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Thai Army told to handle protesters with leniency


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Then you are agreeing with fab4 assessment of the situation, that the fires were started after the protesters were fired on. I believe the fires where a reaction to the military's killing of protesters!

I know the British were involved in that to, I saw him on TV say he was on his way to burn it!

I also have to agree that half of Bangkok on fire was an exaggeration of what really was touch!


I'm not disagreeing on when the fires were started, and have clearly stated this in my response.

I just wanted the pro-govt forum members to be reminded that before the violence even started, Jutaporn and his friends were on stage calling the protesters to burn down bangkok... then as the protest was dismantled by the army (or however you want to describe it) many fires were started in the city... coincidence? I dont think so...

You can 'beleive the fires were a reaction to the military's killing of protesters' all you like, but the intention was there long before the Military cracked down on the protesters... the crack down was just their 'last chance' to light the fires... or maybe even pre-planned to happen that way 'If the army comes, burn the place to casue a distraction' - or depending on how wild you want to get 'If the army comes, burn all the weapons' - either way Jutaporn called it and the Protesters obliged.

... oh and i was there, my office at the time was attached to Central World and i had a condo in the area... whilst i was fleeing the inner city on the day the fires started (just prior to the curfew) i personally veiwed about 5 fires... and that wasnt the full extent... 'burned half the city' is clearly an exaggeration.

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Can you imagine what a western country would do if protesters tried to break in or through barriers to get into government buildings, there would be "No, please do not do that" in the USA they would be shot.

In the UK they wouldnt get past the police line set up away from the building creating a buffer zone and another line of reserves just in case, and finally the bodyguard services would be watching and a direct link to armed forces put on standby just in case long before they got inside. If they did get inside then it would be deadly force applied as required.

Here its a a bunch of children playing soldiers or police with x5 more generals than the US that have never achieved anything and where everyone is playing poker with the neighbouring forces or depts. Until the forces serve the country first and its powers stripped, and under direct control of any serving government it will always be a pathetic circus show here.

Edited by englishoak
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if the top brass people wanted suthep dead by now he would be

they know which hotel he sleeps at

which restaurants he eats in

where he is going to make his little speeches and how he gets around town

they must be keeping him alive for some reason because his bodyguards wouldnt have a clue what happened if a professional

sniper took him out from half a mile away or he managed to get posioned at one of his fave restuarnts

maybe thailand doesnt have a professional sniper but im sure they could borrow one from isreal ,russia ,uk or usa rather easily

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Then you are agreeing with fab4 assessment of the situation, that the fires were started after the protesters were fired on. I believe the fires where a reaction to the military's killing of protesters!

I know the British were involved in that to, I saw him on TV say he was on his way to burn it!

I also have to agree that half of Bangkok on fire was an exaggeration of what really was touch!


I'm not disagreeing on when the fires were started, and have clearly stated this in my response.

I just wanted the pro-govt forum members to be reminded that before the violence even started, Jutaporn and his friends were on stage calling the protesters to burn down bangkok... then as the protest was dismantled by the army (or however you want to describe it) many fires were started in the city... coincidence? I dont think so...

You can 'beleive the fires were a reaction to the military's killing of protesters' all you like, but the intention was there long before the Military cracked down on the protesters... the crack down was just their 'last chance' to light the fires... or maybe even pre-planned to happen that way 'If the army comes, burn the place to casue a distraction' - or depending on how wild you want to get 'If the army comes, burn all the weapons' - either way Jutaporn called it and the Protesters obliged.

... oh and i was there, my office at the time was attached to Central World and i had a condo in the area... whilst i was fleeing the inner city on the day the fires started (just prior to the curfew) i personally veiwed about 5 fires... and that wasnt the full extent... 'burned half the city' is clearly an exaggeration.

How would I expect you to think any different!

Suthep said on the stage do "everything" you can to stop the elections and presto!! the fabled men in black appeared on Suthep side, did you notice also that the yellows did not fear or run from the men in Black while they were shooting, they knew who side they were on, if the gun fight would have continued the (6) van loads of Cambodians would have shown up wearing yellow!

I believe the fires wear the reprisal for the murder of fellow Reds.


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