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Yingluk in Uniform


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Hi Tony, much as I respect your opinion, I have to say I have no time for the UK Royal Family, PC only had military positions because of his birth, and also don't forget about his treatment of Princess Diana.

Respectfully sir, I do agree that Prince Charles’ rank was because of who he is but at the same time both he and Andrew were not afraid to get their hands dirty.

Also, he may have got more medals than an equivalent officer but at least he was serving and did earn some of the medals.

Since the dawn of time and in every country, many of the top posts went to the privileged few but surely that is the way that it should be (unless the privileged in question is a complete fucktard).

Let’s be realistic here, you would hardly expect a member of the royal household to hold the rank of private and be pushed around by Corporal Wayne, who grew up on a council estate in Essex.

I myself have only 2 medals but these were bloody hard earned, so I get pissed off when I see someone displaying 200 medals for tying their shoe laces.

AS far as I am concerned, medals should be a military decoration.

The exception to that is for a civilian who has put their life at risk to save others or to benefit their country, Yingluck does not fit into any of these categories.

As for Princess Dianna, Charles’ military service and medals have no bearing on his domestic situation.

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Perhaps. Admittedly, I'm somewhat ignorant of English military news and current events. In America, it's actually against the law to don a military uniform unless you're serving on active duty. Everywhere else, I have no idea. So to the OP, I'm sure your home country has rules and regs related to military service and the uniform. But in the rest of the world, it doesn't apply.

It seems that English Military news and current events is not your only area of ignorance.

There is no such thing as the English Military, it's the British Military.

Prince Andrews brave actions were carried out in the Falklands conflict, which was in 1982, so this is history and not current events.

Apart form a very rare ceremonial medal (For example the medals awarded for the Queens Jubilees) the British Military have to earn their medals.

That might be difficult to understand if you come from a country where medals are given out just because you can do the job you are being paid for and not for

But in the rest of the world, it doesn't apply.

So do you class America as the rest of the world?

What on Earth are you on about? I just admitted not knowing that much about the British/English military. And that last couple of sentences was for the OP. If that's going to be your attitude, then screw you and the horse you rode in on.

Yes you did admit to not knowing much about English Military and I was merely pointing out the there is no such thing as the English Military.

However, despite admitting to your ignorance, in an earlier post you said “"Did their bit?" Are you seriously suggesting that these Royals have contributed anything comparable to the unnamed grunts out in the field? Wow, perhaps these little PR stunts did convince some people.”

If you are going to make statements like that, maybe you should research the subject matter first without posting ignorant drivel.

As for your remark “screw you etc.”, is that your defence response when you realize that you have been a <deleted>?

In the words of Sir Arthur John Gielgud, I look forward to your next syllable with great eagerness.

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The OP must understand that Thailand is much like the UK in its vigor for pomp and it pompertisity, they love to dress up on uniforms. All government officials including medical staff that are working for the govt have a dress uniform

If you think the Brits love dressing up in uniforms,whay about you Yanks with your marching bands with their bizarre pseudo militiary uniforms, now thats what you call weird.

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Just to note per Post #59 above that PM Yingluck is 'highly educated', she received her Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Kentucky State University in the USA. While KYSU is a respectable small school, it ain't Harvard.

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Yes. She is very nice looking. I doubt she is stupid.

You're wrong.

She is stupid.

Unless you have some undeniable proof that she is intelligent...but we are armed to the teeth with evidence she is not.

Thank you 3 times.

Well that stupid lady as you put it is sitting 'stupidly' at 31 on the Forbes list of power women, last year she was at 30.

No matter which way you look at it she is the top lady in a male predominant run country of over 65 million... You go girl!thumbsup.gif

She is very very rich, highly educated, has a truck load of very influencial connections, fluent in more than 1 language, and if you listen to her talk, very quick witted and adored by the majority in her home country. Looks like winning to me.

