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You came to Thailand, what did you expect, what do you want?


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Wonderful posts, thank you all very much.

Quite a change not to be besieged by the posters who like to disrupt.

Sorry for the lady who was cheated.

My first visit to Thailand was in 1969, I was working in Penang and we drove up to the border.

Things were very different then.

After working in Penang, I always wanted to come back to the Far East.

I brought my UK g/f to Penang for a months holiday in 2000 just before I retired.

We had a great time and after that relationship finished in 2009 I sort of drifted.

Moved into a flat in the city, near the beach and started having a great time.

Then the accident that brought me here and totally changed my life for the better.

Friends I'd not seen for a long time say I look younger and I must say I feel younger and much happier too.

As was mentioned, hard to be depressed here.

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I expected to make loads of money

I still want to make loads of money

Looks like i stuck here until my dream comes through.

I came for my memories of exotic fruit. I was not disappointed. Lol

Yeah those exotic little fruitswink.pngbiggrin.png

He he how true Jack fruit, Rambutan, Lychees, mamuang, durian Papua, Oh so many I can't a mention., just enjoy.

What about the 'chocolate starfish'? I just love the chocolate starfish!cheesy.gif

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Thailand has for me, meant a complete change in life and lifestyle. Before I was living a life traveling around the world, doing business and was making very good money.

Now I just live a normal life with my girlfriend and have a completely different look on life in general. I wake up every morning happy and go to bed every night happy. That is what Thailand has given me. A second chance in life and a chance to be truly happy with what I have and my love ones.

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Turned 50, retired, divorced and went to Italy just because...thought...decided, came home and sold everything and moved here. Went through some up's and down's... it's ok here, I wouldn't say it's 'paradise' or 'amazing'... there are some truly beautiful and spectacular places back home... this is a fun break and cool places to see and fun things to do. Love meeting all the different people, love the food.

12 months later I still have not bought a vehicle (car/truck/motorcycle) or a bicycle. I interpret that to mean I don't feel settled here.

I see why some people from certain other countries love this place... if I lived there I would leave too.

Have had a couple of gf's, but nothing I would describe as the love of my life... there is that lack of 'connection' and mostly because of the language barrier and cultural difference. But, a fun and caring relationship.

There are still places here that I want to travel to and spend time, so I can make a sound decision as to what I will do... stay or leave.

Central and South America are on my list of potential countries to visit long term and see if a option (for me) to retire to.

There are a few other notable asian countries that I will go to and spend considerable time in, also as a retirement option or longer term stay.

My thoughts now are I think I will eventually buy a small place back home and continue to travel, probably spend a lot of time in thailand when I do... I don't feel a need or desire to 'live' in my home country and if I can find a place that really moves me, that will become my home... I haven't found it yet.

My life was not a bombed out mess as some, but it did have the signs of being grenaded. Coming here was a great distraction and I loved selling all of my shit... it was truly a freeing experience and no regrets about doing that. I enjoy being able to do some things here and miss doing some things back home...look forward to doing things elsewhere.

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I'm in Thailand as an expat, moved by my company. We (I and my husband) moved here two years ago and although we both had visited the country several times before, the reality was far worse than what neither of us expected. Initially, we were contemplating of staying in Thailand indefinitely, but that has since changed. I was not prepared to the rampant corruption, xenophobia and racism. Understanding that we will always be treated as less-than, has made me regret ever moving here.

I know there are tons of farang who couldn't be happier here and I wish them all the best, I honestly do. We will soon be packing our belongings and moving away and I can't wait for that to happen.

please, please, please tell me you are not American. This would be a very sad post if you are.

Thailand for me is not unlike any other country I have lived and worked in. As I have posted here on this forum many times.....I wake up. go to work, pay the bills, kiss my wife and children, and enjoy working on our farm. So it could have been a number of other countries but just so happens it is Thailand.

As for the above post, sorry for your experience but it is much the same or even worse in many other countries I have lived and worked in. I can honestly say that living here in Thailand it is almost refreshing to experience all of the above items you have mentioned and everybody knowing it is happening. In some other countries you know it is happening but the governments try to conceal or whitewash it.

I hope they are not Americans too. The US is the longest world's dictatorship with a good costume called Democracy of 2 parties. Everything is BIG in the US, also corruption, but any SMALL citizen cannot use it, only the ones in POWER. A Government employee will be afraid to get $100 of your money for a bribe, and lose its job, but politicians are not afraid to make $ BILLIONS in fraudulent operations and financial conspiracies. The US have the BIGGEST Military in the world because the young unemployed and uneducated do not have better choice for housing and food. Do you see Thai people living on the streets?..yes...a few....In America, homeless shelters are not enough..and homeless people are living on the streets in donated igloo tends....Sure..in the American way...on delimited city zones...8PM to 8AM..Shocked??? Ask me why I know that.....

