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Phone--ttt Or Tot


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Another stupid question.

Which phone company is best for internet? If you get a TOT line can you use non-TOT ISPs? Or reverse, can you use TOT ISP on a TTT line?

If you have a bad ISP, do you need to change phone company?

I would like to avoid the situation where you have change phone company if you decide to change ISP.

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It's pretty complicated.

Both TOT and TT&T have their own ADSL packages of various kinds, and each of them also offers ADSL from other ISPs, over their own respective telephone lines.

As far as I understand it, the actual telephone network belongs to TOT, but TT&T lease and maintain a certain percentage of the physical lines.

You have a wide range of ISPs to choose from on either company. As far as I have seen, there is no conclusive evidence that one is better than the other. It depends more on the ISP you choose - but even then it is not clearcut which is better - because your actual speed depends on a number of factors

- physical line quality (including the state of the telephone wiring in your house and any other devices connected to the same line, as well as the ADSL splitter you use)

- your router/modem and its actual capacity

- how many people are using your particular line (called 'contention ratio' - generally, a lower contention ratio means a more stable and fast connection)

- the state of the international link out of Thailand (when accessing foreign websites)


The best advice I can give is that you try to check with your neighbours what they use, and choose based on that information.

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.....because your actual speed depends on a number of factors

- physical line quality (including the state of the telephone wiring in your house)....

So true. In November last year, I changed from TT&T to TOT, simply because the service provided by TT&T to maintain the quality of my telephone line was appalling. Whenever it rained, there was so much extraneous noise on my line that connection to th Internet was not possible. Each time that I complained, TT&T put the fault as being with the condo. It became so much of a regular occurrence that, each time, I was able to direct the TT&T engineer to the source of the problem.....terminal corrosion in a junction box outside of the condo. Nothing changed, nothing was repaired and the response of TT&T remained..."Our side is OK" even though they hadn't checked yet.

Now wth TOT, my ADSL connection is reliable and the customer service is good. They have even called me personally to apologise for server maintenance. I appreciate that others will disagree and this is my individual experience and opinion........... but there it is.

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