Not sure what you have accomplished in life, but she trumps me and no doubt everyone on this forum so if she's so stupid, what are we?

Now regardless if you and I agree with her political agenda, not that it really really matters cause I'm not Thai, and your probably not Thai (apologies if you arewai.gif ), but this is absolute undeniable proof she is a very successful, highly intelligent, and not a bad looking Prime Minister of Thailand.

No need to thank me 3 times...Just sayn'coffee1.gif

You need to calibrate your "intelligence" meter.

"Fluent" in more than 1 language? Good to see you sense of humor in intact, however.

Of course she is fluent in more than one language and has the guts to do interviews on international TV in her non native language. Only in a very few anti government circles and on Thai Visa would anyone suggest she is not a very important politician on the world stage and one of the most important people in Asia.

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Just to note per Post #59 above that PM Yingluck is 'highly educated', she received her Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Kentucky State University in the USA. While KYSU is a respectable small school, it ain't Harvard.

Compared to the HS dropouts posting on Thai Visa I would say she was very highly educated. In comparison to Thai people in general she is very highly educated. She is better educated than 80% of Americans so I think that would qualify as highly educated too.

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...and I for one are thankful she attempts interviews in English because she is hilariously embarrassing. Fluent? Laughable.

There is no proven correlation between being important and intelligent.

Her only claim to fame is being the Sister of a convicted felon whose failed populist policies and vote buying thrust her into a position of "importance"...and incompetence.

Feel free to point out her landmark achievements that can be put down to her intelligence. Then I will school you on her incompetence and failings.

I'll wait.

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...and I for one are thankful she attempts interviews in English because she is hilariously embarrassing. Fluent? Laughable.

There is no proven correlation between being important and intelligent.

Her only claim to fame is being the Sister of a convicted felon whose failed populist policies and vote buying thrust her into a position of "importance"...and incompetence.

Feel free to point out her landmark achievements that can be put down to her intelligence. Then I will school you on her incompetence and failings.

I'll wait.

OK tell me what PM of Australia or Britain or President of the US conducts interviews in a second language on international TV?

Last I remember was JFK's bumbling attempts to speak German. John Kerry I think speaks French but he is not President is he? I'll wait for you to educate me.cheesy.gif

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...and I for one are thankful she attempts interviews in English because she is hilariously embarrassing. Fluent? Laughable.

There is no proven correlation between being important and intelligent.

Her only claim to fame is being the Sister of a convicted felon whose failed populist policies and vote buying thrust her into a position of "importance"...and incompetence.

Feel free to point out her landmark achievements that can be put down to her intelligence. Then I will school you on her incompetence and failings.

I'll wait.

OK tell me what PM of Australia or Britain or President of the US conducts interviews in a second language on international TV?

Last I remember was JFK's bumbling attempts to speak German. John Kerry I think speaks French but he is not President is he? I'll wait for you to educate me.cheesy.gif

In terms of an argument, your attempts at diversion are usually a sign that you have nothing...which in this case is accurate.

Stay focused.

I'm still waiting.

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So what would it say about a university in the USA with an English language program which awards a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) to a student who cannot conduct an interview in English?

Note: I saw Ms. Yingluck on a panel on women at Davos 2012 moderated by Nick Kristof of the NY Times. She delivered her prepared remarks in Thai (with simultaneous translation) but joined the panel discussion in English and she did just fine as Mr. Kristof commented.

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Of course she is fluent in more than one language and has the guts to do interviews on international TV in her non native language. Only in a very few anti government circles and on Thai Visa would anyone suggest she is not a very important politician on the world stage and one of the most important people in Asia.

To be fair... even the prime minister of France doesnt seem to be able to speak English. Wont speak publicly in English.

Actually watch a UN meeting, half the world speakers dont seem to be able to speak English, which is somewhat frightening.

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...and I for one are thankful she attempts interviews in English because she is hilariously embarrassing. Fluent? Laughable.

