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Bangkok: CMPO office comes under M 79 grenade attack


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CMPO office comes under M 79 grenade attack


BANGKOK: -- The Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO) came under bomb attack Wednesday night when four M 79 grenades were fired into the centre but two missed and landed at the adjacent ThaiPBS television station.

Four cars of the station employees were damaged by grenade shrapnel when one grenade hit a main car park area but caused no injury.

The grenade attack happened at about 7.30 p.m.

Two grenades landed at the Royal Police Sports Club where the CMPO is housed on Vibhavadi Rangsit road. One caused damage to its roof and another fell on the lawn near the tent where riot police from Bung Karn district of Nong Khai stayed. However it did not explode.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) arrived to inspect the scene at Thai PBS station and the police sports club. One EOD police said the grenades were believed to be fired from the Don Muang tollway and targeted the CMPO office. But two grenades missed the target and landed at the station which is next to the CMPO office.

(photo : @dekdue_03 )

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/cmpo-office-comes-m-79-grenade-attack/

-- Thai PBS 2014-02-27

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Thai PBS TV station hit by two M79 grenades


BANGKOK: -- Two M79 grenades were fired into the compound of Thai PBS television station and another unexploded grenade of the same type landed on the parking lot of Narcotics Suppression Bureau inside the Police Club Wednesday night.

Two staff cars were damaged after the two grenades smashed into the parking lot of Thai PBS on Vibhavadi Rangsit highway which is next to the Police Club where the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order and the Narcotics Suppression Bureau are located.

A member of the explosives ordnance disposal team which inspected the scenes of the explosions said he suspected the M79 grenades were fired from the tollway and they were probably aimed at the Police Club.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thai-pbs-tv-station-hit-two-m79-grenades/

-- Thai PBS 2014-02-27

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Red shirt remark:

They must have shot themselves to gain some sympathy. (seems they say that about trad and when the protesters are bombed)

My remark, I hope they get the idiots who fired those grenades, we don't need escalation now. If anti gov... i denounce violence this is not the way this is an attack not even violence in response to violence. (defense)

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I don't understand why posters are shocked and outraged by these shootings- regardless of who is doing the shooting or what the intent is. This is the way of the jungle. We don't like the rule of procedure-- then-- this is what happens. Most guerilla warriors- revolutionaries etc, understand this- They are sufficiently convinced of the righteousness of their cause to accept not only their deaths, but the moral dillemas raised when innocent people are killed.

Take the game out of the stadium and windows are going to get broke. Expect it. And if people don't like that- then get the game back where it belongs-- in the Parliament..

Nice analogy. So what do you do when the referee blows the whistle and calls foul, and the guilty team ignores him?

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3 M79 grenades fired into Thai PBS and Police Sports Club compounds


BANGKOK, 27 February 2014 (NNT) – 3 grenades from an M79 launcher were fired into the compounds of the Royal Thai Police Sports Club and Thai PBS television station on Wednesday evening.

2 of the grenades landed at the parking lot of the Thai PBS television compound and exploded damaging 2 cars. Another grenade fell onto a tent used by riot policemen who were providing security for the Center for Maintaining Peace and Order, which was situated inside the Police Sports Club. However, this grenade did not go off.

Metropolitan Police 2 Commander Siranit Phrombut said he believed the grenades were launched from high ground on the elevated tollway, and from a range of about 400 meters. Investigators were going over footage from closed-circuit cameras on the tollway in the hope of identifying the perpetrators.

-- NNT 2014-02-27 footer_n.gif

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Could also not unreasonably be said that TV station came under fire and 2 of the grenades missed.

Whatever, I hope it makes Tarit and Chalerm get off their asses and really start investigating.

They have been very good at catching protest guards but never anyone who has shot at or bombed the protesters.

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Must be paid by Thaksin again, to hurt the "people" that is against him.

Now that is really way off. All these attcks are by the military that were hired by suthep. Or these are by the people from the deep south that suthep brought up here.

I'm assuming you have evidence to support this outragous claim!?!

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Must be paid by Thaksin again, to hurt the "people" that is against him.

Now that is really way off. All these attcks are by the military that were hired by suthep. Or these are by the people from the deep south that suthep brought up here.

Or lady boys with PMT. Or grannies experiencing menopause. Anybody but redshirts, right?

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Must be paid by Thaksin again, to hurt the "people" that is against him.

Now that is really way off. All these attcks are by the military that were hired by suthep. Or these are by the people from the deep south that suthep brought up here.

Wow. Would you care to provide any shred of evidence for your accusations? A single shred of evidence? Get a life.

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