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Southern militants shoot and burn woman alive: Thailand


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They should have a referendum of the southern provinces and ask them if they want rule by Thai, Malaysian or autonomy.

No. The integrity and sovereignty of Thai territory is written deep into the constitution, and anyone suggesting otherwise is probably committing something akin to treason or lese majeste.

Certainly no Thai politician would even contemplate thinking about it -- it would be political suicide.

One thing seems certain -- the Thai Army has completely lost the South; the terrorists rage all over the place killing people with very few reverses.

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Burning the wife alive is horrifying retribution. But the article raises the issue of the three (3) children killed that the retribution note indicated. The newspaper made no effort to explain these deaths or investigate these deaths or charges. Burning the police wife's body alive is no excuse, but we need to understand what they are referring to about the death of three children at the hands of Thai police.

Oh my, for some there will never be any reasoning. This is unimaginable from a human view point, at least mine. Then you have people arguing the point that alleged murder vindicates more murder... Vile really vile...

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The brutal murder was made in front of several shoppers and vendors at the market but nobody dared to intervene.

The final five words here are key. People have to get involved if these disgusting acts

are to be extinguished. Think of the third plane at 9/11, or the efforts of passers-by at

Glasgow Airport. Nobody should stand by and watch - they should "intervene."

Did you really just compare a false flag event to actual terrorism ?


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Burning the wife alive is horrifying retribution. But the article raises the issue of the three (3) children killed that the retribution note indicated. The newspaper made no effort to explain these deaths or investigate these deaths or charges. Burning the police wife's body alive is no excuse, but we need to understand what they are referring to about the death of three children at the hands of Thai police.

Oh my, for some there will never be any reasoning. This is unimaginable from a human view point, at least mine. Then you have people arguing the point that alleged murder vindicates more murder... Vile really vile...

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Go have some dinner, you sound cranky.

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These men that brutally murdered this Policeman’s wife will be known by the people in the marketplace and more than likely, will have been recorded on camera at the scene or in the lady’s stolen car. How cruel and could you imagine the pain she went through being burnt as well, if I am right she was still alive after the shooting. As far as an eye for an eye goes, in this case yes they should be executed for this act. It was a pre meditated well planned murder of an innocent woman.

Edited by OZEMADE
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Burning the wife alive is horrifying retribution. But the article raises the issue of the three (3) children killed that the retribution note indicated. The newspaper made no effort to explain these deaths or investigate these deaths or charges. Burning the police wife's body alive is no excuse, but we need to understand what they are referring to about the death of three children at the hands of Thai police.

Oh my, for some there will never be any reasoning. This is unimaginable from a human view point, at least mine. Then you have people arguing the point that alleged murder vindicates more murder... Vile really vile...

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Go have some dinner, you sound cranky.

Quite the contrary, quite happy making some posters think about their posts. I will have Massamum though if your shouting?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You know spunk, maybe genocide might a little strong, but sometimes strong measures are the only tactic that can have the desired outcome. Other approaches should be tried, but we can not keep going to a gunfight only armed with a knife. As Gonzo pointed out, the rules of engagement clearly need to be changed as we are not playing on an even field.

For the sake of argument, there just could be times and conditions where genocide is a justifiable action. I doubt I will ever see it in my lifetime, but one never knows.

I hope the time never comes where the mass extermination of muslims in the south is ever justified even by one deranged poster.

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Burning the wife alive is horrifying retribution. But the article raises the issue of the three (3) children killed that the retribution note indicated. The newspaper made no effort to explain these deaths or investigate these deaths or charges. Burning the police wife's body alive is no excuse, but we need to understand what they are referring to about the death of three children at the hands of Thai police.

Who did the Police Kill? I thought it was the military down there and not the police. I may be wrong so please ignore this if I am.

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They should have a referendum of the southern provinces and ask them if they want rule by Thai, Malaysian or autonomy.

No. The integrity and sovereignty of Thai territory is written deep into the constitution, and anyone suggesting otherwise is probably committing something akin to treason or lese majeste.

