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Have you been the subject of death wishes?


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My wife is 25 years younger than me and we have had a very successful 10 year marriage, living in Thailand and the US. We have a very nice lifestyle, but we don't talk with others about my financial success. I'm in great health, and my wife looks younger than her age. Three times in recent years, Thai friends or acquaintances have commented to my wife, in all seriousness, to the effect,, "Maybe he will die soon and you can find a new, younger husband..." Sometimes it has been said in the context of discussions about the fact that I don't want to have children. It hurts my wife that some people think that way, and it has resulted in broken friendships for her. I suppose that some people in the US think that also, but would never say it. I'm curious whether others have heard similar comments about their relationships. Maybe in Thailand it is more acceptable to talk about such things...

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I've got an elderly limey friend looking for a caretaker/wife to see him off from his dotage, doesn't have the necessary dosh to pay as he goes, more like he's a skinflint doesn't like the going rate.

So he openly lays out his assets, pension plans insurance annuities etc to show how when he dies his prospective wife will be taken care of her whole life. If he wasn't such an unpleasant grumpy old git he'd probably have had a taker by now, but AFAIC he'd need to be Bill Gates to make it worth anyone's while.

Just to illustrate that it's certainly a factor in the game, and not just the girls thinking these thoughts.

Part of the divorce settlement deal with the mother of my children - I have sole custody - is that the kids go back to her if I die. So now she says - in front of the kids - she hopes I'll die soon everyone will be better off. Nice thing to hear. . .

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If you're truly worried, make sure you're worth more dead than alive.

Take care of her with insurance, your will etc but don't have to share the details, just let her know it's all taken care of, leave her the contact information for your lawyer/executor.

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Nothing personal, it's just the way the cookie crumbles over here.

Marriage is social affair, love does not come in the equation.

Young Thai ladies marry older men as a ticket to poverty, they lay low for a while,hoping they die early so they can enjoy a second more age suited marriage, nothing unusual.

Your wife has adopted your values but not everyone has !

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Hey; i had two wives (one at a time) in the UK who often wished i was dead and told everyone so ! Maybe they were joking but i doubt it. Now i have a wife of 8 years here and nobody has ever said to her that maybe i will die soon and she has never expressed that wish to anyone either. Indeed; she says if your wife has friends who talk like that she needs new friends who show some respect, not just for you, but for her also.

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Nothing personal, it's just the way the cookie crumbles over here.

Marriage is social affair, love does not come in the equation.

Young Thai ladies marry older men as a ticket to poverty, they lay low for a while,hoping they die early so they can enjoy a second more age suited marriage, nothing unusual.

Your wife has adopted your values but not everyone has !

Nothing personal, it's just the way the cookie crumbles over here.

Over here?

It doesn't stop with a wish. For many its implementation is a career. The term "Black Widow Killers" has nothing to do with Thailand. In the US and Europe it's practically an industry...

Black Widow Killers Women Serial Killers in the U.S.


... and popular entertainment.


Edited by Suradit69
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I'm assuming they talked to your wife in thai and assumed she would not tell you otherwise it is very rude, crude and a terrible thing to imply. Some people think they're giving smart advice and that it makes them look caring or street smart when it fact it makes them look truly evil. The fact that your wife told you about these unwelcome advice and has actually cut off those friendships says a lot about your wife which is lucky for you as many wives who have other plans obviously would not let you in on their schemes.

Just tell your wife that you have no plans to drop dead any time soon and that she should tell her friends to go drop dead.

You are obviously both worth more to each other alive.

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Dear James,

Here're my five cents. You shouldn't think about all these greedy bastards too much. Enjoy life to the fullest, as we'll never know when we have to go.

I know so many Thais here in the northeast married to foreigners who don't love them. They gamble, have their Thai guy, one of them is Lesbian but plays a good caring wife.Others talk bad about the "old fart", not knowing that some foreigners understand their language.

What I'm trying to say is: Just don't give flying donuts about what other people think of you, your wife and the decisions you make. After all, it's your life.

This world is so full of hate, racism, greediness and dishonestly that you should just listen to your heart.

Let people talk. An ex- girl friend of mine always said: "As long as they talk about you, you're still alive". Don't let unnecessary things let you down.

Life's a gift. Just enjoy it and see the positive sides. Wish you best of luck.-wai2.gif

Edited by sirchai
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My Thai wife is 6 years older then me !!

And she is dead more worth as alive as the houses and businesses would be free of mortgage and in my name.

So we have the same problem but only the other way around laugh.png

I find your post disgusting, to be honest.You might have to go before her. -wai2.gif

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Dear James,

Here're my five cents. You shouldn't think about all these greedy bastards too much. Enjoy life to the fullest, as we'll never know when we have to go.

I know so many Thais here in the northeast married to foreigners who don't love them. They gamble, have their Thai guy, one of them is Lesbian but plays a good caring wife.Others talk bad about the "old fart", not knowing that some foreigners understand their language.

What I'm trying to say is: Just don't give flying donuts about what other people think of you, your wife and the decisions you make. After all, it's your life.

This world is so full of hate, racism, greediness and dishonestly that you should just listen to your heart.

Let people talk. An ex- girl friend of mine always said: "As long as they talk about you, you're still alive". Don't let unnecessary things let you down.

Life's a gift. Just enjoy it and see the positive sides. Wish you best of luck.-wai2.gif

Yet these foreigners still marry them and live at their village.

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Ahhhh and forgot something. I have been the subject the death wishes many times, cause in my country if you don't give money for beggar gypsies they give you these nice wishes immediately and loudly as they can.

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My Thai wife is 6 years older then me !!

And she is dead more worth as alive as the houses and businesses would be free of mortgage and in my name.

So we have the same problem but only the other way around laugh.png

I find your post disgusting, to be honest.You might have to go before her. -wai2.gif

Even my post is theoretically correct there was off-course also some sarcasm in it. tongue.png

We are already happily over 24 years together ( married for over 13 years ) and still counting.

And being dead more worth as alive works both ways off-course.

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My wife and I are around the similar age.

I have made provisions for her with my pensions and savings if I go before her, my kids get the property and everything else in equal shares once we both go. Done my duty, don`t really care what anyone says, and I can go with peace of mind.

I can understand if a man chooses a wife young enough to be his daughter that finance, status and security will be her main concerns and quite frankly being in that situation would not suit me. Old guys who decide to marry much younger women should expect these sorts of attitudes.

There is always the option of short time, no strings attached, pay as you go, no demands and no commitments. This is the good part about living in Thailand, as even us older guys can be hansum man if and when it`s convenient for us and as for my present wife, I can be a husband and not a walking bank account.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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