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Rumour about Obama-Beyonce relations spread


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He's about as gay as my Uncle Schlomo, mate.

I'm not saying that he is gay, but as you also keep insisting that men who specialize in sleeping with lady-boys are straight, I don't really trust your judgment.

It's a debatable point and there is are differing opinions on this in the transgender community as well. Personally I think it's more a gay attraction but like I said, others will argue otherwise.

By the way, how does one "specialize in sleeping" with a class of people?

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French media have been reporting rumours of an affair between Barack Obama and singer Beyoncé, this as an unaccompanied French president arrives in Washington, DC, for a state dinner following a recent private life scandal of his own. The French paparazzo behind the Obama-Beyoncé rumour has since retracted his claims, which he made both in a Swiss daily newspaper and on French radio

It is indeed satisfying to know that Freedom Fries loving conservatives have sucked up this tidbit and our spewing it forth.

Well if Banghazi fizzled and the IRS went no where, you get scandals wherever you can, even from the French biggrin.png

Go Team Faux!

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Don't worry about that. The Lie of the Year award from Politifact has legs.

I would think that most conservatives would give Obama credit for nailing Beyonce. I know that I would. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Where is that ????? on Faux news and Rush?

People keep repeating this stupidity on this thread. I watch a lot of Fox News and can't remember anyone ever insinuating that Obama is gay. They do mention quite often that in 2008, in order to get electewd, he claimed that he was against gay marriage because of his "Christian faith".

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If the rumor is proved to be untrue, can I get Beyonce's phone number? Not sure what I'd say if I got her on the phone, maybe something about 'imagine you and I were the only survivors of a waterlogged canoe, and we were stuck on a little Pacific Island with a case of claret, two pounds of Cammonbert cheese, and a few bagettes......

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Obama is not gay.

Not sure, but he does have an effeminate way and kind of cute. Having a wife and children is no barrier.

Memo to Obama's wardrobe master: Please tell Mrs. Obama to stop dressing him in J. Crew and Brooks Brothers clothing like all the other Ivy League school graduates and wall street hisos. Start dressing him in "Duck Dynasty" and "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" Style apparel sourced from Walmart so that he looks more "manly". He must wear more synthetics. Ask him to get some crappy tats, to stop bathing and to wear wife beater style undershirts (preferably stained) around the White House. Remind him to start addressing women as "ho's" and "beatches and that he need not be polite. In this way, his appearance will fit the perception of masculinity as professed by some, or more likely at least fit the required stereotype of an Afro American.

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