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Yingluck blames anti-government protests for rice-pledging problems


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Somebody should buy Yingluck a calender asap. She probably doesn't realize that October(when the money was due) is a few months before January(beginning of the protest). Can't really blame the pupet PM, it's a shocking failure of Kentucky State Uni to not teach the kids about months of the year.

They also forget to teach English. As for the lying and cheating could be it's in her Shin genes or she learned it working in a GO GO Bar.

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An old Mongolian proverb which say

" If you want to know the road ahead, ask those who are returning"

An old Chinese proverb which say If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand. Confuse us. Yingluck are you there?

I once had a history professor at university that said; "Confusion is the beginning of all understanding" I don't know is not an answer.

Don't seek answers to questions, but first an understanding of the questions themselves. ;)

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SHE IS RIGHT ITS YOU GUYS ARE ALL MIXEED UP, just like a Mongolian omlet

Ok I'll bite please explain how ANY her policies have benefited the Thai people, and I'm not talking about her lot who have pocketed Millions of BHT. Tip, it had better be good or you will make yourself seem even sillier than you do at present. I await with bated breath. Edited by fredob43
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An old Mongolian proverb which say

" If you want to know the road ahead, ask those who are returning"

An old Chinese proverb which say If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand. Confuse us. Yingluck are you there?

I once had a history professor at university that said; "Confusion is the beginning of all understanding" I don't know is not an answer.

Don't seek answers to questions, but first an understanding of the questions themselves. wink.png

No disagreement there... If you don't understand the question or problem, then you can't be confused. If you can't be confused then you aren't thinking.

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People here are speaking from ignorance, read a letters in today's bangkok posts (tuesday), there are 2 good letters, one against the farm subsidy and one for it, lets not forget that both europe and the us have huge farm subsidy programs but here it's called a 'scam' 'vote buying'.. farm subsidies in developed countries have historically been credited with raising living standards.. The banking sector here is full of antidemocracy-pro suthep activists so everytime the Yingluck administration goes to borrow some money to pay the debt (because the government has limited powers due to its caretakers status that the democrats forced on the country) there is this big 'revolt' from the middle level employees.

if it is 'vote buying then fine, yingluck will be forced to cancell it if it's too expensive and the spoiled brat party can win an election legitimatly..

by bthe way the % of the national budget that is the rice subsidy is less than 8%, why arn't all the other entitlement programs called vote buying?

Edited by pkspeaker
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A "crime" has, indeed, been committed. A policy that fails at its core and the supposed beneficiaries became the victimized. Something to the tune of 8 or 9 people have committed suicide due to the hardship that they had faced. But I think a bigger "crime" has been committed but no many people are discussing of it yet. Who will ultimately be responsible for the totality of loss of this "scheme/scam"? Hard earned tax money from any and every ordinary, hard working citizens from all walks of life has been ill-squandered. Are we or can we hold this incompetent administration responsible? I think this should be a more of a outrage for everyone who is paying tax to these "animals" that they call politicians here!

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So - with Yingluck now crawling out from hiding beneath her bed for several weeks and attempting to belatedly show some gumption coupled with the hard lined attempts to regain the proitest sites, it seems that the caretaker government has got itself a new set of mops.

With the farmers this is a very risky policy - one that is likely to backfire.

Arresting protesters - well we will see what happens there but I would expect they won't take it lying down

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".....seized the farmers as hostage in their political game to bring down her government"

This is the prevailing POV amongst the electoral majority...As opposed to using the term "hostage' I would probably describe it more as a form of using these ricefarmers as "Pawns".

It explains why the self-righteous bleating and phoney attempts by the coup-mongers and their shadowy supporters to all-of-a-sudden become champions of farmers rights is so out-of-historical context for them.

It is also a prevailing view among the electoral majority who selected this Govt., that the PTP is far too timid in defending themselves. It is a common complaint that all the elements associated with the Elitist side of the track, from street coup-mongers up their food-chain, too often go unchallenged. When in fact there is ample evidence to counter their noise.

Good for Ms. Y. to at least address what is commonly accepted by her political base....If the coup-mongers think they have had a free shot using these farmers as pawns, that has only resonated with their own kind.......The UDD/RS/PTP electoral majority know full well where the resistance has come from in compensating these farmers, as Ms. Y. has articulated.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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People here are speaking from ignorance, read a letters in today's bangkok posts (tuesday), there are 2 good letters, one against the farm subsidy and one for it, lets not forget that both europe and the us have huge farm subsidy programs but here it's called a 'scam' 'vote buying'.. farm subsidies in developed countries have historically been credited with raising living standards.. The banking sector here is full of antidemocracy-pro suthep activists so everytime the Yingluck administration goes to borrow some money to pay the debt (because the government has limited powers due to its caretakers status that the democrats forced on the country) there is this big 'revolt' from the middle level employees.

if it is 'vote buying then fine, yingluck will be forced to cancell it if it's too expensive and the spoiled brat party can win an election legitimatly..

by bthe way the % of the national budget that is the rice subsidy is less than 8%, why arn't all the other entitlement programs called vote buying?

The problem seems a little difficult for some people! it is not a debate about subsidies per se, rather about the theft of rice from workers that could really do with the money.

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Yingluck, of course it's all some other persons fault she is absolutely correct in her statement.

The blame for the whole fiasco must be laid at the feet of none other than her brother and his cronies.

They've ( The Shinwara clan) have collected their dividend payments but the workforce have collected the debt notes for and on behalf of the Shinwatra clans crusade to establish a new ruling political dynasty (Dictatorship)

The Thai farming sector among many other sectors have become the prime unwitting guarantors of the Shiwatra personal wealth creation programme.


Edited by siampolee
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Of course you do! That's what your government has always done, blame other people for it's own incompetence and inadequacies. No one forced the farmers to do anything. They're here protesting because you lied to them and have not paid them in months. You lied again and did not pay them yesterday. Now they want your blood. But hey, it's easy to blame the protestors rather than yourselves right?

you are nothing but another spoon-fed echo of hand-me-down propaganda.... so sure that what you see is actually there.....puppet?

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I think that everybody already understood that Suthep's intention is to avoid at all costs that the farmers get their money.

But there is no harm in Yingluck emphasizing Suthep's and the Dem's dirty games aimed at gaining power over the majority through criminal and unconstitutional means... -_-

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think that everybody already understood that Suthep's intention is to avoid at all costs that the farmers get their money.

But there is no harm in Yingluck emphasizing Suthep's and the Dem's dirty games aimed at gaining power over the majority through criminal and unconstitutional means... sleep.png

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, pointing out the corruption in the rice scheme, and the care-taker government's unconstitutional attempts at getting loans to pay 5 month overdue rice pledging payments is really dirty, isn't it?

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That right put the blame where it belongs. Farmers are not very smart they been duped by Suthep.

Please explain. How has this been done?

I am not going to waste my time trying to explain to you. You would never understand anyway. Like talking to a brick wall.

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