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All Bangkok's 50 election directors resign


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In two successive posts you wrote:

Being slightly less paranoid than you, I recognise that no political party these days can go the extremes that you suggest, because to do so, assuming they got into power, would invite sanctions that could bring a country to its knees.

If you can get over this paranoid outlook that you have, you may start to see that what is in motion at the moment is for the long-term benefit of Thailand.

If you think things are going to get as bad as you say, then I'm guessing you're already packing. Me, I'm here for the long haul...!!

You present overstatement, which really hurts your argument, if it is an argument. A lot of people have been here in the former LOS for the long haul and many more will have been here over the long haul, so that's no special qualification that you yourself can claim. I don't have confidence in an appointed still anonymous council of elitists who have a secret agenda no one has seen. It's a Suthep idea - you know, Suthep the madman. It's worse than blue smoke and mirrors from the Thai feudal right and their fahlang advocates and supporters because Suthep and his shadowy cronies are openly advocating insurrection rather than election. The Old Guard elites know the DP can't win an election, so instead of being democratic and coming up with a program that is viable to the electorate they forcefully have taken to the streets to forcefully stop a constitutionally scheduled election. You can't get away from these facts - facts....!!

Which is why you guys are losers from the start.

"the fascist militants attacked innocent voters" ... really?!

What I recall is that one anti-government protester was killed, shot in the head, shots were fired at several other protesters, bombs were set off at protester sites, protesters were beaten up by Red Shirt extremists in Lat Krabang, oh, and let's not forget, they went back to that pick-up truck time after time to carry on beating that 75 year-old guy...!!

Selective myopia or what...?! You're obviously a lost cause...!!

This statement is not balanced, fair, even-handed. To pretend it is so is duplicitous. Talk about being selective and prejudiced; blind to the reality of this past Sunday at the polling stations of Bangkok and in the Surat and the deep South. Anyone who ignores or dismisses the serious nature of the violence Suthep's fascist thugs precipitated at the polling stations Sunday is not credible either in the short term or the long term. Such deniers are not to be trusted with their claims to be democrats or to be interested in the quality or the sanctity of due or democratic processes.

You people fool no one except yourselves.

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PTP, Yingluck and Thaksin. Your shit is piling up, big time. Well "som nam na"

Hope somebody is logging all these names of the"outed" just in case the 16,000,000 need to vent their anger at someone

For those who seem a bit confused, this is what a fascist looks like.


noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\

: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

So with the DSI at work, charging singers and performers for being on the protest stage...Thaksin, reportedly having signed resignations of all the Mp's, Thaksin running the government with the help of his (clone/golfer) sister

OH MY GOD, We are living in a fascist state...

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Lets take a name check on these 50 persons and keep track of where they end up, it is only a matter of time before the Democrats are back in power and no doubt these names will reappear in various 'positions'then.


Why sigh? What Smutcakes said is actually something very easy to do, and just wait, no harm to anyone... I think Smutcakes did not go too much far from reality.

So in Thailand people is not allowed to quit their jobs?

Don't make the naive boy ;) They are not worker in a factory and they have a big responsibility, and what a shame they decide to resign all together 5 days before the vote-day.

I don't want to think is politically motivated, and I don't exclude the fact they can be intimidated by lack of security, but like Smutcakes said: just sit, wait and see... I would not exclude any hypothesis.

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You people fool no one except yourselves.

Tell that to the families of 3,000 people who were extra judicially killed under Thaksin and Chalerm watch. Not to mention 20 human right activists assassinated during the same period. Look up the term death squads and the regimes which are associated with them. I thought so. You don't hold any moral ground. wai2.gif

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If the election doesn't happen on Sunday there will be at least 15 million very, very, unhappy voters on Monday morning. The coup mongers don't realise what they're walking into.

You assume all 15 million would be dumb enough to vote for this lot again? Or some may not but other would?

They're lots of very very unhappy PTP voters from last time and many disgruntled farmers not all of whom are swallowing the PTP lies anymore.

The hard core reds would protest for sure, with their helpers and weapons. Forcing a SOE and again back round the same old cycle.

Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Shame he never made it to Thailand.


At least 15 million people. The so-called Democrat party know there's going to be a PTP landslide, that's why they ran away. It doesn't matter if the election is held now or later. When it comes, it will be a red tsunami and it will clean out all the filthy little corners of Thai society. Roll on the election!

Do you mean like POL POT did in Cambodia.. That's what it reads like!


The yellow shirt cowards are playing with forces they don't understand. History is littered with examples where the elite in a country have pushed the peasants too far. It never ends well for the elite.

