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Is it time to worry?

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99% the main bank has your money, but you have not been notified that you need to fill out a form as to the purpose of the money, so it just sits in limbo. Go to your branch, have them call the main bank, they should then have you fill out a short form that they will fax to the main bank, and your money should appear that afternoon in your account. This was my exact experience.

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99% the main bank has your money, but you have not been notified that you need to fill out a form as to the purpose of the money, so it just sits in limbo. Go to your branch, have them call the main bank, they should then have you fill out a short form that they will fax to the main bank, and your money should appear that afternoon in your account. This was my exact experience.

Exactly! You beat me to it longtooth.smile.png

OP, there is nothing to worry about. The same thing happened to me about eight months ago and all that had happened was that a bank employee had written the data on the transfer form incorrectly and so the money just sat there in limbo until they recovered the documention.

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international swift transfers get hung up all the time for the smallest of reasons. as someone said, its almost guaranteed the main branch has the money but is holding it for some reason or another if push comes to shove you can request a trace from the issuing bank, to push things along, but it will either turn up in your account or be turned back. just push them to locate it.

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Ask the sending bank to trace the transfer. It's their responsibility to see it goes where you asked them to send it ... assuming you gave them the correct info. Then with the tracing info in hand you can give the receiving bank specifics about where, when, etc.

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Does substantial mean, 4, or 7 digits? It's important to know the answer to that question because it depends on how the transfer is managed.

And does the receiving bank in Thailand have your telephone number, that's also important in the case of a larger amount because the Treasury Dept of the bank will want to contact you to agree an exchange rate?

There are lots of variables here hence more details wouldn't hurt.

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My offshore bank says maximum of 4 working days. So far every transfer I've made over several years have arrived the next working day.

From a time point, yes, you should worry and check it.

You mention a large amount, which be the reason it's been received by your bank but not posted to your account. Check with them. If it's not been received then ask the sending bank to trace at once.

Mistakes do happen. I once had several thousand pounds deposited in my offshore account from and unknown source. The bank had put it in the wrong account and weren't even very apologetic when I told them!

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I've had my share of botched wires & currency conversions. Usually, a wire gets there within 24 hours (disclaimer: sent from the UK with HSBC).

Some error in the account details would let it bounce like an e-mail and the money would get returned to sender.

This hasn't happened yet either?!

Call your bank pdq!

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Thanks for your replies.

Finally got through to the bank in Thailand. As Longtooth mentioned, Thai banks want a signature, (for tansfers exceeding $50k) and receipts from the sending bank



is it top secret which bank? dry.png i never needed a signature for substantial transfers to Siam Commercial and Kasikorn.

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Thanks for your replies.

Finally got through to the bank in Thailand. As Longtooth mentioned, Thai banks want a signature, (for tansfers exceeding $50k) and receipts from the sending bank



Thanks for the follow up. Always good to know.

Do you by any chance know what the cut off amount is where this becomes a problem.

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