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Thai govt scoffs at PDRC 'victory dance'


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Suthep has achieved one thing and that is to destroy the local economy. MNCs now shun Thailand and look to carry out their business at other locations in SE Asia. Manufacturers have cut OT and ordinary people are not spending with the current uncertainty. Hotels are empty and tourist numbers are down.

The biggest losers are the ordinary people with residents living near the rally sites unable to go about their normal business, people who are on short-time working or have lost their jobs completely. The small mom and pop stores whose income has been slashed.

All because of the megalomaniac games of a few greedy persons - of many colours.

Sure - and things were going all so swimmingly well under the Shin clan regime.

All the money spent. nothing to show for it, 2.2 trillion loan on the agenda.

If they had been allowed to cheat the amnesty bill, the 2.2 trillion off budget / no parliamentary checks through into law, and continued to remove or dilute checks and balances as they were doing, do you really believe the Thai economy and people would have benefited? No transparency, money spent secretly with no accountability (are those massively over expensive clocks working o k ? Whose company supplied them? etc etc etc).

Still, during the period of his family's government Thaksin's family's wealth increased 450%. They must be brilliant at business to achieve this wonderful growth in the current economic climate. So, the bad things can't be their fault, must be others? They have demonstrated how successful they are. whistling.gifthumbsup.gif

I am no Thaksin supporter. I was against the Amnesty bill as I believe wrongdoers have to be held to account if Thailand is going to move forward. In fact the Amnesty bill protest was a great success as it did bring ordinary people out on the streets, to actually start thinking what was going wrong in the country and to make people more aware that politicians have to be accountable.

But then it all went wrong. The Democrats should have seized the opportunity to raise the issues you addressed through the democratic process, including street protests if necessary. But they didn't. Instead they withdrew from the democratic process, supported Suthep who was pushing for the end of a democratically elected parliament (for how long is anybody's guess) and made it a personal issue by saying they would not accept anything less than the Shinawatrs to be expelled from the country.

The Dems could have fought an election. They may not have won outright (but they did in Don Muang by-election a previously red stronghold) but they could have made significant gains into PTP territory. If they had come out with a platform of support for the North and North-East they may even have won the election.

The tragedy is that the Dems reverted to what they did previously and bailed out of the electoral process thereby plunging the country into the past four months of economic ruin and the unnecessary deaths of ten people and injuries to hundreds. It's now the ordinary people who have to pay the price of this vanity and stupidity.

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I moved to this wonderful country of Thailand by choice as many of you probably did, to have a good time and enjoy the people and other things that Thailand offers us. Quite frankly I don't give a hoot at all about corruption here. I knew about it being in Thailand, as it is in many other countries I have resided in, including the USA, which is not at the top of the least corrupt country list by Transparency International.

I did not move here to fix Thailand's problems, which is up to Thais if they wish, or wish not, to fix. I came to enjoy myself and not get involved with local politics. I would suggest, however, if one wishes to start fixing the cultural, social and economic challenges here, then one should really look at fixing the educational system since it is rated the lowest in SE Asia, but also is the most expensive on a per student basis, with low results. Since the future of any country are the kids, this is how to fix corruption and other issues. Let me ask: Who has been demonstrating in order to improve education instead of bringing down one government over corruption charges, along with the protestors lead by corrupt politicians? Isn’t this oxymoronic to say the least? The basis of most ills in a country is the lack of “appropriate” education, while instilling good social and civic values.

The protestors demonstrating in the street have created havoc and tremendous disruption for especially Bangkok and the Thai economy with GDP trending downward this year. People have had their livelihoods upset and disrupted by a bunch of clowns who did not even define the end-game and then could not control how to reach it. To a logical mind, is "Shutting Down Bangkok" an appropriate objective for anyone to attempt? Does this send out a message to the world that we protestors are "the real democracy lovers"? Is appointing a People's Council which has not been voted in by "the people" of the country, democracy in action? Negatively affecting the perception of millions of tourist wanting to bring their money and contribute to the Thai economy, which represents about 10% of the GDP, a good idea? Preventing people from their inherent and Constitutional right to vote in an election, regardless of people "claiming" vote buying, a smart thing to do in a supposed democracy? Talking about vote buying, what is it when a politician in a Western country promises things to their voters if they cast their vote for them? Is this not vote buying?

