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Only an election, not secret deals, can bring peace: Thai politics


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Only an election, not secret deals, can bring peace

Supalak Ganjanakhundee
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Division and conflict in Thai society this time is too deep for the tradition of secret deals among the elite to mend. The elements of the conflict include social class, economic interest and political ideology.

On the surface, it is clearly a political conflict between two major camps - the ruling Pheu Thai Party on one side and the opposition Democrat Party on the other.

On top of the social structure, conservative royalists are worried about changes in Thailand - changes that might take authority from them. They are desperately seeking a smooth transition of the reigning power. The capitalist elite are also making major decisions about which side they should rely on.

On the ground, the political landscape has dramatically changed in recent decades. This change is dynamic and powerful, and shaking up the entire society, as well as requiring a large political platform to accommodate it.

Recent research by Thammasat University economist Apichat Satitniramai suggested that socio-economic development over the past two decades has created a new social class, dubbed the "neo-middle class". Its members have different characteristics from the established middle class, which comprises those who've benefited from economic development since the 1960s.

In short, the neo-middle class could be earning Bt5,000-Bt10,000 in monthly income, mostly from farming, the service sector and self-employment. They belong to 40 per cent of total households in Thailand. They are not the poorest. They have a middle level education, not higher than bachelor degree. Of course, they have needs and aspirations. They are migrating back and forth between the capital or suburbs and their home villages in provinces across the entire country, but are mostly from the North and Northeast.

Politically speaking, the established middle class in the capital and urban areas are people who subscribe to the "yellow-shirt political idea" to maintain a social hierarchy with the monarchy at the top. They are rich and have the ability to access national resources easily, as they have strong connections with the elite.

The neo-middle class, meanwhile, is connecting with political parties. Electoral politics is the only window of opportunity for them to access the national resources. Populist policies such as village funds, free healthcare services as well as farm-product subsidies are just a few of many channels for them to benefit from economic development.

Political parties like Pheu Thai and others in the Shinawatra family's camp managed to get support from the neo-middle class, since they could deliver economic benefits to them. A political party might get loyalty from this group as long as it is able to deliver - otherwise voters will turn to others.

That is the reason many people in this country are calling for an election, no matter how difficult it would be, while the other group has chosen street battles to destroy the election and try to make sure the election does not divert more resources to the new class.

The Thai elite are used to settling conflict behind the scenes among themselves. Such methods might have worked during the 1960-1970 period when political space was limited only to the established elite and a small group of urban middle-class people.

This time might be different. Deals behind the scenes among the elite, as many are suggesting, could not settle this deep conflict. Thailand now needs a solution that can accommodate all stakeholders in the country.

Indeed, the election is the only solution that could offer a transparent, free and fair negotiating forum for all. There is no need to look for another way; rather, an all-out effort is needed to make the election possible.

-- The Nation 2014-02-12

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"Division and conflict in Thai society this time is too deep for the tradition of secret deals among the elite to mend."

The deals are not secret. They are made out in the open, without concern for the general populace. That's what makes this system so embarrassing to the very few true patriots who have ethics.

Edited by jaltsc
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I can not imagine that it would be the nation, that would so correctly point out the source of the problems in the country and the real dynamics caused by the Rich Elite Establishment "afraid of losing its silver spoon" as the root cause of it. It also slaps the yellow Farang favorite comment that the "elections" are "brought and Paid for" the people of the North or for that matter all rural Thailand have had a "Political awakening" in 2001, there is no going back.

An election is the only way out, the will of the majority should rein supreme in the Thai Democracy, if it happens to be the opposition that the will of the majority chose, so be it, that is how a Democracy functions!

I could live under a government of the Democrat party, if that was the will of the Majority of this great nation. I as a powerless Falang have no other option (short of leaving Thailand) an option I would not choose.


The insurmountable problem for Thailand is the lack of quality leadership.

