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Foreign Teachers for the Southern Provinces


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Thai Brother in law had a lucky escape during his 2 year stint teaching down there.

Insurgents booby trapped the school kitchen gas cylinder. Quick thinking and a lot of luck prevented it going off as he lifted the cylinder and felt the device underneath.

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The same or less in Pattaya, if you are Philippino, have a University Degree and years of experience, as opposed to the 6 week wonders with TEFL (do you really think you know how to each in 6 weeks?), it is ridiculous the pay they make them work for. Given that 40k is given to the schools, wonder where the rest of themoney goes?????

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The same or less in Pattaya, if you are Philippino, have a University Degree and years of experience, as opposed to the 6 week wonders with TEFL (do you really think you know how to each in 6 weeks?), it is ridiculous the pay they make them work for. Given that 40k is given to the schools, wonder where the rest of themoney goes?????

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Narathivat is a nice little muang. I would not chance it in Yala and Patani. I would not fear bring targeted, as farsng or myself. I get on well with Muslims, my Bahasa is better than my Thai.

Still, it's the random bombs and you just don't know what kind of stupid lurks in peoples heads.

We all know that the reason there are insufficient teachers in the South is because of the Islamists. These people do not want the kids to be educated.

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I'd be very hesitant to even visit the southern provinces as a tourist, let alone live there as a government employee.

The specific targeting of government employees is what I'd be scared of, as no matter how nicer guy you are, no matter how well you can speak the language or get on with the locals, the terrorists see you as a representative of everything they hate.

Killing westerners would publicise their cause even more than killing Thai government employees, or maybe they'd let you live, but just kill your wife instead. The recent news article about how they shot a police officer's wife, then burnt her body, in the middle of a public market..... was rather disturbing.

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I hope the foreign teachers do some research on the area before signing up.

And hopefully they'll have the experience and qualifications to serve their students and to deal with all the significant problems. Given the difficulties the students must already be enduring, it would be a real shame if the typical unemployable yahoo pitched up only looking for some pay and with nothing to offer. Typically under such circumstances, teachers from the area are far better suited to the work than some toy-soldiers-of-fortune looking for adventure .

.. and yes I do speak from experience.

The first notice regarding evacuation from the US Embassy and "it was goodbye and good luck" from most foreign staff in difficult locations in both Pakistan and southern Africa.

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Yes, great location to teach. I guess rates of pay would have to be double.

Have to be at least 10 times normal pay, danger money. People going into Iraq to rebuild after the first war were getting US$15,000 per month in many cases to try and attract people to go there. Same here. Give me that kind of money on the table and I will consider it....

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it is funny reading comments here. I am laughing alone with your comments mates.

All I thought TV members are brave enough.

Those who are interested in applying, ask if you will be issued gun aside from bullet proof vest and insurance.

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It would be like wearing a huge target on you as you walk to work. Please shoot me, I am a farang. No thanks.

Dangerous enough in Phuket.

To the best of your knowledge since 2004 have any foreigner teachers been targeted in the South? I do seem to recall a foreigner hurt or killed in Songkla years ago but not specifically targeted.

I lived in Narathiwat for a year and loved it. I regulary went into the red zones on my little excursions, very much against the army's advice. I found out the men in these areas knew who I was and where I worked etc.

The only problem I ever had there was from an agitating imam from Bangkok. The sort of idiot that gives a bad name to muslims. The locals were most apologetic about his stupid behaviour.

I'd go back at the drop of a hat, in fact I'm still considering a job in Pattani if they up the pay and allow me to leave early on Fridays. I still haven't told the wife yet, she's far more dangerous than any insurgent.

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Easy solution: Pilipino Muslims that speak English and Arabic. Chinese Muslims that speak Mandarin and Arabic. Saudi Muslims that Speak English and Arabic. Not much danger for them. Danger is mainly for Christian and Buddhist.

As has been mentioned, the targeting is of gov't employees (and those supporting the Thai State). The terrorists have no problem killing other Muslims who work for the gov't. There is more here than just religion.

The other major problem is that the separatists would like to internationalize the situation. There would be no better way to obtain this goal than to bump off a foreign teacher or two.

This idea is a very, very bad idea.

If they want to get English taught they are going to have to think outside the box and do some creative stuff -- maybe a type of distance learning, language labs, etc.. But placing foreign teachers there would need to be done with extreme care.

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I am not interested in going there, but I have a list of people I would like to recommend.

Dear Scott,

I know they're looking for foreigners, but as far as I know you, you'd be the only one who could make it happen to find a teaching position for our Thai head English teacher.

