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heads up on ordering supplements from the US


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Sichonsteve, please take a look at spacedoc's website. Papers from various studies are cited and the concensus is that the only real benefit of statins in low doses is to reduce inflammation. There are other drugs and supplements that reduce inflammation, of course. One of the interesting things that you'll find on space doc's site is that the famous Framingham Heart Study did not find that high cholesterol levels cause heart disease. It was later claimed by various pharmaceutical companies that it did. Although some people do not seem to have serious side effects when they take statins, there is now a lot of evidence that statins have caused a huge amount of harm. There are lots of links to the studies on space doc's site. I have heart disease and the dietary approach alone has not worked for me so I take several cholesterol lowering drugs along with plenty of coQ-10 and flaxseed oil since fish oil has been found to be ineffective and often contaminated.

spacedoc is selling books. what's the difference?

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Sichonsteve, please take a look at spacedoc's website. Papers from various studies are cited and the concensus is that the only real benefit of statins in low doses is to reduce inflammation. There are other drugs and supplements that reduce inflammation, of course. One of the interesting things that you'll find on space doc's site is that the famous Framingham Heart Study did not find that high cholesterol levels cause heart disease. It was later claimed by various pharmaceutical companies that it did. Although some people do not seem to have serious side effects when they take statins, there is now a lot of evidence that statins have caused a huge amount of harm. There are lots of links to the studies on space doc's site. I have heart disease and the dietary approach alone has not worked for me so I take several cholesterol lowering drugs along with plenty of coQ-10 and flaxseed oil since fish oil has been found to be ineffective and often contaminated.

I don't need to look at spacedoc's website as I trust Dr Mercola and what he says. Statins do not control inflammation, all they do is lower your cholesterol (and deplete COQ10).

If you want to reduce inflammation then ELIMINATE as much as possible, refined cooking oils and sugar/HFCS/simple carbohydrates as these create inflammation and obesity. Cholesterol is not dangerous as the body needs it for many cellular processes - it is the inflammation that is the killer!!!

If you eat plenty of good foods ie: vegetables, saturated fats, nuts. seeds and (not too many fruits as vegetables) BUT cut out the cooking oils - only consume organic virgin coconut oil (good for cooking as it doesn't denature under high heat) and organic, if you can get it, virgin olive oil.

Believe me, I have been there, I have gone from being a train wreck to healthy through adopting these practices.

Statins are not necessary, proper dietary choices (throw those vegetable oils away) are and if you combine them with a good exercise regime then you will improve. Good to see that you take COQ10 (I have done for a number of years now) just as a safeguard because, like cholesterol, this is essential for life.

Did you know that half of people that suffer (or die) from heart disease have normal cholesterol levels!!

Flaxseed oil is good, but coconut oil is probably better - have you tried krill oil as this is about 8 times as effective as cod liver oil - I take this as well as a dozen other supplements. Buy some organic lemons and have a warm freshly squeezed lemon drink in the morning as this naturally detoxifies the body and sets you up for the day. I put my (12 spice combination of spices/herbs) in this, along with about a quarter of a teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds and fennel seeds - it doesn't taste brilliant but you get used to it and it is an extremely healthy way to start the day.

My cholesterol, blood sugar levels, inflammation markers, liver enzymes, blood pressure all returned to normal levels (I was on the verge of being diabetic) and my fatty liver disease disappeared - all in between 4-6 weeks through adopting this regime.

Another essential thing to do is keep eating out to a minimum (not so easy in Thailand I accept) but more importantly, prepare your own food and resist as much as you can from eating factory prepared refined foods with all the gunk and unhealthy ingredients that make up a high proportion of this (non-food).

Try to drink plenty of water and avoid bottled drinks (including so-called healthy fruit juices. If it comes out of a bag, box, carton, bottle and has 0% fat or 0% sugar, healthy or diet written on the label then avoid it like the plague!!

Eat fish, vegetables, take suitable (high quality) supplements and more saturated fats and avoid what I mentioned and your health will improve.

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Some very important information which should be read by all who purchase supplements/vitamins.


Sorry, I take zero notice of any organisation's conclusions (research work) that has big-pharma as its sponsors!!!

I am living proof that they worked (for me) and I would likely be diabetic or dead without the changes to my lifestyle/diet.

My blood pressure is 115/70 and pulse = 50 - not bad considering my sedentary lifestyle and age of 57!! I actually put this down to the supplements I take and food I eat/don't eat now.

Dr Mercola is the only one I listen to as he is not influenced by pharmaceutical companies and does not push his products in the slightest, like others do.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Some very important information which should be read by all who purchase supplements/vitamins.


Sorry, I take zero notice of any organisation's conclusions (research work) that has big-pharma as its sponsors!!!

I am living proof that they worked (for me) and I would likely be diabetic or dead without the changes to my lifestyle/diet.

My blood pressure is 115/70 and pulse = 50 - not bad considering my sedentary lifestyle and age of 57!! I actually put this down to the supplements I take and food I eat/don't eat now.

Dr Mercola is the only one I listen to as he is not influenced by pharmaceutical companies and does not push his products in the slightest, like others do.

The ACP sponsored by Big Pharma ?

Are the details available ?

Read all about Mercola here


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Some very important information which should be read by all who purchase supplements/vitamins.


Sorry, I take zero notice of any organisation's conclusions (research work) that has big-pharma as its sponsors!!!

I am living proof that they worked (for me) and I would likely be diabetic or dead without the changes to my lifestyle/diet.

My blood pressure is 115/70 and pulse = 50 - not bad considering my sedentary lifestyle and age of 57!! I actually put this down to the supplements I take and food I eat/don't eat now.

Dr Mercola is the only one I listen to as he is not influenced by pharmaceutical companies and does not push his products in the slightest, like others do.

The ACP sponsored by Big Pharma ?

Are the details available ?

Read all about Mercola here


The FDA are at war with Dr. Mercola because he upsets the big establishment pharmaceutical companies and the FDA is packed full of the former executives of such companies.

He sifts through (respected) research papers and ignores big pharma's research work as it is deceitful, full of lies, they omit/hide anything that shows their poisons in a bad light and they are only interested in making profits.

The FDA are laughable as an organisation and I treat everything they say and do with the disdain it deserves.

Up to you how you choose to look after yourself but since I started to do things 'the Mercola way' it has been a revelation just how much my health has improved!!!

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