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I need help on job offer (renewable energy)

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Hi all,

I am a 27 year old Spaniard and I have been working in the UK for the past 3 years as a renewable energy engineer. I have recently been offered a job in BKK at an energy company. That is what they are offering me.

Position – Assistant Manager

Salary – 44,589 Baht/month

Other – 4,000 Baht/month for accommodation

- Round trip, economy class once a year (subject to after 10 months of continuous working)

My job would maily entail engineering design for construction projects, renewable energy projects and team coordination in consultancy business. I am currently making £28k in the UK so I thought that 50k baht/month falls a bit short, especially for a market such as renewable energy where there is a lack of skills within thai nationals. I will phone them back and try negotiate the salary, however I would much appreciate it if you guys can give me some feedback beforehand.

I would be willing to accept 65k a month without flight tickets nor accommodation. Is this a sensible figure for you?

Thanks a lot in advance.


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Ok, look at it this way why would you leave for significantly less money and live in poverty, going to Thailand seems a great idea but if you have no money to enjoy it then what is the point.

A lot of homework needs done such as checking what the current salary is in Thailand for what you do and also the cost of living.

Also another resource is linkedin they have some useful groups on there.

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Other – 4,000 Baht/month for accommodation

LOL, I have seen what 4k per month gets you, believe me you dont want to live there.

You will pay at least double that, if not more for somewhere decent.

Where abouts in Bkk is the job located, you will want to be as close as possible to your work location and not spending 3 hours a day commuting, forget about driving in the madness and mayhem of the citys gridlocked roads.

Why would you consider taking a paycut to come here?

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Ok, look at it this way why would you leave for significantly less money and live in poverty, going to Thailand seems a great idea but if you have no money to enjoy it then what is the point.

A lot of homework needs done such as checking what the current salary is in Thailand for what you do and also the cost of living.

Also another resource is linkedin they have some useful groups on there.

The main reason I would go over there is because my girlfriend is thai. She is a civil engineer and she's told me to ask for 70k. I have done some research and cost of living in BKK would be around 20k. As for salary within the renewable energy industry, it can vary a lot depending on experience but in a range of 50-75k for my experience.

Anyway, I was just trying to get your insights into this, I will keep doing some more research, thanks again for your help.


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Other – 4,000 Baht/month for accommodation

LOL, I have seen what 4k per month gets you, believe me you dont want to live there.

You will pay at least double that, if not more for somewhere decent.

Where abouts in Bkk is the job located, you will want to be as close as possible to your work location and not spending 3 hours a day commuting, forget about driving in the madness and mayhem of the citys gridlocked roads.

Why would you consider taking a paycut to come here?

The office is located near the airport so I would probably stay on the outskirts.

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i am not going to get into a how much do you spend in Bkk discussion, they have been done to death.

I strongly urge you do do some more thorough research, your cost of living is way too low.

Yes you can rent a scuzzy 3k per month condo, living amonst hookers and other lowlife transient workers.

Yes you can spend 200 baht a day on food, yes you can ride the big red #60 bus for free, if not you will have costs for a daily commute.

So what is a reasonable figure for you?

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One more issue for consideration !

There is NO automatic health care coverage in Thailand.

You should consider taking out a comprehensive health insurance package.

You may be entitled to contribute to the Thai system via employment but the cover will be very basic !

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Either way, if you look at what is offered for local jobs you are being offered more than a local experienced hire.

there ought to be health care in that package

how many hours they expect you to work?

is that an after tax wage?


on positive note, compared to the wage you are currently on assume London based on 27 k after tax etc I guess about half or more goes on your rent, then 1/4 on food before anything else, so your quality of life should improve here

just remember when in london the underground holders of dead mans hand earn 100k min

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Ok, look at it this way why would you leave for significantly less money and live in poverty, going to Thailand seems a great idea but if you have no money to enjoy it then what is the point.

A lot of homework needs done such as checking what the current salary is in Thailand for what you do and also the cost of living.

Also another resource is linkedin they have some useful groups on there.

The main reason I would go over there is because my girlfriend is thai. She is a civil engineer and she's told me to ask for 70k. I have done some research and cost of living in BKK would be around 20k. As for salary within the renewable energy industry, it can vary a lot depending on experience but in a range of 50-75k for my experience.

Anyway, I was just trying to get your insights into this, I will keep doing some more research, thanks again for your help.


200k per month would be about the going rate.

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Ok, look at it this way why would you leave for significantly less money and live in poverty, going to Thailand seems a great idea but if you have no money to enjoy it then what is the point.

A lot of homework needs done such as checking what the current salary is in Thailand for what you do and also the cost of living.

Also another resource is linkedin they have some useful groups on there.

The main reason I would go over there is because my girlfriend is thai. She is a civil engineer and she's told me to ask for 70k. I have done some research and cost of living in BKK would be around 20k. As for salary within the renewable energy industry, it can vary a lot depending on experience but in a range of 50-75k for my experience.

Anyway, I was just trying to get your insights into this, I will keep doing some more research, thanks again for your help.