Please let me know if you've got the right job, as she's driving me nuts. Not just me. All of us, including the Thai staff.

Thanks in advance for your kindest consideration. Such a good deed will increase your Karma enormous.

Greetings from lower northeast to the capital.

Cheers-wai2.gif .

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The same or less in Pattaya, if you are Philippino, have a University Degree and years of experience, as opposed to the 6 week wonders with TEFL (do you really think you know how to each in 6 weeks?), it is ridiculous the pay they make them work for. Given that 40k is given to the schools, wonder where the rest of themoney goes?????

Link or additional information that schools get 40,000 baht a month for their foreign teachers please.......................or are you just making this up? Thanks.

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Yes, great location to teach. I guess rates of pay would have to be double.

Yes, exactly. Double the rate of pay of Bill Gates! It's not really funny, actually. You can't say there is no solution, but the best solution is the one that makes everybody equally unhappy. Life is an endless series of compromises.

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No, I am not. I don't know. I am only guessing. That is why I said "assuming".

It seemed a likely and reasonable salary in Thailand for a GOOD and EXPERIENCED ajarn. Perhaps someone in the business can give a more realistic number if that one is too far off the mark. I was just trying to get a feel for how much more than a typical wage people would want for working there...and also how much people expect the gov will offer.

Your post eludes to the idea that you know something about these numbers, so instead of only questioning my wrong assumption, why not chime in with something worthwhile. it would be appreciated.

I don't think my assumption was completely off the mark. You are saying a max of 35K in Bangkok, and I had a lower end number of 40K. They are not THAT far apart.

So, using your own numbers, what salary would have to be offered for you to take one of these jobs?

An English teaching job in Yala, Pattani or Narathiwat? I'd want 1 million baht a month. I want live, thank you.

That is if Mrs. Evil would let me go.

I don't teach English, btw.

Another thing, you seem to be very touchy about my posts. Why? Did you feel I was attacking you?

I was not. And IMO there is a big difference between 30-35k and 40-50k.

I believe the rate outside of Bangkok to be lower. Here in Chiang Mai I have heard 20,000 baht to 30,000 baht a month. I have known several teachers to return home because it was not enough for them. It was enough to live on but not a very flamboyant life style.

I think they are going to look very hard for foreigners. Thai's know better. The killers have not really been that choosey there has been many Muslims killed also. Those people are equal opportunity killers. My wife's daughter and son in law quit there job in the province next to Yala when there employer tried to transfer them there. They now work here in Chiang Mai both in the same position they had in (Non Kong Si Thamaraht (sorry about the spelling) They do not have to worry about their children playing outside.

Just out of curiosity what if they all learn to speak English? Will it solve any problems. Will the rubber tree worker be able to do a better job. Will they all be pilots or other positions requiring English. Is there a shortage of people in those positions now? Yes it will give them some of the skills necessary. But using that logic should they not have to learn about how to sap and process ruber in case they get a chance to do it.

I know I am being silly but I really honestly and truly feel there is more of a need for the students to learn logic and reasoning also a better understanding of mathematics. Teach all of them skills they all can use not just 5% to 10% of the people. Make lessons for those people avalable and they will learn much better if they are not hampered by fellow students who don't care. It will also make it easier for the teacher to teach them resulting in their ability to speak and understand English better.wai.gif

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I think the point about these locations being very dangerous places to be a teacher. has been made.

Assuming a good and experienced TEFL teacher can get 40-50,000 baht per month in a relatively safe location, how much would you demand as pay to work in these volatile provinces? And how much do you think will be offered?

TEFL certificate teachers can get 40-50k? You sure?

I think he meant TEFL teachers not teachers w/ only a TEFL cert.

Q--- Serious question: With over 160 teachers killed since 2004 in the deep south, what would it take for you to decide to work there?


If you want me you would have to pay me 400,000 Baht per month and a life insurance policy of 50 Million Baht.

I would ask for the life insurance policy to be paid up front a year before I begin.wai.gif

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Ok I'll go and teach down there...no problem... here is my list of requirements/conditions.

1. 500,000b a month

2. Completely hi-fenced secure house to live in with armed guards on each boundary posted 24/7

3. Bullet/bomb proof proof vehicle for transportation to/from school/supermarket.

4. Death insurance of 3 million baht (premium paid for by Thai Government)

5. A posse of armed security guards to surround and protect me whilst I go shopping.

6. Daily scanning of the Soi I choose to live in using (workable) bomb detectors.

7. 50 metre high bomb proof screens that automatically deploy around the house if an incoming "missile" is detected

8. Free water and women

...yea rite.....

