thai party leader and caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan now broken the law himself by calling for protests whilst under a SoE? Will he also now be arrested and have his bank accounts frozen? Lose his Ministerial position? Will Tarit immediately call for an investigation? Or is this once again a "do as I say, now what I do" situation as is far too common from the pro-Govt/PT side of things?

You have that completely wrong, it is Thai PBS who are in the wrong they have been warned that publishing something that could cause alarm is banned under the SOE.

The caretaker minister can say whatever he wants as long as the dastardly press don't publish it.

Aren't gatherings of more than five people banned under the SOE, minister?
Indeed. And inciting people to cause unrest is unlawful too. I await Tarit's announcement of a speedy arrest, trial and conviction of this criminal mastermind Minister with baited breath. Unless of course the DSI only act against people who are anti-Govt, but they couldn't be biased (bought and paid for) could they? Edited by Tatsujin
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Sure, why not; Let's bring all the angry mobs out. Great method of voting; Whoever's left wins. That seems to be the Thai way.

"Gangs of New York"style; mind you that was in the 1860's. I guess that's where they're at?

You give them far too much credit lol

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Blood and destruction shall be so in use

And dreadful objects so familiar

That mothers shall but smile when they behold

Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;

All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:

And Thaksins’s spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Yingluck by his side come hot from hell,

Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice

Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;

That this foul deed shall smell above the earth

With carrion men, groaning for burial.

The polite and correct thing to do when you quote someone else's work is to have the decency to name that person.

Or were you hoping that you could take the credit for the Bard's words by simply changing a couple names? - moron!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

As if anyone would think I wrote this.

Of course it's Shakespeare, anyone half well-read

or having watched Star Trek, would know that.

And very few morons ever quote Shakespeare, ever.

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There doesn't seem to be any alternative way forward that to hold the general election now , to ask the majority of people .

If the election is postponed , you are left with a weak caretaker government , you also raise the hopes of Suthep and his insurrectors to keep on trying , that victory is just around the corner . Unless some control of this situation is taken only disaster awaits . Suthep has no concrete plans to reform

Thailand , which in anycase would take many years rather than a few months . Suthep is trying to put power back into elite hands , yet no less corrupt .

Somebody or a group of very important and influential people are backing Sutheps insurrection , which is why no steps are taken to arrest the leaders and

bring the disruption of Bangkok to a halt . There is a real risk of civil war that the army cannot win . We see now a state of emergency declared in

Bangkok and surrounding area that no one respects , so what happens when the whole country is involved .

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It cannot be said democracy has failed in Thailand. It can be said democracy shall have failed if the election is cancelled and Suthep's fascist council takes absolute dictatorial control of the country for an indefinite period of time to step by step implement its secret agenda. Compromise is needed to preclude this occurring and there remains time to compromise.

Fahlang don't need to take sides but fahlang do clearly and vociferously take sides. I take the side of having a legitimate election as has been constitutionally scheduled. I regard Thaksin as a dictator and Suthep as a raving fascist.

I think that puts me in with the vast and moderate political middle of Thailand where 20 to 30 million Thais live. That's because I didn't come to Thailand to support Thaksin's dictatorship or Suthep's raving fascism.

Democracy hasn't really existed as a concept anyway.

It's a bit like the Hong Kong one country two systems. It sounds all nice and fluffy but it's nonsense. By the time Thailand has swallowed a bit of democracy, and digested it a bit.

Well safe to say, it doesn't look much like democracy to me. So it is vitally important to keep it going forward instead if backward to authoritarian governments or coups.

A lot of people have too much to gain from this revisionism. I don't trust it one bit.

I am Thai and I happen to know from FACT that those THAIS that dont want to live in a Shinawatra distatorship under his fascist money grabbing heel have a right NOT to do so - the red shirt Farang should go home and leave us in peace

This is how the anti government lot really think about the average forienger living here. Is preached from the stage almost every night by at least one of the protest leaders. Does not matter how much you love this country and people, how long you have been living here or how much you have invested in your Thai family, you will always be an outsider. Many posters here were probably living in Thailand before love1012 was even born. Is very depressing sometimes. Carefull what you wish for you lot, you just might get it.


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Bad move if the reds come to BKK en masse, this is what Suthep wants.

As soon as that happens, it's coup time imo.

Peoples council, Army Council - Tomayto, Tomato.

Suthep may be a scumbag with a few screws loose but I don't think even he expected the people's council ever to come to fruition, this has been a democrat plot for a coup since day one.



You may indeed be right , but my feeling is that the 2006 coup failed in its objective , that the continued unrest stems from the error of the 2006 coup .

A military coup today is likely to get the same reaction as the present SOE . In 2006 there wasn't any opposition like the UDD Redshits of today . People may not think that the Redshirts are any match in numbers or military skill to the army , but they would have the support of the entire countryside behind them .

A coup in 2014 means the armed forces taking on an opposition of the major part of the country . Many of the soldiers will be from the north and northeast ,

there's a real risk of mutiny . Can the armed forces be asked to go to war with the majority of the Thai people ? I think not .

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Blood and destruction shall be so in use

And dreadful objects so familiar

That mothers shall but smile when they behold

Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;

All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:

And Thaksins’s spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Yingluck by his side come hot from hell,

Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice

Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;

That this foul deed shall smell above the earth

With carrion men, groaning for burial.

The polite and correct thing to do when you quote someone else's work is to have the decency to name that person.

Or were you hoping that you could take the credit for the Bard's words by simply changing a couple names? - moron!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

As if anyone would think I wrote this.

Of course it's Shakespeare, anyone half well-read

or having watched Star Trek, would know that.

And very few morons ever quote Shakespeare, ever.

Aye! A'right then. But naming the author is still the right thing to do. [ and come-on; how many of the morons on here do you think are familiar with all the works of Shakespeare?]

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This is a threat to the Courts not to meddle.

Can't prevent an election that only the fascists want stopped.

Get the election out of the way and the violence will end. Then the courts can rule about change to law on Quorum.

Quite easy really and democratic. Will hurt and annoy only a few people that don't matter, so thats a bonus as well.

Who are 'the fascists'? How did you come to this conclusion? Rather than use words as shorthand, could you kindly be a little bit more explicit.

I know that some people think that 'stopping elections' is a fascist act. But this is not necessarily so. For example, if those elections are rigged or are perceived to have been rigged in the past then surely people have a right to protest and ask for free and fair elections without the guiding hand of an unelected person voluntarily living overseas. This would be allowed under a democratic system.

So a little bit more explanation would be very helpful. Thank you.

And your evidence of "rigged" elections is ..............?????

Read what I wrote before asking dumb questions. I said "IF these elections were Perceived to have been rigged....." I didn't say they were.

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It is halarious that PTP will think people will support them. When the verdict comes out, this government will found illegitament. Election is just a smoke screen for these democracy hating buch. It already shows by their action.


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Who is this posh gel - who has obviously had an expensive English education and speaks like a home counties English dame .....

She speaks well and with perfect sense. I still don't trust Suthep though. His past record and own money grabbing exploits should surely make the cleverest and the dumbest Thai suspicious of his true motives.

What an f'ing mess!

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