I used to say that I didn't care which party won as long as there was an election, but I've changed my mind. Having seen how the feudalists have subverted the basic institutions of Thai society - the courts, the election commission and parts of the civil service - the only thing that will restore democracy in Thailand is a government voted in by the Thai people, and right now that can only mean PTP.

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no doubt they all had the threatening phone calls at 1am indicating they would be tortured and shot dead if they didnt resign .these suthep thugs will stop at nothing ,intimidation and fear are their weapons against law abiding folks .

like Hitlers brownshirts in fact

No end to these asinine comparisons to Hitler, even after mods have repeatedly directed they stop.

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If the election doesn't happen on Sunday there will be at least 15 million very, very, unhappy voters on Monday morning. The coup mongers don't realise what they're walking into.

You assume all 15 million would be dumb enough to vote for this lot again? Or some may not but other would?

They're lots of very very unhappy PTP voters from last time and many disgruntled farmers not all of whom are swallowing the PTP lies anymore.

The hard core reds would protest for sure, with their helpers and weapons. Forcing a SOE and again back round the same old cycle.

Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Shame he never made it to Thailand.


At least 15 million people. The so-called Democrat party know there's going to be a PTP landslide, that's why they ran away. It doesn't matter if the election is held now or later. When it comes, it will be a red tsunami and it will clean out all the filthy little corners of Thai society. Roll on the election!

Do you mean like POL POT did in Cambodia.. That's what it reads like!

I had thought it was clear that Pol Pot and Hitler specifically were off topic in these matters pertaining to current events in Thailand.

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you really need to learn to count or tell the truth better, if your in your mid 50's that would make you in you early to late teens/early twenties at most in the 70's, really pushing sh*t up hill with that claim and I was serving in the armed forces at that time so I know exactly what it was all about. What you are writing is fascist crap, cheering on deaths and promoting corrupt governments, pathetic jerk.gif at best

they truly are garbage and people are wondering why we not join the bleeding hearts when some 50 - 60 year old hard faced, armed fascists calling themselves students meet with exactly the same justice they are in the business of handing out.

The clear out should not stop with Suthep. the backers need to be ruined financially and hounded out of business and the country so they never try this again.

The Reform that may happen when Suthep loses could be the reform to end all reforms in Thailand and many supposed elites will rue the day they ever thought of reform.

Wow! I did not think that you're gloating celebration of a mans murder could get any lower, but I was wrong.

Do you intend to bring it into every thread or does even your bile and hatred have limits?

Once a fascist hater. Always a fascist hater. I'm only mid 50's but many of the people I worked with in the 70's were war vets. I know what extremists are capable of.

No apologies for hating dictators, fascists of supporters. THere is a democratic system here and even many Thai papers are saying that Yinglul should be defeate at the ballot box.

There is no popular support for Suthep and the whole world bar his fan club see this.

My father had an artist friend who was on the Burma railroad.

He started a fly factory as before they would feed the prisoners the japanese made them catch flies.

When there were no flies he made flies from thread, anything he could find.

The same ruling elite that supported the japanese still rules today.

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I'm really bored by this thai soap opera, the ending is obvious..Taksin's demise, the Shins back to China, multiple new political factions, thai democracy moves on, can someone just fast forward this...


Oh boy are you in for a surprise! Too bad betting is illegal in Thailand or I'd ask you to put a bet on it.

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you really need to learn to count or tell the truth better, if your in your mid 50's that would make you in you early to late teens/early twenties at most in the 70's, really pushing sh*t up hill with that claim and I was serving in the armed forces at that time so I know exactly what it was all about. What you are writing is fascist crap, cheering on deaths and promoting corrupt governments, pathetic jerk.gif at best

they truly are garbage and people are wondering why we not join the bleeding hearts when some 50 - 60 year old hard faced, armed fascists calling themselves students meet with exactly the same justice they are in the business of handing out.

The clear out should not stop with Suthep. the backers need to be ruined financially and hounded out of business and the country so they never try this again.

The Reform that may happen when Suthep loses could be the reform to end all reforms in Thailand and many supposed elites will rue the day they ever thought of reform.

Wow! I did not think that you're gloating celebration of a mans murder could get any lower, but I was wrong.

Do you intend to bring it into every thread or does even your bile and hatred have limits?

Once a fascist hater. Always a fascist hater. I'm only mid 50's but many of the people I worked with in the 70's were war vets. I know what extremists are capable of.

No apologies for hating dictators, fascists of supporters. THere is a democratic system here and even many Thai papers are saying that Yinglul should be defeate at the ballot box.

