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Bangkok mall employee allegedly beaten, robbed by protesters


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i dont see any evidence to support his story probably just trying to get money out of the protestors. Even if it IS true its not as bad as shootings, stabbings, grenades that the red apologists forgive in this forum every day

Well the guy clearly has a pad of bandage on his head, and I guess if he remove it it will reveal a wound... No one has given the other side - in Thailand peoples tend to get extremely aggressive if someone use harch language - and he could have insulted someone - we do not know...

Does it make it right if he actually DID insult someone ?? Nope - it does not and I agree with the poster who said they should be caught, and punished - to the maximum of law if possible... Especially security guards should have some self control...

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i dont see any evidence to support his story probably just trying to get money out of the protestors. Even if it IS true its not as bad as shootings, stabbings, grenades that the red apologists forgive in this forum every day

Well the guy clearly has a pad of bandage on his head, and I guess if he remove it it will reveal a wound... No one has given the other side - in Thailand peoples tend to get extremely aggressive if someone use harch language - and he could have insulted someone - we do not know...

Does it make it right if he actually DID insult someone ?? Nope - it does not and I agree with the poster who said they should be caught, and punished - to the maximum of law if possible... Especially security guards should have some self control...

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i dont see any evidence to support his story probably just trying to get money out of the protestors. Even if it IS true its not as bad as shootings, stabbings, grenades that the red apologists forgive in this forum every day

Actually, I think you'll find that most ThaiVisa Forum members condemn violence and criminal activities, whomever the perpetrator may be.

Conversely, there's no shortage of members that don't.

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Wonder why he carries so much money to work?

50,000 baht in total value is quite a sum.

It explains the appropriate use of "allegedly robbed" in the thread title. Similarly, the use of "allegedly beaten" is appropriate relative to the lack of serious injury apparent in other photos of the alleged victim. It certainly seems inconsistent with "the whole mobbed and beat him" described in the OP, which is admittedly poorly written.

If he actually was robbed of his alleged 50,000 baht, the theft should be condemned. Any actual violence towards him should similarly be condemned.

As well, any hyperbole generated by Khaosod news should also be condemned as it creates the sort of outrageous comparisons to the Gestapo that we saw on the thread before they were justifiably deleted.

Edited by tsnyder
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Where are the police in all of this? Is it not their job to maintain peace and order and actually enforce the law evenhandedly?

If the police are not willing to do their job they should all be relieved of their job and the military should step in to do the job the police ought to be doing.

Thailand IS a failed state.

If there were police, there wouldn't be road blocks and robberies everwhere. The police is dyfunctional and the only remaining authorities are the thugs which receive 1000 Baht per day from Suthep.

If there were Police there WOULD BE the normal road blocks and Robberies ( the end of the month feeble excuse for 200b type)

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There's not much difference between yellow shirts and brown shirts. "Where are your papers!"

Which the reds did too in 2010. "You farang, give passport".

Same same but different.

And i remember reports saying that the protesters had to hand over their ID cards as well..Maybe to help balance the books... 3,500 id cards =10,50000 b per day transfer from Dubai

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suspicious. A guy carrying that much cash on him. Anyhow, we can not jump to any conclusion. It is just alleged. So don't stir up anything until a full investigation is done. Since it's still alleged, I will bet it's just another attempt to discredit the PDRC. But it's definitely not something they condone, so all you red shirts supports, don't get too excited.

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suspicious. A guy carrying that much cash on him. Anyhow, we can not jump to any conclusion. It is just alleged. So don't stir up anything until a full investigation is done. Since it's still alleged, I will bet it's just another attempt to discredit the PDRC. But it's definitely not something they condone, so all you red shirts supports, don't get too excited.

In a statement to the police, Mr. Siam said the PCAD guards took his iPhone 5, eyeglasses, cap, and 15,000 baht - a total loss of approximately 50,000 baht.

Iphone costs how much ? 30000 baht ish ? glasses another 5k and 15k cash........... total loss 50k not hard to believe maybe the 15k cash is over done but nevertheless he lost a good amount with the iphone.

These are thieves and thugs no more no less ... Gestapo tactics in modern day Thailand, disgusting.

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suspicious. A guy carrying that much cash on him. Anyhow, we can not jump to any conclusion. It is just alleged. So don't stir up anything until a full investigation is done. Since it's still alleged, I will bet it's just another attempt to discredit the PDRC. But it's definitely not something they condone, so all you red shirts supports, don't get too excited.

In a statement to the police, Mr. Siam said the PCAD guards took his iPhone 5, eyeglasses, cap, and 15,000 baht - a total loss of approximately 50,000 baht.

Iphone costs how much ? 30000 baht ish ? glasses another 5k and 15k cash........... total loss 50k not hard to believe maybe the 15k cash is over done but nevertheless he lost a good amount with the iphone.

The theft of the iPhone is alleged by the alleged victim. Same as the glasses and cash.


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so civilian guards are now stop and searching police and metering out street beatings ?

As it stands the current Suthep model of unelected Assembly comprising people he approves of (of course), and a state that is self-policed at street level by his followers, is Tyranny with a capital 't'. I don't see it happening anyway, but if this is his blueprint for the future then good riddance to him, I'll send him a fruit-basket at the Happy Home.