It is the only country where you can be a refugee in your own land under the worst Social Security and Health Care in the world!

The US is a farce!

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I came about a year and a half ago for a boys holiday. My life has changed considerably since. Separated about a year ago and have been all over asia chasing girls. But one who stood out was always at the back of my mind. Something clicked about two months ago and now we will wed later in the year. Very happy to set roots here and introduce my Future bide to my old country. Best of both worlds really.

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please, please, please tell me you are not American. This would be a very sad post if you are.

Thailand for me is not unlike any other country I have lived and worked in. As I have posted here on this forum many times.....I wake up. go to work, pay the bills, kiss my wife and children, and enjoy working on our farm. So it could have been a number of other countries but just so happens it is Thailand.

As for the above post, sorry for your experience but it is much the same or even worse in many other countries I have lived and worked in. I can honestly say that living here in Thailand it is almost refreshing to experience all of the above items you have mentioned and everybody knowing it is happening. In some other countries you know it is happening but the governments try to conceal or whitewash it.

Rest assured, I am not American. Assuming I was, though, why would the post be sadder?

To each his own and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's just that I have found little of interest in Thailand for myself. The Kingdom is not my first international post, but it is the worst (for me!). Having said that, I'm glad that you have found your own spot in the world here.

No country is corruption free - no doubt about that. However, I view shady political deals and pork barrel spending differently than having to bribe government officials or paying on-the-spot fines to police officers just to get through the day.

Unless you are breaking the law why on earth would you be bribing government officials or paying on the spot fines just to get through the day! I am a virtual new comer here (5 years) and have never paid a fine or bribed an official.

You spoke of disliking Thailand because of the corruption and what not. The country known by the name of United States of America is far worse. Not the people of the country (for the most part) just the form of Democracy they have. As such if you were an American stating you disliked the system here in Thailand it would make your post even sadder.

Please if you like can you list the posting were you have worked. I have worked and lived in: Mexico, Jamaica, UK, Ireland, Portugal, Dominican Republic (the absolute worst), Canada, US (hawaii, california and nevada), Italy, and Morocco - a few others but for those the working was for less than one year.

Thailand is no where near the top of my list in corruption, untrustworthy politicians, crooks, criminals and an unruly justice system....in my opinion. Try the DR......OMG! Never been to Liberia or Ethiopia but for me it takes the cake for the worst place I have lived....(except Haiti, but was not there very long, thankfully).

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No regrets, been here nearly 4 years, and love it, only negative is the ''Driving'' its SCAREY..

apart from that i have a great quality of life, and standard of life, and living in an amazing Condo..

Something that i could not afford in Europe...


All the best and ENJOY

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I'm in Thailand as an expat, moved by my company. We (I and my husband) moved here two years ago and although we both had visited the country several times before, the reality was far worse than what neither of us expected. Initially, we were contemplating of staying in Thailand indefinitely, but that has since changed. I was not prepared to the rampant corruption, xenophobia and racism. Understanding that we will always be treated as less-than, has made me regret ever moving here.

I know there are tons of farang who couldn't be happier here and I wish them all the best, I honestly do. We will soon be packing our belongings and moving away and I can't wait for that to happen.

admit it... you also don't like the competition tongue.png

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I'm in Thailand as an expat, moved by my company. We (I and my husband) moved here two years ago and although we both had visited the country several times before, the reality was far worse than what neither of us expected. Initially, we were contemplating of staying in Thailand indefinitely, but that has since changed. I was not prepared to the rampant corruption, xenophobia and racism. Understanding that we will always be treated as less-than, has made me regret ever moving here.

I know there are tons of farang who couldn't be happier here and I wish them all the best, I honestly do. We will soon be packing our belongings and moving away and I can't wait for that to happen.

admit it... you also don't like the competition tongue.png

A tad blunt there Naam but you set me thinking.

It may not be too easy for foreign couples in Thailand.

I think I speak for many men when I say that we can resist everything,

except pain and temptation.

I am old enough not to be tempted to stray but I know many that are tempted and do and I must say that on a very odd occasion, upon spotting a real beauty, I still have dreams.....

Here we are surrounded by beautiful young ladies and many of them would encourage us to try the exotic fruits of the tropics.

No, not easy at all.

A couple of examples from the recent flower festival in Chiang Mai


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