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Thailand is living in a fools paradise if it thinks that an election will solve Thailand's problems , the point being , the divide between the Shinawatra's and the rest is to big , hate too server and never the twain shall meet , you may complete agreements that will be broken within days of signing, you may talk till blue in the face , the hate and divide in the community is far out of proportion to normality , Thailand has a big problem and it's doubtful that anything will bring piece except the Shinawatra's and cronies leaving the scene and father time.coffee1.gif

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What a half baked article. Touches on some of the issues, misses the whole guts of the issues and then jumps to and fires out an election as the answer without resolving what needs to happen to get to an election. Waste of space article The Nation.

The truth hurts, to find out you brought hook, line and sinker the lie the elite fed the gullible in Thailand, there is no way possible that real effective reform (all reform needed) in Thailand, not just political reform can happen before an election, the country votes "it will" in, and then reform takes place, it will be a long process, as many will not want to let go of the power they held in the country!


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Thailand is living in a fools paradise if it thinks that an election will solve Thailand's problems , the point being , the divide between the Shinawatra's and the rest is to big , hate too server and never the twain shall meet , you may complete agreements that will be broken within days of signing, you may talk till blue in the face , the hate and divide in the community is far out of proportion to normality , Thailand has a big problem and it's doubtful that anything will bring piece except the Shinawatra's and cronies leaving the scene and father time.coffee1.gif

Why is this "great divide" causing so much trouble in Thailand, the will of the majority has won every election held since 2001, the Rich Elite Establishment can not stand being second, and have used their power base to "unfairly" dissolve that will , now they are trying the same again!

It is not going to be allowed to happen!


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What a half baked article. Touches on some of the issues, misses the whole guts of the issues and then jumps to and fires out an election as the answer without resolving what needs to happen to get to an election. Waste of space article The Nation.

The truth hurts, to find out you brought hook, line and sinker the lie the elite fed the gullible in Thailand, there is no way possible that real effective reform (all reform needed) in Thailand, not just political reform can happen before an election, the country votes "it will" in, and then reform takes place, it will be a long process, as many will not want to let go of the power they held in the country!


BS ! "it will" is not on the ballot. Reform happens before an election, or a party promising reform is elected. If the latter, we have to rely on elected politicians to carry out reforms directly counter to their own interests.

"Trust me!" is a hard sell for a known perjurer who has led the most corrupt government in recent Thai history and still carrying the rice scam baggage and the stated intent of huge borrowings to fund yet more corruption.

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What a half baked article. Touches on some of the issues, misses the whole guts of the issues and then jumps to and fires out an election as the answer without resolving what needs to happen to get to an election. Waste of space article The Nation.

The truth hurts, to find out you brought hook, line and sinker the lie the elite fed the gullible in Thailand, there is no way possible that real effective reform (all reform needed) in Thailand, not just political reform can happen before an election, the country votes "it will" in, and then reform takes place, it will be a long process, as many will not want to let go of the power they held in the country!


BS ! "it will" is not on the ballot. Reform happens before an election, or a party promising reform is elected. If the latter, we have to rely on elected politicians to carry out reforms directly counter to their own interests.

"Trust me!" is a hard sell for a known perjurer who has led the most corrupt government in recent Thai history and still carrying the rice scam baggage and the stated intent of huge borrowings to fund yet more corruption.

Hate to get personal, but you sir, would be one of the last person's in the country I would personally trust, "I having read many of your post"!

Many Falang's seem to not understand what "They" want is not in the best interest of the people of Thailand!

Most of you are so hypocritical having lived your whole life under a Democracy and never understood, how one works!


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What a half baked article. Touches on some of the issues, misses the whole guts of the issues and then jumps to and fires out an election as the answer without resolving what needs to happen to get to an election. Waste of space article The Nation.

Agree; doesn't really touch on the emerging 'new rich', which are definitely more pro Thaksin

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New election, the Democrats win - PTP claims "electoral coup".

If that is the "Will of the Majority"

so be it! What is so hard about that, that is how a Democracy functions!


Kikoman needs to go water the crops!

Your statement about democracy is rather like describing a camel as an animal having a mouth and an arse.

Democracy beyond the election needs many things to function in the smae way as your camel requires legs to graze.