There is no proven correlation between being important and intelligent.

Her only claim to fame is being the Sister of a convicted felon whose failed populist policies and vote buying thrust her into a position of "importance"...and incompetence.

Feel free to point out her landmark achievements that can be put down to her intelligence. Then I will school you on her incompetence and failings.

I'll wait.

OK tell me what PM of Australia or Britain or President of the US conducts interviews in a second language on international TV?

Last I remember was JFK's bumbling attempts to speak German. John Kerry I think speaks French but he is not President is he? I'll wait for you to educate me.cheesy.gif

In terms of an argument, your attempts at diversion are usually a sign that you have nothing...which in this case is accurate.

Stay focused.

I'm still waiting.

So Yingluck's language ability is a step up from the men governing the Western countries eh?

Who would you compare a PM's language ability to? Another PM or head of state. Go ahead. I'm still waiting.

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So what would it say about a university in the USA with an English language program which awards a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) to a student who cannot conduct an interview in English?

She did conduct an interview in her non native English and much better than 90% of the sitting heads of state who are not native English speakers could do. Be honest and stop with the agenda stuff.

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So what would it say about a university in the USA with an English language program which awards a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) to a student who cannot conduct an interview in English?

She did conduct an interview in her non native English and much better than 90% of the sitting heads of state who are not native English speakers could do. Be honest and stop with the agenda stuff.

See edit above. If you want to say an MPA degree from Kentucky State is just as 'highly educated' as an MPA from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, then up to you.

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...and I for one are thankful she attempts interviews in English because she is hilariously embarrassing. Fluent? Laughable.

There is no proven correlation between being important and intelligent.

Her only claim to fame is being the Sister of a convicted felon whose failed populist policies and vote buying thrust her into a position of "importance"...and incompetence.

Feel free to point out her landmark achievements that can be put down to her intelligence. Then I will school you on her incompetence and failings.

I'll wait.

OK tell me what PM of Australia or Britain or President of the US conducts interviews in a second language on international TV?

Last I remember was JFK's bumbling attempts to speak German. John Kerry I think speaks French but he is not President is he? I'll wait for you to educate me.cheesy.gif

In terms of an argument, your attempts at diversion are usually a sign that you have nothing...which in this case is accurate.

Stay focused.

I'm still waiting.

So Yingluck's language ability is a step up from the men governing the Western countries eh?

Who would you compare a PM's language ability to? Another PM or head of state. Go ahead. I'm still waiting.

You clearly never saw Australian ex-PM Kevin Rudd speak fluent Mandarin?...and he went to school in Australia. Boom.

I could care less about her language ability in comparison to other Heads of State...except watching her on YouTube make an idiot of herself....much like you are now.

This is about her intelligence, I which I contend she has none...but feel to educate me.

Edited by Tywais
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So what would it say about a university in the USA with an English language program which awards a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) to a student who cannot conduct an interview in English?

She did conduct an interview in her non native English and much better than 90% of the sitting heads of state who are not native English speakers could do. Be honest and stop with the agenda stuff.

See edit above.

Kentucky State University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate, baccalaureate, and master’s degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Kentucky State University.

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As I said way back, Kentucky State is a respectable school and it is fully accredited. Harvard's Kennedy School has an acceptance rate of less than 20% of otherwise qualified applicants. I would doubt KYSU is in that range.

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As I said way back, Kentucky State is a respectable school and it is fully accredited. Harvard's Kennedy School has an acceptance rate of less than 20% of otherwise qualified applicants. I would doubt KYSU is in that range.

So? Highly educated people graduate from both institutions.

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As I said way back, Kentucky State is a respectable school and it is fully accredited. Harvard's Kennedy School has an acceptance rate of less than 20% of otherwise qualified applicants. I would doubt KYSU is in that range.

So? Highly educated people graduate from both institutions.

Yes. Someone who graduates from KYSU is just as highly education as someone who graduates with an MPA from Kennedy School at Harvard or Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton.