There is no popular support for Suthep and the whole world bar his fan club see this.

My father had an artist friend who was on the Burma railroad.

He started a fly factory as before they would feed the prisoners the japanese made them catch flies.

When there were no flies he made flies from thread, anything he could find.

The same ruling elite that supported the japanese still rules today.

You need to read up on your Thai history, it is a very different elite behind this saga.

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At least 15 million people. The so-called Democrat party know there's going to be a PTP landslide, that's why they ran away. It doesn't matter if the election is held now or later. When it comes, it will be a red tsunami and it will clean out all the filthy little corners of Thai society. Roll on the election!

Do you mean like POL POT did in Cambodia.. That's what it reads like!

I had thought it was clear that Pol Pot and Hitler specifically were off topic in these matters pertaining to current events in Thailand.

"it will be a red tsunami and it will clean out all the filthy little corners of Thai society. "

it was relevant for that rant..History can be very sobering. A country should NOT forget it's and it's neighbors history .

And who made you a MOD?

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Lets take a name check on these 50 persons and keep track of where they end up, it is only a matter of time before the Democrats are back in power and no doubt these names will reappear in various 'positions'then.


Why sigh? What Smutcakes said is actually something very easy to do, and just wait, no harm to anyone... I think Smutcakes did not go too much far from reality.

Yes, there is that precedence set with 11 red shirts becoming MP's with no word on Deputy Commerce Minister Natthawut standing in court for his criminal charges filed in 2007, 2009, and 2010.

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I dare say the reds may indeed come to town.

And this time it won't be with slingshots

It wasn't with slingshots last time, either.

But I can understand your fears and apprehensions.

Given their proclivity for unparalleled extreme violence coupled with an unequaled arsenal of war weapons, the populace would be justifiably concerned about the worse of the worse re-entering the fray.

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I dare say the reds may indeed come to town.

And this time it won't be with slingshots

It wasn't with slingshots last time, either.

But I can understand your fears and apprehensions.

Given their proclivity for unparalleled extreme violence coupled with an unequaled arsenal of war weapons, the populace would be justifiably concerned about the worse of the worse re-entering the fray.


In Thailand, just like the USA, the people have the right to take up arms to defend their constitutional right to vote. Take away that right and suffer the consequences.

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I dare say the reds may indeed come to town.

And this time it won't be with slingshots

It wasn't with slingshots last time, either.

But I can understand your fears and apprehensions.

Given their proclivity for unparalleled extreme violence coupled with an unequaled arsenal of war weapons, the populace would be justifiably concerned about the worse of the worse re-entering the fray.


In Thailand, just like the USA, the people have the right to take up arms to defend their constitutional right to vote. Take away that right and suffer the consequences.


Where exactly does it say that in ANY of the Thai constitutions let alone the 2007 one. Have you been at Chalerms ear medicine?

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As this election is losing not only populous support, but administrative as well, it is perhaps a good idea to look at the reality of this election. If the advance vote was the election itself, parliament would be 78 % filled, as opposed to the 95 % they are mandated to fill. The vacuum that the EC is trying to communicate to Yingluck is not a theory, but a present reality. With 8 provinces and 28 constituencies not participating, this parliament will not have a quorum under any circumstances whatsoever. And no court in the land will grant a perpetual caretaker administration legislative power.

BS, it is a good time to place good people in those resigned positions and began cleaning house on the crud that takes their orders from the elite, I am truly surprised that the EC commissioners have not resigned, that is the move I was expecting, I was hoping they would do as they threatened, it would be great to have some good people with some moral values and backbone to do that job properly.

The problem in this country are the corrupted bureaucrats, that take their orders from those that appointed them to those positions of power, the new governments needs to do some drastic housecleaning.

If they were not part of the solution, they were part of the problem!

Spring cleaning time!.

Start with the rotten rice, I wonder how many tons ??

make it into fertilizer-diesel - and sell it that way. But to answer you how many millions of liters of Domestos bleach will you need to start your spring clean ?

The rice! why is it being allowed to rot in the warehouses,Someone willing to take a financial loss to make a political issue. Why is the rice not given to the citizens of Thailand instead of allowing it to rot in the warehouses, as the U.S. did in 1980's giving all the needy in the country, cheese, butter and powder milk.

The children of the rice farmers are turning their backs on the family farms, in the future who is going to grow rice, Thailand was the worlds largest rice producer and rice exporters for 31 years off of the backs of the farmers, who have been financially exploited by the rich for decades. The children of rice farmer do not want to go into farming because of the hard work and low pay!