Anyway, I consider myself a guest in Thailand and choose not to discuss my own political views with Thais and most others, so I rarely post on the Forum. If I were back in my own country and these same issues were going on, then it would be a different matter and I would get involved. Just my two cents.

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"What we did was not a waste because our fight received strong support from the community," he said.

Except for the significant parts of the community made up of ; small / medium / large businesses in the capital which have suffered losses and difficulties, taxi drivers including the one who was savagely beaten just for trying to get his taxi through a blocked road, tourists and tour operators, sick people needing to get to hospital through gridlock, voters who were beaten at polling stations, voters who were unable to vote, the enormous number of people who oppose the idea of a communist-style unelected ruling group, etc.

When somebody describes a "the community" as mass-support, you have to immediately ignore anything he says in future. If you claim "the community" supports you, you are a liar pure and simple. The community is made up of millions of multifaceted opinions, you might speak on specific subjects which large sections of the community agree with to greater or lesser degrees, but you will never have "strong support from the community" it is simply impossible.


Edited by Yunla
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Suthep is living in a fantasy world - what 'Victory'? he said countless times "it will be over Monday, or Friday or Sunday... well definitely by New year"

and what??? shutdown what? people tell me everything just fine in BKK and only small areas occupied by the nutters

They shutdown their retreat and continue talking to themselves.

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To those who feel nothing at all was achieved, do you really think PM-Yingluck would have resigned & called an election, if it were not for the massive demonstrations agains the attempts by her & her government to ram-through the amnesty for her absent-brother, and all the other criminals who would also have been covered by the Amnesty-Bill ? wink.png

Isn't it possible that having millions of ordinary-citizens on-the-streets might have influenced her, just a tiny little bit ? facepalm.gif

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To those who feel nothing at all was achieved, do you really think PM-Yingluck would have resigned & called an election, if it were not for the massive demonstrations agains the attempts by her & her government to ram-through the amnesty for her absent-brother, and all the other criminals who would also have been covered by the Amnesty-Bill ? wink.png

Isn't it possible that having millions of ordinary-citizens on-the-streets might have influenced her, just a tiny little bit ? facepalm.gif

Indeed, that is precisely what happened and everything snowballed into the nightmare that is this (caretaker) government's sorry legacy!!

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To those who feel nothing at all was achieved, do you really think PM-Yingluck would have resigned & called an election, if it were not for the massive demonstrations agains the attempts by her & her government to ram-through the amnesty for her absent-brother, and all the other criminals who would also have been covered by the Amnesty-Bill ? wink.png

Isn't it possible that having millions of ordinary-citizens on-the-streets might have influenced her, just a tiny little bit ? facepalm.gif

millions of citizens?

you dream sir... you dream

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To those who feel nothing at all was achieved, do you really think PM-Yingluck would have resigned & called an election, if it were not for the massive demonstrations agains the attempts by her & her government to ram-through the amnesty for her absent-brother, and all the other criminals who would also have been covered by the Amnesty-Bill ? wink.png

Isn't it possible that having millions of ordinary-citizens on-the-streets might have influenced her, just a tiny little bit ? facepalm.gif

millions of citizens?

you dream sir... you dream

This is all rather academic really.

It doesn't matter how many there were on the streets at the peak or how many there are now - it worked, plain and simple, she is toast now, wouldn't be surprised if she has booked her ticket to Chiang Mai or Dubai already now as nobody loves darling Yingluck any more!!!

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Victory? PDRC has caused Thailand to lose face globally. Shameful for a Democracy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Its a shame that so many Thai people are afraid of this STUPID 'losing face' thing - perhaps if it didn't exist Thailand would have been rid of the Shinawatra's years ago and things would have been so much better!!!