The break down in democracy is not because Suthep embarked on his massive protests - it is because the government broke the rules. It cheated democracy by allowing more than one vote per MP. It cheated the entire nation and the entire legal system by attempting to grant amnesty in the manner it did. It cheated democracy by attempting to gain control over the senate. It cheated the nation by attempting to loan a massive amount of money endebting the country for 50 years for an undetermined list of projects and it cheated the country with it's corruption in the rice scam.

Real democracy menas having the means to deal with such offenses - not just allowing them to recur.

Your camel with therefore die.

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New election, the Democrats win - PTP claims "electoral coup".

If that is the "Will of the Majority"

so be it! What is so hard about that, that is how a Democracy functions!


Kikoman needs to go water the crops!

Your statement about democracy is rather like describing a camel as an animal having a mouth and an arse.

Democracy beyond the election needs many things to function in the smae way as your camel requires legs to graze.

The break down in democracy is not because Suthep embarked on his massive protests - it is because the government broke the rules. It cheated democracy by allowing more than one vote per MP. It cheated the entire nation and the entire legal system by attempting to grant amnesty in the manner it did. It cheated democracy by attempting to gain control over the senate. It cheated the nation by attempting to loan a massive amount of money endebting the country for 50 years for an undetermined list of projects and it cheated the country with it's corruption in the rice scam.

Real democracy menas having the means to deal with such offenses - not just allowing them to recur.

Your camel with therefore die.

The camel you liken Thai Democracy to,

also, has an arse (your word not mine) How appropriate!

Your rant has only one issue I see as factual, PTP needs to accept responsibility for it action related to the amnesty bill, The amendment making the senate fully elected was illegally placed into the constitution as a result of the 2006 military coup and forced onto the people of Thailand in exchange for a elected government. It only assures that the Senate is representative of the people that elected them, not the Rich Elite Establishment as favored by the military!

Transparency International released its annual corruption report, that documents that Yingluck government is less corrupt than Abhisit government,

Also that the newspaper B.,P. misrepresented the results to the people of Thailand, among other issue, do not take my word, read the article ,Titled:

"Investigative Journalism into Controversial Thailand" Title of the Article itself is:

"What Transparency International says about Thaksin will shock you".

By; thaiintelligentnews, March, 26 2013


Edited by kikoman
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New election, the Democrats win - PTP claims "electoral coup".

And next week we will be nailing Jelly to the ceiling.

Well get those jellies ready because if this election could be scrapped and another one set up with the Democrats running, I can guarantee that they will win by a country mile. In fact, I would predict safely that they would get double the PTP votes at the least.

Your god has overstayed his welcome.

Get used to it.

Edited by mightyatom
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Thailand is living in a fools paradise if it thinks that an election will solve Thailand's problems , the point being , the divide between the Shinawatra's and the rest is to big , hate too server and never the twain shall meet , you may complete agreements that will be broken within days of signing, you may talk till blue in the face , the hate and divide in the community is far out of proportion to normality , Thailand has a big problem and it's doubtful that anything will bring piece except the Shinawatra's and cronies leaving the scene and father time.coffee1.gif

That would also mean those that have supported them throughout this century leaving the political arena. The "neo middle class" the article refers to, together with many of the rural poor and those who migrate to Bangkok and around to find work. How do you achieve that, I'm sure you don't advocate genocide, so that leaves some means of disenfranchisement for them. That will no longer work, they have found that they have the ability to choose the government.

Elections are the only way, and if the opposition wants the Shinawatras out then they will have to defeat them electorally.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thailand is living in a fools paradise if it thinks that an election will solve Thailand's problems , the point being , the divide between the Shinawatra's and the rest is to big , hate too server and never the twain shall meet , you may complete agreements that will be broken within days of signing, you may talk till blue in the face , the hate and divide in the community is far out of proportion to normality , Thailand has a big problem and it's doubtful that anything will bring piece except the Shinawatra's and cronies leaving the scene and father time.coffee1.gif

The elites are losing and you know it. So you say the only solution is that the Shinewatras must leave Thailand. What a pathetic argument!

It's like football where Lionel Messi keeps scoring goals and you say the only solution for the future of football is that we get rid of Messi!

Sooner or later you will have to admit that Thaksin and PT keep winning because they are better than the so-called "Democrat Party".

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