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Thaksin's ex-wife Potjaman seeks fortune telling in Myanmar


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Why not, do a rain dance, make a voodoo doll of Suthep, stick a bone through her nose and have a female circumcision at the same time.

you need to leave the ladyboys alone ..and still un amusing coffee1.gif he/she...calm down b4 you post..

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Thaksin's ex-wife Potjaman seeks fortune telling in Myanmar

Valentine post # 16.

Mention in the article of oil concessions & owning land at Dawei IMO is extremely damning & explains why PTP have been pushing this project although this would not be the first time government insiders have done similar, in fact probably rife in all previous governments.

Thaksins ex wife seeks fortune source in Myanmar.

Edited by siampolee
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Future telling in Siam:

My spiritual master gave me the teaching to check future tellers.

Ask them if they know the year and the month they will die.

No answer, garbage.

Some answer, discussion is possible.

My spiritual master (Kalyāṇa-mitta)is a highly venerated future teller for lottery numbers: His dog does the job.

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"... According to an AFP report last year, he went to see another famous Burmese astrologer, ET, before he was ousted in a 2006 coup. At the time he was working in the telecommunications industry and wanted to ask about his prospects for power..."

The truth of the matter was that Thaksin went to see "ET" the extraterrestrial astrologer so that he could learn how to "PHONE HOME," as this was the only damn way he was going to get even remotely close to Thailand!!!!

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Okay, let's see how creative we can be.....

If you were the astrologer, what would you tell POJAMAN????

I'd tell her that in the future, she will get a pair of sharp scissors and do a bit of snipping, nip and tuck with her ex husband just like Thai women are famous for when their husband's meander or act like horse'sasses!!!

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Why not, do a rain dance, make a voodoo doll of Suthep, stick a bone through her nose and have a female circumcision at the same time.

you need to leave the ladyboys alone ..and still un amusing coffee1.gif he/she...calm down b4 you post..

1 of us needs to leave something alone, however could it just be possible it's you and the large Changs..........

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she visited her husband, that was the main reason. The divorce was technical. Thaksin himself visited a fortune teller. The same?

Well, this superstitious element in their family is alone reason enough to get rid of them, - all.

Mr Thaksin, you were very near to the country you want to rape more and more ... nobody is blocking you from going there. What's your problem?

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He said........................ "Hubble,bubble,toil and trouble for the Shin clan".facepalm.gif

Sure he collected the fee, before he told them their future....

Or maybe they got one advise for free: "you have no future"/

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Did she spare a thought to ask about the survival chances of the 1.4 million Thai farming families who have been cheated by her ex-husband and are on the losing end of his ill fated speculation on the global rice price? What ever happened to his brilliant plan to set up a rice production cartel that would rival OPEC. Was that also done on the advice of this Burmese yadaya expert? Whoops! He forgot that rice can't be left underground indefinitely like oil and that Thailand controls only has 2-3% of global production. What a pity. Better luck with the star gazing next time, dear.

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The political situation is not good in Thailand, so they wanted to do some "yadaya" for internal peace and Thaksin's return to the country.

As soon as the Shin-Clan will give up on power and politics Thailand will be fine.

"She also asked about their oil-related business concessions in Burma's Tanintharyi [Tenasserim] Division."

The whole familiy is just about power and money...she could have asked where the money for the rice farmers went. But also she knows that answer already, me thinks bah.gif

What exactly is wrong with being about power and money? These are the attributes of most ambitious and successful people. Is it your idea of virtuous to pull everybody down to your level? People who are content to get by with medocre effort have no moral authority to sit in judgment of the smart, ruthless, and ambitious over-achievers of the world.

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The political situation is not good in Thailand, so they wanted to do some "yadaya" for internal peace and Thaksin's return to the country.

As soon as the Shin-Clan will give up on power and politics Thailand will be fine.

"She also asked about their oil-related business concessions in Burma's Tanintharyi [Tenasserim] Division."

The whole familiy is just about power and money...she could have asked where the money for the rice farmers went. But also she knows that answer already, me thinks bah.gif

What exactly is wrong with being about power and money? These are the attributes of most ambitious and successful people. Is it your idea of virtuous to pull everybody down to your level? People who are content to get by with medocre effort have no moral authority to sit in judgment of the smart, ruthless, and ambitious over-achievers of the world.

Robert Mugabe has said exactly the same thing and Hun Sen would doubtless agree with you too.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Interesting about the oil concessions he has with Burma.

Suspect he has similar deals with his mate Hun Sen for the Gulf.

Maybe they were a thank you for the soft loan he arranged for the Shin telecommunications deal. Don't forget he was very helpful to the poor Burmese military junta when the rest of the civilized world were being beastly to them.

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Interesting about the oil concessions he has with Burma.

Suspect he has similar deals with his mate Hun Sen for the Gulf.

Maybe they were a thank you for the soft loan he arranged for the Shin telecommunications deal. Don't forget he was very helpful to the poor Burmese military junta when the rest of the civilized world were being beastly to them.

Helpful to them, but as always with the aim of increasing his bank balance with taxpayers' Baht.

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This article makes it sound like he is forced to stay out of Thailand. He isn't. He can return when ever he likes.

What his ex - wife is really saying is she wants his corruption charges to go away so can come home a free man.

He is in self imposed exile which is really just a hi-so way of saying he's on the run. Of course he could return any time... I mean, does anyone seriously think he'd be arrested if he did? The police won't even arrest Suthep so they're hardly going to arrest their boss.


he can return anytime. serve his 2 years sentence in the luxurious cell and return to fight again. but sadly his c........e overcame his pride. what a sad life. anyway good luck.

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It wouldn't matter what hocus pocus the guy told her. She only hears what she wants to hear. If the soothsayer said, "your ex-husband should lay back and relax and not dabble in Thai politics," the client would smile, pay the money, and the Shinawatre meddling & manipulation would go on as it has for the past 10 years."

My ex-wife was a fortune teller and had a slew of regular clients. She was very adept at her gig. It enabled me to see the sham of metaphysics close-up.

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This article is all speculation. Surely, the use of expressions such as "reportedly" and "unconfirmed reports" and the use of non verified "sources" should make clear that this is just pseudo reporting. If the event actually occurred, the article would have used more specific and definitive terms.

And of course, gullible guppies lap it up as it presents a nice opportunity to ridicule and heap scorn on their favourite bogeyman.

Edited by geriatrickid
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This article is all speculation. Surely, the use of expressions such as "reportedly" and "unconfirmed reports" and the use of non verified "sources" should make clear that this is just pseudo reporting. If the event actually occurred, the article would have used more specific and definitive terms.

And of course, gullible guppies lap it up as it presents a nice opportunity to ridicule and heap scorn on their favourite bogeyman.

I think you may be right there, Gerry.

It would be more plausible if it had just read 'Potjaman seeks fortune in Burma.' What with the Dawei land investments, the oil concessions and so on I can't imagine a hard nosed old businesswoman like her wasting time on fortune tellers. If they were that good they would have warned her that T's rice plans would go papaya shaped.

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They don't seem too big on "patient" confidentiality there!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I don't think they consider a client seeking advice from an astrologer to be a patient.

I had to laugh according to Lonely Planet the General Dictator had the country in an economic mess so he called on an astrologer. Apparently the astrologer didn't know any more about economics than the dictator and he told him he had to move to the right.

That is why Myanmar now drives on the right side of the street.

True story according to Lonely Planet.

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