This whole things stems from Thaksin 'losing face' over being found out about his serial corrupt dealings and fighting back through vengeance and vitriol. He escaped justice with his billions and should have accepted his fate and retired like Ronnie Biggs did!!! Instead he has poured all of this torment onto the Thai people with his selfish mission to 'save face' at his involuntary self imposed banishment.

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Victory? PDRC has caused Thailand to lose face globally. Shameful for a Democracy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thailand is not a democracy silly: it's a constitutional monarchy. Hence the conflicts and upheaval.

Researchers noted that more coups and political problems occur in such systems; particularly developing countries.

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the PDRC are opposing an inept, discredited and corrupt government and yet still fear going up against them at the polls.

if the opposition cant beat this lot then then they dont deserve to govern the country.

"...the PDRC are opposing an inept, discredited and corrupt government and yet still fear going up against them at the polls"

Could that be because it is not inept, discreditted and corrupt?

Certainly the millions of voters who selected them and would do so again as will be evidenced when this election is completed and tabulated. They don't think it is inept, discreditted and corrupt.

I would expect the minority, unelectable coup-mongers and their shadowy Elitist supporters to say that, but for heaven's sake, consider the source.

If an Agricultural subsidization program was the biggest gun in their arsenal, they were fighting a losing battle.Especially when their own attempts to sabotage it were very transparent and will linger in the memory of voters..They also couldn't get traction with their anti-amnesty thing, nor demonizing a supposed Thaksin regime, nor prevent an election for which they were trying to force self-serving, pre-emptive systemic changes, nor nullify an election.....

Their only recourse now is soliciting support from their user-friendly courts....And the electoral majority is seeing through that judicial smoke big time.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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To those who feel nothing at all was achieved, do you really think PM-Yingluck would have resigned & called an election, if it were not for the massive demonstrations agains the attempts by her & her government to ram-through the amnesty for her absent-brother, and all the other criminals who would also have been covered by the Amnesty-Bill ? wink.png

Isn't it possible that having millions of ordinary-citizens on-the-streets might have influenced her, just a tiny little bit ? facepalm.gif

millions of citizens?

you dream sir... you dream

This is all rather academic really.

It doesn't matter how many there were on the streets at the peak or how many there are now - it worked, plain and simple, she is toast now, wouldn't be surprised if she has booked her ticket to Chiang Mai or Dubai already now as nobody loves darling Yingluck any more!!!

not worked in the least - Yingluck STILL PM, PTP STILL in power Bangkok STILL working apart from very small pockets of thugs

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To those who feel nothing at all was achieved, do you really think PM-Yingluck would have resigned & called an election, if it were not for the massive demonstrations agains the attempts by her & her government to ram-through the amnesty for her absent-brother, and all the other criminals who would also have been covered by the Amnesty-Bill ? wink.png

Isn't it possible that having millions of ordinary-citizens on-the-streets might have influenced her, just a tiny little bit ? facepalm.gif

millions of citizens?

you dream sir... you dream

This is all rather academic really.

It doesn't matter how many there were on the streets at the peak or how many there are now - it worked, plain and simple, she is toast now, wouldn't be surprised if she has booked her ticket to Chiang Mai or Dubai already now as nobody loves darling Yingluck any more!!!

not worked in the least - Yingluck STILL PM, PTP STILL in power Bangkok STILL working apart from very small pockets of thugs

You are in denial - you need counselling fast to stop your delusions before they get out of control!!

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You are in denial - you need counselling fast to stop your delusions before they get out of control!!

oh sorry

Yingluck is no longer PM?

PTP is no longer the government?

Bangkok is not still working as intended?

that all happened very quickly - all I see is a few thousand Fascist morons on the streets being controlled by the brave Police force of Democracy

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You are in denial - you need counselling fast to stop your delusions before they get out of control!!

oh sorry

Yingluck is no longer PM?

PTP is no longer the government?

Bangkok is not still working as intended?

that all happened very quickly - all I see is a few thousand Fascist morons on the streets being controlled by the brave Police force of Democracy

Yeh, yeh,yeh!!!

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