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UK Settlement Visas on Hold

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It is the UK electorate that needs convincing not me.

They are dictating the government line on immigration.

The government are responding to perceived pressure from the electorate; but what angers the electorate most about immigration is, rightly or wrongly, immigration from the EU; especially the newer eastern member states

This measure does not address that at all.

It's akin to rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.

The figure of 3000 is probably less than 2.5% of total applications which is quite a modest failure rate.

The number of applications on hold probably is a small percentage of total applications. No consolation to those in this position nor those who didn't apply because they knew that they could not meet the requirement, nor those separated while the UK partner moves alone to the UK to satisfy another ridiculous aspect of the new rules.

Especially as at every level so far the courts have ruled it unlawful! But the government wont accept that and so continue to appeal to higher and higher courts.

The visa costs,language requirements and income levels are a discreet way of controlling migration to the UK.

Yes, the huge difference between the cost of processing settlement visa and LTR applications and the fees charged is a way of controlling family immigration; as is this income limit.

You are on record as believing that only those considered well off should be allowed to bring their non EEA spouses/partners/etc. to live in the UK with them; I am on record as disagreeing.

As I have said before, though, this does not mean I am advocating an open door; far from it. All I want a system which is fair to all; not a system which favours the rich.

The UK is not the only country in Europe imposing these conditions.

In Germany they have a much less transparent system where they can refuse applications on a case by case basis declaring the income of the native parter is inadequate.

Which sounds pretty much like the old UK system. Each case treated on it's own merits; show that your income and, if any, savings, minus expenditure was sufficient to support you and your family and the financial, at that time called adequate maintenance, requirement was met.

The income figure used to calculate that was the amount of income support a British family of the same size would be entitled to. Currently £112.55 pw, £5852.60 pa, plus rent or mortgage payments.

The average rent for a one bedroom property outside London is £665 pm, £7980 pa (source). Total £13,832.60 pa. If a British couple are expected to live on this, why must an immigrant couple have an income at least 34% higher?

Either the income requirement for family immigrants is too high, or the income support level is too low! (Both too low if living in London!)

The government, in it's haste, tried to use a 'one size fits all' solution. Despite both the courts, and an all party Parliamentary review, saying that this is unfair and unworkable, they are, so far, sticking to their line.

I'm afraid that they will continue to do so until the highest court possible, the ECJ, tells them to change.

Edited by 7by7
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How they say the £18600 a year with no children is beyond me, ok where did they get this figure from,

It is the income level at which a British couple would no longer be entitled to any income related benefits; including tax credits etc.. The additional income required for children is the same.

But see my post above for what I consider to be a fairer figure.

Just had news from Thailand who would have thought 78 working days and

And what? Did she get it?

Edited by 7by7
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Accepted 78 working days November the 15 th I submitted didn't think I had a chance thanks for or your replys

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I've only just seen this mate. Congratulations, I'm pleased that your waiting is over and you got the result you deserved. Good luck with everything and all the best for the future.

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Glad we managed to get in before this income debacle. We are a month away from going for Citizenship and we can then breathe no more Border Agency controls.

Good luck to those still in the system and those that will be in the future. In the early days I found this forum invaluable for advice and tips. And listen to 7by7 he knows his stuff for sure.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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3000 cases in one year involving ordinary human beings prevented from exercising the most basic of human rights, the right to live together as man and wife, on the spurious grounds their finances don't meet an arbitrarily fixed threshold that has no relevance in the UK.

Quite a testament to May and her ghastly brood.

You are aiming in the wrong direction.

The issue rests with Liebour and the "open door" immigration policies that Government implemented. The importation of massive extended families against the wage of an unemployed, unskilled person could not be sustained.

Direct the ire where it belongs!

Seeking to close the open door, as you erroneously describe it, by restricting non-EEA spouse migration will do nothing about intra EEA migration which outnumbers them by the hundreds of thousands. It is simply a sop to the anti-migration constituency currently being courted by all parties. It is crude, mean-minded, ineffective and ultimately immoral but since we are now living in an age when sound ethical behaviour is quite irrelevant I don't hold out too much hope for change anytime soon.

The migration into the UK is actually quite supportable by its obvious success. All such population movements are driven primarily by economics, and, given most sections of the UK community continue to live reasonably well, the perceived "problems " can therefore be reasonably regarded as minimal or indeed even non-existent.

Hitler manipulated opinion against the Jews to deflect criticism of his austerity measures whilst he bolstered armament production. Encouraging xenophobia is nothing new - the trick is to see propaganda for what it is.

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