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Redshirts imitate their rivals at NACC siege for the second day


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GOOD thats GREAT!! Then the democrats can stop sabotaging and boycotting the elections and just win the fking thing..

Dah! obviously if what your saying is true then the Dems wouldn't still be demanding a people council to run the country..

or maybe they think that the phua thai won't win, but someone else that isn't them will win.. also unacceptablr to the democrats.

I stopped at a recent red gathering in Chaing Mai and there were no more than 15 people there, including the 4 or 5 on stage ranting and raving like lunatics. They simply don't have the support they used to and have shown time and time again they have no real power and lack the cojones to get the job done.

Doesn't matter to me either way. They can burn this place to the ground if they want. As so many, including the Thais, like to say... it's their country.

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