Certainly no Thai politician would even contemplate thinking about it -- it would be political suicide.

One thing seems certain -- the Thai Army has completely lost the South; the terrorists rage all over the place killing people with very few reverses.

The Thai army is the very definition of a "paper tiger." Under its leadership, Siam/Thailand has continuously lost territory to its neighbors over the past 400 years. There are some areas where it does excel however: Killing unarmed civilian demonstrators for various causes, including democracy, Overthrowing democratic governments, and Ravaging Thailand's once pristine forests for its own coffers. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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The brutal murder was made in front of several shoppers and vendors at the market but nobody dared to intervene.

The final five words here are key. People have to get involved if these disgusting acts

are to be extinguished. Think of the third plane at 9/11, or the efforts of passers-by at

Glasgow Airport. Nobody should stand by and watch - they should "intervene."

So you think shoppers should be issued firearms ?

Who in their right mind would intervene with gun toting murderers.

What should happen is visible army or police presence in this troubled area.

Whats that old saying....don't take a head of lettuce to a gun fight.

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Condolences to the family,

A terrible incident,

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes, it is shocking, as was the murder of the 3 boys in front of their parents last Saturday. There will never be a solution to this issue unless it involves some measure of self determination...not autonomy or a separate state but some recognition at least that there are cultural, religious, ethnic, linguistic , economic differences that need to be addressed rather than ignored.

Ignoring the issue is only going to make it worse....and it will NEVER be solved. Up until now we have seen periods of CRUSH them and IGNORE them but mostly, it seems, pretend it will all get better some day.

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Condolences to the family,

A terrible incident,

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes, it is shocking, as was the murder of the 3 boys in front of their parents last Saturday. There will never be a solution to this issue unless it involves some measure of self determination...not autonomy or a separate state but some recognition at least that there are cultural, religious, ethnic, linguistic , economic differences that need to be addressed rather than ignored.

Ignoring the issue is only going to make it worse....and it will NEVER be solved. Up until now we have seen periods of CRUSH them and IGNORE them but mostly, it seems, pretend it will all get better some day.

I didn't see this news about 3 kids killed in south,

Turning into Baghdad down there.

Sad state of affairs either way you look at it

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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When rabid animals run loose and commit acts in this fashion, its time to change the rules of engagement... in other words , play more by their rules of the uncivilized. The rule of law , as we currently know it, should be put on stand by.

Whatever your faith , dear lady, may you rest in peace.

unfortunately I agree. Sometimes fighting violence with even stronger violence wins.

Russian soldiers were captured in Afghanistan and russia said give them back or we will wipe out a whole city.

No more Russians were captured.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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When rabid animals run loose and commit acts in this fashion, its time to change the rules of engagement... in other words , play more by their rules of the uncivilized. The rule of law , as we currently know it, should be put on stand by.

Whatever your faith , dear lady, may you rest in peace.

unfortunately I agree. Sometimes fighting violence with even stronger violence wins.

Russian soldiers were captured in Afghanistan and russia said give them back or we will wipe out a whole city.

No more Russians were captured.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

...but they left....for good reasons

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Condolences to the family,

A terrible incident,

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes, it is shocking, as was the murder of the 3 boys in front of their parents last Saturday. There will never be a solution to this issue unless it involves some measure of self determination...not autonomy or a separate state but some recognition at least that there are cultural, religious, ethnic, linguistic , economic differences that need to be addressed rather than ignored.

Ignoring the issue is only going to make it worse....and it will NEVER be solved. Up until now we have seen periods of CRUSH them and IGNORE them but mostly, it seems, pretend it will all get better some day.

The same could be said for the Lao-Thai and Khmer-Thai who occupy the Korat Plateau and the Lanna-Thai of the north. All these people have their own distinct linguistic, political, and cultural history and unless and until the Bangkok-centric Central-Thai people recognize this there is unlikely to be any true peace in this incorrectly named country of "Thai" land.

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What's the government's response on these retribution killings and the original point of conflict?