So those that rag about Thailand being knock out of the top rice exporter in the world, have better get use to this loss continuing as the rice farmer age and their children turning their backs on the family farm the amount of farmers will continue on a slow but sure decline. PTP is being pro-active by raising the price paid to the farmers in the hopes of saving the future rice production in the country!

All countries subsidize their main agriculture product, something Thailand should look at!


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The whole lot of em, red white yellow etc are the sorriest bunch of losers and should be ashamed of themselves making a mockery of their jobs, their country and just about anything else you can think of. Nobody,party or whatever will come out of this smelling of nothing but disgrace.

Very,very sad!

It's elitist Thainess in action. Academia, judges, Supreme Court and EC are all members of the amart minority that no matter what, want their kindred in power again. In 2006 it was the coup. Now the boycot of the elections after that there will be a "reform" that will enable the Democrats to draw all the necessary redistricting until finally, some day, they will win an election.

Of the nearly 65 million Thais, the hundred thousand or so of the amart in Bangkok feel they represent the bulk of the country. In fact they think that Bangkok IS Thailand. No matter how impressive it may look in pictures those rallies, objectively, they are a minority in the context of 65 million people.

Thaksin is certainly someone deserving of censure and jail time but let us not forget that he was the one who for the first time in recent history gave a voice to the impoverished, uneducated and downtroden farmers and the people in the hinterlands.

The reason the amart democrats will never forget nor forgive Thaksin.

And it will so amusing IF they decide. Enough is enough and they kick his government out.. that probably will not happen due to the Thai people's sense of not rocking the boat.. but a few days will tell... I wonder how many of the NEW political parties registered this election are Thaksin proxies?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You people fool no one except yourselves.

Tell that to the families of 3,000 people who were extra judicially killed under Thaksin and Chalerm watch. Not to mention 20 human right activists assassinated during the same period. Look up the term death squads and the regimes which are associated with them. I thought so. You don't hold any moral ground. wai2.gif

And you are erratically OTT.

Still trying to fool yourselves.

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Where exactly does it say that in ANY of the Thai constitutions let alone the 2007 one. Have you been at Chalerms ear medicine?


Easy. The constitution absolutely guarantees the right of citizens to vote. If that right is denied on Sunday then the constitution is in the bin and a different reality takes over.


Here's just one courageous voter who was prevented from voting. Now imagine 15 million of them and you'll get the picture.

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The whole lot of em, red white yellow etc are the sorriest bunch of losers and should be ashamed of themselves making a mockery of their jobs, their country and just about anything else you can think of. Nobody,party or whatever will come out of this smelling of nothing but disgrace.

Very,very sad!

It's elitist Thainess in action. Academia, judges, Supreme Court and EC are all members of the amart minority that no matter what, want their kindred in power again. In 2006 it was the coup. Now the boycot of the elections after that there will be a "reform" that will enable the Democrats to draw all the necessary redistricting until finally, some day, they will win an election.

Of the nearly 65 million Thais, the hundred thousand or so of the amart in Bangkok feel they represent the bulk of the country. In fact they think that Bangkok IS Thailand. No matter how impressive it may look in pictures those rallies, objectively, they are a minority in the context of 65 million people.

Thaksin is certainly someone deserving of censure and jail time but let us not forget that he was the one who for the first time in recent history gave a voice to the impoverished, uneducated and downtroden farmers and the people in the hinterlands.

The reason the amart democrats will never forget nor forgive Thaksin.

They really do think they know best and want the status quo.

Of course that includes them sitting on the top of the pile.

Is there any more contradictory statement than Thai academic? Its all relative after all

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I'm really bored by this thai soap opera, the ending is obvious..Taksin's demise, the Shins back to China, multiple new political factions, thai democracy moves on, can someone just fast forward this...


Oh boy are you in for a surprise! Too bad betting is illegal in Thailand or I'd ask you to put a bet on it.

I have that bet with my wife, she too thinks Taksin is a clever man, will somehow defy gravity etc... Problem with serial gamblers is that they just don,t know when to stop. Apply some logic to the situation, look at the high level players involved, the fact that the lawful gov cannot govern because every institution in the country is refusing to co-operate, the police, miltary, courts, civil service, banks, all working to the highest possible level of direction, what alternative outcome is there?

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I dare say the reds may indeed come to town.

And this time it won't be with slingshots

It wasn't with slingshots last time, either.

But I can understand your fears and apprehensions.

Given their proclivity for unparalleled extreme violence coupled with an unequaled arsenal of war weapons, the populace would be justifiably concerned about the worse of the worse re-entering the fray.