And anyone who was hiring an MPA for some position and could choose from either a KYSU MPA or a Harvrd MPA would think just the same.

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OK tell me what PM of Australia or Britain or President of the US conducts interviews in a second language on international TV?

Last I remember was JFK's bumbling attempts to speak German. John Kerry I think speaks French but he is not President is he? I'll wait for you to educate me.cheesy.gif

In terms of an argument, your attempts at diversion are usually a sign that you have nothing...which in this case is accurate.

Stay focused.

I'm still waiting.

So Yingluck's language ability is a step up from the men governing the Western countries eh?

Who would you compare a PM's language ability to? Another PM or head of state. Go ahead. I'm still waiting.

You clearly never saw Australian ex-PM Kevin Rudd speak fluent Mandarin?...and he went to school in Australia. Boom.

I could care less about her language ability in comparison to other Heads of State...except watching her on YouTube make an idiot of herself....much like you are now.

This is about her intelligence, I which I contend she has none...but feel to educate me.

You posted, "and I for one are thankful she attempts interviews in English because she is hilariously embarrassing. Fluent? Laughable."

Clearly you do see it as an indicator of her intelligence. Mr Rudd majored in Chinese language and I think also an indicator of his intelligence and guts to greet the PM of China in his own language in Australia.

If you speak another language now's the time to mention it or any other reason why you are qualified to judge the PM of Thailand or any country for that matter.

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Let's not get confused.

You stated "OK tell me what PM of Australia or Britain or President of the US conducts interviews in a second language on international TV?"

I countered with "You clearly never saw Australian ex-PM Kevin Rudd speak fluent Mandarin?". Boom.

I did not say that was an indicator of Kevin Rudd's intelligence. You did.

Yes, I speak multiple languages...but we are getting off topic once again, but if me speaking multiple language qualifies me to judge the PM of Thailand, then so be it...Yingluck is stupid. Stat.

Any other diversions you want to try, or are we done here?

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So what would it say about a university in the USA with an English language program which awards a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) to a student who cannot conduct an interview in English?

She did conduct an interview in her non native English and much better than 90% of the sitting heads of state who are not native English speakers could do. Be honest and stop with the agenda stuff.

See edit above. If you want to say an MPA degree from Kentucky State is just as 'highly educated' as an MPA from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, then up to you.

I didn't say that. No one said that. You took issue with a previous poster that said Yingluck was highly educated. Not highly educated compared to graduates of any other university. Why would you make up a statement that has no relevance to what we were discussing. Oh I forgot, "The Agenda."

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Let's not get confused.

You stated "OK tell me what PM of Australia or Britain or President of the US conducts interviews in a second language on international TV?"

I countered with "You clearly never saw Australian ex-PM Kevin Rudd speak fluent Mandarin?". Boom.

I did not say that was an indicator of Kevin Rudd's intelligence. You did.

Yes, I speak multiple languages...but we are getting off topic once again, but if me speaking multiple language qualifies me to judge the PM of Thailand, then so be it...Yingluck is stupid. Stat.

Any other diversions you want to try, or are we done here?

Lets not indeed. You posted, "and I for one are thankful she attempts interviews in English because she is hilariously embarrassing. Fluent? Laughable."

I posted, "OK tell me what PM of Australia or Britain or President of the US conducts interviews in a second language on international TV?"

You posted, "You clearly never saw Australian ex-PM Kevin Rudd speak fluent Mandarin?"

Which brings me to the conclusion that PMs who speak a second language on national and international TV are bright and gutsy.

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Who cares about her intelligence or qualifications? Nothing to do with anything, I doubt if anyone's trying to claim thar's why she's got the office, even the most pro-Red among us has to acknowledge it's good old-fashioned nepotism.

I thought the topic was YL as a hottie in uniform.

Stop bickering or the topic gets closed, and I want more PICTURES!.

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