This country is going to hell in a handbag.

It's sick.

The URL below will provide a bit of a heads up on the status of the current ‘peace talks’. Challenge is there are nine separatist groups & the Thai government, at least publically, is only talking with one of them, the BRN, who apparently have limited or no control over the armed insurgents.


It is claimed there are up to 10,000 insurgents/miltants, but in the media reports the number constantly changes. I believe there are approx. 50,000 Thai security forces in the deep South, the most effective are claimed to be Marine Recon, SEALS and BPP. It’s claimed there are some effective COIN strategy and tactics that have been successful, but very much need to increase the tempo of COIN tactics.

Hopefully someone will come along and provide more detail for you.

Edited by simple1
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They should have a referendum of the southern provinces and ask them if they want rule by Thai, Malaysian or autonomy.

No. The integrity and sovereignty of Thai territory is written deep into the constitution, and anyone suggesting otherwise is probably committing something akin to treason or lese majeste.

Certainly no Thai politician would even contemplate thinking about it -- it would be political suicide.

One thing seems certain -- the Thai Army has completely lost the South; the terrorists rage all over the place killing people with very few reverses.

Easter uprising comes to mind; people have the right, certainly not a constitutional monarch or her ministers, just as the question as in Scotland, Gibraltar, Falklands etc. Some you win, some you lose!!

Edited by peecee
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Beware the politics of the last atrocity that grow more and more atrocities.

We don't know who did this. Everything we hear is just hearsay.

All we know is that an innocent woman is dead and has left a grieving family who will never recover from the trauma of visualising their mother's last moments and their own irreparable loss.

Moreover, each killing multiples the chances of further tit for tat killings and more sadness.

Eventually, you end up in a Rwanda situation with wholesale genocide and mass migration spreading the problem into adjacent territories and among different ethnic groups.

Then the political opportunists and paranoids come out of the woodwork: the Hitlers, Stalins, Milosevics etc etc and the full gaudy array of Mickey Mouse monomaniacs that exist today all over Africa. We all remember the bemedalled morons running banana republics in South America- the origins of the Columbia conflict can be traced back to minor clashes between different political parties 70 years ago, Look at what Colombians have had to endure since: Communist subversion still unresolved in the post Soviet era and drug cartels destroying the very fabric of the nation.

More recently, in the Balkans, we have seen previously civilised people resort to barbarism.

We can even trace the origins of WWII to this same racism, bigotry, nationalism and genocide fanned by Hitler and his cohorts after the break-up of the Austrian, German and Russian Empires in 1919, eventually claiming the lives of 80m people, globally.

You can say what you like about the European Union, but it has kept the lid on this kind of exploitable situation for over 60 years.

The killings in the south have their origins in social, political and religious differences and can only be stopped by the willingness of all sides to sit down and hammer out mutually agreeable ways to live in peace and it can't be dealt with by gun toting coach potato vigilantes.

Our greatest current human example of properly dealing with situations of this sort is Aung Sun Suu Kyi, in neighbouring Myan Mar and the progress she has made, while under house arrest for nearly 40 years, in helping her country escape the dictatorship of its military junta and at the same time meeting the differing needs of 9 ethnic groups, to evolve into a full democracy and, she is getting there.

As Churchill said: Jaw, jaw is better than war, war!

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Condolences to the family,

A terrible incident,

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes, it is shocking, as was the murder of the 3 boys in front of their parents last Saturday. There will never be a solution to this issue unless it involves some measure of self determination...not autonomy or a separate state but some recognition at least that there are cultural, religious, ethnic, linguistic , economic differences that need to be addressed rather than ignored.

Ignoring the issue is only going to make it worse....and it will NEVER be solved. Up until now we have seen periods of CRUSH them and IGNORE them but mostly, it seems, pretend it will all get better some day.

I didn't see this news about 3 kids killed in south,

Turning into Baghdad down there.

Sad state of affairs either way you look at it

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


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So sad, the horror of not only the killing but the method sad.png

R I P and thoughts go out to the husband and children if they have..

