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Two overstays back to back

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I recently got a one week extension on a 30 day tourist visa. I made a mistake and went one day late to get the extension so had to pay one day overstay and get the overstay stamp in my passport. Immigration asked when I was leaving the country and I told them seven days from the day I got the overstay. Now I'm not sure if I'll be leaving in seven days due to my company not getting my ticket to me in time to go to work. It'll only be one day and at the most a couple of days overstay.......again, but just curious if they just fine you again at the airport or are there other consequences for back to back overstays. I'm sure I'm not the first to do this and sure won't be the last, but was wondering if anyone else has done this before. Obviously if I was going to stay more than a couple of days I would leave the country and come back in on another 30 day visa, but it's not really financially viable to do this........unless I'm going to get arrested at the airport.

Before anybody says it; I know it's illegal and I know we're guests in this country and should abide by the law. I normally don't do this kind of thing for obvious reasons but circumstances out of my control caused this to happen.

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I recently did a border run a day late. I asked the immigration officer directly " Aside from the fine, are there any other consequences of an overstay?" He said "No there are not."

This is true if you make it to the border or the airport, but if you get stopped by Police in the meantime you have a bigger problem.

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Same situation as you last visit, I miscalculated my days as my plane (Thai Airways) arrived early and I passed through customs at 11:45pm then I was checking in at 3 am to depart. Decided to risk the fine for two days over, just fined and stamped at the Airport. The main worry was being stopped by the BIB for any reason so I returned the car and kept a low profile for a couple of days.whistling.gif

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