As someone who works in Engineering in Thailand......I can tell you this much....you are way too low...as minimum take your current GBP 27k add 20 to 30% as an uplift, plus reasonable accomdation allowance (4k/m aint reasonable) plus private medical scheme...this would be a bare minimum and if you can get 2 flights back to UK added more the better...

ps dont listen to your GF....

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A lot of homework needs done such as checking what the current salary is in Thailand for what you do

No disagree he needs to relate anything he asks for to his current salary in the UK, the company wants to bring him here as an expat, why should he take a pay cut just because its Thailand becasue its always sunny and the food is spicey ?

The OP needs to ask himeself this question ?.....why are looking at taking this job ?....

a posive career move which looks good on the CV

make some money

or is the real the reason is that you want to play hide the sausage with your civil engineer GF on a more regular basis ?

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Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't there a set minimum wage required for a foreigner on a work permit,

Ok...there are no minimum salaries stated to get a WP....the minimum salaries stated are to get the extension of stay, which is OP doesnt qualify for because his salary is below those minimums means he will be doing a visa run every 3 months, if he gets the extension he only does 90 day reports


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a job offer from bkk company, probably having applied for a job and been interviewed, I'm speculating here, so this makes the op not an expat but a job hunter in Thailand and the fair wage is the one accepted by the op to live here and play hows your father with the civil eng gf.

but, the comapny just needs to get work permit and visa for op, so what ever the minimums are ( skilled labour is important though in area of engineering I think it is the same exemption and underpaid academic gets here) . You are being offered a reasonable package, plenty on less, but obviously not soutpeel

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a job offer from bkk company, probably having applied for a job and been interviewed, I'm speculating here, so this makes the op not an expat but a job hunter in Thailand and the fair wage is the one accepted by the op to live here and play hows your father with the civil eng gf.

but, the comapny just needs to get work permit and visa for op, so what ever the minimums are ( skilled labour is important though in area of engineering I think it is the same exemption and underpaid academic gets here) . You are being offered a reasonable package, plenty on less, but obviously not soutpeel

Lets put this is very simple terms even you could understand, working with gross salaries

currently the OP has a gross every month of appoximately GBP 2300/m

OP offered job in another country, which involves him uprooting and moving half way across the world to do a similar job he was doing in the UK, for the privilage.... the company is offering approximately a gross salary of approximately GBP 900/m

and you believe this is a reasonable package ?....What are you smoking ?....WP's and Visa's are completely irrelevent...the company wants him to come here they pick the tab up...which is not that much money anyway

It doesnt take an MBA to figure out this is not a particulary good business deal...whistling.gif

Yes on salary deals there is always negotiation, but this is not a negotiation this is extortion.

you have to question, as will future employers, why would someone take a pay dip like this, IMHO he is thinking with the head which is not on his shoulders.

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its not the same company doing the employment in bkk as in uk. not sure about the gross but after tax and after accomodation that is maybe 1 k gb per month left for living expenses electrics food travel etc. that goes pretty quick in UK

in thailand I first thought it was 65 k, but its only 45 k not 65 , ok things could be tighter, but if your gf supports you it ain[t that bad. and I for one have no problem with being supported financially by the missis.

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As a 27 year old with a Thai national girlfriend thats working also.......give it a go, new continent, new experience. The offered salary and benifits are not especially generous but are more than adequate for a comfortable lifestyle here. Just make sure visas and work permit is arranged and paid for by the company. Ven aqui ven aqui mas prontosmile.png

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The OP needs to ask himself if he is making an emotional or financial decision, eg remove the g/f from the equation would he even consider this.

I dont know what sort of job security he has, if it goes tits up over here how easy will it be for him to secure another position back home?

If he just wants some overseas experience to put on a cv in a couple of years fine, if this a long term career move, forget it, he is on Thai money.

Not mentioned, a decent health/accident insurance package by some provider like Bupa, no mention of annual bonus.

Whats the career path/promotion prospects?

In all honesty still on the same money in 3 years time, where does the OP see himself being in 3 or 5 years time.

As mentioned by another poster, forget what the g/f says, even better stay where you are and get her to join you.

Out near the airport could be anywhere, there may not even be public transport, could well be 3/400 baht per day just in taxis.

Half decent apt with internet/tv will be about 8k per month, probably nearer 10k per month.

G/f civil engineer, that means she comes from a half decent family, wonder how long the girl, her peers or her family work out on the salary th OP mentions he may not be in a position to provide for her.

Lets say hit up for sin sot, wedding and honeymoon expenses, lets call that a cool million baht.

Mortgage and car payments on the Ops salary, not something I would even consider.

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The only reasonable thing in this topic is req. for WP, I not remember exactly how much, but according to OP salary offered, this will be around 50k THB, and from this amount tax will be deducted. 50k THB is enough to open WP for European nationality.

For FIRST job here is OK. Year later OP can switch to another company and his working experience here will be valued more.

My first job here was less-payed than OP. That's normal.