Terrible business in a part of Thailand that really has been a warzone for a long long time and not just the past decade.

Eye for an Eye just makes the whole world blind.

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The brutal murder was made in front of several shoppers and vendors at the market but nobody dared to intervene.

The final five words here are key. People have to get involved if these disgusting acts

are to be extinguished. Think of the third plane at 9/11, or the efforts of passers-by at

Glasgow Airport. Nobody should stand by and watch - they should "intervene."

Not a gun person, but you have to wonder if the state should arm the people down there.

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The brutal murder was made in front of several shoppers and vendors at the market but nobody dared to intervene.

The final five words here are key. People have to get involved if these disgusting acts

are to be extinguished. Think of the third plane at 9/11, or the efforts of passers-by at

Glasgow Airport. Nobody should stand by and watch - they should "intervene."

An admirable sentiment my friend, but if you chose to intervene when the perpetrators are armed, not with a knife, but a gun, then you are nuts, or you put as little value on your own life as the killers did on this poor woman's life.

Your examples of intervention are not good ones. Everybody on the third aircraft on 9/11 were going to die, so they had nothing to lose, and possibly something to gain. The driver of the vehicle in Glasgow was severely burned so wasn't about to kill people. The killers in this case shot only one person, and whilst that's deplorable conduct, more so if done in the name of religion, I understand not one person attempting to intervene.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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"Please show where I have ever made excuses/supported terrorism, the fact is not once. You may not like the contents of my posts, but do not post lies about me."

Well u consistently come on these threads and attempt to justify or lighten these atrocities. Like in this thread you suggested Thai authorities use restraint in responding to this. Sound advice but I have seen no evidence there is systematic killing from Thai authorities. Every case I am aware of involved some sort of legitimate response going bad...either innocents killed in raids, or a heavy crackdown of a violent insurrection against the state.

On the other hand, we can see the shadowy enemy does systematically commits atrocities. This not something that can be reasoned with. Sure most people down there would help to stop this if they could.

1 more thing: its completely legitimate to call this Islamic terrorism as idealogy shapes how they respond to perceived persecution. Just how Buddhist idealogy plays into monks' self immolation in Tibet and Vietnam.

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The brutal murder was made in front of several shoppers and vendors at the market but nobody dared to intervene.

The final five words here are key. People have to get involved if these disgusting acts

are to be extinguished. Think of the third plane at 9/11, or the efforts of passers-by at

Glasgow Airport. Nobody should stand by and watch - they should "intervene."

It's possible that the other shoppers and vendors sympathize with the people who carried out this murder.

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"Please show where I have ever made excuses/supported terrorism, the fact is not once. You may not like the contents of my posts, but do not post lies about me."

Well u consistently come on these threads and attempt to justify or lighten these atrocities. Like in this thread you suggested Thai authorities use restraint in responding to this. Sound advice but I have seen no evidence there is systematic killing from Thai authorities. Every case I am aware of involved some sort of legitimate response going bad...either innocents killed in raids, or a heavy crackdown of a violent insurrection against the state.

On the other hand, we can see the shadowy enemy does systematically commits atrocities. This not something that can be reasoned with. Sure most people down there would help to stop this if they could.

1 more thing: its completely legitimate to call this Islamic terrorism as idealogy shapes how they respond to perceived persecution. Just how Buddhist idealogy plays into monks' self immolation in Tibet and Vietnam.

I have not attempted to justify or lighten terrorist attacks. I agree there does not appear to be a systematic unlawful killing by Thai security agencies, but they do occur and there are numerous analyists/reports that testify to this. Not one member of the Thai security forces has ever been convicted for unlawful killing as they are protected by the military courts and charges always dismissed, you don't think that this contributes to the local population resentment? Endeavours to comprehend the causual factors in the ongoing conflict does not equate to justification.

An example of one report of many below, are you going to dismiss because it does not support your opinion/s.


Comments from numerous posters stating all Muslims are this or that are plainly ridiculous

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