I lived in taught English in Yala for 1 year (2009)...I met and made good friends both Thai and Muslim (and still keep in contact with them)...but it was an uneasy (daily) existence......always watching over your shoulder....you just never knew when or where the next bomb/shooting was going to take place.....

Outside my school on one particular hot Monday afternoon as school was beginning to close, two "insurgents" lobbed two hand grenades at a passing Thai army truck...the grenades went over the truck and bounced and exploded right in front of the school gate........shredding and killing one 7 year old boy and two 6 year old girls as they were waiting to be picked up by their Mums and Dads.

This sort of shit still goes on to this day.....but does not get reported in the media........

I digress....but when ooohhh when is this ongoing "problem down south" going to be resolved

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From reading the posts it is going to be an impossible sell. Maybe a handful of teachers for whatever reason they

have to take a job there but the consensus of the posts is its not going to happen. whistling.gif

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I've worked in several war zones, but I would be very skeptical about working in the South of Thailand. It would be riskier than a lot of places. First of all, where would you live and what kind of security would be provided at the housing? Hopefully something a little better than locally hired guards or conscript soldiers.

How would transport to and from school be provided?

What kind of insurance and death benefits would be provided and by whom? A lot of insurance companies have special exemptions for terrorist attacks.

And when you want to go out or go shopping, who will accompany you and what transportation is available?

I'd only sign a contract if:

1. A life insurance in favor of you, over the sum of 100 million American bucks for your afterlife. As you had done another good deed in form of to "educate poor Thai kids."

2. Only if they'd erase the "Dschihad" in their minds.

3. If I wouldn't know that they're doing very similar things like drinking booze, dope, and behind their doors or on airplanes very different to when "They Have To Be" between non believers like us.

Unfortunately, I feel very sorry for those who have to live for let's say in Germany and have to take all the money of the taxpayers and nobody would even want that they speak German there.

No, they can live in their own community, do what they want and don't have to "socialise".Plus being "untouchable" like Don Corleone.

4. If America would take over the south.

5. Eastern and Christmas party is on the same day.

6. Only if my Muslim neighbors are both over eighty and still together with their parents.

Please see attached photo of your body guard, driver, coordinator for your school, your cook ,familiar how to make a tasty Roaster for all and a helper for all other needs that might occur.


Edited by sirchai
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I have also spent time down there, with everyone from spec ops police to rural imams, and would take the offer if it seemed suitable. Methinks you won't be targeted outright, but still I guess there is that odd chance. A couple of bomb attacks happened while I was there (sounded like a shotgun blast, but too loud and forceful to be that), and a bomb or fake bomb was defused outside a 7/11 while I sipped a nice ice milk tea at a late night shop, but it seemed like it is mostly a targeted war: they could kill you but it would bring in international pressure to capture the killers, whereas an Isaan conscript blown up might just anger his comrades and catch no solid effort. Maybe that is imagination but I don't think people responding to this are going to end up on a gurney. I would not say the same about dangerous parts of Pakistan or North Africa.

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Easy solution: Pilipino Muslims that speak English and Arabic. Chinese Muslims that speak Mandarin and Arabic. Saudi Muslims that Speak English and Arabic. Not much danger for them. Danger is mainly for Christian and Buddhist.

Not at all, many many Muslims have been targeted. If you work for the government, you die!

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I think the point about these locations being very dangerous places to be a teacher. has been made.

Assuming a good and experienced TEFL teacher can get 40-50,000 baht per month in a relatively safe location, how much would you demand as pay to work in these volatile provinces? And how much do you think will be offered?

I couldn't agree more!

You get 40-50k in BKK, anywhere else its 25-35K. Why anyone would teach here is beyond me,

I think they'll offer 20k.

1. Pay is rubbish (Forget that crap about your pay'd more than a Thai Teacher, you are not). They get add ons, travel, uniform, meal allowance ect.

2.Too dangerous down there.

3. You have to listen to all that condesending rubbish from Thai Teachers who do not know how to teach English.

4. You have a good chance of not being pay'd properly or on time.

5. There is little to no discipline in secondary schools and they usually give you a microphone to talk over the noise in the class.

6. Any expats look down on you as a reject from your own country or a drunk trying to get an extended holiday.

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I am surprised that they are aiming to recruit NES as well as those who have English as their second language. If second language must be educated in Thailand. I get the feel that this is to recruit Thais who can speak Malay. In fact the MOE would be better to try and recruit Malaysians living around the border provinces. Integration through understanding is a slow and painful process not one sided to be ready for AEC but in appreciating the people and their culture and hopefully peace will come about in the three mentioned provinces.

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