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The only reasonable thing in this topic is req. for WP, I not remember exactly how much, but according to OP salary offered, this will be around 50k THB, and from this amount tax will be deducted. 50k THB is enough to open WP for European nationality.

For FIRST job here is OK. Year later OP can switch to another company and his working experience here will be valued more.

My first job here was less-payed than OP. That's normal.

er THB 50k salary is for the extension of stay to be issued, not for the WP...there are no minimum requirements to be issued a WP, if there were minimums how would voluteers who get paid nothing be issued a WP ?

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The only reasonable thing in this topic is req. for WP, I not remember exactly how much, but according to OP salary offered, this will be around 50k THB, and from this amount tax will be deducted. 50k THB is enough to open WP for European nationality.

For FIRST job here is OK. Year later OP can switch to another company and his working experience here will be valued more.

My first job here was less-payed than OP. That's normal.

er THB 50k salary is for the extension of stay to be issued, not for the WP...there are no minimum requirements to be issued a WP, if there were minimums how would voluteers who get paid nothing be issued a WP ?

According to Ministry of Labor, the minimum salary for professional foreign workers vary from nationality to nationality. How volunteers obtain WP's I don't know, we talk about paid job. As I remember, grade is 60k, 50k, 35k and 25k. Teachers don't have a "salary grade". 60k for US citizens.

OP should do a market research, how much he can cost here. And very important to get first legal job here. Later, when OP obtain local market knowledge, he can move to another company...

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The only reasonable thing in this topic is req. for WP, I not remember exactly how much, but according to OP salary offered, this will be around 50k THB, and from this amount tax will be deducted. 50k THB is enough to open WP for European nationality.

For FIRST job here is OK. Year later OP can switch to another company and his working experience here will be valued more.

My first job here was less-payed than OP. That's normal.

er THB 50k salary is for the extension of stay to be issued, not for the WP...there are no minimum requirements to be issued a WP, if there were minimums how would voluteers who get paid nothing be issued a WP ?

According to Ministry of Labor, the minimum salary for professional foreign workers vary from nationality to nationality. How volunteers obtain WP's I don't know, we talk about paid job. As I remember, grade is 60k, 50k, 35k and 25k. Teachers don't have a "salary grade". 60k for US citizens.

OP should do a market research, how much he can cost here. And very important to get first legal job here. Later, when OP obtain local market knowledge, he can move to another company...

Er it's not the DOL who sets this criteria, its immigration and the amounts stated per nationality relate to being issued an extension of stay, it nothing to do with the WP, one can get a WP on lessor money than stated, but it means, with the exception of teachers, that the person will not do 90 day reporting in country and will have to visa run every 90 days because they dont qualify for the Immigration issued extension of stay.

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Thanks everyone for your comments and advice.

First off let me clear a few things up. The company offering me the job is not my current employer in the UK, so I am not an expat but a job hunter in Thailand. Also, the offer came through by networking and it is not a vacancy made public on the internet. That being said, I totally understand the conditions they are offering me are based on current market standards and equal to other employees within the company or industry.

To be perfectly honest, I am asking for what I consider I deserve according to my credentials and skills. Thailand lack of local engineers with solar and wind expertise such that we have here in Europe, so I believe I am in a position to value myself as an engineer with unique skills for them, hence an asset for the company.

I have already talked with the thai company earlier this morning. I told them I would be flexible to negotiate from a salary base of 70k/month, in which their reply was that they can’t offer me a higher base salary "....as they are evaluated as per our standards procedure" and that they cannot make an exception for me as other employees adhere to the same scheme.

I have a decent job in the UK and I am not going to change it for another “entry level” sort of position with a standard salary base. I get job offers from time to time from other UK based companies with better deals than that which I don’t even consider.

My main motive to move to Thailand is basically because of my girlfriend although I like the country and the culture too. I know Thailand sounds very appealing, exotic and tentative to many people, I agree with that, however, I am not just looking for good weather, cheap lifestyle, weekends in the beach or wakeboarding all day for £5 , if I wanted this I would have already moved back to my hometown in Barcelona.

Again, thanks all for your help and it was pretty amusing to read some of your posts haha.


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I like the Thai reply, a good reason why the country is in a mess. They even have your bird doing mans work.

They are looking for superman but paying Mickey Mouse money.

An alternative for you is to hit the contracting work 6-9 months spend the rest in Thailand

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Soutpeel staying on topic do you value any experience gained in Thailand industry, I was under the impression that experience is what counts. Is it purely the lower wage for a few years that you think is unacceptable or that industry will place little value on experience gained in Thailand?

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A Thai Technician (29 years young) fairly good english and motivated pulls about 70K in a German Packaging Company in Lad Krabang. He has a good degree and a supervisor position. How dare can some one make an offer like this. 4000K Housing Allowance? Unbelievable.

By the way, we provided a lot of services to these Renewable Energy Companies. Some of them are very short in cash and most of them never stick to their credit terms. Try and get a decent job in another country and do not look down on yourself working for 1000 EUR a month.

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