It is the endpoint of "us against them" rhetoric and not understanding the difference between peaceful short-term massprotest to disagree with specific Bills etc., and prolonged seige overthrow movements, as is seen on both sides of the political divide here. But I see the current situation as worse than before, because it isn't about improving the lives of people in the North for example, it is more polarised than that and it certainly comes across as 'if you were a real Thai you would join us instead of going to work' which is the true realm of jackboot-boys and oppressive dictatorship.


Edited by Yunla
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More violence from the pacifists.... so civilian guards are now stop and searching police and metering out street beatings ?

Time to admit this is beyond the pale now and do something.

You forgot the bit about robbing people's money and valuables too.

The Messiah has to pay for his hotel and restaurant some how. When people aren't coughing up enough then you just have to go out and take it for yourself.

Edited by chooka
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There's not much difference between yellow shirts and brown shirts. "Where are your papers!"

Which the reds did too in 2010. "You farang, give passport".

Same same but different.

And i remember reports saying that the protesters had to hand over their ID cards as well..Maybe to help balance the books... 3,500 id cards =10,50000 b per day transfer from Dubai


Not different at all!

Same <deleted>, another day!

Only: that happened 2 YEARS AGO!

Stop living in the past!

People burned witches once!

Does that mean it is okay for "protests guards" to do the same?


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More violence from the pacifists.... so civilian guards are now stop and searching police and metering out street beatings

Time to admit this is beyond the pale now and do something.

Both sides are beyond the Pale. Both have their share of thugs and cowards prepared to ambush and attack the defenceless in packs.

Something should be done yes, but on the basis of guilt and actions, not political stance.

Totally agree. I'd hate to see things slide even further. Surely there must be some cool heads in both camps who see where it's all going and stop all this madness for the good of Thailand......not the politicians.

You and me both.
Unfortunately the cool heads never get to the top.

When my Thai wife watches the TV and listens to the speakers she says Nobody asked me what I want she goes on to point out that both main party's are corrupted what can the Thai people do.

Yet she willingly excepts that its good to have friend in the police station and if you want anything done quickly you have to have some baht in the palm of your hand.

The rule of law and corruption don't fit well together it just leaves the door open for any circumstance.

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More violence from the pacifists.... so civilian guards are now stop and searching police and metering out street beatings ?

Time to admit this is beyond the pale now and do something.

Both sides are beyond the Pale. Both have their share of thugs and cowards prepared to ambush and attack the defenceless in packs.

Something should be done yes, but on the basis of guilt and actions, not political stance.

Sadly from news reports I have read over the past 12 years out this way, attacking defenceless people in packs seems to be the Thai way. Not that it doesn't happen elsewhere but it seems to happen all too often here. Given both sides leaderships seem determined that it is there way or the highway, I can see no other end to this than more, and much more serious, violence. The sad reality is most Thai's I speak to want dialogue between the sides but their voices are never heard, only the extremists on each side are heard.

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Wonder why he carries so much money to work?

50,000 baht in total value is quite a sum.

Half the value is in the iPhone! 15k is quite reasonable seeing its end of the month and many people get their wages/salary at this time. What's your problem with that?

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The police admitted that the guards took away a pistol and ammumition. That speaks volumes of the guards. Are they arming themselves for the elections?

Are you kiddng, it would be big news by now. Instead it is a side note to a stolen iphone. What part of a stolen gun is not important for the public to know.....can you say inept or something fishy.

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More violence from the pacifists.... so civilian guards are now stop and searching police and metering out street beatings ?

Time to admit this is beyond the pale now and do something.

the thing is get the government out then everything will stop, so simple! but the Shin shits don't give a damn about the country, they just want to steal more bcos they 'enough' is not in their vocabulary, get it?

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I think he is trying it on, why would he be carrying 15,000 in his pocket ?

There had to be one, didn't there?

Sorry, but I'm afraid I have to be the "other one", as this whole story reeks...!

If a fellow protester is stopped, he is surely going to identify himself as an anti-government protester, and they will duly thank each other for their mutual support and go on their way. Some questions are raised.

1. Why is a shopping mall worker carrying around THB 50,000 in cash and valuables?

2. Why is the "witness" not identified? In all other cases that we see on here, all parties are named...!

3. Does this individual look like someone who has beaten up? Sticking a piece on gauze on his head proves nothing.

4. Is this not, in fact, a pathetic setup by the police in an attempt to discredit the protesters and raise opposition to them?

and finally ...

5. What do the security guards have to gain by beating up one of their own?

Sensible, unbiased answers only please...

Edited by GeorgeO
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Wonder why he carries so much money to work?

50,000 baht in total value is quite a sum.

Half the value is in the iPhone! 15k is quite reasonable seeing its end of the month and many people get their wages/salary at this time. What's your problem with that?

He was on his way to work, not going home, and we can regularly see, Thais queue up to put their money in the bank as soon as they are paid, why take it back to work?

Plus, the last day of the month, this month, is on Friday. Who pays salaries on Monday 27th, which it would have to have been if he alleges it was taken from him on Tuesday morning...?

I agree with the suggestion that there is something fishy with this story, as I have spelled out in a related response.

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So your saying he didnt get beaten or he lied about the cash ? so if he lied about the cash he must be lying about getting beaten ?

I dont suppose its just possible he got a beating lost his iphone and added a bit of thainess to the cashflow when he reported it.. hey may as well right ?

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