The madman Suthep has been fomenting violence 24/7 for a month now, advocating insurrection and the cancelling of the election and of democracy in Thailand, but has little to show for it. Suthep's violence of the past Sunday's early voting only alerted the Thai and global media to be at Thailand polling stations for the election that is now finalized and set for the coming Sunday.

There unfortunately and terribly have been some deaths and a number of persons injured, but nothing approaching the kind of violence Suthep and his backers need to overthrow the government.

More over, Suthep's plan to provoke a military mutiny coup d'état have failed with the prospects of a coup getting dimmer by the day. As the election Sunday approaches the vast and moderate Thai political middle have one eye on Suthep's fascist mobsters and the other eye on the judiciary for after the election.

Suthep and his backers are pretty well boxed in at this point, so which side is more likely to resort to organized and large scale violence? Suthep and his backers need violence, they can't handle peace and order because peace and order means their insurrection fails as well it should and will.

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Not unexpected at all, and apparently, the only way that they could possibly make the lady see sense.

What is now required is for her to make a public appearance announcing that the election is off, she and her caretaker government are stepping down, Suthep can therefore call off the street protests, and the business of carrying out necessary reforms can get under way.

She must also make it very clear to the Red Shirt extremists that their cause is over, and they should return to their homes; furthermore, anyone caught involved in any acts of shootings or bombing in response to the resignation of the government should be made to face the full extent of the law.

And if the caretaker govt steps down, who will govern? And do you think that there won't be further protests?

If the REDs were to take to the streets, I would then believe in claims of millions marching.

You seriously believe that they still command that much support...? The PTP are now broke (in an organisational sense of course, not in terms of personal wealth), so they have nothing to offer the up-country rent-a-crowd, and it's doubtful that KhunT is going to throw any more money into this, after his failed attempt at dictatorship.

WHEN the caretaker government steps down, there will likely be formal agreement amongst the more sensible senior academics, lawyers, civil servants and grass-roots volunteers to create a forum for discussion on the way forward. That, at this stage, would be nothing less than a major breakthrough. I would also like to think that RTP could become involved in enforcing law and order during this period, but that would have to be some years down the line after a complete shake-up.

Given time, these committed people can seek to dismantle the apparatus that has kept the Shin clan in the trough for far too long, and ban all those - from all parties - who have no place in politics due to prior convictions, ongoing bail, breach of bail conditions, and flight from justice.

That should pretty much provide a clean slate from which to start rebuilding the shattered society and economy of Thailand...!!

With your reference to rent-a-crowd, you have shown your bias. It is beneath me to comment on your post.

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Given the fact that many posters on this and other threads have mentioned the fact that Suthep and his crowd are anti-foreigner, I find it amazing that so many seem to want the man to get what he's aiming for.

I sincerely hope that, as we're all exiting the kingdom without our money, homes, possessions, valuables, dogs, hopes, dreams and even families, you remember to thank him for giving you the opportunity to return to your beloved home countries where you can live in style and continue failing to understand the reality of life.

If I meet any of you on the way out - watch out!

Please can you give us an example of Suthep's 'I don't like foreigners' quotes , I haven't heard any. Critising foreign press coverage or some foreign governments stance does not mean that he dislikes all foreigners.He's maybe many things but I haven't heard him say anything racist towards foreigners , please can you confirm with evidence ,speculation from posters on thai visa is not enough for me.

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Given the fact that many posters on this and other threads have mentioned the fact that Suthep and his crowd are anti-foreigner, I find it amazing that so many seem to want the man to get what he's aiming for.

I sincerely hope that, as we're all exiting the kingdom without our money, homes, possessions, valuables, dogs, hopes, dreams and even families, you remember to thank him for giving you the opportunity to return to your beloved home countries where you can live in style and continue failing to understand the reality of life.

If I meet any of you on the way out - watch out!

Please can you give us an example of Suthep's 'I don't like foreigners' quotes , I haven't heard any. Critising foreign press coverage or some foreign governments stance does not mean that he dislikes all foreigners.He's maybe many things but I haven't heard him say anything racist towards foreigners , please can you confirm with evidence ,speculation from posters on thai visa is not enough for me.

What he actually said was he didn't RESPECT foreigners. But the Shinawatras just love to purposely misquote him and make him sound anti foreign. There's a huge difference between not respecting someone and not liking him.

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This behaviour is amount to dereliction of duty, like being a spy for the enemy in times of war

So you feel someone resigning from their job should face the death penalty.

Always fascinating to get a glimpse into pro-Yingluck government members' thought processes.

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